Chapter 3,4,5: Pointers For Final Exam - 2 TERM 2014

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Math 1. Chapter 9 - Length (Book 1A) 2. Chapter 10 - Mass (Book 1B) 3. Chapter 11 - Picture raphs

!. Chapter 12 - "u#$ers to !0


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Co#puter Chapter 3,4,5

I1. 1.

2ng(ish ra##ar 3 243 ,-1! (1! is a(so inc(u+e+.)

Vocabulary: Exercises 18 - 38 Creative Writing: reen Creative Writing boo! "y #als: $nit % & '



*.5uic/ 1) You need to remember how to read and write these words and know their meanings and pinyin. red book: Page10\11\15\20\24\25\2 \!4\!" 2) You need to remember how to write them step by step. Such as: red book: Page10\11\15\20\24\25\2 \!4\!"

3) You need to remember the pinyin and the meaning of them. red book:Page#\"\12\1! \1$\1#\21\22\2$\!0\!!\!5\!# ) You need to remember how to read the yunmu and their four stones and how to read shengmu and yunmu together.

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!) You need to remember the stones of them. red book: Page"\1!\1"\22\!1\!$

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