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12th February 2014

Jordan Crichlow Subject: Media Class: 12A/Me1 Teacher: Mr Becker

Script Draft [4]

Location An urban street in Tadworth Video (visual action) CO !"# 1$# is walkin% down a street in Tadworth& 'e is walkin% with his hands in his (ockets# and lookin% down at the %round& 'e is wearin% rou%h lookin% clothes# and his hair is not co)bed& On the (a*e)ent there is litter& CO !" walks down the (a*e)ent and reaches a se)i+detached house& T,-A"T ./il) na)e0 Outside 1T23'2" s se)i+detached house& CO !" raises his hands CO !"5 1te(hen7 to his )outh& 1te(hen7 4!,2CTO,5 JO,4A" C,!C' O6 CO !" turns around and looks around& CAM2,A5 JO,4A" C,!C' O6 CO !" looks to the ri%ht& CO !" s eyes widen# and he be%ins to run& Outside Bur%h 1T23'2"# 14# is 18 seconds !udio CO !" s /eet on the %round& Seconds 10 seconds

CO !"5 Oh# Jesus& CO !" s /eet& 20 seconds

'eath woods&

lookin% at his watch9 the ti)e is :580a)& 'e is stood standin% still outside the woods& 'e is wearin% s)art clothes# which look a bit all o*er the (lace# as i/ he has been rushin%9 his hair is hal/ co)bed# and one o/ his shoelaces is not tied u(& 1T23'2" looks u( /ro) his watch and u( at the loo)in% trees in /ront o/ hi)& The trees surroundin% the woods loo) u( *ery hi%h& There is a )ound o/ earth stickin% *ery /ar out o/ the %round# and has been )ade into a sort o/ ra)(& 1T23'2" s le/t eye twitches# as he looks to his ri%ht# and then behind hi)& 1T23'2" looks back u( at the trees# and his shoulders /all as he hea*es a hea*y si%h& 1T23'2" be%ins to walk /orwards# at a slow (ace&

1T23'2"5 ;1i%h; 1T23'2" s /eet&

!nside Bur%h 'eath woods&

1T23'2" continues 1T23'2" s /eet on 8 seconds walkin% /orwards in the the %round& woods# with another hurried %lance at his watch& On the (athway there is do% waste and other litter& 1T23'2" be%ins to (ant sli%htly# and hurries /orward& 1T23'2" s /eet on the %round&

!nside Bur%h 'eath woods&

Further on in the woods# T,2"T# 1$# is stood on the outskirts o/ the (athway& 1o)e o/ the branches on so)e trees are han%in% loosely /ro) the trees& T,2"T is wearin% a white school shirt# with his tie e<tre)ely loose and han%in% down /ro) his collar# and he is leanin% a%ainst a tree with his (hone in his hand& T,2"T is lookin% at his (hone# readin% a te<t& At the to( o/ the (hone screen# it says it is /ro) T=,O"2# and the te<t says5 >Mate where u at? At school waitin%&@ T,2"T locks his (hone# and then looks u(& ockin% o/ (hone& T,2"T5 ;1i%h;

10 seconds

!nside Bur%h 'eath woods&

1T23'2" is walkin% /orwards at a /ast (ace# lookin% down at his /eet whilst he walks& T,2"T s)iles and sto(s leanin% on the tree and )o*es /orwards into the )iddle o/ the (athway& 'e (uts his (hone into his (ocket# and then (uts his other hand in his other (ocket& 1T23'2" sto(s

1T23'2" s /eet on A seconds the %round&

!nside Bur%h 'eath woods&

10 seconds

!nside Bur%h

: seconds

'eath woods&

suddenly in the )iddle o/ the (athway& There is a (athway leadin% one way# and a (athway leadin% the other# and there is a (athway in /ront o/ hi)& 'e looks to either side and then looks /orwards& T,2"T /u)bles around his (ocket# and then in the other (ocket& 1T23'2" looks down the (athway# and sees a nu)ber o/ lar%e tress either side& T,2"T )o*es behind the tree# and (okes his head around the corner# so he can see down the (athway& 1T23'2" be%ins to ste( towards the (athway& CO !" reaches out his hand and (uts it on 1T23'2" s shoulder& 1T23'2" turns around Buickly& CO !" is (antin%# his shoulders are hea*in%& 1ound o/ a heart (u)(in%& T,2"T5 6hat the hell? 6here is it? 8 seconds

!nside Bur%h 'eath woods

!nside Bur%h 'eath woods&

8 seconds

!nside Bur%h 'eath woods&

: seconds

!nside Bur%h 'eath woods&

28 seconds

1T23'2"5 ;Cas(;

CO !"5 1te(hen7 6hat are you doin% )an? 1T23'2"5 =ou didnDt turn u( on ti)e7 ! didnDt want to be late&

CO !" re)o*es his

hand /ro) 1T23'2" s shoulder&

CO !"5 !D) sorry# but you need to wait7 =ou donDt %o into the woods on your own7 1T23'2"5 6hy not? CO !"5 !t doesnDt )atter& 1T23'2"5 ButE

CO !" (oints to the le/t&

CO !"5 !t doesnDt )atter7 Co)e on& etDs %o& 1T23'2"5 6hy not this way7 CO !"5 !tDs a shortcut& Trust )e# co)e on&

1T23'2" walks in the direction CO !" (ointed& CO !" looks down the (athway& CO !" then runs a/ter 1T23'2"& !nside Bur%h 'eath woods& T,2"T ste(s out onto the (athway and looks /orwards& 'is e<(ression turns into a %ri)ace& 'is li( ti%htens# and his eye twitches& T,2"T turns around and walks down the (athway& Total Ti)e5 1A4 seconds

10 seconds

T,2"T5 Bu%%er&

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