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Read the short story below: Playing at the Park Sarah went to the park with her mom.

She liked playing chase with the other children. Her favorite thing to do at the park was to go down the slide. She also liked when her mom helped her on the swings. Vocabulary: Playing brincar, brincando Chase brincar de pega pega hing coisa o go down descer Slide escorregador !lso tamb"m Swings # gangorras Now circle the correct answer to each question. $% Sarah went to the &park ' store%. (% She went with her &dad ' mom%. )% She played &chase ' cards% with the other children. *% Her favorite thing was the &slide ' swing%. +% Her mom helped her on the &swing ' ladder%.

Read the short story below: Playing at the Park Sarah went to the park with her mom. She liked playing chase with the other children. Her favorite thing to do at the park was to go down the slide. She also liked when her mom helped her on the swings. Vocabulary: Playing brincar, brincando Chase brincar de pega pega hing coisa o go down descer Slide escorregador !lso tamb"m Swings # gangorras Now circle the correct answer to each question. $% Sarah went to the &park ' store%. (% She went with her &dad ' mom%. )% She played &chase ' cards% with the other children. *% Her favorite thing was the &slide ' swing%. +% Her mom helped her on the &swing ' ladder%.

Read the short story below: Playing at the Park Sarah went to the park with her mom. She liked playing chase with the other children. Her favorite thing to do at the park was to go down the slide. She also liked when her mom helped her on the swings. Vocabulary: Playing brincar, brincando Chase brincar de pega pega hing coisa o go down descer Slide escorregador !lso tamb"m Swings # gangorras Now circle the correct answer to each question. $% Sarah went to the &park ' store%. (% She went with her &dad ' mom%. )% She played &chase ' cards% with the other children. *% Her favorite thing was the &slide ' swing%. +% Her mom helped her on the &swing ' ladder%.

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