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XI Chemistry Syllabus for 2013

Total Periods : 180

One Paper Time: 3 Hours 70 marks
Unit No. Title Marks
Unit I Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 5
Unit II Structure of Atom 6
Unit III Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Proerties !
Unit I" Chemical #ondin$ and %olecular Structure &'
Unit " States of %atter( )ases and *i+uids !
Unit "I ,hermodynamics 6
Unit "II E+uilibrium 6
Unit "III -edo. -eactions 3
Unit IX /ydro$en 3
Unit X s 0#loc1 Elements &
Unit XI Some 0#loc1 Elements &
Unit XII 2r$anic Chemistry( Some basic Princiles and ,echni+ues 3
Unit XIII /ydrocarbons 4
Unit XI" En5ironmental Chemistry 3
Total 70
Unit I: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry (Periods 14)
)eneral Introduction( Imortance and scoe of chemistry'
/istorical aroach to articulate nature of matter6 la7s of chemical combination6 8alton9s atomic
theory( concet of elements6 atoms and molecules'
Atomic and molecular masses6 mole concet and molar mass6 ercenta$e comosition6 emirical
and molecular formula6 chemical reactions6 stoichiometry and calculations based on stoichiometry'
Unit II: Strctre of !tom (Periods 1")
8isco5ery of Electron6 Proton and :eutron6 atomic number6 isotoes and isobars' ,homson9s model
and its limitations' -utherford9s model and its limitations6 #ohr9s model and its limitations6 concet of
shells and subshells6 dual nature of matter and li$ht6 8e #ro$lie9s relationshi6 /eisenber$ uncertainty
rincile6 concet of orbitals6 +uantum numbers6 shae of s6 and d orbitals6 rules for fillin$ electrons
in orbitals 0 Aufbau rincile6 Pauli9s e.clusion rincile and /und9s rule6 electronic confi$uration of
atoms6 stability of half filled and comletely filled orbitals'
Unit III: Classification of #lements and Periodicity in Properties (Periods $)
Si$nificance of classification6 brief history of the de5eloment of eriodic table6 modern eriodic la7
and the resent form of eriodic table6 eriodic trends in roerties of elements 0atomic radii6 ionic
radii6 inert $as radii Ioni;ation enthaly6 electron $ain enthaly6 electrone$ati5ity65alency'
:omenclature of elements 7ith atomic number $reater than 100'

Unit I%: Chemical Bondin& and 'oleclar strctre (Periods 1")

"alence electrons6 ionic bond6 co5alent bond< bond arameters6 *e7is structure6 olar character of
co5alent bond6 co5alent character of ionic bond6 5alence bond theory6 resonance6 $eometry of co5alent
molecules6 "SEP- theory6 concet of hybridi;ation6 in5ol5in$ s6 and d orbitals and shaes of some
simle molecules6 molecular orbital theory of homonuclear diatomic molecules =+ualitati5e idea only>6
hydro$en bond'
Unit %: States of 'atter: (ases and )i*ids (Periods14)
,hree states of matter6 intermolecular interactions6 tyes of bondin$6 meltin$ and boilin$ oints6 role of
$as la7s in elucidatin$ the concet of the molecule6 #oyle9s la76 Charles la76 )ay *ussac9s la76
A5o$adro9s la76 ideal beha5iour6 emirical deri5ation of $as e+uation6 A5o$adro9s number6 ideal $as
e+uation' 8e5iation from ideal beha5iour6 li+uefaction of $ases6 critical temerature6 1inetic ener$y and
molecular seeds =elementary idea> *i+uid State0 5aour ressure6 5iscosity and surface tension
=+ualitati5e idea only6 no mathematical deri5ations>
Unit %I: Chemical Thermodynamics (Periods 1")
Concets of System and tyes of systems6 surroundin$s6 7or16 heat6 ener$y6 e.tensi5e and intensi5e
roerties6 state functions'
?irst la7 of thermodynamics 0internal ener$y and enthaly6 heat caacity and secific heat6
measurement of U and /6 /ess9s la7 of constant heat summation6 enthaly of bond dissociation6
combustion6 formation6 atomi;ation6 sublimation6 hase transition6 ioni;ation6 solution and dilution'
Introduction of entroy as a state function6 )ibbs ener$y chan$e for sontaneous and non 0 sontaneous
rocesses6 criteria for e+uilibrium'
Second la7 of thermodynamics =brief introduction>'
Unit %II: #*ili+rim (Period 1")
E+uilibrium in hysical and chemical rocesses6 dynamic nature of e+uilibrium6 la7 of mass action6
e+uilibrium constant6 factors affectin$ e+uilibrium 0 *e Chatelier9s rincile6 ionic e+uilibrium 0
ioni;ation of acids and bases6 stron$ and 7ea1 electrolytes6 de$ree of ioni;ation6 ioni;ation of oly
basic acids6 acid stren$th6 concet of /6 /enderson E+uation6 hydrolysis of salts =elementary idea>6
buffer solution6 solubility roduct6 common ion effect =7ith illustrati5e e.amles>'
Unit %III: ,edo- ,eactions (Period ")
Concet of o.idation and reduction6 redo. reactions6 o.idation number6 balancin$ redo. reactions6 in
terms of loss and $ain of electrons and chan$e in o.idation number6 alications of redo. reactions
Unit I.: /ydro&en (Period $)
Position of hydro$en in eriodic table6 occurrence6 isotoes6 rearation6 roerties and uses of
hydro$en6 hydrides0ionic co5alent and interstitial< hysical and chemical roerties of 7ater6 hea5y
7ater6 hydro$en ero.ide 0rearation6 reactions and structure and use< hydro$en as a fuel'
Unit .: s 0Bloc1 #lements (!l1ali and !l1aline #arth 'etals) (Periods 12)
(rop 1 and (rop 2 #lements
)eneral introduction6 electronic confi$uration6 occurrence6 anomalous roerties of the first element of

each $rou6 dia$onal relationshi6 trends in the 5ariation of roerties =such as ioni;ation enthaly6
atomic and ionic radii>6 trends in chemical reacti5ity 7ith o.y$en6 7ater6 hydro$en and halo$ens6 uses'
Preparation and Properties of Some Important Componds:
Sodium carbonate6 sodium chloride6 sodium hydro.ide and Sodium hydro$en carbonate6
biolo$ical imortance of sodium and otassium'
Calcium o.ide and Calcium carbonate and industrial uses of lime and limestone6 biolo$ical
imortance of %a$nesium and Calcium'
Unit .I: Some p 0Bloc1 #lements (Periods 14)
(eneral Introdction to p 0Bloc1 #lements
)rou 13 Elements( )eneral introduction6 electronic confi$uration6 occurrence6 5ariation of roerties6
o.idation states6 trends in chemical reacti5ity6 anomalous roerties of first element of the $rou6
#oron 0 hysical and chemical roerties6 some imortant comounds6 bora.6 boric acid6 boron
hydrides6 Aluminium( -eactions 7ith acids and al1alies6 uses'
)rou 1! Elements( )eneral introduction6 electronic confi$uration6 occurrence6 5ariation of roerties6
o.idation states6 trends in chemical reacti5ity6 anomalous beha5iour of first elements Carbon
0catenation6 allotroic forms6 hysical and chemical roerties< uses of some imortant comounds(
Imortant comounds of silicon and a fe7 uses( silicon tetrachloride6 silicones6 silicates and @eolites6
their uses'
Unit .II: 3r&anic Chemistry 0Some Basic Principles and Techni*e(Periods 1")
)eneral introduction6 methods of urification6 +ualitati5e and +uantitati5e analysis6 classification and
IUPAC nomenclature of or$anic comounds'
Electronic dislacements in a co5alent bond( inducti5e effect6 electromeric effect6 resonance and hyer
/omolytic and heterolytic fission of a co5alent bond( free radicals6 carbocations6 carbanions6
electrohiles and nucleohiles6 tyes of or$anic reactions'
Unit .III: /ydrocar+ons (Periods 1")
Classification of /ydrocar+ons
!liphatic /ydrocar+ons:
Al1anes0 :omenclature6 isomerism6 conformation =ethane only>6 hysical roerties6 chemical
reactions includin$ free radical mechanism of halo$enation6 combustion and yrolysis'
Al1enes 0 :omenclature6 structure of double bond =ethene>6 $eometrical isomerism6 hysical
roerties6 methods of rearation6 chemical reactions( addition of hydro$en6 halo$en6 7ater6 hydro$en
halides =%ar1oni1o59s addition and ero.ide effect>6 o;onolysis6 o.idation6 mechanism of electrohilic

Al1ynes 0 :omenclature6 structure of trile bond =ethyne>6 hysical roerties6 methods of rearation6
chemical reactions( acidic character of al1ynes6 addition reaction of B hydro$en6 halo$ens6 hydro$en
halides and 7ater'
Aromatic /ydrocarbons( Introduction6 IUPAC nomenclature6 ben;ene( resonance6 aromaticity6
chemical roerties( mechanism of electrohilic substitution' nitration sulhonation6 halo$enation6
?riedel Craft9s al1ylation and acylation6 directi5e influence of functional $rou in monosubstituted
ben;ene' Carcino$enicity and to.icity'
Unit .I%: #n4ironmental Chemistry (Periods $)
En5ironmental ollution 0 air6 7ater and soil ollution6 chemical reactions in atmoshere6 smo$6 maAor
atmosheric ollutants6 acid rain6 o;one and its reactions6 effects of deletion of o;one layer6
$reenhouse effect and $lobal 7armin$0 ollution due to industrial 7astes6 $reen chemistry as an
alternati5e tool for reducin$ ollution6 strate$ies for control of en5ironment ollution'
#4alation Scheme for #-amination 'ar1s
%olmetric !nalysis 10
Salt Analysis 4
Content #ased E.eriment 6
Class -ecord and "i5a 6
Total 50
P,!CTIC!)S S6))!BUS Total Periods 60
Microc!emical met!ods are a"aila#le $or se"eral o$ t!e practical e%periments. 7here4er possi+le
sch techni*es shold +e sed:
&. 'asic (a#orator) Tec!ni*ues +Periods ,-
1 Cuttin$ $lass tube and $lass rod
2 #endin$ a $lass tube
3 8ra7in$ out a $lass Aet
! #orin$ a cor1
B8 Characteri9ation and Prification of Chemical S+stances (Periods ")
1' 8etermination of meltin$ oint of an or$anic comound'
2' 8etermination of boilin$ oint of an or$anic comound'
3' Crystalli;ation of imure samle of anyone of the follo7in$( Alum6 coer sulhate6 #en;oic acid'
.. /%periments #ased on pH +Periods 6-
(a) !ny one of the follo:in& e-periments:
C 8etermination of / of some solutions obtained from fruit Auices6 soulution of 1no7n and 5aried
concentrations of acids6 bases and salts usin$ / aer or uni5ersal indicator'
C Comarin$ the / of solutions of stron$ and 7ea1 acids of same concentration'
C Study the / chan$e in the titration of a stron$ base usin$ uni5ersal indicator'
(+) Study the / chan$e by common0ion in case of 7ea1 acids and 7ea1 bases'

;8 Chemical #*ili+rim (Periods 4)

3ne of the follo:in& e-periments:
=a> Study the shift in e+uilibrium bet7een ferric ions and thiocyanate ions by increasin$Ddecreasin$ the
concentration of either ions'
=b> Study the shift in e+uilibrium bet7een ECo=/22>6F2G and chloride ions by chan$in$ the concentration
of either of the ions'
/. 0uantitati"e /stimation +Periods 1,-
i> Usin$ a chemical balance'
ii> Prearation of standard solution of o.alic acid'
iii> 8etermination of stren$th of a $i5en solution of sodium hydro.ide by titratin$ it a$ainst standard
solution of o.alic acid'
i5> Prearation of standard solution of sodium carbonate'
5> 8etermination of stren$th of a $i5en solution of hydrochloric acid by titratin$ it a$ainst standard
sodium carbonate solution'
1. 0ualitati"e &nal)sis +Periods 16-
(a) ;etermination of one anion and one cation in a &i4en salt
+Note: 2nsolu#le salts e%cluded-
(+) ;etection of 0nitro&en< slphr< chlorine in or&anic componds8
P3O4/.T +Periods 10-
Scientific in5esti$ations in5ol5in$ laboratory testin$ and collectin$ information from other sources'
A ?e7 su$$ested ProAects
C Chec1in$ the bacterial contamination in drin1in$ 7ater by testin$ sulhide ion'
C Study of the methods of urification of 7ater'
C ,estin$ the hardness6 resence of iron6 fluoride6 chloride etc' 8eendin$ uon the re$ional
5ariation in drin1in$ 7ater and study of causes of resence of these ions abo5e ermissible
limit =if any>'
C In5esti$ation of the foamin$ caacity of different 7ashin$ soas and the effect of addition
of sodium carbonate on it'
C Study the acidity of different samles of tea lea5es'
C 8etermination of the rate of e5aoration of different li+uids'
C Study the effect of acids and bases on the tensile stren$th of fibers'
C Study of acidity of fruit and 5e$etable Auices'
=ote: Any other in5esti$atory roAect6 7hich in5ol5es about 10 eriods of 7or16 can be chosen
7ith the aro5al of the teacher'
3ecommended Te%t#ooks.
1' Chemistry Part 0I6 Published by :CE-,'
2' Chemistry Part 0II6 Published by :CE-,'

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