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Student Name & ID: Sarah M, Lara S. Learning Area : Outdoor education FPD week 1 to week 4


YR: 9 TOPIC: Seven principles of Leave no Trace

Less ons

Learning Area Outcomes

Links to other LAs English ICT

Teaching & Learning Objectives/Experiences/Content

What students are doing/learning/demonstrating/engaging/activities?

What will they use?

How will achievement be judged? How will results be recorded?

Application of leave no trace principles

Lesson Objective
Research leave no trace principles Explain how humans value nature Plan using SpiderScribe Demonstrate effective team work Introduction Students play 5minute icebreaker Students Watch YouTube clip on LNT Teacher to explain overall project and Weebly Teacher organises 7 groups of 4 and designate each group a principle Body Student start task one on Weebly Students investigate leave no trace web site Students create account on SpiderScribe and link a page Students research their principle in depth finding images, quotes, videos and articles. Students discover how humans value nature through (Lorax book) Students begin one Prezi account for the group and explore how to use Prezi Conclusion SpiderScribe Create account and begin planning

YouTube -Lorax video ?v=soRbNlPbHEo#t=13

Informal assessment to be used as teacher circulates through the class SpiderScribe from each group is to be linked to teachers account teacher is then able to view progress and planning No Formal assessment

-Leave No Trace Extreme ?v=5_sicZ1WGx4


Create a Prezi account

Students save all materials to SpiderScribe and ensure linked with teacher Students organise who will bring props and clothes for the following lesson Teacher finishes with a recap of the lesson by asking question from

each group and briefly explains the following lesson.

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