Jennifer Presentation Rubric

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Oral Presentation: Digital Blog Article

Teacher Name: Ms. Bailey

Student Name:

________________________________________ 4 - Editor-In-Chief Student is able to accurately answer almost all questions posed about the topic of his or her article. 3 - Reporter Student is able to accurately answer most questions posed about the topic of his or her article. 2 - Columnist Student is able to accurately answer a few questions posed about the topic of his or her article. 1 - Intern Student is unable to accurately answer questions posed about the topic of his or her article.

CATEGORY Understanding (15%)

Enthusiasm (10%)

Facial expressions and body Facial expressions and body Facial expressions and body language make it interesting language make certain moments language are used to try to make to listen to. interesting to listen to. it interesting, but seem somewhat faked.

Student makes very little use of facial expressions or body language. Student did not generate much interest in topic of his or her article.

Readiness (25%)

Student is completely Student seems pretty prepared All students speak during the prepared and has obviously but might have needed a couple group portion, but some do not rehearsed. more rehearsals. have very significant contributions. All students speak during the group portion, and had significant contributions. Everyone participated in the process, but they do not seem to have talked much about it. They mention one or two pieces of common feedback and briefly explain how they fixed those problems, but not what they learned. All students speak, but some did not really add to the conversation. Students talk about the process, but do not discuss how the feedback was helpful.

Student does not seem at all prepared to present.

Feedback and Process: All students contribute Group Presentation significantly to the group Portion (20%) portion of the presentation and work together. Everyone participated in the editorial process, and gave examples of the most useful or most common pieces of feedback and what they learned from them and how to fix them.

Some members did not contribute at all or with any significance. Students may not have particiapted in editorial process, and gave no examples of feedback.

Links and Examples (20%)

Student shows links and is familiar with them, able to show particular things of interest. They can give examples of other things that they did not show that are included (such as other links or resources on a website, or related videos).

Student shows links, but is not completely familiar with them. They have a few misclicks, but still quickly shows the main portion.

Student shows links, but is clearly Student does not show any links, only looking at them for the first or the links are totally unrelated. or second time. They are essentially discovering them with audience.

Time Limit (10%)

Presentation is 5-7 minutes long.

Presentation is over or under time limit by one minute.

Presentation is over or under time limit by two minutes.

Presentation is less than 3 minutes OR more than 7 minutes.

Created by Jennifer

Bailey using Rubistar

Date Created: Feb 08, 2014 12:35 pm (CST)

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