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Entrepreneur from IITs ,IIMs ,FMS ,XLRI and UNIVERSITY OF DELHI

By: AJAY KUMAR Course:Electronics Science Roll no.:1303064 Grou :G3 !C Su"#ect:Business$Entre reneurs%i An& M'n'(e)ent

In political economics,entrepreneurship is a process of identifying and starting a business venture,sourcing and organizing the required resources and taking both the risks and rewards associated with the venture.
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This definition is proved only by those entrepreneurs who are: 1 In high need for achievement ! "nergetic # $oderate risk taker % &aving internal locus of control ' (ommercializes his)her innovation

*.+. *arayana $urthy .orn: !/ 0ug.,11%2 0lma mater:*ational Institute of "ngineering,-niversity of $ysore IIT 3anpur 3nown for:(o4founder of Infosys +egarded as:5ather of Indian IT sector6TI$" magazine .ooks by $urthy: 0 .etter India:0 .etter world .efore starting Infosys,$urthy worked with II$,0hmedabad as chief system programmer and ,atni (omputer 7ystems in ,une6$aharastra 7tarted Infosys in 1181 7erved as its ("9 41181 to !//! 7erved as its chairman 4!//! to !/11. +etired as (hairman "meritus4on :une !/1#. 0fter retirement from Infosys,he: ; served independent director on the corporate board of &7.(. ; served as a director on the boards on the boards of <.7 bank,-nilever,I(I(I and *<T=. ; serves as a member of the advisory boards and council of several educational and philanthropic institutions,including (ornell university,I*7"0<,"77"(,5ord foundation and many others.

=inod 3hosla .orn: !8 >an,11'' 0lma mater:IIT <elhi,(arnegie $ellon -niversity,7tanford ?raduate school of .usiness 9ccupation:=enture capitalist,3hosla ventures 3nown for:(o4founder of 7un $icrosystems 3nown as:Indian40merican businessman and =enture capitalist Inspirational <irection:0t the age of fourteen,he read about the founding of Intel in "lectronics "ngineering Times and this inspired him to pursue technology as a career. 0fter graduation from 7tanford -niversity,3hosla worked for <aisy systems. Then in 118!,3hosla co4founded 7un $icrosystems67-* is the acronym for the 7tanford -niversity *etwork ,along with stanford classmates. 3hosla served as the first chairman and ("9 of 7un microsystems from 118! to 118%, when he left the company to become a venture capitalist. In 1182,he became a general partner of the venture capital firm 3leiner ,erkins (aufield @ .yers where he remained through the early !///s. In !//%,3hosla formed his own firm,3hosla ventures,which focussed on venture investments in various technology sectors,most notably clean technology. &e also invested in an Indian microfinance company,737 microfinance,to lend small loans to poor women in rural India. In !//2,3hosla along with his wife *eeru co4founded the (341! 5oundation an educational website.

3rishnan ?anesh .orn: 0lma mater:-niversity of <elhi,II$ (alcutta 3nown as:% time serial entrepreneur 3nown for:5ounder of IT @ T,a multi4vendor IT service and support company 5ounder of (ustomer 0sset,a call centre and .,9 company 5ounder of $arketics Technologies,a <ata 0nalysis firm 5ounder of Tutor =ista,an online tutoring company 9ccupation: ("9 of tutor vista till >an !/1% &is first entrepreneurial venture was in 111/,when he co4founded IT @ T company with %// employees and 12 offices. IT @ T was sold to i?0T" in !///. That same year,he started (ustomer 0sset with the help of his wife $eena ?anesh. (ustomer 0sset was acquired by I(I(I .ank in !//!, and later rebranded as 5irstsource. In early !//%,he invested in $arketics Technologies where he served as the chairman .In !//8,$arketics was acquired by A*7 ?lobal services for +s. #%! crore. Tutor =ista was founded in !//',,earson "ducation acquired a ma:ority stake6around B'C in Tutor=ista in !//1 at a valuation of +s 1/// crore. ?anesh continued to serve as Tutor=ista ("9 till 5ebruary !/1# when ,eason concluded 1//C stake purchase. In >uly !/1#,$eena and 3rishnan ?anesh acquired ,ortea $edical, a health care firm based in *ew <elhi,after which $eena moved in as the ("9.

<eep 3alra <ate of birth:2 >uly,1121 "ducation:7t. (olumbaDs 7chool,*ew <elhi .achelorDs degree in "conomics from 7t. 7tephenDs (ollege,<elhi $.06,?<$ degree from Indian Institute of $anagement,0hmedabad6111! 3nown as:(o4founder of $ake $y Trip India ,vt. Etd. 9ccupation:?roup (hairman and ("9 of $ake $y Trip India ,vt. Etd. $r. 3alra founded $ake $y Trip Eimited in 0pril !/// and serves as its ?roup (hairman and ("9. Eaunched in India in !//',$ake$yTrip is today the largest e4commerce business in the country and the most successful online travel company.

<r. +ana 3apoor .orn:1 7ept,11'B "ducation:5rank 0nthonty ,ublic 7chool in 11B# .achelorDs degree6"conomics &ons. from the -niversity of <elhi $.0,+utgerDs -niversity in *ew >ersey,-70 3nown for: 5ounder of F"7 .ank 9ccupation: $< and ("9 of F"7 .ank 111241118 In 1112,he :oined 0*G ?rindlayDs Investment bank60*GI. as ?eneral $anager and (ountry Eead. 11184!//# In 1118,+.3 was appointed ("9 @ $<, and main $anaging ,artner of +I5 ,vt. Etd. !//#4present In !//#,+ana kapoor along with the Eate $r. 0shok 3apoor6brother in law were granted a banking license by the +.I and set up F"7 .ank. +ana 3apoor is currently the 5ounder,$< @ ("9 of F"7 .ank. *ow, he is the member of ?overnment of IndiaDs .oard of Trade &e has recently been elected as the ,resident for 0779(&0$ India. +eceived The 0sian .anker ("9 Eeadership 0chievement 0ward for India. $ember of the $anaging (ommittee of the Indian .anksD 0ssociation. <eputy (hairman,Indian .anksD 0sssociation 9ther 0ccolades received: !/1!4?odfrey ,hillips .ravery H*ational 7pecial 7ocial 0ward for actively driving the vision of +esponsible .anking. !/11:.7 .anker 9f the Fear !/11 by .usiness standard.

0nita 0hu:a 3nown as:7ocial entrepreneur 3nown for:5ounding of (onserve 6*?9 in India in 1118 .ackground:5rom a family of freedom fighter in .hopal "ntrepreneurial <irection:In 1118,when the <elhi ?overnment launched the .hagidari campaign,the conservationist 0nita 0hu:a and her IIT4alumna husband 7halabh rose to the challenge and launched (onserve. (onseve is a *?9 which started in the pool of sewage and garbage.In synergy with the local +esident Aelfare 0ssociations 6+A0 , the 0hu:as would collect the waste of several colonies in a park and then segregate it.Aet kitchen waste would be converted into compost while dry refuse like polythene bags would be put aside her to the idea of doing something about plastic bags. 9ver the neIt two years 0hu:a eIperimented with recycling the bags. 7he tried weaving them together to create a tarpaulin like covering for the sacks of slium dwellers.0nother time she tried pasting pieces of the polyethylene onto canvas and cardboard.7he saw that a thicker fabric could be made. 7he suddenly got strucked about the fact that they could make handbags using the collected materials. 0hu:aDs pro:ect has created employment for several unprivileged people and also become a solution for solving the problem of plastic waste. The range has now been eItended to creating footwear,cushions,:ewellery,lamps and boIes

+itu 3umar .orn:11 *ov,11%% 0mritsar,in ,un:ab,India "ducation:.iarcliff (ollege *ew ForkJ Eady Irwin (ollege,-niversity of <elhi 3nown as:5ashion "ntrepreneur 9ccupation:5ashion <esigner 0wards: ,adma 7hri !/1# .ook by +itu:(ostumes and TeItile of royal India Eabels: H+itu 3umarK, H+iK and HE0."E +itu 3umarK (areer:+itu 3umar began her career in 1121 with :ust four hand block printers and two tables in a small village near 3olkata and today the brand retails from nearly #' stores in India. +itu kumar is one of IndiaDs foremost fashion designer and the first woman to introduce botique culture in India under the brand name D+ituD +itu as a brand has been admired and worn all over the world. Its patrons include Indian stars such as =idya .alan,0ishwarya +ai .achan,,riyanka (hopra,Eara <utta,<ia $irza. +itu is credited for her eIceptional and distinguished service in the field of fashion,teItile and craftsmanship. The company sources the finest fabrics with great craftsmanship from across the country,thereby contributing to revival of indian teItile and providing employment to hundred of artisans. In !//',she became a founder4member of 0ll India 0rtisans and (raft Aorkers Aelfare 0ssociation60I0(0 .esides ,adma 7hri 0ward,she has received EDoreal ,aris 5emina AomenDs 0ward, Indira ?andhi ,radarshini award ,Eifetime 0chivement 0ward by 3ingfisher ?roup of Industries..

*aveen 3. >ain .orn: 2 7ept,11'1 0lma mater: IIT +oorkee,LE+I, 9ccupation: ("9 of inome 3nown as: 5ounder and former ("9 of Infospace 5ounder and ("9 of inome6orginally called Intelius 5ounder of $oon "Ipress and Aorld innovative Institute In 118#,>ain left India after being accepted to .urroughs via a .usiness "Ichange ,rogram.&e worked at companies that included (onvergent Technologies and Tandon (omputer (orporation. In 1181,>ain :oined $icrosoft in +edmond,Aashington working in the capacity of ,rogram $anager. In 1112,he left $icrosoft to form Infospace. I*597,0(" In $arch 1112,>ain founded Infospace and served as (hief "Iecutive 9fficer until !///. Infospace M ,rovides metasearch and private4label internet search services for consumers. <uring his tenure as ("9 in Infospace,he was ranked 1!1 on the 5orbes %// +ichest 0mericans. +esigned from the Infospace board4in 0pril !//#. I*T"EI-7 In !//#,>ain co4founded Intelius4a web security firm In !/1! Intelius and its holdings were restructured.The corporate umbrella was named Inome. TalentAise is a $ay !/1# spin4off from Inome where >ain serves on the board. $oon "Ipress In 0ugust !/1/,>ain co4founded $oon "Ipress,a o privately funded company that aims to build and launch a robotic spacecraft to the $oon.

In 1111,>ain was awarded the "merging "ntrepreneur 0ward Ainner. 9n 0pril !',!/11,The Times ?roup awarded >ain the HEight of India .usiness Eeadership 0wardK for visionary entrepreneurship. In 0ugust !/11,>ain was named one of the $ost 0dmired Indian 7erial "ntrepreneurs by 7ilicon India.

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