The Ultimate Infinity: Neelank

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The ultimate infinity



Mr. Kumar and his family There comes the interesting thing

Mr. Kumar and his family

Once there lived a usual family of Mr. Kumar. The only unusual part was that Mr. Kumar had a laboratory beneath his house. No one knew this except him. He was secretly using Hubble space craft for his own experiments. He did this by hacking into the space craft without any of the NASAs scientist being known. He was sending secretly some radio signals to the places he thought life could exist. One night, he got some very weak signals from one planet named arthropeda09990. When he examined this planet carefully, he found that the particles in its atmosphere could reflect the light and signals. He went off to sleep as usual.

There comes the interesting thing

Yet another night, same type of signals came from the same planet. Mr. Kumar got excited. This time he sent radio wave (obviously because it has the longest wavelength). The other night these signals came back but not weak. He understood that something is there on this planet. Many decades passed and he kept on studying the planet. He found that this planet was 1067 light years away.

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