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Band Performance Standard Descriptor "#idence

3 Use knowledge acquired through listening,speaking, reading and writing. B3 DB1 Processing texts read ! using contextual clues. B3 DB1 "1 $ le to deri#e the meaning of words through contextual clues.

Worksheet 1 %ead the con#ersation elow and gi#e the closest meaning for the words or phrases underlined. $li & Some people are orn geniuses. 'hose who are not as good as them should step aside(1) and let the geniuses succeed. $drian & * disagree with !ou. +an! people ha#e attained(,) success ecause the! did not stop tr!ing. -ou can onl! succeed if !ou keep at it(3). $li & .hat are !ou tr!ing to sa!/ Do !ou mean that * shouldn0t give up(1)/

$drian & -es. *0m sure !ou will excel (2).

Answer 1. Step aside & 33333333333333333333333333333 ,. $ttained & 33333333333333333333333333333 3. 4eep at it & 33333333333333333333333333333 1. 5i#e up 2. "xcel & 33333333333333333333333333333 & 33333333333333333333333333333

Suggested answers 1. Step aside & 3333stop doing the work33333333 ,. $ttained & 3333achie#ed33333333333333333 3. 4eep at it & 33333continue working at it33333 1. 5i#e up 2. "xcel & 33333stop tr!ing3333333333333 & 33333do well333333333

Worksheet 2 +ost people drink orange 6uice and eat oranges ecause the! are said to e rich in #itamin 7. 'here are also other foods that are rich in #itamin 7. *t is found in citrus fruits and #egeta les for instance(1) roccoli, spinach, ca age, cauliflower as well as(,) carrots. 8itamin 7 is vital(3) to our health. Do !ou reall! know how essential(1) this nutrient is to our health and well9 eing/ :ur od! needs it to heal(2) itself. 8itamin 7 can repair and pre#ent damage to the cells in our od! and heal wounds(;). *t also keeps our teeth and gums health!. 'hat is not all. *t protects(<) our od! from infections such as colds and flu, and also helps us to recuperate(=) faster when we ha#e these infections. 'hat is wh! a lot of people drink orange 6uice and consume(>) #itamin 7 ta lets daily(1?). 'his wonderful(11) #itamin is also good for our heart. *t protects the lining of the arteries, which are the lood #essels that carr! oxygenated(1,) lood. *n other words, it offers protection against heart disease. *f we do not get sufficient(13) #itamin 7, which means we are not eating enough food that contains this #itamin, it can lead to(11) serious diseases(12). @ack of #itamin 7 can lead to scur#!, which causes swollen gums, cheeks, fingers, hands, toes and feet. *n serious conditions, it can cause leeding from wounds, loss of teeth and opening up of wounds. 'herefore, make sure !ou ha#e enough #itamin 7 in !our diet. Words 1 , 3 1 2 ; < = > 1? 11 1, 13 11 12 Aor instance $s well as 8ital "ssential Beal .ounds Protects %ecuperate 7onsume Dail! .onderful :x!genated Sufficient @ead to Diseases Meanings

$nswers Words 1 , 3 1 2 ; < = > 1? 11 1, 13 11 12 Aor instance $s well as 8ital "ssential Beal .ounds Protects %ecuperate 7onsume Dail! .onderful :x!genated Sufficient @ead to Diseases +eanings Such asC for example $nd *mportant Decessar! %eco#er C get etter *n6ur! 5uards 5et etter C reco#erCheal "at C take "#er!da! 5reat C amaEing Supplied with ox!gen "nough 7ause C contri ute to *llnesses C sickness

Prepared !, Soo -i -ing Usha %ani aCp 'a#asee 5roup >

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