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Disabilities Webquest Rubric

3 Webquest Element Exceeds 2 Meets 1 Needs Improvement

I did not complete all of the tasks assigned to me I identified less than 5 similarities and differences I did not write complete sentences. I did not use correct capitalization and/or end punctuation with my sentences. I had many errors with my spelling. My response did not show understanding of the webquest content, and it was extremely short. It appeared rushed. Sloppy, many errors with writing mechanics and/or speaking skills

Expectations Expectations
Task Completion I thoroughly completed all tasks assigned to me Venn Diagram I identified more than 7 similarities and differences I used complete sentences with correct capitalization, end punctuation, and nearly flawless spelling. I completed all tasks assigned to me I identified 5-7 similarities and differences I used complete sentences with correct capitalization, end punctuation, but had some errors in spelling.

Reflection: Writing Mechanics

Reflection: Content

My response was thorough and showed an understanding of what I learned.

My response showed an understanding of what I learned, but I did not provide many details. Neat, easy to understand, some errors with writing mechanics and/or speaking skills

Intelligence Report: Appearance

Visually appealing, easy to understand, writing mechanics and/or speaking skills are nearly

Disabilities Webquest Rubric

flawless Intelligence Report: Content I made many strong connections beyond what I watched on the videos and read on the web. I made some strong connections beyond what I watched on the videos and read on the web. My connections are based solely on what I watched on the videos and read on the web.

Total Points:


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