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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. It is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a particular person were often predetermined by the occupation of that persons parent. There are a variety of factors that can influence a persons level of job satisfaction. Some of these factors include the level of pay and benefits, the perceived fairness o the promotion system within a company, the quality of the workin conditions, leadership and social relationships, the job itself !the variety of tasks involved, the interest and challen e the job enerates, and the clarity of the job description"requirements#. The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, althou h it is clearly linked. Job desi n aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance methods include job rotation, job enlar ement and job enrichment. $ther influences on satisfaction include the mana ement style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous work roups. Job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by or ani%ations. The most common way of measurement is the use of ratin scales where employees report their reactions to their jobs. &uestions relate to relate of pay, work responsibilities, variety of tasks, promotional opportunities the work itself and co'workers. Some questioners ask yes or no questions while others ask to rate satisfaction on ( ) * scale +where ( represents ,not all satisfied- and * represents ,e.tremely satisfied-#.

Defi itio s Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resultin from the appraisal of ones job/ an affective reaction to ones job/ and an attitude towards ones job. 0eiss !1223# has ar ued that job satisfaction is an attitude but points out that researchers should clearly distin uish the objects of co nitive evaluation which are affect !emotion#, beliefs and behaviors. This definition su ests that we from attitudes towards our jobs by takin into account our feelin s, our beliefs, and our behaviors. Affect Theor! 4dwin 5. 6ockes 7an e of 5ffect Theory !(+38# is ar uably the most famous job satisfaction model. The main premises of this theory is that satisfaction is determined by a discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what one has in a job. 9urther, the theory states that how much one values a iven facet of work !e.e. the de ree of autonomy in a position# moderates how satisfied"dissatisfied one becomes when e.pectations are"are not met. 0hen a person values a particular facet of a job, his satisfaction is more reatly impacted both positively !when e.pectations are met# and ne atively !when e.pectations are not met#, compared to one who does not value that facet. To illustrate, if 4mployee 5 values autonomy in the workplace and 4mployee : is indifferent about autonomy, then 4mployee 5 would be more satisfied in a position that offers a hi h de ree of autonomy compared to 4mployee :. this theory also states that too much of a particular facet will produces stron er feelin s of dissatisfaction the more a worker values that facet. Dispositio al Theor! 5nother well known job satisfaction theory is the ;ispositional Theory. It is a very eneral theory that su ests that people have innate dispositions that cause them to have tendencies toward a certain level of satisfaction, re ardless of ones job. This approach became a notable e.planation of job satisfaction in li ht evidence that job satisfaction tends to be stable over time and across careers and

jobs. 7esearch also indicates that identical twins have similar levels of job satisfaction. 5 si nificant model that narrowed the scope of the ;ispositional Theory was the core Self'evaluations <odel, proposed by Timorthy 5. Jud e in (++=. Jud e ar ued that there are four >ore Self'evaluations that determine ones disposition towards job satisfaction? self'esteem, value one places on his self# and !believin eneral self'efficacy, locus of control, and neuroticism. This model states that hi her levels of self'esteem !the eneral self'efficacy !the belief in ones own competence# lead to hi her work satisfaction. @avin an internal locus of control one has control over her"his own life, as opposed to outside forces havin control# leads to hi her job satisfaction. 9inally, lower levels of neuroticism lead to hi her job satisfaction. T"o #actor Theor! $%oti&atio H!gie e Theor!' 9redrick @er%ber s Two factor theory !also known as <otivator @y iene Theory# attempts to e.plain satisfaction and motivation in the workplace. This theory states that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are driven by different factors motivation and hy iene factors, respectively. <otivatin factors are those aspects of the job that make people want o perform, and provide people with satisfaction. These motivatin factors are considered to be intrinsic to the job, or the work carried out. <otivatin factors include aspects of the workin environment such as pay, company policies, supervisory practices, and other workin conditions. 0hile @er%ber s model has stimulated much research, researchers have been unable to reliably empirically prove the model, with @ackman A $ldham su estin that @er%ber s ori inal formulation of the model may have been a methodolo ical artifact. 9urthermore, the theory does not consider individual differences, conversely predictin all employees will react in an identical manner to chan es in motivatin "hy iene factors. 9inally, the model has been criticised in that it does not specify how motivatin "hy iene factors are to be measured.

%eas(ri g )ob *atisfactio There are many methods for measurin job satisfaction. :y far, the most common method for collectin data re ardin job satisfactin is the 6ikert scale !named after 7ensis 6ikert#. $ther less common methods of for checklist, forced choice answers. The Job ;escriptive Inde. !J;I#, created by smith, Dendall, A @ulin !(+8+#, job satisfaction that has been widely used. It measures ones satisfaction in five facets? pay, promotions and opportunities, coworkers, supervision, and the work itself. The scale is simple, participants answer either yes, no, or decide in response to whether iven statements accurately describe one job. The Job in Eeneral Inde. is an overall measurement of job satisfaction. It was an improvement to the job ;escriptive Inde. because the J;I focused too much on individual facets and not enou h on work satisfaction in eneral. au in job satisfaction include? Bes"Co questions, True"9alse questions, point systems,

+.+ Ob,ecti&e of the st(-! The objective of the study is as follows To assess the satisfaction level of employees in orient lass pvt ltd. To identify the factors which influence the job satisfaction of employees. To identify the factor which improves the satisfaction level of employees. To know the employee satisfaction towards the facilities. To offer valuable su employees. estions to improve the satisfaction level of

+.. *cope of the st(-! This study emphasis in the followin scope? To identify the employees level of satisfaction upon that job. This study is helpful to that or anisation for conductin further research. It is helpful to identify the employers level of satisfaction towards welfare measure. This study is helpful to the or ani%ation for identifyin dissatisfaction of job of the employees. This study helps to make a mana erial decision to the company. the area of

+./ Research %etho-olog! 7esearch methodolo y is the systematic way to solve the research problem. It ives an idea about various steps adopted by the researcher in a systematic manner with an objective to determine various manners.

+./.+ Research Desig 5 research desi n is considered as the framework or plan for a study that uides as well as helps the data collection and analysis of data. The research desi n may be e.ploratory, descriptive and e.perimental for the present study. The descriptive research desi n is adopted for this project. +./.. Research Approach The research worker contacted the respondents personally with well' prepared sequentially arran ed questions. The questionnaire is prepared on the basis of objectives of the study. ;irect contract is used for survey, i.e., contactin employees directly in order to collect data.

+./.0 *ample si1e The study sample constitutes (22 respondents constitutin research area. +./.2 *ampli g Area The study is conducted in employees of $rient Elass Fvt 6td. +./.3 *ampli g Desig The researcher has used probability samplin in which stratified random samplin is used. +./.4 Collectio of Data <ost of the data collected by the researcher is primary data throu h personal interview, where the researcher and the respondent operate face ) to ) face. +./.5 Research I str(me t The researcher has used a structured questionnaire as a research instrument tool which consists of open ended questions, multiple choice and dichotomous questions in order to et data. Thus, &uestionnaire is the data collection instrument used in the study. 5ll the questions in the questionnaire are or ani%ed in such a way that elicit all the relevant information that is needed for the study +./.6 *tatistical Tools The statistical tools used for analy%in the data collected are percenta e method, chi square, bar dia rams and pie dia rams. in the

+./.+7 A al!sis of Data The data are collected throu h survey and books, reports, newspapers and internet etc., the survey conducted amon the employees of $rient Elass Fvt 6td. The data collected by the researcher are tabulated and analy%ed in such a way to make interpretations.

Garious steps, which are required to fulfill the purpose, i.e., editin , codin , and tabulatin . 4ditin refers to separate, correct and modify the collected data. >odin refers to assi nin number or other symbols to each answer for placin them in cate ories to prepare data for tabulation refers to brin manner to ether the similar data in rows and columns and totalin them in an accurate and meanin ful

The collected data are analy%ed and interrupted usin statistical tools and techniques. +.0 Research perioThe research period of the study has from ( st 9ebruary to <ay ( st 122= havin (= weeks of duration. +.2 8imitatio s of the st(-! The survey is subjected to the bias and prejudices of the respondents. @ence (22H accuracy cant be assured. The researcher was carried out in a short span of time, where in the researcher could not widen the study. The study could not be enerali%ed due to the fact that researcher adapted personal interview method.

+.3 Chapter scheme This project is summari%ed into five different chapters. Chapter9+ >onsists of an Introduction, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, 7rsearch methodolo y and limitations of the study Chapter9. >ontains Industry Frofile, which contains of world scenario, national scenario, and state scenario. Chapter 9/ >onsists of company profile, which states about the promoter of the company and a brief history about the company. Chapter90 >onsists of analysis and interpretation of the collected data. Chapter92 >onsists of findin s of the study. Chapter93 It includes su estion and recommendations.

5 copy of questionnaire is included as appendi. at the end of this report.

CHAPTER II INDU*TR: PRO#I8E Elass in the common sense refers to a hard, brittle, transparent solid, such as used for windows, many bottles, or eyewear, includin soda'lime lass, acrylic lass, su ar lass, isin lass !<uscovy' lass#, or aluminium o.ynitride. In the technical sense, lass is an inor anic product of fusion which has been lasses contain silica as

cooled to a ri id condition without crystalli%in . <any their main component and lass former.

In the scientific sense the term lass is often e.tended to all amorphous solids !and melts that easily form amorphous solids#, includin plastics, resins, or other silica'free amorphous solids. In addition, besides traditional meltin sol' el method.I8J @owever, techniques, any other means of preparation are considered, such as ion implantation, and the lass science commonly includes only inor anic amorphous solids, while plastics and similar or anics are covered by polymer science, biolo y and further scientific disciplines. The optical and physical properties of lass make it suitable for applications such as flat lass, container lass, optics and optoelectronics material, laboratory equipment, thermal insulator ! lass wool#, reinforcement fiber ! lass'reinforced plastic, lass fiber reinforced concrete#, and art. $rdinary lass is prevalent due to its transparency to visible li ht. This lass on len th scales reater than the

transparency is due to an absence of electronic transition states in the ran e of visible li ht. The homo eneity of the wavelen th of visible li ht also contributes to its transparency as hetero eneities would cause li ht to be scattered, breakin up any coherent ima e transmission. <any household objects are made of lass. ;rinkin computer flat panel displays, and windows. lasses, bowls and bottles are often made of lass, as are li ht bulbs, mirrors, aquaria, cathode ray tubes,


In research laboratories, flasks, test tubes, and other laboratory equipment are often made of borosilicate lass for its low coefficient of thermal e.pansion, ivin reater resistance to thermal shock and reater accuracy in measurements. 9or hi h'temperature applications, quart% lass is used, althou h it is very difficult to work. <ost laboratory lassware is mass'produced, but lar e laboratories also keep a lassblower on staff for preparin custom made lass equipment. Sometimes, lass is created naturally from volcanic lava, li htnin strikes, or

meteorite impacts !e. ., 6echatelierite, 9ul urite, ;arwin Elass, Golcanic Elass, Tektites#. If the lava is felsic this lass is called obsidian, and is usually black with impurities. $bsidian is a raw material for flintknappers, who have used it to make e.tremely sharp lass knives since the stone a e. Elass sometimes occurs in nature resultin trinitite !from nuclear testin # and beach lass. ;lass i b(il-i gs Elass is commonly used in buildin s as transparent windows, internal partitions, and as architectural features. It is also possible to use la%ed from human activity, for e.ample

lass as a

structural material, for e.ample, in beams and columns, as well as in the form of KfinsK for wind reinforcement, which are visible in many lass fronta es like lar e shop windows. Safe load capacity is, however, limited/ althou h lass has a hi h theoretical yield stress, it is very susceptible to brittle !sudden# failure, and has a tendency to shatter upon locali%ed impact. This particularly limits its use in columns, as there is a risk of vehicles or other heavy objects collidin with and shatterin the structural element. $ne well'known e.ample of a structure made entirely from lass is the northern entrance to :uchanan Street subway station in Elas ow. Elass in buildin s can be of a safety type, includin !tempered# and laminated wired, heat stren thened

lass. Elass fibre insulation is common in roofs and

walls. 9oamed lass, made from waste lass, can be used as li htwei ht, closed' cell insulation. 5s insulation, lass !e. ., fiber lass# is also used. In the form of


lon , fluffy'lookin sheets, it is commonly found in homes. 9iber lass insulation is used particularly in attics, and is iven an 7'ratin , denotin the insulatin ability. Tech ological applicatio s Lses of lass for scientific purposes ran e from applications such as ;C5

microarrays to lar e si%ed neodymium doped lass lasers and lass fibres The @ubble Space Telescope orbitin above earth, containin optical instruments Fure Si$1 lass !the same chemical compound as quart%, or, in its polycrystalline form, sand# does not absorb LG li ht and is used for applications that require transparency in this re ion. 6ar e natural sin le crystals of quart% are pure silicon dio.ide, and upon crushin are used for hi h quality specialty lasses. Synthetic amorphous silica, an almost (22 H pure form of quart%, is the raw material for the most e.pensive specialty lasses, such as optical fiber core. Lndersea cables have sections doped with erbium, which amplify transmitted si nals by laser emission from within the lass itself. 5morphous Si$ 1 is also used as a dielectric material in inte rated circuits due to the smooth and electrically neutral interface it forms with silicon. $ptical instruments such as makin lasses, cameras, microscopes, telescopes, and a si.'di it lass code, or

planetaria are based on lass lenses, mirrors, and prisms. The lasses used for these instruments are cate ori%ed usin alternatively a letter'number code from the Schott Elass catalo ue. 9or e.ample, :D3 is a low'dispersion borosilicate crown lass, and S9(2 is a hi h'dispersion dense flint lass. The lasses are arran ed by composition, refractive inde., and 5bbe number. Elass polymeri%ation is a technique that can be used to incorporate additives that modify the properties of enables embeddin functionality to lass. lass that would otherwise be destroyed durin el is an e.ample of hi h temperature preparation. Sol lass polymeri%ation and

of or anic and bioactive molecules, to add a new level of


Glass production $ldest mouth'blown window' lass from (3M1 from Dosta Elasbruk, SmNland, Sweden. In the middle the mark from the lass blowers pipe ;lass pro-(ctio histor! Elass meltin technolo y has passed throu h several sta es.

Elass was manufactured in open pits, ca. O222 :.>. until the invention of the blowpipe in ca. 1*2 :.>.

The mobile wood'fired meltin pot furnace was used until around the (3th century by travelin lass manufacturers. lass was developed, which led to

5round (8==, a process for castin

lass becomin a much more commonly used material.

The local pot furnace, fired by wood and coal was used between (822 and (=*2.

The cylinder method of creatin flat lass was used in the Lnited States of 5merica for the first time in the (=12s. It was used to commercially produce windows.

The invention of the

lass pressin

machine in (=13 allowed the mass

production of ine.pensive lass products.

The as'heated meltin pot and tank furnaces datin from (=82, followed by the electric furnace of (+(2.

@and'blown sheet lass was replaced in the 12th century by rolled plate lass.

The float lass process was invented in the (+*2s.


;lass i gre-ie ts Fure silica !Si$1# has a K lass meltin pointKP at a viscosity of (2 FaQs !(22 F#P of over 1O22 R> !M122 R9#. 0hile pure silica can be made into lass for special applications !see fused quart%#, other substances are added to common lass to simplify processin . $ne is sodium carbonate !Ca1>$O#, which lowers the meltin point to about (*22 R> !1322 R9# in soda'lime lass/ KsodaK refers to the ori inal source of sodium carbonate in the soda ash obtained from certain plants. @owever, the soda makes the lass water soluble, which is usually undesirable, so lime !calcium o.ide !>a$#, chemical durability. The resultin percent of manufactured lass. 5s well as soda and lime, most common lass has other in redients added to chan e its properties. 6ead lass, such as lead crystal or flint lass, is more SbrilliantS because the increased refractive inde. causes noticeably more KsparklesK, while boron may be added to chan e the thermal and electrical properties, as in Fyre.. 5ddin Thorium o.ide formerly used in producin used in barium also increases the refractive inde.. ives lass a hi h refractive inde. and low dispersion, and was hi h'quality lenses, but due to its radioactivity has filters for enerally obtained from limestone#, some lass contains about 32 to 3M percent silica by ma nesium o.ide !< $# and aluminium o.ide are added to provide for a better wei ht and is called a soda'lime lass. Soda'lime lasses account for about +2

been replaced by lanthanum o.ide in modern lasses. 6ar e amounts of iron are lass that absorbs infrared ener y, such as heat absorbin movie projectors, while cerium!IG# o.ide can be used for lass that absorbs LG wavelen ths !biolo ically dama in ioni%in radiation#. :esides the chemicals mentioned, in some furnaces recycled lass !KculletK# is lass

added, ori inatin from the same factory or other sources. >ullet leads to savin s not only in the raw materials, but also in the ener y consumption of the furnace. @owever, impurities in the cullet may lead to product and equipment failure. 9inin a ents such as sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, or antimony o.ide are added to reduce the bubble content in the lass.


5 further raw material used in the production of soda'lime and fiber calumite, which is a iron o.ide#. 9or obtainin the desired lassy ranular by'product of the iron makin

lass is industry,

containin mainly silica, calcium o.ide, alumina, ma nesium o.ide !and traces of

lass composition, the correct raw material mi.ture

!batch# must be determined by lass batch calculation. Co temporar! glass pro-(ctio 9ollowin the lass batch preparation and the raw materials are

transported to the furnace. Soda'lime lass for mass production is melted in as fired units. Smaller scale furnaces for specialty lasses include electric melters, pot furnaces and day tanks. 5fter meltin , homo eni%ation and refinin !removal of bubbles# the lass is

formed. 9lat lass for windows and similar applications is formed by the float lass process, developed between (+*O and (+*3 by Sir 5lastair Filkin ton and Denneth :ickerstaff of the LDSs Filkin ton :rothers, which created a continuous ribbon of lass usin a molten tin bath on which the molten lass flows unhindered under the influence of ravity. >ontainer lass for common bottles and jars is formed by blowin and pressin methods. 9urther lass formin techniques are summari%ed in the table Elass formin techniques. $nce the desired form is obtained, lass is usually annealed for the removal of stresses. Garious surface treatment techniques, coatin s, or lamination may follow to improve the chemical durability ! lass container coatin s, lass container internal treatment#, stren th !tou hened lass, bulletproof lass, windshields#, or optical properties !insulated la%in , anti'reflective coatin #.


;lassma<i g i the laborator! 5 vitrification e.periment for the study of nuclear waste disposal at Facific Corthwest Cational 6aboratory. 9ailed laboratory lass meltin test. The striations must be avoided throu h ood homo eni%ation. Cew chemical laboratory'scale lass compositions or new treatment techniques can be initially lass melts are often different from those used in mass

investi ated in small'scale laboratory e.periments. The raw materials for production because the cost factor has a low priority. In the laboratory mostly pure chemicals are used. >are must be taken that the raw materials have not reacted with moisture or other chemicals in the environment !such as alkali o.ides and hydro.ides, alkaline earth o.ides and hydro.ides, or boron o.ide#, or that the impurities are quantified !loss on i nition#. 4vaporation losses durin should be considered durin selenite may be preferred over easily evaporatin lass meltin the selection of the raw materials, e. ., sodium Se$1. 5lso, more readily

reactin raw materials may be preferred over relatively inert ones, such as 5l!$@#

over 5l1$O. Lsually, the melts are carried out in platinum crucibles to reduce

contamination from the crucible material. Elass homo eneity is achieved by homo eni%in the raw materials mi.ture ! lass batch#, by stirrin the melt, and by crushin and re'meltin the first melt. The obtained lass is usually annealed to prevent breaka e durin processin . Silica-free glasses :esides common silica'based lasses, many other inor anic and or anic plastics !e. ., acrylic lass#, carbon,

materials may also form lasses, includin fluorides,

metals, carbon dio.ide !see below#, phosphates, borates, chalco enides, ermanates ! lasses based on Ee$1#, tellurites ! lasses based on Te$1#, antimonates ! lasses based on Sb1$O#, arsenates ! lasses based on 5s1$O#, titanates ! lasses based on Ti$ 1#, tantalates ! lasses based on Ta 1$*#, nitrates, carbonates and many other substances.


Some lasses that do not include silica as a major constituent may have physico' chemical properties useful for their application in fibre optics and other speciali%ed technical applications. These include fluoro%irconate, fluoroaluminate, aluminosilicate, phosphate and chalco enide lasses. Lnder e.tremes of pressure and temperature solids may e.hibit lar e structural and physical chan es which can lead to polyamorphic phase transitions.I(OJ In 1228 Italian scientists created an amorphous phase of carbon dio.ide usin e.treme pressure. The substance was named amorphous carbonia!a'>$1# and e.hibits an atomic structure resemblin that of Silica. The physics of glass The amorphous structure of lassy Silica !Si$ 1#. Co lon ran e order is present, however there is local orderin with respect to the tetrahedral arran ement of $.y en !$# atoms around the Silicon !Si# atoms. The standard definition of a lass !or vitreous solid# requires the solid phase to be formed by rapid melt quenchin . Elass is therefore formed via a supercooled liquid and cooled sufficiently rapidly !relative to the characteristic crystallisation time# from its molten state throu h its lass transition temperature, T , that the supercooled disordered atomic confi uration at T , is fro%en into the solid state. Eenerally, the structure of a lass e.ists in a metastable state with respect to its crystalline form, althou h in certain circumstances, for e.ample in atactic polymers, there is no crystalline analo ue of the amorphous phase. :y definition as an amorphous solid, the atomic structure of a lass lacks any lon ran e translational periodicity. @owever, by virtue of the local chemical bondin constraints lasses do possess a hi h de ree of short'ran e order with respect to local atomic polyhedra. It is deemed that the bondin dimensionality# as for crystalline materials. ;lass &ers(s a s(per coole- li=(iElass is enerally treated as an amorphous solid rather than a liquid, thou h both views can be justified. @owever, the notion that lass flows to an appreciable structure of lasses, althou h disordered, has the same symmetry si nature !@ausdorff':esicovitch


e.tent over e.tended periods of time is not supported by empirical research or theoretical analysis !see viscosity of amorphous materials#. 9rom a more commonsense point of view, lass should be considered a solid since it is ri id accordin to everyday e.perience. Some people believe lass is a liquid due to its lack of a first'order phase

transition where certain thermodynamic variables such as volume, entropy and enthalpy are continuous throu h the lass transition temperature. @owever, the lass transition temperature may be described as analo ous to a second'order phase transition where the intensive thermodynamic variables such as the thermal e.pansivity and heat capacity are discontinuous. ;espite this, thermodynamic phase transition theory does not entirely hold for lass, and hence the lass transition cannot be classed as a enuine thermodynamic phase transition. 5lthou h the atomic structure of lass shares characteristics of the structure in a super cooled liquid, lass is enerally classed as solid below its lass transition temperature.I1(J There is also the problem that a super cooled liquid is still a liquid and not a solid but it is below the free%in point of the material and will crystalli%e almost instantly if a crystal is added as a core. The chan e in heat capacity at a lass transition and a meltin transition of comparable materials are typically of the same order of ma nitude indicatin that the chan e in active de rees of freedom is comparable as well. :oth in a lass and in a crystal it is mostly only the vibrational de rees of freedom that remain active, whereas rotational and translational motion becomes impossible e.plainin why lasses and crystalline materials are hard.


>eha&ior of a ti=(e glass The observation that old windows are often thicker at the bottom than at the top is often offered as supportin evidence for the view that lass flows over a matter of centuries. It is then assumed that the lass was once uniform, but has flowed to its new shape, which is a property of liquid. The likely source of this unfounded belief is that when panes of lass were commonly made by lassblowers, the technique used was to spin molten lass so as to create a round, mostly flat and even plate !the >rown lass process, described above#. This plate was then cut to fit a window. The pieces were not, however, absolutely flat/ the ed es of the disk would be thicker because of centripetal force rela.ation. 0hen actually installed in a window frame, the lass would be placed thicker side down for the sake of stability and visual sparkle. $ccasionally such lass has been found thinner side down or on either side of the windowSs ed e, as would be caused by carelessness at the time of installation. <ass production of lass window panes in the early twentieth century caused a similar effect. In lass factories, molten lass was poured onto a lar e coolin lass is thicker at the location of the table and allowed to spread. The resultin

pour, located at the center of the lar e sheet. These sheets were cut into smaller window panes with nonuniform thickness. <odern lass intended for windows is produced as float lass and is very uniform in thickness. Several other points e.emplify the misconception of the Scathedral lassS theory?


in the 5merican Journal of Fhysics, physicist 4d ar ;. Tanotto

states K...the predicted rela.ation time for Ee$1 at room temperature is (2 years. @ence, the rela.ation period !characteristic flow time# of cathedral lasses would be even lon erK.

If medieval lass has flowed perceptibly, then ancient 7oman and 4 yptian objects should have flowed proportionately more P but this is not observed. Similarly, prehistoric obsidian blades should have lost their ed e/ this is not observed either !althou h obsidian may have a different viscosity from window lass#.


If lass flows at a rate that allows chan es to be seen with the naked eye after centuries, then the effect should be noticeable in antique telescopes. 5ny sli ht deformation in the antique telescopic lenses would lead to a dramatic decrease in optical performance, a phenomenon that is not observed.

There are many e.amples of centuries'old than vertical window lass.

lass shelvin

which has not

bent, even thou h it is under much hi her stress from ravitational loads


lasses have a

lass transition temperature close to or below room which the material is

temperature. The behavior of a material that has a lass transition close to room temperature depends upon the timescale durin manipulated. If the material is hit it may break like a solid lass, however if the material is left on a table for a week it may flow like a liquid. This simply means that for the fast timescale its transition temperature is above room temperature, but for the slow one it is below. The shift in temperature with timescale is not very lar e however as indicated by the transition of polypropylene lycol of '31 R> and '3( R> over different timescales. To observe window e.ists. Therefore it is safe to consider a lass flowin as liquid at room temperature we would have to wait a much lon er time than the universe lass a solid far enou h below its transition temperature? >athedral lass does not flow because its lass transition temperature is many hundreds of de rees above room temperature. >lose to this temperature there are interestin time'dependent properties. $ne of these is known as a in . <any polymers that we use in daily life such as rubber, polystyrene and polypropylene are in a lassy state but they are not too far below their lass transition temperature. Their mechanical properties may well chan e over time and this is serious concern when applyin construction. these materials in


Ph!sical properties The followin table lists some physical properties of common lasses. Lnless

otherwise stated, the technical

lass compositions and many e.perimentally

determined properties are taken from one lar e study. Lnless stated otherwise, the properties of fused silica !quart% lass# and ermania lass are derived from the SciElass lass database by formin the arithmetic mean of all the e.perimental values from different authors !in eneral more than (2 independent sources for quart% lass and T of ermanium o.ide lass#. Those values marked in italic font have been interpolated from sililar lass compositions !see >alculation of lass properties# due to the lack of e.perimental data. Color >ommon soda'lime float lass appears reen in thick sections because of 9e 1U impurities. >olors in lass may be obtained by addition of colorin ions that are

homo eneously distributed and by precipitation of finely dispersed particles !such as in photochromic lasses#. $rdinary soda'lime lass appears colorless to the naked eye when it is thin, althou h iron!II# o.ide !9e$# impurities of up to 2.( wtH produce a reen tint which can be viewed in thick pieces or with the aid of scientific instruments. 9urther 9e$ and >r1$O additions may be used for the production of reen bottles. Sulfur, to ether with carbon and iron salts, is used to form iron polysulfides and produce amber lass ran in from yellowish to almost black. <an anese dio.ide can be added in small amounts to remove the reen tint iven by iron!II# o.ide.


History Roma glass Caturally occurrin lass, especially obsidian, has been used by many Stone 5 e to Fliny the 4lder,

societies across the lobe for the production of sharp cuttin tools and, due to its limited source areas, was e.tensively traded. 5ccordin Fhoenician traders were the first to stumble upon lass manufacturin techniques at the site of the :elus 7iver. 5 ricola, ;e re metallica, reported a traditional serendipitous KdiscoveryK tale of familiar type? KThe tradition is that a merchant ship laden with nitrum bein moored at this place, the merchants were preparin their meal on the beach, and not havin stones to prop up their pots, they used lumps of nitrum from the ship, which fused and mi.ed with the sands of the shore, and there flowed streams of a new translucent liquid, and thus was the ori in of lass.K This account is more a reflection of 7oman e.perience of lass due to its low impurity levels. :ut in su lass production,

however, as white silica sand from this area was used in the production of 7oman eneral archaeolo ical evidence ests that the first true lass was made in coastal north Syria, <esopotamia or lass is found in 4 ypt, althou h some of this is

$ld Din dom 4 ypt. ;ue to 4 yptSs favourable environment for preservation, the majority of well'studied early likely to have been imported. The earliest known lass objects, of the mid third millennium :>, were beads, perhaps initially created as accidental by'products of metal'workin sla s or durin the production of faience, a pre' lass vitreous material made by a process similar to la%in . ;urin the 6ate :ron%e 5 e in 4 ypt and 0estern 5sia there was an e.plosion in lass'makin technolo y. 5rchaeolo ical finds from this period include coloured lass in ots, vessels !often coloured and shaped in imitation of hi hly pri%ed wares of semi'precious stones# and the ubiquitous beads. The alkali of Syrian and 4 yptian lass was soda ash, sodium carbonate, which can be e.tracted from the ashes of many plants, notably halophile seashore plants? !see saltwort#. The earliest vessels were Score'woundS, produced by windin a ductile rope of metal


round a shaped core of sand and clay over a metal rod, then fusin repeated reheatin s. Threads of thin

it with

lass of different colours made with

admi.tures of o.ides were subsequently wound around these to create patterns, which could be drawn into festoons with a metal rakin tools. The vessel would then be rolled flat !SmarveredS# on a slab in order to press the decorative threads into its body. @andles and feet were applied separately. The rod was subsequently allowed to cool as the lass slowly annealed and was eventually removed from the centre of the vessel, after which the core material was scraped out. Elass shapes for inlays were also often created in moulds. <uch early lass production, however, relied on rindin techniques borrowed from stone workin . This meant that the lass was round and carved in a cold state. :y the (*th century :> e.tensive lass production was occurrin in 0estern 5sia and 4 ypt. It is thou ht the techniques and recipes required for the initial fusin of lass from raw materials was a closely uarded technolo ical secret reserved for the lar e palace industries of powerful states. Elass workers in other areas therefore relied on imports of pre'formed lass, often in the form of cast in ots such as those found on the Llu :urun shipwreck off the coast of Turkey. Elass remained a lu.ury material, and the disasters that overtook 6ate :ron%e 5 e civilisations seem to have brou ht lass'makin to a halt. It picked up a ain in its former sites, in Syria and >yprus, in the ninth century :>, when the techniques for makin colourless lass were discovered. In 4 ypt lass'makin did not revive until it was reintroduced in Ftolemaic 5le.andria. >ore'formed vessels and beads were still widely produced, but other techniques came to the fore with e.perimentation and technolo ical advancements. ;urin the @ellenistic period many new techniques of lass production were introduced and lass be an to be used to make lar er pieces, notably table wares. Techniques developed durin this period include Sslumpin S viscous !but not fully molten# lass over a mould in order to form a dish and SmillefioriS !meanin Sthousand flowersS# technique, where canes of multi'coloured durin lass were sliced and the slices lass be an to be pri%ed and arran ed to ether and fused in a mould to create a mosaic'like effect. It was also this period that colourless or decoloured methods for achievin this effect were investi ated more fully.


;urin the first century :> lass blowin was discovered on the Syro'Falestinian coast, revolutionisin the industry and layin the way for the e.plosion of lass production that occurred throu hout the 7oman world. $ver the ne.t (222 years lass makin beyond. *o(th Asia Indi enous development of lass technolo y in South 5sia may have be un in (3O2 :>4. 4vidence of this culture includes a red'brown lass bead alon with a hoard of beads datin to (3O2 :>4, makin it the earliest attested lass from the Indus Galley locations. Elass discovered from later sites datin from 822'O22 :>4 displays common color. >halcolithic evidence of lass has been found in @astinapur, India. Some of the te.ts which mention lass in India are the Shatapatha :rahmana and Ginaya Fitaka. @owever, the first unmistakable evidence in lar e quantities, datin from the Ord century :>4, has been uncovered from the archaeolo ical site in Ta.ila, Fakistan. :y the be innin of the >ommon 4ra, lass was bein used for ornaments and casin in South 5sia. >ontact with the Ereco'7oman world added newer techniques, and Indians artisans mastered several techniques of lass moldin , decoratin and colorin by the early centuries of the >ommon 4ra. Satavahana period of India Earl! mo-er glass i E gla The early modern period in 4n land !c. (*22'(=22# brou ht on a revival in local lass production. <edieval lass had been limited to the small'scale production of forest lass for window lass and vessels, predominantly in the 0eald. The to lar e monopolies ranted by the >rown. The or anisation of production evolved from the small'scale family'run lass houses typical of forest lass'makin influ. of immi rants from 4urope brou ht chan es in furnace technolo y and raw materials, creatin a better quality lass. <onastic decrees later banned the use and workin continued and spread throu h southern 4urope and


of wood fuel which was then replaced by the less e.pensive alternative of coal. The development of lead lass in the late (3th century propelled 4n land to the forefront of the lass industry and paved the way for advancements in the Industrial 7evolution Chemical composition Elass has three major components? a network former !silica#, a network modifier !flu.#, and a network stabili%er !predominantly lime#. In the early (8th and (3th centuries lassworkin lassmakin !the manufacture of lass from raw materials# and lass# occurred within the same !the creation of objects from

lasshouse. Elass was also recycled at this time in the form of cullet. In the early modern era, network formers were obtained from fine or coarse sands which were usually located near the area of production or from silica based pebbles. Cetwork modifiers were used to alter the chemical composition of the the network former and reduce the meltin e.tensively in lass production. The type of flu. selected heavily influenced the quality of the lass produced. In 4n land, beech wood and oak were preferred for forest lass. 9or soda lasses !Ca1$#, alkalis were often found in the form of marine plants ) either local kelp or imported plants from the <editerranean and the Cear 4ast !barilla, polverine, rochetta, sevonus, natron#. Cetwork stabili%ers in early modern 4n land continued to be lime sources. 6ime occurs as a natural contaminant in most sands, and may also be intentionally added to the melt. temperature of the batch. These varied dependin on the type of lass. Fotassium o.ide !D1$# based alkalis were used


Compositio al gro(ps 9ive lass compositional roups have been identified throu h analysis of lass from this period. These have been further

archaeolo ically recovered

reduced into two types, V reen lass and Vwhite lass. The roups include?

Fotash'lime'silica lass !forest or reen lass#, typically has an e.cess of (2H wt o.ide D12 @i h 6ime 6ow 5lkali, @665 ! reen lass# usually has W(2H Ca 1$,D12, (*' 12H >a$

Soda'lime D1$

lass !white

lass" Vordinary

lass# with low < $, >a$, hi h

<i.ed alkali lass !white lass" crystallo# Ca1$ D1$ and >a$ levels are too low for this lass to be incorporated in the other cate ories.

6ead lass !white lass" faXon de venise# has on avera e 1*'O*H Fb$ table represents the mean compositional data derived from the

The followin

analysis of materials at the $ld :road Street furnace in 6ondon, dated to the early (3th century. and those recovered from Fhase Two !circa (8=2'(322 5;# Silkstone, Borkshire. This information was athered from ;un worthSs compilation and analysis. The data is represented in wtH o.ides and those below the detection limits !2.1H or less# are shown by S'S. Colora ts There are numerous factors that may influence colouration durin deliberate additives that would provide known colour variations. Iron e.istin as a contaminant in sands, produced either a reen or brown colour dependin upon the o.idation state. >oal fumes provided a carbon contaminant, which could create a dark brown or black colour. <an anese present in wood ash may have contributed to the li hter, translucent reen colour. $ther trace lass

production. These include contaminants in raw materials, furnace conditions, and


elements present in alkalis !such as <n$ in beech ash# undoubtedly influenced the finished product. $ther metal o.ide colorants were known from earlier periods in antiquity. Early post-medieval glass <edieval lasshouse traditions continued in the 0eald, which was becomin

deforested by the early (3th century/ local lassmakin spread elsewhere, where timber was available to fire furnaces, to @ampshire, Eloucestershire, Corth Staffordshire and the Scottish :orders. 5t :a otSs Fark, Staffordshire, one such lasshouse has been recovered, which dates from circa (*O*/ it contained an early meltin furnace and a smaller annealin furnace. The meltin furnace had two sie e benches for the placement of three crucible pots, each with a central flue cut into the floor to create a drau ht that would allow the furnace to achieve (122o> in order to melt the lass. 9rittin , and the preheatin of crucibles may have occurred in the upper areas of the main furnace. 5nnealin ! lass# and lass blowin probably occurred usin a smaller furnace. >ullet heaps of broken lass residue were found on either side, su estin the use of a flu. to reduce meltin temperatures. Some crushed white pebbles were recovered in the bottom of pots, and this may reflect the silica source used at this site. The lass recovered from :a otSs Fark was badly weathered, yet the ends of broad lass and crown lass su est that window and vessel lass were produced.

;lass tech olog! The majority of lass at this time was blown or mould blown into a variety of optic

vessel shapes. This was enhanced by decorative styles, includin replicate Genetian traditions. Influences from the Continent

decoration and trailin the lass, sometimes with pre'fabricated lass canes, to

In (*83, Jean >arrY arrived in 6ondon from 5ntwerp and obtained a crown' sanctioned patent for the production of window lass. This patent was awarded to >arrY on the condition that prices remained low and that lassmakin and blowin


would be tau ht to native 4n lishmen to promote the craft. @e brou ht many Genetian craftsmen to his 6ondon workshop and opened a second furnace outside the city to produce vessel and reen lass. 6ater in (*3M, Jacob Ger%elini, a Genetian who worked for >arrY was ranted a monopoly over Genetian'style vessel lass. This effectively banned most of the imports from Genice and promoted lass made locally in 4n land. Ger%eliniSs oal was to produce clear crystallo lass as well as decorative lass faXon de venise !Kin the Genetian modeK#, which he achieved by importin barilla from Spain. This effectively helped to lower the price of clear lassware and made it available to a wider ran e of the entry and middle class. Ltilitarian reen lass production remained on a small scale and was made by numerous lasshouses in different areas for local consumption, in the tradition of forest lass. Tech ological cha ges 0ith the new influ. of immi rants from the 4uropean >ontinent in the mid (8th century, technolo ical chan es affected the quality of 4n lish raw materials. ?i ge- f(r aces 5dditionally, lass furnaces constructed from the mid (8th century be an to reflect continental styles. This trend, identifiable in the archaeolo ical record, supports the documentary evidence for immi rant lassmakers. 0in 'like additions were added to the late (8th'early (3th century furnace remains at two lass producin sites, @utton and 7osedale in Bork, as well as at Gann >opse in the 0eald. The @utton furnace had two win s added in the northeast and southeast corners of the ori inal rectan ular meltin furnace. 5 smaller nearby furnace was abandoned estin that they provided around the same time as the addition of the win s, su an area for either annealin or pre'heatin pots. lass. This was possibly the combined result of e.perience and the selection"importation of purer


7osedale and Gann >opse were constructed in similar styles but with four win s, one in each corner, which were built inte ral to the ori inal furnace. The win s showed evidence of heatin which a ain su ested these were areas for frittin or lassworkin . The lass produced at 7osedale was enerally cleaner and of a better quality than that of @utton, althou h the reasons for this are still unclear. Froduction at 7osedale appeared to have a hi her output than that of @utton, as two additional smaller furnaces indicate that the operation had e.panded. It is thou ht that these furnaces are similar to those of the 6orraine style, and research in the Cetherlands su this fashion. Change to coal 9rom (*=('(*=M, Farliament became increasin ly concerned over the wood supply in the country. 5t this time, a lar e number of hi h temperature industries were dependent on wood for fuel, and this be an to diminish the countryVs forests. The ori inal decree in this time prohibited the use of wood fuel unless it was from ones own land. :y (82+, Sir 4dward Touche was ranted a patent to e.periment with coal as the main fuel for a furnace at 0inchester and by (8(* Farliament had banned the use of wood fuel. 5doptin coal as the main source of fuel created numerous problems for lass production. :urnin coal produced short flames which shifted the location of the hearth from the far ends of the furnace to the center. 5ir drau hts are also necessary to create a re enerative heatin system for lassmeltin . 4arly coal furnaces, such as at :olsterstone, contain under round flues to provide an easy way to remove ash. 5dditionally, the carbon from the coal fumes contaminated the lass in the uncovered pots which created a dark and often uneven colour. 6ids, such as those found at :olsterstone, needed to be implemented to prevent these impurities. Elass bottles from this initial transition are often dark in color. ests that contemporary continental furnaces were made in


Charles Mansell :efore (8(8, >harles <ansell bou ht out the patent and company started by Touche. @e be an many ventures and set up a successful lasshouse near a coal source in the attempts to save money and to more easily meet the demands of 6ondon. @is crystallo furnace at :road Street, 6ondon, had fared successfully. Some of his earlier attempts to set up new a furnace to produce lass for the rowin needs of 6ondon failed, as transportation costs proved to be too hi h. Bet the furnace <ansell set up at Cewcastle was successful. 5nother win ed furnace was set up at Dimmerid e usin local sources of oil shale as fuel. Lnlike other win furnaces, the one at this site had deep flues and a the adaptation to a new fuel source. This centrally located hearth, illustratin

furnace was demolished in (81O as bein in violation of <ansells monopoly. Conical furnaces The conical lasshouses of 4n land of the late (3th century introduced to

furnaces the use of a chimney and a new plan shape. This development possibly drew off the idea of earlier wind furnaces and the beehive'shaped Genetian style furnaces, known only from historical documents in 4n land. The addition of the chimney both created a stron drau ht and acted to e.tract the coal fumes. The earliest e.amples appear in :ristol and at Eawber, Borkshire. These furnaces had under round flues and chimneys with air holes to provide a stron air drau ht to control heat. 9rittin , pre'heatin pots and annealin processes were undertaken in different sections of the furnace, elevated above the heat source. The Expansion of the Industry In (38O, Eeor e 7avenscroft developed flint lass, a colourless and translucent lass with many desirable workin properties. The ori inal recipe was subject to cri%%lin . 6ater batches had the addition of lead o.ide !Fb$# which combatted this problem and produced a superior lass that was more suitable for to en ravin


and etchin . 6ead

lass was widely adopted by the Elass sellers

uild when

7avenscrofts patent e.pired. 6ead lass helped to propel 4n land to the front of the lass industry. :ottles for wine and phials be an to be produced and e.ported on a lar e scale. The archaeolo ical remains of the 5lbion shipwreck off <ar ate in (38* contained (( lead lass in ots, which are thou ht to be meant for trade with >hina. 5lthou h little is known about these materials, it does su 4n landSs e.ports. The (+th century brou ht new developments with synthetic materials, such as as fuel. 5dditionally, continuous meltin production with tank furnaces helped mark the end of the early modern period and the be innin of the Industrial 7evolution. English glass ob ects Vessel glass The evolution of vessel lass became more elaborate and specific to its intended use throu hout the early modern period. <irror objects include?

est that lead lass contributed to

lass and

lass objects also

be an to be produced on lar er scales durin the early modern period. Types of

Fhials Eoblets ;rinkin Elasses :eakers Tankards Ju s :ottles :owls Jars


Lrinals 9lasks <irror lass

?i -o" glass 0indow lass was produced throu hout the period on a small scale, in the form of crown lass and broad lass. This was predominantly made from reen lass throu hout the (8th century. 0hile rare in the early (8th century, lass windows soon became a symbol of increasin wealth and status. 6ar er sheets were in demand for domestic and public buildin s. *tai e- glass Stained lass in the earliest part of the early modern period was imported into 4n land from 9rance. 0ith the Frotestant 7eformation in 4n land, ecclesiastic buildin s increasin ly used the more e.pensive SwhiteS lass.



ORIENT 9rom a small be innin way back in (+=(, we have rown to be what we are now a sthe leadin curved lass producers in the country convertin all types of flat and lass, namely clear float, tinted, reflective, laminated safety, and bullet

proof, tempered and heat stren thened lasses. 7eputed local constructions companies as well as many forei n construction companies who have undertaken buildin construction have found workin with us for their requirements and services are concerned a very satisfyin e.perience. 0e do think of ourselves as yet another lass supplier, instead we see ourselves as specialists, and this speciali%ation has earned for us a multitude of satisfied customers amon them lobal top constructin companies, developers, house builders, furniture manufactures, interior decorators, equipment manufactures etc. $ur commitment to e.cellence has been the key to our rowth and we will always continue to provide our customers with best products and services. $ur processin facilities are in a picturesque factory at 7oyapuram in a land area of over (22, 222 sq ft. TE%PERED ;8A** It is a special heat treatin process which increases the stren th up to four"five times of the normal lass. This lass is custom made are processed to any si%e or any shape as required. It is suitable for store front, residential window, doors, sloped la%in , curved architectural lass, solar panels, balustrades, elevators/ shower cubicle"tub enclosures etc in float or bend type. This includes canopies, buildin facades, suspended lass assemblies are all

unique applications, is manufactured to customers specification. Tempered lass reduces the likelihood of injury in the unlike event of breaka es.


HEAT *TREN;THENED ;8A** @eat stren thened lass is two"three times harder than normal annealed sheet lass, which is hi hly suitable for buildin facades, sky li hts , arch domes and many fle.ible application to architectural dreams, second to none in the world of lass. ;8A** #RA%E8E** DOOR* 5 wide ran e of lass doors available in nearly unbreakable tempered lass clear, tinted lass doors with many different !or personali%ed# etched patterns, there is also opaque and ceramic color versions used in livin rooms, hotels, commercial premises, showers and bath tubs. AUTO%OTIVE ;8A** 5utomotive lass is made by heatin quality lass just below its softenin

temperature ivin it the required shape A suddenly chillin it with jets cold air. It results the outer skin comin under powerful compressive stress and the interior with severe tensile stress. In consequence, the impact applied to the lass will be overcome by compression force on the surfaces to ensure safety in formed. >END ;8A** $rient with its mi.ture of bent A latest formed lass technique has come to create unique crystal clear lass for counters sophisticated as well as totally personali%ed work of art suit your taste and requirement. 0e offer a total packa e of plannin , desi nin , supplyin , or on demand unto installation. Elass are stylistic and a willin instrument for modern architecture we could make absolutely anythin ran in from ele ant partition to e.otic lass tops to sky li hts whether at commercial buildin or homes with full control of transparencies to full opacity. These lasses are produced in thickness of 1mm ) (1mm.


;8A** #URNITURE 0e manufacture lass furniture in any thickness with ed es polished to, many

profile such as flat, pencil, bevel, o ee, etc. 9urniture lass and table tops should be tempered due to human contact for lass bein very delicate is tempered to ive a lon durability, or

safety. Cormal

mechanical stren th and scratch resistance. It also presents ed e chippin flakin , a common problem with e.pensive table tops. CERA%IC PRINTED ;8A**

>eramic lass ets its name from its print by a silk screen with a lass enamel before temperin , heat stren thenin or bendin can take place, the enamel fuses into the surface A becomes a permanent coatin which cannot be dama ed or removed and is un affected by moisture, and scratch proof. It is also known as silk screened lass A coloured lass. >ertain areas of lass or a at times the entire lass is hidden or masked for to match,

reasons as varied as privacy to concealin the back round or for improvin the aesthetic look of the product. :est use in commercial buildin accentuate or complement the vision area of the buildin !wall claddin #. Fatterns can be developed fro virtually any arran ement of eometric shapes or te.tures, custom patterns can provide unlimited desi n possibilities. <ost famous are dots, holes, lines, squares, and trian le. DECA8 PRINTED ;8A** >omes in many stranded desi ns like marble, colored, picture, scenes or could be custom made. DECORATIVE #U*ION ;8A**@ *TAIN ;8A** Stain lass, fusion embossed desi n, slumped, acid etched, en raved/ ranite, ima e, metallic, multi

computeri%e sand carvin , G rooved.


8A%INATED ;8A** Is manufactured by FG:, L<L, 4G5, and resin. Stop shot !:ullet proof# *O8AR RE#8ECTIVE >oated lass for faXade, domes, partition etc. PHOTO VO8TIC ;8A** 9or solar rays, solar heaters wind screen. IN*U8ATED ;8A** ;ouble la%in , flat and bend types of lasses. OUR *ERVICE* $rient is an enterprisin company, who has associated in contract work, supplies A services with almost all the star hotels such as Ealadari, Taj Samudra, Trans 5sia, @ilton, $beroi !>innamon Earden# A with hi h rises such as J5I> @ilton Tower, 7oyal Fark >ondominium, >rescat 7esidency, ceylinco seylan Towers, The 0orld trade >entre etc. Services also were rendered to presidential palace, <ale, Casundhara Falace @otel, <aldives. The $beroi @otel, <umbai. 5bove are few of the endless lists of our satisfied customers in our 1* years in business. Incidentally our chairman, have been in the sheet of lass field over three

decades and have received trainin in LD, India, :el ium, A ;enmark. $rient desi n with its mi.ture of bentA latest formed lass technique has come to create unique sophisticated A totally personali%ed work of art to suit your taste and requirements. Elass as a stylistic and a willin instrument for modern architecture, therefore we could make absolutely anythin ran in from ele ant partition to e.otic lass tops, sky li hts whether at commercial buildin transparencies to full opacity. or homes with full control of


These lasses are produced in thickness of 8 ) (1mm. in special cases less than 8mm or over (1mm are supplied on request. @eat stren thened lass is three times harder than normal annealed sheet lass which is hi hly suitable for buildin facades, sky li hts, arch domes and many fle.ible application architectural dreams, second to none in the world of lass. It is possible to bend in our latest machinery, plain float, colour, tinted reflective hard coated lass, laminated lass, pioneerin in this field.



The data after collection is to be processed and analy%ed in accordance with the outline and down for the purpose at the time of developin research plan. Technically speakin , processin implies editin , codin , classification and tabulation of collected data so that they are amenable to analysis. The term analysis refers to the computation of certain measures alon with searchin for pattern roups. Thus in the process of analysis, relationship or difference should be subjected to statistical tests of si nificance to determine with what validity data can be said to indicate any conclusions. The analysis of data in a eneral way involves a number of closely related operations, which are performed with the purpose of summari%in the collected data and or ani%in them in such a manner that they answer the research questions. In this study the researcher followed above process carefully and it is presented in this chapter


Table 0.+ To < o" the -epartme t i "hich emplo!ees are belo gs to *I. N o . (. 1. O. M. <echanical 4lectrical Froduction $thers Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata O2 1* O* (2 (22 O2 1* O* (2 (22 Departme t No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that O*H of employees are belon s to production department.




Table 0.. To < o" "or<i g eBperie ce of the emplo!ees *I. N o . (. 1. O. M. :elow 1 years 1 ) M years M ) 8 years 5bove 8 years Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata (O O2 OM 1O (22 (O O2 OM 1O (22 ?or< EBperie ce No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that OMH of the employees have M ) 8 years e.perience.




Table 0./ To < o" the ph!sical "or<i g e &iro me t *I. N o . (. 1. O. M. *. 4.cellent Eood 9air Foor Gery Foor Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata (1 *3 1= O 2 (22 (1 *3 1= O 2 (22 ?or<i g E &iro me t No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that *3H of the employees were feelin ood about the workin environment.




Table 0.0 To < o" the satisfactio le&el of emplo!ees to"ar-s the o 9 mo itor! be efits *I. N No 9%o itor! >e efits offereo . (. 1. O. M. *. @i hly satisfied Satisfied Ceither Satisfied nor ;issatisfied ;issatisfied @i hly ;issatisfied Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata (M *M 1* * 1 (22 (M *M 1* * 1 (22 to Emplo!ees No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that *MH of the employees were satisfied towards the non'monitory benefits.




Table 0.2 To < o" the satisfactio le&el of respo -e ts to"ar-s the "or< assig e*I. N o . (. 1. O. M. *. @i hly satisfied Satisfied Ceither Satisfied nor ;issatisfied ;issatisfied @i hly ;issatisfied Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata 12 M* (1 (= 8 (22 12 M* (1 (= 8 (22 Amo( t of ?or< No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that M*H of the respondents were satisfied towards the work assi ned.




Table 0.3 Opi io abo(t the career -e&elopme t programme i their orga isatio *I. N o . (. 1. O. M. *. @i hly satisfied Satisfied Ceither Satisfied nor ;issatisfied ;issatisfied @i hly ;issatisfied Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata (1 *8 11 (2 2 (22 (1 *8 11 (2 2 (22 Career De&elopme t No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that *8H of the employees were satisfied with the opinion about the carrier development pro ramme in their or anisation.




Table 0.4 To < o" the cooperatio of co9"or<ers *I. N o . (. 1. O. M. *. @i hly satisfied Satisfied Ceither Satisfied nor ;issatisfied ;issatisfied @i hly ;issatisfied Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata 12 88 (( O 2 (22 12 88 (( O 2 (22 Co9operatio of ?or<ers No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that 88H of the employees were satisfied with the cooperation of co'workers.




Table 0.5 To < o" the satisfactio of Respo -e ts "ith top ma ageme t *I. N o . (. 1. O. O. M. @i hly satisfied Satisfied Ceither Satisfied nor ;issatisfied ;issatisfied @i hly ;issatisfied Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata 18 *( (3 8 2 (22 18 *( (3 8 2 (22 *atisfactio "ith Top %a ageme t No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that *(H of the employees were satisfied with the top mana ement.




Table 0.6 To < o" the satisfactio of Respo -e ts "ith their s(bor-i ates *I. N o . (. 1. O. M. *. @i hly satisfied Satisfied Ceither Satisfied nor ;issatisfied ;issatisfied @i hly ;issatisfied Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata (1 83 (M 3 2 (22 (1 83 (M 3 2 (22 *atisfactio "ith *(bor-i ates No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that 83H of the employees were satisfied with their subordinates.




Table 0.+7 To < o" the le&el of satisfactio regar-i g at(re of ,ob *I. N o . (. 1. O. M. *. @i hly satisfied Satisfied Ceither Satisfied nor ;issatisfied ;issatisfied @i hly ;issatisfied Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata 11 *8 (8 3 2 (22 11 *8 (8 3 2 (22 )ob *atisfactio No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that *8H of the employees were satisfied with their job.




Table 0.++ To < o" "hether there is a ! ,ob press(re i their "or< *I. N o . (. 1. Bes Co Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata 31 1= (22 31 1= (22 )ob Press(re No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that 31H of employees said there is job pressure in their work.




Table 0.+. To < o" the opi io regar-i g opport( it! pro&i-e- b! the orga isatio i -e&elopi g s<ills E tale ts *I. N o . (. 1. O. M. *. @i hly 5 ree 5 ree Ceither 5 ree nor ;isa ree ;isa ree @i hly ;isa ree Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata (1 *1 1= 8 1 (22 (1 *1 1= 8 1 (22 De&elopme t of *<ills a Tale ts No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that *1H of employees a reed re ardin talents. opportunity provided by the or anisation in developin skills A




Table 0.+/ To < o" the satisfactio le&el of "elfare facilities pro&i-e- b! the ma ageme t *I. N o . (. 1. O. M. * @i hly satisfied Satisfied Ceither Satisfied nor ;issatisfied ;issatisfied @i hly ;issatisfied Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata + *3 1+ * 2 (22 + *3 1+ * 2 (22 ?elfare #acilities No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that *3H of the employees were satisfied with the welfare facilities provided by the mana ement.




Table 0.+0 To < o" the emplo!ee satisfactio to"ar-s the salar! *I. N o . (. 1. Bes Co Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata 83 OO (22 83 OO (22 Pa!me t *atisfactio No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that 83H of the employees were satisfied with their salary.




Table 0.+2 To < o" the emplo!ees "illi g ess to co ti (e *I. N o . (. 1. Bes Co Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata *+ M( (22 *+ M( (22 ?illi g ess to ?or< No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that *+H of the employees were willin to continue in this or anisation.




Table 0.+3 To < o" the opi io abo(t compa !Fs polic! a - practices *I. N o . (. 1. O. M. *. 4.cellent Gery Eood Eood :ad Gery :ad Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata (O 1O M3 (1 * (22 (O 1O M3 (1 * (22 Compa !Fs Polic! a Practices No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that M3H of the employees were feels ood about the company policy and practices.




Table 0.+4 To < o" the compa !Fs promotio polic! *I. N o . (. 1. O. O. M. @i hly Satisfied Satisfied Ceither Satisfied nor ;issatisfied ;issatisfied @i hly ;issatisfied Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata (M *3 12 3 1 (22 (M *3 12 3 1 (22 Compa !Fs Promotio Polic! No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that *3H of the employees were satisfied about the companys promotion policy.




Table 0.+5 To < o" the o&erall ,ob satisfactio *I. N o . (. 1. O. M. *. @i hly Satisfied Satisfied Ceither Satisfied nor ;issatisfied ;issatisfied @i hly ;issatisfied Total *o(rceA s(r&e! -ata 11 O2 1+ (1 3 (22 11 O2 1+ (1 3 (22 O&erall )ob *atisfactio No. of Respo -e ts Perce tage

I fere ceA 9rom the above table it shows that O2H of the employees were satisfied in their over all job satisfaction.




CHI9*GUARE %ETHOD The chi square test is one of the simplest and most widely used non' parametric tests in statistical work. 5s a non'parametric test it can be used to determine if cate orical data shows dependency or the two classifications are independent. It can also be used to make comparisons between theoretical population and actual data when cate ories are used. n >hi square, Z[\ ] !$'4# [ " 4 i \( 0here, $\ observed frequency 4\ e.pected frequency



Table 0.+6 sho"s the relatio ship bet"ee the -epartme t a - the ,ob satisfactio O&er All )ob *atisfactio Highl! *atisfie*atisfieNeither *atisfieor Dissatisfie%echa ical * 8 (M O 1 O2 DissatisfieHighl! Dissatisfie*(b Total








*(b Total







ECPECTED #REGUENC: O&er All )ob *atisfactio Highl! *atisfie %echa ical Electrical Pro-(ctio Others *(b Total 3 * = 1 11 = = (( O O2 *atisfieNeither *atisfieor Dissatisfie+ 3 (2 O 1+ M O M ( (1 1 1 1 ( 3 O2 1* O* (2 (22 DissatisfieHighl! Dissatisfie*(b Total

N(ll H!pothesis $Ho' There is no si nificant difference between the department and the job satisfaction.

Alter ati&e H!pothesis $Ho' There is si nificant difference between the department and the job satisfaction.

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