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NAME: Charles Darwin OCCUPATION: Biologist BIRTH DATE: February 12, 1809 PLACE OF BIRTH: Shrewsbury, England DEATH

DATE: April 19, 1882 PLACE OF DEATH: Downe, England EDUCATION: ni!ersity o" Edinburgh, Ca#bridge FULL NAME: Charles $obert Darwin WHAT DID HE DO: %n 18&1, he e#bar'ed on a "i!e(year sur!ey !oyage around the world on the )*S Beagle+ )is studies o" spe,i#ens around the globe led hi# to "or#ulate his theory o" e!olution and his !iews on the pro,ess o" natural sele,tion+ %n 18-9, he published On the Origin of Species+

BEST KNOWN FOR: Charles Darwin is best 'nown "or his wor' as a naturalist, de!eloping a theory o" e!olution to e.plain biologi,al ,hange+

SOMETHING SPECIAL: Charles Darwin had a #ountain na#ed a"ter hi#, *ount Darwin, in /ierra del Fuego "or his 2-th birthday+

NAME: Albert Einstein OCCUPATION: 0hysi,ist BIRTH DATE: *ar,h 11, 1829 PLACE OF BIRTH: l#, 34rtte#berg, 5er#any DEATH DATE: April 18, 19-PLACE OF DEATH: 0rin,eton, 6ew 7ersey EDUCATION: 8uitpold 5y#nasiu#, Swiss Federal 0olyte,hni, S,hool WHAT DID HE DO: Albert Einstein de!eloped the spe,ial and general theories o" relati!ity+ %n 1921, he won the 6obel 0ri9e "or physi,s "or his e.planation o" the photoele,tri, e""e,t+

BEST KNOWN FOR: )e de!eloped the theory o" relati!ity+ )e is ,onsidered the #ost in"luential physi,ist o" the 20th ,entury+

SOMETHING SPECIAL: Einstein was as'ed to be the president o" %srael, but he de,lined+ Einstein died a"ter re"using surgery, saying, ;% want to go when %

want+ %t is tasteless to prolong li"e arti"i,ially+ % ha!e done #y share, it is ti#e to go+ % will do it elegantly+;

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