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General Capabilities: Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative thinking Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Competence Sustainability Intercultural Understanding

Cross-curriculum priorities: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia




ASSESSMENT (what & how)

TEACHING & LEARNING EXPERIENCES (include learner diversity)



1 1 Participate in different types of guided investigations to explore and answer questions, such as manipulating materials, testing ideas, and accessing information sources (ACSIS038)

To be able to organize different aspects of different landscapes into categories To effectively use the non fiction books to gain information about landscapes

Can use simple information sources to research the features of different landscapes Can work in groups to sort pictures based on easily identified characteristics Students will be assessed on their contribution to class discussion and collaboration with their group (Class checklist with room for anecdotal notes)

Topic: Exploring landscapes Teacher brings students down onto to mat in groups, and introduces the concept of landscapes. The teacher then uses Spider scribe on the interactive whiteboard to facilitate a discussion about landscapes and their different aspects (e.g. flora, fauna, and weather). Task1: Students are sent back to their tables and are asked to use the books and magazines provided to research all the different landscapes in the world. This can be recorded in any way they please. (Mind map, collage, poster) Task 2: Students share their findings with the class

Are students able to identify what aspects make up a landscape? Are students able to differentiate between each landscape? Do students work well in collaboration activities?

PowerPoint with different landscape photos and animals Interactive whiteboard www.spiderscribe.net/ Magazines Poster paper coloured pens glue reference books.

Participate in different types of guided investigations to explore and answer questions, such as manipulating materials, testing ideas, and accessing information sources (ACSIS038) Create and present media artworks that communicate ideas and stories to an audience (ACAMAM056) Explore role and dramatic action in dramatic play, improvisation and process drama (ACADRM027)

To explicitly research one landscape as a group on Instagrok, and to understand what is unique to their landscape and sets it apart from others To creatively use Pic Collage to create an album cover that communicate ideas about their landscape To take part in a drama activity and experience the role and situations that is has created

Students to be assessed on how effectively their work in groups to gain information off Instagrok Can create an informative artwork that communicates effectively their choice of landscape Can use time effectively and get tasks completed. Take on roles in the imaginative journey and share ideas openly with the class. (Self assessment on time management and group work)

Topic: Exploring landscapes and creating an album Teacher leads a brief recap on the mat on different landscapes by asking each group to share their findings about a landscape that they have researched. Teacher introduces Soundscape activity. Groups are given time to discuss and choose which landscape they will be explicitly researching. Rotating groups: Task 1 and 2 Class split in two and work on two different activities. Task 1: Students are to use Instagrok to explicitly research the landscape of their choosing. One member of the group will act like a scribe and take notes on iBrainstorm. Task2: Students use the app Pic Collage to create an album cover for their band. The album cover must relate to their landscape and come with a brief introduction. Closing activity Teacher uses a drama element imagination journey with the class. This is a teacherfacilitated lesson where the students close their eyes and listen to an imaginative journey that the teacher tells. The children contribute their ideas when they are tapped on the shoulder. Teacher to use a specific landscape for journey.

Can students identify what is a landscape? What are the main aspects of their chosen landscape that make it unique? How have students created an album cover to communicate their landscape?

Computers for each group www.instagrok.com/ Ipad per group with iBrainstorm loaded and with the app Pic Collage Drama script for reference.

Create and present media artworks that communicate ideas and stories to an audience (ACAMAM056) Use media technologies to capture and edit images, sounds and text for a purpose (ACAMAM055) Develop aural skills by exploring and imitating sounds, pitch and rhythm patterns using voice, movement and body percussion (ACAMUM080) Explore role and dramatic action in dramatic play, improvisation and process drama (ACADRM027)

Students are to produce a media artwork that advertises their Band and communicates the idea of their landscape Students use the MTSR app to experiment and effectively record sound effects that support a landscape. Students explore and experiment with their voices e.g. imitate sounds, loud and soft, speaking and singing, to create a musical Soundscape of their chosen landscape To take part in a drama activity and experience the role and situations that is has created

Students use Pic Collage to effectively portray their landscape of choice Students work well in collaborating their ideas as a group when using MTSR Students show creativity and evidence of exploring with their voices to create different parts of a landscape Take on roles in the imaginative journey and share ideas openly with the class. (To be assessed through a journal entry)

Topic: Recording sound scapes Inspiration: Liar Bird YouTube video Teacher brings class onto mat by landscapes and introduces the app MTSR. Teacher models the use of the app. The students are then shown how to use it step by step, recording just one sound. Task 1: Students finish off Pic Collage album cover. Once completed, move onto task two. Task 2: In their groups, students work together to create a musical landscape. Students use the app MTSR to record sounds that they think represent animals and noises that could be found in their landscapes. If below average class, use the help of year seven buddies, or group students in like ability levels. Close activity Drama element: Imagination journey using sound effects rather than word contributions. Different landscape than previous lesson

Do the album covers created clearly portray their landscape and band? Have students worked effectively in groups and managed time Can students use a range of vocal techniques to imitate the sounds they might find in their landscape? Have students taken on their roles in the imaginative journey?

Liar bird YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=VjE0Kdfos4Y MTSR app loaded onto iPads IPads 1 per group Script pre written for a different landscape for reference

Rehearse and deliver short presentations on familiar and new topics (ACELY1667) Understand that language varies when people take on different roles in social and classroom interactions and how the use of key interpersonal language resources varies depending on context (ACELA1461)

Students effectively present their band and landscape after they present their MTSR song. Students listen and respond to other groups presentation, recording on the peer assessment sheets how well they went and what they gained from the presentation Students understand the difference between giving a presentation and talking to friends

The students will be assessed on how effectively they have presented their landscape through a Pic Collage album cover and their MTSR soundscape. Students listen and respond to other groups presentations. Students use a strong voice when sharing what they have learnt about their chosen landscape, stand tall when they are in front of the class, and conduct them selves in a presenting way. (Students will be assessed by the teacher with aid of a rubric. Students will assess each other with a peer assessment worksheet)

Topic: Presentation Teacher asks for each group to share what they have done so far. A group discussion is then held so that groups can decide if they need any help with certain areas. The first half of the lesson is then left for any work that needs to be completed. If students have completed everything, they can play the games on the website.

Have students used time effectively to complete all aspects of their soundscapes? Can students present their landscapes sensibly and professionally? Are the students listening and responding to the other groups presentation? Have the students gained an understanding of the different landscapes that exists in our world and what makes each of them different? Have the students shown creativity in their Soundscapes and Album cover?

IPads with apps Pic Collage and MTSR loaded. One per group Smart board or overhead projector Peer assessment sheets Rubric

Task1: All students are sat on the mat. A group presents their landscape to the class, and the rest of the class listens for the different aspects of the landscape. What animals can they hear? Can they here anything familiar? Finally, asking the class what landscape they think it is. Once the landscape is guessed, the presenting band shares their album cover with the class using the interactive whiteboard, and read out their short introduction.

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