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CHRISTOPHER RICHERT 28 Knoll Street Port Colborne, ON L3K 5A5 Chrisrichert26@hotmail.

com (905) 834-7037 KEY HIGHLIGHTS

1 ! "ears# e$%erience &or'in( &ith com%)ters to com%lete a *ariet" o+ tas's Stron( comm)nication s'ills, able to &or' as %art o+ a team, or in,e%en,entl", &ith little s)%er*ision -$cellent time mana(ement s'ills, able to m)lti.tas', meet ,ea,lines an, maintain or(ani/ation Ph"sicall" +it, able to &or' in a +ast %ace,, %h"sicall" ,eman,in( en*ironment, on an" shi+t Acti*e Comm)nit" 0ember, &ith *ol)nteer e$%erience in m)lti%le t"%es o+ e*ents to raise +)n,s an, a&areness 1es%onsible, reliable, an, hi(hl" moti*ate, -$%erience, &ith 2in,o&s, 0S O++ice, A,obe, A)toca,, able to t"%e 5 ! &or,s %er min)te RELEVANT SKILLS

Compu !" S#$%%& 3se, com%)ter %ro(rams to create, animate an, mani%)late *is)al ima(es Create, 3, animations 3se, 0S -$cel to create (ra%hs, tables an, charts, o)tlinin( in+ormation an, ,ata Create, &or, ,oc)ments in 0S 2or, an, Note%a,, )sin( *ar"in( t"%es o+ +ormattin( an, +onts Able to ,isassemble an, correctl" re.assemble com%)ter com%onents Clean interior o+ com%)ter com%onents a+ter remo*in( %arts 4oo' o)t an, re%lace ,ama(e, com%)ter %arts 2rote %ro(rams )sin( 5a*a to store ,ata an, maintain in*entor" control Create, robots )sin( *ario)s %arts an, %o&er so)rces 3se, A)toca, to create 3, %arts an, la"o)ts Locate, in+ormation +rom *ario)s so)rces )sin( internet an, 2in,o&s OS Create, an, )se, ,ata bases to store, )%,ate an, retrie*e in+ormation

Cu& om!" S!"'$(!)R! *$%

6reete, c)stomers in a *ariet" o+ settin(s, in a +rien,l", %ositi*e manner Pro*i,e, in+ormation to clients on %ro,)cts, ser*ices, %ricin(, an, location o+ items Obtaine, in+ormation +or c)stomers )sin( com%)ters an, internet &hen nee,e, Collecte, %a"ment +rom c)stomers, %ro*i,e chan(e an, recei%ts 0a,e or,ers accor,in( to c)stomer#s re7)ests, ens)rin( acc)rac" an, s%ee, Stoc'e, shel*es &ith ne& items, ens)rin( correct rotation o+ %re*io)s items &hen a%%licable 1ecei*e, incomin( %ro,)cts an, ,eli*er", %re%are, them +or sale b" sortin(, an, ens)rin( %ro,)cts meet 7)alit" stan,ar,s 2al'e, c)stomers thro)(h ste%s in or,er to com%lete certain tas's &ith cell)lar ,e*ices

Assiste, c)stomers &ith technical iss)es an, billin( 7)estions +or their A484 2ireless ser*ices

E+PLOY+ENT AN, VOL-NTEER E.PERIENCE S o"! /"o0 Emp%o1!! - 4im 9ortons, Port Colborne ON 2 13. Present Cu& om!" S!"'$(! Sp!($*%$& - AT2T 3$"!%!&&(Emp%o1!!)4 Con*er("s C0, 2ellan,, ON 2 12.2 13 S o(# P!"&o0)Cu& om!" S!"'$(! (Co-Op S u5!0 )4 Sta%les -$%ress, Port Colborne, ON 2 11.2 12 C*&6$!" (Vo%u0 !!")4 Port Colborne 9i(h School Ca+:, Port Colborne, ON 2 1 .2 11 S o(# P!"&o0 (Vo%u0 !!")4 Sal*ation Arm" 4hri+t Store, Port Colborne, ON 2 1 Y*"5 +*$0 !0*0(!4 Pri*ate Contracts, Port Colborne, ON 2 ; Vo%u0 !!"4 L$o0& C%u74 Port Colborne, ON 2 ; +* 6 Tu o" (Vo%u0 !!")4 Port Colborne 9i(h School, Port Colborne, ON 2 ; Vo%u0 !!"4 L*#!- o-L*#! 8$#! R*(!4 Port Colborne, ON 2 ; Vo%u0 !!"4 S *"'* 6o04 Port Colborne 9i(h School, Port Colborne, ON 2 ; C*""$!"4 4he 4rib)ne 8 4he Lea,er, Port Colborne, ON 2 5. 2 12 E,-CATION O0 *"$o S!(o05*"1 S(6oo% ,$p%om*4 Port Colborne, ON 2 12

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