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Oracle Data Warehousing

August 2009

Getting actionable data in the hands of the right decision makers translates to positive business outcomes whether that means competing more effectively, reducing operational costs, meeting compliance requirements, or anticipating changing market conditions. Oracle leads the database and data warehouse markets with innovative products that deliver fast, scalable and cost-effective reporting and business intelligence for todays data-driven enterprises. In addition to industry-leading performance and scalability, Oracle Database 11g offers integrated analytics and data mining on reliable, low-cost grids. For large-scale data warehouses theres the Oracle Database Machine; a complete data-warehousing grid, built using Oracle Database 11g, Oracle Real Application Clusters and intelligent Oracle Exadata storage software. The Oracle Database Machine is an extremely fast, reliable and secure data warehouse solution that can easily scale to meet the complex reporting and analytic needs of the most demanding organizations. This reference booklet contains a sampling of real business results that organizations around the world, in a variety of industries, have achieved by implementing data warehousing solutions with Oracle. In these testimonials youll learn how customers have achieved fast access to business information 24x7; cut costs by consolidating their business intelligence infrastructure; and cost-effectively managed growing volumes of business information with Oracle. Whether you are an existing, new or prospective Oracle data warehousing customer, we hope you nd these success stories helpful in learning how Oracles data warehousing solutions can help you achieve your business objectives.

Sincerely, Ray Roccaforte Vice President, Oracle Data Warehousing

Table of Contents

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Customer Name

adidas AG (Germany) Allegro Group (Poland) Anhui Telecom Company Ltd (China) Australian Bureau of Statistics (Australia) Bureau of Labor Insurance (Taiwan) Chicago Stock Exchange (United States) China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd (China) China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd (China) DARCO Group (Italy) Fujian Unicom (China) GfK Group Retail and Technology (Germany) Giant Eagle, Inc. (United States) Grameenphone Ltd (Bangladesh) IDS GmbHAnalysis and Reporting Services (IDS) (Germany) KTF (Korea) LGR Telecommunications (United States) Procter & Gamble (Poland) Quelle GmbH (Germany) R.L. Polk & Co. (United States) Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company (China) Shanghai Social Security and Citizen Service Information Center (China) Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. (United States) (China) Telefnica O2 Germany GmbH & Co. OHG (Germany) Turkcell Telecommunications Services A.S. (Turkey) Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (United Kingdom)


Index by Region / Country / Customer

Data Warehousing
IBM 22.9%

. . . n i a g A


Microsoft 16%

Teradata 11.4%

Worldwide Data Warehouse Management Software Vendor Share or call 1.800.ORACLE.1

Source: Vendor share is based on software license and maintenance revenue. IDC, Worldwide Data Warehouse Platform Software 2008 Vendor Shares, IDC #219096, July 2009
Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.


aDiDas AG

Oracle Customer:
adidas AG Herzogenaurach, Germany

adidas AG Ensures High Availability and Performance of Critical Global Data within 13-Terabyte Data Warehouse
The adidas group is one of the worlds leading suppliers in the sporting goods industry, maintaining an extensive portfolio across its three core brands: adidas, Reebok, and TaylorMade-adidas Golf. adidas has been part of the sports world for more than 80 years. Its products include sports shoes, clothing, and accessories, all of which incorporate the latest technology.

Consumer Goods

Annual Revenue:
US$15.88 billion


Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Data Warehouse Oracle Partitioning Oracle Data Guard

Enable global use of the companys data warehouse system, which is built on SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW) and Oracle relational database management system (RDBMS) technology and contains information related to sales, marketing, and finance Accommodate users at all management levelsfrom operative reporting to business performance management at the brand level Ensure high availability of the data warehouse system for more than 1,500 users around the globe Achieve worldwide integration of diverse source systems based on disparate technologies Scale solution to manage more than 10 terabytes of data in a single database


Ensured high availability and high performance of the data warehouse system as well as a standardized reporting view Enabled global access to the data warehouse system for all lines of business in all geographical regions Created an upstream Oracle Database to consolidate more than 30 non-SAP source systems in advance to ensure data quality and streamline data loading processes Significantly reduced down time by implementing a disaster recovery architecturewith no unplanned downtime to date Ensured high availability of the data warehouse system through replication enabled by Oracle Data Guard Enabled replication using the back-up system at a distance of 40 kilometers Used Oracle tools to improve performance by a factor of 100 for specialized queries Utilized Oracle Database features to build a 13-terabyte data warehouse that keeps growing

With Oracle as the database foundation for our SAP BW data warehouse, we can guarantee maximum availability for our users today and in the future. Jrgen Herzog, Head of Competence Center Business Intelligence Global IT, adidas AG

ALLegro GroUp

Oracle Customer:
Allegro Group Poznan, Poland

Allegro Group Ensures Enterprise Scalability with Flexible, Integrated Data Warehouse Solution
Allegro Group is the leading e-commerce company in Eastern Europe and the second-largest online auction business in the world. The company is a property of the international media group Naspers. With more than two dozen e-commerce Web sites across 14 countries in Eastern Europe, Allegro Group enables its 13 million registered users to bid on items ranging from clothes to cars. The company hosts more than 12 million new auctions on its trading platform each day, and business is growing by over 40% every year.


Annual Revenue:
US$2 billion


Build a scalable enterprise data warehouse that meets business users performance and quality of service expectations Deliver a single point of truth with integrated metadata, from data integration through to enterprise reporting tools Provide flexible reporting and analysis tools, including sophisticated dashboard functionality for business users Enable the company to easily manage tens of terabytes of data in a consolidated database that can scale to support a 65% annual increase in data volume

Oracle Products & Services:

HP Oracle Database Machine Full Rack Hardware HP Oracle Exadata Storage Servers Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Oracle Partitioning Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition


Oracle Partner:
ISE Grfenberg

Selected HP Oracle Database Machine for its performance capabilities and scalability, which provided Allegro Groups online auction business with the ability to offload query processing to intelligent HP Oracle Exadata Storage Servers Leveraged the comprehensive and integrated Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition and Oracle data warehousing solution to achieve consistent metadata management across all components of the system Enabled Allegro Group to deliver standardized and ad-hoc reports, as well as dashboards, to multiple business users Gained a flexible solution with the scalability to meet future requirements for storage capacity, processing power, and network bandwidth Worked with Oracle Consulting and Oracle Certified Advantage Partner ISE Grfenberg to efficiently implement the entire Oracle solution in just a few months

In my view, the HP Oracle Database Machine is a great new data warehouse solution. Its reliable, built on industry standard hardware, lightning fast, and completely scalable. Christian Maar, Chief Information Ofcer, Allegro Group

AnhUi TeLecom CompanY LtD

Oracle Customer:
Anhui Telecom Company Ltd Hefei City, China

Anhui Telecom Company Ltd Deploys Data Warehouse to Manage up to 40 Terabytes of Data
Anhui Telecom Company Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of China Telecom, the largest fixed service telecommunications provider in China. Anhui Telecom offers voice, data, internet, multimedia, and information services to more than 14.27 million customers in the province of Anhui. The company has 17 municipal and 63 county-level branches across the province.



Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Partitioning Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Oracle Streams Oracle Data Guard

Build a data warehouse to process and integrate information across the business Store and refine information for operational analysis and decision support systems Provide open architecture, rapid response and comprehensive user support Support complex data sources and provide scalability to manage explosive data growth Protect Anhui Telecoms investment by simplifying system management and reducing costs

Solutions Oracle Partner:

Shenzhen Tianyuan DIC Information Technology Co., Ltd

Deployed Oracle Database 10g as the basis of a data warehouse to analyze statistics and support policies across the business Gained a large-capacity database platform that supported growth in data used by the operating analysis system from 4 terabytes in 2004 to a forecasted 40 terabytes in 2008 Enabled the effective integration of data interfaces and sources into an enterprise-wide environment Allowed the organization to efficiently undertake extract, transform and load (ETL) processing tasks across 40 to 50 gigabytes of data and 100 analysis themes per day Enabled the organization to support data warehousing applications that vary across technology, standards and interfaces with open architecture Supported concurrent queries from multiple internal users and authorized external parties Simplified partitioning and reduced management task with Oracle Partitioning 10g

Oracle Database 10g has helped us manage the explosive growth in data generated by the continuous delivery of new services to our 14.27 million telephony customers. Our data warehouse has achieved very high performance and processing speeds. Fang Wensheng, Director, Corporate Information Department, Anhui Telecom

AUstraLian BUreaU of Statistics

Oracle Customer:
Australian Bureau of Statistics Canberra, Australia

Australian Bureau of Statistics Turns to Enterprise Data Warehousing for Census 2006
Each Census has become more reliant on technology to support and realize business goals. The Oracle 10g infrastructure handled large volumes of transactions with ease and helped us increase the efciency of data processing tasks. Not only will data quality improve, but we expect a shorter turnaround time for Census results. Helen Robson, IT Director, Census 2006, Australian Bureau of Statistics

Public Sector

2,000 to 4,999

Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Advanced Queuing Oracle Discoverer Oracle Portal Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Application Server Oracle Spatial Oracle E-Business Suite

Established in 1905, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is Australias central statistical authority, providing high quality, objective, and timely statistics about the nations economy and its social and cultural characteristics. Its databases collectively contain approximately 4 terabytes of data, obtained over 15 years. Every five years, ABS conducts a national survey to collect social, economic, and housing information to produce a snapshot of Australian society. The organization employed 30,000 collectors to go door-to-door to distribute a questionnaire to all Australian households in the lead-up to Census day, August 8, 2006. For the first time in ABS history, Australians also had the option of submitting the questionnaire online. Approximately 10 million households took part in Census 2006. Paper-based and electronic Census data was collected, stored, and processed in an Oracle database with a detailed transaction history store. ABS used Oracle tools to create up to 6,000 workloads a day for processing by around 800 people in a dedicated data center, and ensure around 20 million data changes were written back into the data warehouse each day. The organization also made use of Oracle Discoverer, Oracle Portal, and Oracle Enterprise Manager to develop and distribute reports and manage the Oracle environment. Each Census has become more reliant on technology to support and realize business goals, said Helen Robson, IT director for Census 2006, ABS. The Oracle 10g infrastructure handled large volumes of transactions with ease and helped us increase the efficiency of data processing tasks. Not only will data quality improve, but we expect a shorter turnaround time for Census results.
Streamlining Workload Distribution

The Census is one of the largest and most important projects undertaken by the ABS. In addition to dedicated business units, the organization employs 3,000 area supervisors to manage the 30,000 collectors who distribute and collect Census forms. In 2006, ABS introduced an eCensus form that allowed respondents to submit their responses online. More than 775,000 households chose this option. Until the 2001 Census, paper forms arrived at the data processing center (DPC) for manual input. In 2001 and again in 2006, the forms were scanned using intelligent character recognition (ICR) software. In 2006, ABS moved from flat text file storage of Census data to storing data in a master Oracle database. Electronic submissions were also directed to the same database. The 250GB database, developed on Oracle 10g, contained around 20 million rows (approximately one for every person in Australia) at the time of writing in November 2006.

AUstraLian BUreaU of Statistics

Key Benets:
Installed powerful, reliable, and scalable database platform for critical, large-scale project Improved productivity by pre-creating and queuing staff workloads Enabled fast querying and data updates with star schema-based data warehouse Enhanced data quality by allowing information to be monitored as it is being processed Promoted in-depth analysis by enabling more complex elements of data model to be extracted Facilitated information sharing by using portlets to group reports Boosted performance through regular database tuning

Manual input is still required because there are items that the ICR software does not recognize and processing tasks that cannot be automated. ABS employs 800 people as coders at a DPC in Melbourne. These coders view images of paper forms and type in the appropriate responses, among other tasks. The organization uses Oracle Advanced Queuing to distribute work to coders. The software provides an efficient way to pre-create work for staff. ABS has written some PL SQL logic that works out where a piece of data is in the processing pipeline. The Oracle application then extracts the data from the database, creates a file, and places the file name or unique identifier on a queue for the next available coder to pick up. Around 6,000 workloads are created every day, with each workload containing between 500 and 5,000 records. We use the queuing function to mitigate the risk of staff or coders sitting at their desktops waiting for work to reach them, said Mark Sawade, project manager, Census Processing Systems, ABS. All they have to do is hit a button and the work is instantly there. There are different types of workloads with different processes and we have also created rules around which teams can get a particular piece of work, and they all exist on the same queue. For example, less experienced staff will only receive simple tasks such as coding religion or marital status. Experienced staff will be given more complex data entry tasks that require a degree of interpretation based on handwritten and electronic responses. The same approach is used when data is ready to be loaded back into the database. Rather than writing directly back into the Oracle databasea process that can take a number of seconds to completethe updated file joins an uploading queue. Multiply a two or three-second delay for around 50 workloads across 800 staff working over 240 days, and it adds up to a lot of lost time, said Sawade. It ensures high productivity and improved morale if we can have all our staff busy all the time, rather than having to wait for the system to complete a transaction for them.
Built for Fast Querying and Updating

Within the master Oracle database is a transaction history table. According to Sawade, it is basically a data warehouse of every change that has ever been made to any column for any row inside the Oracle table. We can tell exactly whats happened to a particular data item throughout its life in the processing centre, how many times its been changed, who changed it, and what it was changed from. It means we have the ability to put the data back to a certain state. He estimated that 20 million data changes are made each day and recorded in the data warehouse. The fact table in the data warehouse currently has around 4 billion rows. ABS modeled the data warehouse on a star schema design. The fact table (the star) resides at the center of the model, surrounded by various points, or reference tables. The principle behind the schema is to enable quick access to information, efficient querying, and fast data uploading.


AUstraLian BUreaU of Statistics

Having 4 billion rows isnt much good if you cant run sensible queries that return in a sensible amount of time, said Sawade. However, if we optimize the schema for querying only, it means that inserting data will generally be much slower as well. ABS resolved this issue through partition swapping. What weve done is break up these 4 billion rows into a number of partitions, one for every day, explained Sawade. The days transactions, or changes, are inserted into a separate staging table rather than the actual 4 billion row history model itself. We then run a partition swap at night, which involves swapping that days partition with the next days, so that a single block of transactions is put into the overall model. This allows us to tune the staging table to be very fast for inserts and the rest of the history table to be very fast for querying, he said. That was something we worked on and refined over the past couple of years. Data specialists can now query the data as it is being processed. The use of flat files in the past made it difficult for the organization to monitor the quality of data until the end of the coding process. One large file was created for each Australian state and put into a super cross database. It was only then that ABS was able to complete aggregated counts and other tasks. With Oracle, we can now monitor data from the minute it enters the database, said Robson. If there are any applications that could be run more efficiently or data settings that could be corrected, our data specialists can make those changes immediately. As a result, the overall data quality will be much higher and Census results can be generated in a shorter timeframe, given that we can make fixes and turn things around much, much faster.
In-Depth Data Analysis

ABS uses Oracle Discoverer as its primary tool for analyzing data as it enters the master database and examining the transaction history. For Census, the Oracle back-end was completely new to us and we didnt know what performance would be like if we let staff write SQL against the databases at the same time as we were trying to apply updates, said Robson. Performance really needed to be at its peak during the day when the 800 coders are doing their work. By setting up a range of scheduled and ad hoc reports for data experts to use and modify, we can tune the reports for maximum efficiency. Any reports that take longer than 10 minutes to run must be referred to Sawades technology applications team. They can then tune the report and make sure it is delivering the information needed by staff. It also lets us find out more about their evolving requirements so we can continue to improve the management information system, said Sawade. Oracle Discoverer has also given ABS the ability to abstract some of the more complex elements of its data model. Data specialists who want to know very specific things can generate their own reports based on an abstraction thats much simpler to understand, said Sawade. Those who dont have knowledge of Oracle or the underlying data model can use Oracle Discoverer to get the information they need easily. It is much quicker than writing SQL or learning to use another tool.

AUstraLian BUreaU of Statistics

Oracle Discoverer reports created by one data specialist can be shared with other staff members through the use of Oracle Portal, which allows reports to be published as portlets. The idea behind Oracle Portal was to set up different portal pages for different roles, and allow each staff member to customize the look and feel of each report portlet according to their needs, explained Sawade. They can also drill down within individual reports to get the information they need. Oracle Portal provides a really good mechanism for us to tie together all our Oracle Discoverer reports so that they are logically grouped for different roles, he said.
Improving Database Performance

ABS uses Oracle Enterprise Manager to oversee its Oracle environment. While database administrators are the greatest beneficiaries, Sawade said his team of developers also found the software extremely useful. Oracle Enterprise Manager gives real-time information on data queries and the overall load of the database, as well as the effect of any system changes on performance, he said. We also use the tuning wizard to improve database performance. As an example, last week we implemented an improvement recommended by the wizard, which sped up performance by 50%. In some cases, weve had a 100% improvement in performance. Its been invaluable because for us as developers it is information that we didnt have before. Three of my teams have Oracle Enterprise Manager running all day long. When it hasnt been available weve certainly noticed it.
Managing 30,000 Census Collectors

In addition to the master database, ABS maintained a 7GB Oracle9i Database to manage the 3,000 area supervisors and 30,000 collectors responsible for distributing and collecting Census forms. The field data repository (FDR) stored personal information, payment details, workload allocations, and all communications with the collectors. We also kept a brief summary of all Census forms submitted online via the eCensus facility, said Erin Matson, project manager, Census Field/Data Capture Systems, ABS. Once an eCensus summary entered the FDR, a text message was sent to the relevant Census collector to let them know they dont need to return to that household to pick up the paper form. Information that needed to be communicated to area supervisors and collectors was entered into the FDR. Area supervisors accessed the FDR via the Web. The Oracle9i platform held together and supported the 3,000 users at all times, said Matson.


AUstraLian BUreaU of Statistics

Future Plans

ABS has already commenced work for Census 2011 and is planning to extend the use of the FDR to the 30,000 door-to-door Census collectors, in addition to the 3,000 area supervisors. Text messages dont always reach the recipient so it is likely that next time our collectors will also have access to a Web site that lets them check whether a Census form has been submitted online, said Robson. The Web site will be hooked into the Oracle platform where data is stored. The organization will migrate its field management systems to Oracle Database 10g in line with the data warehouse. It is also investigating running Oracle on either a Microsoft Windows or Linux environment from the current Sun Solaris platform, and has begun benchmark testing in this area. What we aim to do with each Census is to take a leap forward to the latest technology, as we did with Oracle 10g in 2006, said Robson. There is always room for improvement.
Why Oracle?

ABS is a long-time Oracle customer, most recently using Oracle Database and Oracle Warehouse Builder to develop an Input Data Warehouse to store business statistics. According to Robson, a critical project like the Census required a solution that was tried and tested. Oracle has always met our large-scale business requirements in the past, she said. The Census project proved that the technology can handle everything we throw at it, whether its large amounts of data, transactions, or usersor all of them concurrently. The Census is one project where the deadline cannot be moved, added Sawade. We have to pick our technology platforms, hardware, and software early on and make choices that we know are going to work to scale. Based on our past experience, we were confident that Oracle had the functionality, reliability, and scalability to support our needs. Using Oracle would also allow us to leverage the knowledge and expertise in the software that we have built up over the years.
Implementation Process

Robson joined the IT team a year after Census 2001, when development of the field management systems and the data warehouse for Census 2006 was already underway. The Americans and British run their census every 10 years and they start from scratch each time, she said. For us, the benefit is not in changing the entire infrastructure every five years but in changing certain parts. We work with each business unit to determine where we can make the biggest gains. In this instance, it was the back-end processing systems.


AUstraLian BUreaU of Statistics

At the peak of the four-year project, there was 34 staff in the technology applications team working on system development. According to Sawade, one of the benefits of moving to Oracle 10g was the ability to write logic around the processes that run on the database, including creating and allocating workloads. We found that some of our more computationally intensive PL SQL code ran a lot faster on Oracle 10g compared to Oracle9i, he said. During the development phase, we were exporting databases to different locations, and certainly when we migrated to 10g the speed at which we could do this was greatly improved. ABS undertook extensive testing of the field management systems and data warehouse to ensure both solutions could deliver the expected performance. An external contractor was engaged to simulate the 3,000 users for the FDR and the expected 125,000 concurrent users for the front-end eCensus system. A large amount of internal tuning was also completed on the data warehouse. Many of the processes at the DPC are batch programs so a typical day involves extracting workloads, coding information, loading data back into the history file, and running backups. ABS mapped out a typical day and picked the most extreme scenario to build its benchmark environment. We simulated a full database of 20 million people and 10 million households, said Robson. We also ran scripts that recalled the actual programs, used Oracle Enterprise Manager to tune the data warehouse, and installed other tools to measure system responses. At the beginning, we were only able to create 100 workloads per hour so there was a lot of tuning to get that number up to the desired 750 workloads an hour. The extensive development, testing, and tuning ensured the field management systems and data warehouse were ready for operation on the official Census day on August 8, 2006.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is the government agency responsible for collecting and publishing statistical information about Australia. As well as providing financial and economic statistics, the ABS presents information on contemporary social issues and areas of public policy concern.


BUreaU of Labor InsUrance

Oracle Customer:
Bureau of Labor Insurance Taipei,Taiwan

The Bureau of Labor Insurance Creates a Robust Labor Protection and Service Network
Due to the massive amount of data and complex business content, we have high standards for the usability, efciency, reliability, security, load, transaction integrity, extendibility, portability, and manageability of hardware and software systems. The Oracle 10g solution is the database and application platform that best fullls all these demands. Yen Yong-jen, Chief of Information, Bureau of Labor Insurance, Commission of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan

Public Sector

Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Application Server Oracle Portal Oracle Data Warehousing

Established 57 years ago, Taiwans labor insurance service now covers a record-breaking 8.79 million people. The Bureau of Labor Insurance (BLI) plays an important role in the social insurance and social security system of Taiwan. In addition to continually improving its performance and introducing new services, the BLI aggressively integrates government and public resources to create a winning environment for Taiwans labor force, industry, and the government. The BLI covers labor insurance, employment insurance, occupational accident protection, wage advance and disbursement, farmers insurance, and social aids. With more than 8 million people insured, the BLI adds an average of 1 million data entries for newly insured constituents and about 4.46 million data entries a month for the labor pension. Moreover, data in every entry must be recorded in detail and retained permanently. As a result, the BLI needs a robust database and infrastructure. To cope with increasingly complex business content and fast-growing data volumes, the BLI is changing the architecture of its IT systems. The business is moving from a closed mainframe environment to an open Unix platform. The five-year transition began in September 2005. With application data volumes reaching 6 terabyte and the data warehouse up to 8 terabyte, the BLI has progressively upgraded its database from Oracle8i to Oracle9i to Oracle 10g. It has also introduced the latest grid computing technology to enhance the overall usability, reliability, stability, and manageability of its systems.
Easy Pension Enquiry

To cope with the new labor pension scheme, the BLI introduced a Labor Insurance Protection (LIP) card so users could query pension payments in their bank accounts. It is estimated that over 1 million LIP cards will be issued by 2008. Details of labor insurance duration and payment records will be added to the LIP card. To cope with the growing volume of LIP cards and the continuous addition of new functions, while supporting real-time enquiries from four banks (Land Bank, E. Sun Bank, Taishin Bank, and Taipei-Fubon Bank), the BLI needed to update its back-office systems. The organization decided to implement the LIP card system on the open Unix platform. The BLI plans to move all new business systems to the new platform. In addition to the LIP card system, the BLIs personnel, attendance, and document systems will be moved to the Oracle 10g platform during Stage 1 of the project. Unlike ordinary business systems that have a limit on data retention time, all data stored by the BLI must be retained permanently. Therefore, the reliability of the database system must be exceptionally high to load massive amounts of historical data and support millions of new entries.


BUreaU of Labor InsUrance

Key Benets:
Supported 6 terabyte of application data and an 8 terabyte data warehouse, as well as more than 800,000 additional entries per month Enabled real-time data interchange with selected banks and external clients Ensured seamless re-development and migration to the new Oracle platform

The database and back-office systems also need to be closely integrated with the systems of the four banks to allow users to make labor insurance and labor pension enquiries from the ATMs of these banks using their LIP card. Database stability is therefore crucial. In addition to banks, external clients of the BLI include government units such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Council of Agriculture, the Bureau of Employment, Vocational Training, the Financial Data Center, the Bureau of National Health Insurance, and county/city governments. Most of these organizations exchange data with the BLI. The database system must be flexible enough to cope with the increasing data transactions from external clients. To address these requirements, the BLI adopted grid computing, based on its successful experience with Oracle database systems. The open Oracle 10g solution supports cross-platform operations while the BLI progressively moves from closed to open systems.
Moving Towards an Open System

The BLI maintains 20 master systems and subsystems to handle 400 tasks. These master systems support the underwriting business, financial management, labor and farmer insurance cash payments, occupational accident medical payments, employment insurance payments, occupational accident labor protection payments, advance and disbursement of overdue wages, pensions, farmers insurance, allowances for older farmers, daily life allowances for the elderly, accounting management, statistics and analysis, customer service, document management, control and evaluation, personnel management, relief loans, administration support, and fund utilization management. According to the BLI, most of its AP systems are currently running on the closed mainframe system, with only a few running on open systems. Following the five-year Computer Server System Upgrading Plan and once new business system development is complete, Stage 2 will see the BLI transfer other systems to the Oracle platform. According to BLI estimates, the welfare allowances system will be re-developed and moved to Oracle 10g in 20 months. During Stage 3, the BLI plans to transfer the farmers insurance and the labor insurance data of over 10 million people to Oracle 10g. The BLI also uses Oracle 10g to underpin its data warehouse, which produces statistics and reports and handles liquidation. In the Computer Server System Upgrade project, both software and hardware systems must support a clustered architecture and Web services, using Java as the program development language, said Yen Yong-jen, chief of information, Bureau of Labor Insurance. These systems must also fulfill our requirements of high usability, efficiency, reliability, security, load, transaction integrity, extendibility, portability, and manageability. The Oracle 10g solution is the database and application platform that best fulfills all these demands.

The Bureau of Labor Insurance handles a range of labor insurance services in Taiwan, including labor insurance, employment insurance, occupational accident protection, wage advance and disbursement, farmers insurance, and social aids.

Chicago Stock EXchange

Oracle Customer:
Chicago Stock Exchange Chicago, IL

Chicago Stock Exchange Improves IT Efciency and Customer Service with Data Warehouse Infrastructure
The Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX) provides an auction market for the purchase and sale of equity securities. CHX opened for trading in 1882 and today trades more than 3,500 New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), American Stock and Options Exchange (AMEX), National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ), and CHX-exclusive issues. As the first floor-based stock exchange to fully automate order transactions, CHX ensures that orders sent to the trading floor are routed, executed, and confirmed in less than one second.

Financial Services

Annual Revenue:
US$23.5 million


Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Oracle Application Server

Increase capacity and manageability of legacy IT investments, while minimizing the risk of downtime Provide a flexible, scalable infrastructure to meet future demands Reduce CHXs IT management and maintenance burden


Implemented Oracle Database, Oracle Real Application Clusters, and Oracle Application Server to create a highly reliable, scalable, and secure IT infrastructure Gained the ability to add capacity rapidly and cost effectively with Oracle Real Application Clusters based data warehouse Increased productivity, operational benefits, and customer satisfaction with automated, self-tuning features in Oracle Database and Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Simplified the query process and eliminated manual performance management fire drills Allowed CHX to continuously improve its IT environment in a seamless, transparent mannerimproving overall customer service Decreased IT management costs and burden, allowing CHX to refocus resources on high-priority initiatives Projected a 171% return on investment within five years with Oracles grid computing infrastructure Enabled CHX to trade more than 7,700 issues Increased terabyte (TB) growth rate by 0.7TB per week, resulting in an estimated increase from14 TB to 35 TB

With Oracle, we can add capacity without throwing out of or replacing old computers. John Kerin, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Ofcer, and Chief Technology Ofcer, Chicago Stock Exchange


China Eastern AirLines Co., LtD

Oracle Customer:
China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd Shanghai, China

China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd Improves Performance through Regular Business Analysis
Our Oracle data warehouse improved data integrity, enabled easy information sharing, and provided senior managers with access to detailed statistics for informed decision-making. We now have better insight into operational costs and company performance. Jie Xiaoqing, General Manager, Development and Planning Department, China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd.

Travel & Transportation

Annual Revenue:
US$5.86 billion


Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Application Server Oracle Warehouse Builder Oracle Business Intelligence Oracle Consulting Services

China Eastern Airlines (CEA) is one of three state-owned air carriers in China. The airline operates 380 international and domestic routes servicing every major region in China and destinations in Asia, Europe, Australia, and North America. The China Eastern Airlines group is a diverse conglomerate, with more than 20 subsidiaries engaged in imports and exports, finance, real estate, advertising, and mechanical manufacturing. In 2006, CEA implemented an enterprise data warehouse developed using Oracle technology. The companys rapid growth and desire to improve business intelligence prompted the implementation. The data warehouse integrates information from different business areas, giving senior managers a unified view of the company and supporting decision-making. Our Oracle data warehouse improved data integrity, enabled easy information sharing, and provided senior managers with access to detailed statistics for informed decision-making, said Jie Xiaoqing, general manager of the development and planning department at China Eastern Airlines. We now have better insight into operational costs and company performance.
Greater Business Insight

Prior to deploying the Oracle data warehouse, business information was held within different applications, each with different data formats. This made information sharing between departments extremely difficult. Reports often contained conflicting data, which hindered informed decision-making. The decision to implement a data warehouse was to make it easier for senior managers to access accurate, up-to-date information, said Jie. We have a wealth of business data, and we wanted to extract as much value as we can from it. The building blocks of the data warehouse consisted of critical information such as operational and financial data. Data from other areas of the organization would be gradually added to the warehouse to support business analysis, forecasting, market development, and long-term strategic planning. The first version of the data warehouse went live in March 2006. It incorporates information from four core systemsproduction, finance, settlement, and operationsinto a central location. Expenses are automatically collated into a purpose-built report. Staff at all levels of the company can use the data warehouse to analyze information relevant to their roles. For example, senior managers use the data to support decision-making; midlevel managers analyze operational performance; and business managers review specific areas, such as the profitability of a specific flight or region.


China Eastern AirLines Co., LtD

Key Benets:
Provided an integrated view of the business by building an enterprise data warehouse Supported decision-making and business analysis at all levels of the company Improved performance through early detection of market opportunities Catered for future growth with scalable solution

The data warehouse has been especially useful in revealing market opportunities, pinpointing problem areas, and helping us reduce operational risks, said Jie.
Reliable, Powerful Performance

The size of the data warehouse is increasing daily as more information is fed into the system. User numbers are also rising as more staff make use of the data warehouse. The parallel processing and divisional capabilities of Oracle Database ensure the warehouse can support increased data volumes and user numbers. In the long term, CEA is planning to deploy Oracle Real Application Clusters. The software will enable the airline to improve the performance of the database and application servers by spreading the workload over multiple machines.
Why Oracle?

CEA believed Oracle Database to be the ideal technology for the data warehouse because the softwares open interfaces offered easy integration with multiple systems. This was important as the company wanted to import data from existing applications into the data warehouse. It also accommodated large amounts of detail, down to individual flights in specific segments. Furthermore, the Oracle solution offered a flexible structure for reporting, enabling CEA to design customized reports and allowing staff to undertake multidimensional analysis. Oracle is also highly scalable, ensuring it can cater for future growth.
Implementation Process

CEA engaged Oracle Consulting Services to design, install, and test the data warehouse, taking advantage of the companys extensive knowledge of the technology and proven implementation strategies. Oracle consultants were responsible for system debugging, demand analysis, system design, data integration, and report development. The data warehouse supports client/server and browser/server modes, enabling users to view and run online reports. The project began in November 2004. Stage I was completed in September 2005 and CEA went live six months later after a series of tests.

China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd. (CEA) is one of three state-owned air carriers in China. The airline operates 380 international and domestic routes servicing every major region in China and destinations in Asia, Europe, Australia, and North America.


China YangtZe Power Co., LtD

Oracle Customer:
China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd Beijing, China

China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd Improves Business Intelligence with Integrated Database and Analysis Tools
We have experienced signicant improvements in the standard of management after implementing an evaluation system that leverages an Oracle database and business intelligence tools. We can now analyze our performance in depth and address any problem areas. Li, Wei-Bing, Manager, Information Management Department, China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd


Annual Revenue:
US$1.2 billion


Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Oracle OLAP Oracle Data Mining Oracle Warehouse Builder

China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd is Chinas largest publicly listed utility. The China Three Gorges Project Corporation established the organization in 2002 to oversee hydropower plants created as part of Chinas massive Three Gorges Dam project. When completed in 2011, the dam will be able to generate 22,500 megawatts of electricity, making it the largest hydro-electric power station in the world by capacity. Yangtze Power currently manages the Gezhouba Power Station and six commissioned generating units. To prepare for the expansion of its business, Yangtze Power embarked on projects to improve its infrastructure, systems, and management practices. In 2007, the company launched a new database based on Oracle Database 10g and introduced Oracle business intelligence tools. Both solutions have enabled senior managers to regularly analyze performance, highlight areas for improvement, and monitor the results of business strategies. In addition, communication between departments has improved as staff have access to a single database that stores enterprise-wide information. They can also generate a range of reports tailored to their specific needs or areas of interest.
The Need for an Integrated Information Resource

Yangtze Power relies heavily on technology to support smooth operations. Each department had maintained systems to support their operations. Information was held in disparate systems, preventing other business units from leveraging the data for analysis. To gain a coherent view of its operations, Yangtze Power had to consolidate data from these systems, a time-consuming task that hindered timely decision-making during critical periods. The company decided to migrate information from these systems into a single, integrated database, allowing staff to easily access data from across the organization when compiling reports. The database could deliver a complete and accurate snapshot of the companys activities, ensuring managers had a full understanding of the impact of their decisions. In 2007, Yangtze Power created a new information management system based on Oracle Database 10g. The database interfaced with 10 systems, including finance, human resources, contract management, power generation management, and safety and control management. Yangtze Power also linked the database to the key performance index (eKPI) system. The database went live in November 2007.
Greater Business Insight

In the past, each department used a basic information retrieval and reporting system that did not provide a full picture of the organizations operations. If staff members needed information outside their area to supplement their analysis, they had to phone or email colleagues in the relevant department to send the data.


China YangtZe Power Co., LtD

Key Benets:
Migrated 10 disparate information sources into a single, integrated database Enabled the previous days data to be available by 9 a.m. the following day Provided users with the freedom to create reports and charts tailored to their specic needs Supported fast, informed decision-making Provided management with an enterprise-wide view of operations

Today, users can access the Oracle database to retrieve the information they need at the push of a button. The previous days data is available for use by 9 a.m. on the following day. In addition, the Oracle database stores three years worth of information, enabling managers to draw on historical data when analyzing business performance using the eKPI system. Managers use Oracle business intelligence tools to create customized reports and charts, including broken curve diagrams, histograms, pie charts, and radar maps. The wide range of reporting and display formats enables deeper analysis of the organizations business performance. This has enabled Yangtze Power to adopt an accurate, structured, and factbased approach to decision making. In the past, staff could only access a limited range of reports and information sources, said Li, Wei-Bing, manager of the Information Management department at China Yangtze Power. The Oracle database and related business intelligence tools have given users the freedom to create their own reports, ensuring they have the knowledge they need to improve their performance and make effective decisions.
Future Plans

Phase two of the project involves expanding the scope of users who have access to the database; enhancing the database to improve data quality and integrity; providing additional functionality; and driving increasing awareness of the solution to prompt greater uptake.
Why Oracle?

Yangtze Power began searching for a database and business intelligence solution in September 2006. The company evaluated products from Business Objects, Cognos, Informatica, Microstrategy, and Oracle. According to Li, Yangtze Power selected Oracle because the vendor offered an integrated solution. The other products we evaluated offered either business intelligence or extract, transform, and load (ETL) capabilities, but not both, he said. Only Oracle could deliver a solution comprising a database, business intelligence, and ETL capabilities. We were already using Oracle Database in our core business system so we were familiar with the product and its functionality, Li added. Oracle products are easy to integrate and software maintenance is not an issue. For example, the ETL functionality embedded in the Oracle database simplifies the ETL process and makes it easy to manage data. During the evaluation process, Yangtze Power asked vendors to provide a proof-of-concept based on its requirements. According to Li, Oracles solution was way ahead of its competitors. Oracle responded very quickly and produced a solution that met data visibility, security, reliability, and flexibility needs, he said.


China YangtZe Power Co., LtD

Implementation Process

The implementation kicked off in March 2007. In the early stages of the project, Yangtze Power undertook needs analysis and data preparation. The company ensured the solution was thoroughly tested and refined before the November 2007 launch date. Yangtze Power had earlier defined the requirements for the eKPI system, which covered six major areas including power generation management, business management, finance, human resources, inventory, and integrated reporting. The system would include 65 performance indices and 370 reports. The related systems and data sources had already been prepared, and all that was needed was to integrate these elements into a single platform. This sped up the implementation process. The success of the project reflected the close collaboration between the teams: Oracle, the program developer YiChang JFS, and our internal IT staff, said Li. These three parties made large investments in terms of manpower and other resources, including specialized IT training and skills transfer.

China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd is Chinas largest publicly listed utility. The China Three Gorges Project Corporation established the organization in 2002 to oversee hydropower plants created as part of Chinas Three Gorges Dam project.



Oracle Customer:
DARCO Group Rome, Italy

DARCO Group Implements a New Data Management Structure to Deliver Enhanced Citizen Service
With Oracle solutions, we implemented a data management system guaranteeing high performance at a truly accessible price. Gianni Fontana, Production Manager, DARCO Group

High Technology


Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Enterprise Linux Oracle Database Oracle Warehouse Builder

Darco is a social cooperative that hires persons with disabilities. Estabilished in 1975, Capodarco has delivered advanced IT and communication servicesto the Italian market for more than 30 years. The cooperative specializes in providing services to public sector institutions, specifically local public health units and hospitals. Capodarco also provides support for hospital services, reservations and user-free payment. In 1999, DARCO Group, which includes Capodarco, an integrated social cooperative that employs the differently able and specializes in supplying advanced information and communication technology services for public health units and hospitals (www.capodarco. coop), won an award from the region of Lazio and the City of Rome for operation of ReCUP, a system for booking examinations, diagnostic tests, and appointments with specialists in 20 public health units in all the provinces of Lazio. The region of Lazio provided the softwarebased on Oracle Databasealready in use at the institutions participating in the ReCUP system. The software permitted a high degree of customization and centralized management of bookings in a single call center. However, the system had one major problem: the names of services booked in the system differed with respect to the names appearing in the service fees list, due to rapid changes in legislation typical of the healthcare sector. These factors, along with the large number of services providedabout 34 million in 2007made it necessary to come up with a more efficient way to manage its data. To meet the challenges facing the ReCUP system, DARCO Group began a project for standardizing the names of services to guarantee citizens rapid, efficient service. DARCO Group partnered with Oracle and Oracle Partner E4 Computer Engineering S.p.A to develop architecture to provide enterprise-level performance at an affordable cost.
Rapid, Secure, Dependable Data Management

Oracle Partner:
E4 Computer Engineering S.p.A.

It was clear right away that ReCUP required maximum speed and efficiency, as the service name standardization, which was essential for providing citizens with more effective service, required merging 20 databases previously used by individual public health units into a single database. This operation required not only alignment of different names used for the same services but a process of data cleaning and standardization of about 900 million records and 150 GB of data, which DARCO Group had to accomplish in no more than 24 hours to maintain the standards of efficiency the sector required and Oracle guaranteed.



Key Benets:
Delivered an enterprise-level solution at an affordable price Processed data at a speed of 900 million records every seven hours Supported new citizen services Shortened wait times by cancelling 200,000 unconrmed appointments

Enterprise Level Performance at a Much Lower Cost

Meeting this demand required enterprise-grade hardware, but this was too expensive for the DARCO Group. Therefore, the Group used its own resources to implement a system based on Oracle Enterprise Linux, Oracle Clusterware, Oracle Database, Oracle Cluster Filesystem, and a combination of other technologies required for a high-performance computing (HPC) environment. This system offered the same speed and dependability as an enterprise system, processing data continuously at a speed of 900 million records every seven hours, with only two scheduled interruptions in eight months of operation. The system permitted a large number of users to benefit from technologies, which are rarely used because of the high infrastructure costs they require. With Oracle solutions, we implemented a data management system guaranteeing high performance at a truly accessible price, said Gianni Fontana, production manager, DARCO Group.
Improved Service for Citizens and Shorter Waitlists

Rapid overnight data processing permitted implementation of a new service for citizens Recall, under which every patient receives a telephone reminder of his or her appointment seven days in advance, explicitly requesting confirmation. This service resulted in cancellation of 200,000 appointments that were not confirmed in 2007, drastically shortening waiting lists. Oracle considerably improved our performance in terms of data management in all forms, from internal business analysis to real improvement of the service, offering tangible benefits for citizens, said Corrado Andreola, Oracle database administrator, DARCO Group.
Rapid Generation of Business Analyses and Statistics

The systems speed permits overnight processing of data contained in ReCUP, rapidly generating reports and statistics for the healthcare facility users to permit thorough analysis of business processes and scheduled appointments. The architecture also supports the use of business intelligence tools for immediate analysis of the time and money saved thanks to data processing optimization.
Why Oracle?

We used Oracle solutions because they offered the most dependable solution for the architecture features we required. They also had the certification required for use in HPC environments and met the need for speed and high performance, said Patrick Nebbia, manager, DARCO Group.



Implementation Process

The project was implemented thanks to a partnership between the DARCO Group, Oracle, and E4 Computer Engineering, specialists in the design and production of high performance data processing systems and one of Europes leading suppliers of HPC technology solutions. Engineers Patrick Nebbia and Corrado Andreola developed and implemented the project over three years starting in 2005, initially implementing a solution based on Oracle Database on a single node and then evolving in the direction of Oracle Real Application Clusters with Cluster Interconnect RDS Infiniband and multichannel disk systems. This was the first solution of its kind created in Europe for the business market. The E-RAC 8000 system is composed of four multicore, four-way nodes with a QLogic 20 Gb/s Infiniband DDR networking infrastructure. The cluster uses a highly dependable 4Gb/s SAN FC to access the database, memorized on a storage SAS. The E-RAC 8000 solution guarantees top performance in terms of data transfer and number of transactions per minute. To continue improving on the solutions offered, E4 Computer Engineering will shortly release an updated version of the E-RAC 8000 drawing on the latest technological developments (8Gb/s FC, 40 Gb/s QDR Infiniband, latest generation central processing unit (CPU) to guarantee significantly better performance at an even lower cost.


FUjian Unicom

Oracle Customer:
Fujian Unicom Fuzhou, China

Fujian Unicom Simplies Database Management with Help from Neusoft Group Limited
Neusoft is considered one of the leading solution providers for the telecommunications industry in China. The company has provided advice and Oracle solutions that have helped us improve network operation and maintenance, reduce costs, and enhance customer service. Their expertise and professionalism is exemplary. Yuan Hong, BI Principal, Fujian Unicom


Annual Revenue:
US$501 million to $1 billion

2,000 to 4,999

Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Partitioning Oracle Warehouse Builder

Fujian Unicom is a wholly owned subsidiary of China Unicom, one of the four major telecommunications carriers in China. Fujian Unicom provides local and long-distance telephone and cellular communication services, data communications, and internet services. Its network covers the province of Fujian in south east China and caters to 480 million customers. One of the biggest challenges facing Fujian Unicom was how to better organize, manage, and use its huge volumes of business data. The companys database administrators were spending large amounts of time repartitioning databases and creating tables. This was a costly exercise that also hindered staff from focusing their attention on higher value tasks. In 2003, Fujian Unicom engaged Oracle Certified Advantage Partner Neusoft Group Limited to simplify the management of its database environment based on Oracle Database and utilizing Oracle Partitioning. We have seen significant improvements in database management since implementing the Oracle infrastructure, said Yuan Hong, BI principal, Fujian Unicom. Database administration is now a simpler process because many previously manual functions are automated. Neusoft was instrumental in helping us discover the functionality of the Oracle platform.
Improved Performance, Enhanced Reliability

Oracle Partner:
Neusoft Group Limited Shenyang, China

Fujian Unicom had a large number of databases containing information about its business and customers. As data volumes grew, the carrier began experiencing database performance issues that affected the ability of staff to access information. Productivity and efficiency dropped as a result. Implementing Oracle Database significantly improved data management. Composed of dynamic, self-adaptive, and adjustable modules, Oracle Database balances all parallel operations according to resource availability and prioritizes requests against actual system loads. The software also optimizes the performance of server clusters to further enhance processing efficiency. By adopting Oracle Database, we have improved the reliability, performance, availability, and security of our databases, said Yuan. At the same time, we also saved on hardware costs.


FUjian Unicom

Key Benets:
Ensured high performance, availability, and security of database environment through the installation of Oracle Database, which balances workloads according to resource availability Simplied database management by implementing Oracle Partitioning, which cut table creation and database development time Strengthened competitiveness by building a business intelligence system based on Oracle technology for in-depth data analysis Freed database administrators to concentrate on higher value tasks

Simplied Database Administration

In addition to Oracle Database, Neusoft deployed Oracle Partitioning and Oracle Warehouse Builder to make it easier for Fujian Unicom to manage its database environment. For example, instead of repartitioning its databases every month, Fujian Unicom uses Oracle Partitioning to complete this task daily, ensuring optimum database performance. Oracle Data Warehouse Builder also introduced new efficiencies. Fujian Unicoms previous database development tools required the company to create multiple tables each month to accommodate growing data volumes. The power and flexibility of Oracle Data Warehouse Builder enabled Fujian Unicom to create only one table a month, lowering management complexity. In addition, the software further reduced staff workloads by cutting database development time. Managing our databases is a simpler and much easier task than it was previously, said Yang. Now that our IT staff are freed from basic administrative tasks, they can focus on extending the Oracle system and ensuring we can make better use of the data we have. We have built a business intelligence system based on the Oracle technology, he added. In-depth data mining will help us improve customer service, prevent the loss of subscribers, and strengthen our competitiveness.
Why Oracle?

According to Yang, Oracle came highly recommended by Neusoft. Oracle technology features strongly in Neusoft solutions and the Neusoft team has always spoken highly of the products, he said. We know that Oracle is a world leader in database technology so we knew there would be no performance issues. Our experience has supported this. Neusoft has supplied Oracle products to its customers since 1999. There are several reasons for using Oracle, said Song Haifei, BI principal, Neusoft Group Limited. Firstly, Oracle Database is based on open standards so it supports multiple platforms and languages. This cannot be matched by embedded database systems. Secondly, Oracle can directly support multiple data sources, from the bottom-layer programming language to the top-layer application development environment. Oracle also offers unique data copying technology, added Song. The backup server provides transaction-based backup, which means data can be copied to mobile users or to and from isomeric data sources. Its a lot more flexible than data-based backups. As the most outstanding database server product on the market today, Oracle excels in data management. The software is designed to optimize the performance and price ratio of users systems, and that is a very compelling proposition for our customers.


FUjian Unicom

Why Neusoft Group Limited?

Oracle Certified Advantage Partner Neusoft has provided technology services to Fujian Unicoms parent company China Unicom for three years. The companys integrated accounting system, client service system, and GSM, CDMA, and SMS tolling systems are used in more than 20 provinces where China Unicom has operations. Neusoft is considered one of the leading solution providers for the telecommunications industry in China, said Yang. The company has provided advice and solutions that have helped us improve network operation and maintenance, reduce costs, and enhance customer service. Their expertise and professionalism is exemplary.
Implementation Process

Before beginning the implementation project, Neusoft completed a review of Fujian Unicoms existing IT infrastructure to determine what components were needed. The company then developed an implementation plan in conjunction with Fujian Unicom. Neusoft engineers and technicians installed the Oracle infrastructure over a period of one week. This involved creating table spaces, database partitioning, indexing, and storage planning.

Fujian Unicom provides local and long-distance telephone and cellular communication services, data communications, and internet services to 480 million customers in the province of Fujian in south east China.


GfK GroUp RetaiL anD TechnoLogY

Oracle Customer:
GfK Group Retail and Technology Nuremberg, Germany

GfK Group Retail and Technology Scales Data Systems to Expand Services to More Than 70 Countries
GfK Group is one of the largest market research companies in the world. Its Retail and Technology division provides information services on marketing, logistics, and sales to industry and retail companies worldwide. Industry vendors operating in the consumer technology markets receive comprehensive reports to continuously track and manage product and pricing policies, advertising, distribution, sales, and logistics. GfK monitors approximately 350,000 stores in more than 70 countries.

Professional Services

Annual Revenue:
US$1.5 billion


Reduce IT costs Scale systems to enable expansion into more countries and support more frequent reporting Manage batch production of more than 100,000 offline market research reports and enable online client access to the most up-to-date information Cope with several thousand SQL queries per report

Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Enterprise Edition Oracle Partitioning Oracle Real Application Clusters


Created the StarTrack system which uses Oracle Database to produce local and global reports for more than 300 product groups Enabled expansion to more than 70 countries Installed a scalable core architecture with two HP Superdomes running Oracle Database with more than 2TB of storage each Dedicated one database to data loading, transformation, and master data management and the other to data ready for production in an internal data warehouse, minimizing interference between data load and reporting Created a farm of 64 HP c-class blades running separate Oracle instances that manages report mass production and keeps batch load off the main systems for high performance Provided scalable, reliable external access to client information with another 4TB Oracle Database deployed on Oracle Real Application Clusters with HP ProLiants Met performance requirements with optimized data structures based on composite partitioning and bitmap indexes used in all databases

Oracle has enabled us to expand our business over the last decade to a global level and will continue to play a vital role in GfK Retail and Technologys business success. Prof. Dr. Thomas Ruf, Managing Director, GfK Retail and Technology


Giant EagLe, Inc.

Oracle Customer:
Giant Eagle, Inc. Pittsburgh, PA

Giant Eagle, Inc. Implements Back-End System to Improve Performance and Data Reliability
Founded in 1931, Giant Eagle, Inc. has grown to be the number one supermarket retailer in the Pittsburgh region, and is one of the nations largest food retailers. The company consists of 161 corporate and 62 independently owned and operated supermarkets (with a 75,000 square-foot prototype) and more than 140 fuel and convenience stores throughout Maryland, western Pennsylvania, Ohio, and north central West Virginia. Giant Eagle is also a wholesaler to licensed stores and sells groceries to other retail chains. According to Forbes, Giant Eagle, Inc. is the 33rd largest privately held corporation in the country.


Annual Revenue:
US$7 .1 billion


Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus Oracle Collaboration Suite Oracle Business Analysis Suite

Enhance database performance and allow users to retrieve business information to support key strategic initiatives where and when they need it Increase data availability when managing large data volumes Maximize legacy infrastructure investments by implementing flexible and interoperable database system and software applications


Implemented Oracle Database and Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus, allowing the organization to access secure, reliable, and accurate data (20TB) that drives critical business decisions daily Standardized on Oracle Database as the back-end to virtually every application, reducing maintenance requirements Increased data availability and delivered the response times corporate users demanded for data access Improved data accuracy and enhanced market analysis capabilities, allowing Giant Eagle to make customer-facing decisions more quickly Improved the companys customer loyalty program (Giant Eagle Advantage Card) which includes more than 3.2 million households


Grameenphone LtD.

Oracle Customer:
Grameenphone Ltd. Dhaka, Bangladesh

Grameenphone Ltd. Deploys Data Warehouse to Store and Manage Millions of Records
Grameenphone Ltd. is the leading telecommunications service provider in Bangladesh and manages millions of customer and network-related data records every day. The business employs 5,000 people to service more than 15 million cell phone subscribers. It introduced a range of telecommunications services in Bangladesh, including EDGE, SMS, fax and data transmission, and a 24-hour call center.


Annual Revenue:
US$600 million


Consolidate disparate data formats into a single data warehouse Leverage the data to better understand and service customers Provide a robust platform that delivers high availability and minimizes data loss in the event of a disaster Deliver regular and customized management reports, including what if scenarios and customer churn analysis Secure acceptance from staff and train them to use all the features of the new system

Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Oracle Partitioning Oracle OLAP Oracle Data Mining Oracle Diagnostics Pack Oracle Tuning Pack Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Application Server Oracle Warehouse Builder Oracle Discoverer Oracle Developer Suite


Engaged Oracle Certified Advantage Partner IBCS-PRIMAX Software to develop a data warehouse based on Oracle Database 10g with a built-in business intelligence solution, the first such solution developed in Bangladesh Gained a high performing and scalable solution that improved the management of large data volumes Incorporated a data mining engine that enables the development of what if scenarios to determine customer churn and the revenue impact of new services, and which allows staff to undertake historical and trend analysis Configured database for cold failover to ensure availability should system resources encounter problems Ensured users can access individual customer records during online transactional processing without affecting the online analytical processing of the data warehouse itself Delivered reports customized to the individual requirements of staff and senior managers Simplified management by adopting Oracle Enterprise Manager to oversee data warehouse environment

Oracle Partner:
IBCS-PRIMAX Software (Bangladesh) Ltd

Oracles database and business intelligence solution has enabled us to manage our business and service our customers better while helping us set a strategic direction for Grameenphone. Syed Zahirul Islam, Head of DW/ BI


IDS GmbHAnaLYsis anD Reporting SerVices (IDS)

Oracle Customer:
IDS GmbHAnalysis and Reporting Services (IDS) Munich, Germany

IDS GmbHAnalysis and Reporting Services (IDS) Enhances Central Investment Data Warehouse System with Scalable IT Solution
IDS GmbHAnalysis and Reporting Services (IDS) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Allianz SE. The company, with headquarters in Munich and Frankfurt, specializes in the provision of investment management services, both for the capital investments of the Allianz Group and for external customers. The Allianz Group conducts extensive investment management activities for the assets of its insurance companies, as well as asset management. To support these activities, IDS operates and maintains a financial database containing data on all capital investments managed by the Allianz Group worldwide at the individual investment level.

Financial Services


Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Data Warehouse Oracle Real Application Clusters

Oracle Partner:
ISE Grfenberg

Produce performance and risk analyses and extensive finance-specific evaluations for the Allianz Group Enable continual expansion of hardware architecture to accommodate increasing demand Integrate a variety of new source systems into financial database


Worked with ISE Grfenberg to enhance a central investment data warehouse system to consolidate and adjust/augment all relevant data and make it available for analyses and evaluations Provided a fail-safe, fast, flexible, and scalable IT infrastructure with Oracle Real Application Clusters Consolidated all relevant data from 200 source systems with Oracle Data Warehouse Provided access to data for approximately 1,500 end users Realized a 400% improvement in processor performance using Oracle Real Application Clusters Ensured system scalability to offer future required services in the usual high quality Enabled rapid system maintenance without downtime

With the new Oracle Data Warehouse cluster architecture, we were able to scale our system to suit current and future requirementsthereby saving both money and time. Holger Haun, Managing Director, IDS GmbH, Analysis and Reporting Services



Oracle Customer:
KTF Seoul, Korea

KTFs Highly Available Data Warehouse Improves Marketing Campaigns

To optimize the performance of our data warehouse, we used Oracle Real Application Clusters to boost system availability and stability. More efcient workload distribution has cut system downtime to less than ve minutes. Tae-Jae Lee, Head of IT Infrastructure Team, Information System Division, KTF


Annual Revenue:
US$5.6 billion


Established in 1997, KTF is a leading player in Koreas mobile communications industry. The company set a record by securing more than 9 million subscribers within its first three years of operation. It now boasts 12 million subscribers in Korea. KTF has implemented a powerful wireless network and advanced mobile application technologies, allowing it to offer a range of innovative services. This includes portable mobile phone numbers, handsets with special functions and designs, services tailored to customers different needs and lifestyles, and competitive pricing models. In the mobile telecommunications industry, proper data analysis is critical to customer relationship management (CRM) and business operations. KTF maintains a custom data warehousing solution called Infobank for in-depth data analysis. The system is popular with KTF staff because it allows them to perform detailed data mining with ease. The system is used to analyze customer profiles, revenue, and call pattern tracking, among other functions. The information extracted from the data warehouse assists in decisionmaking in critical business areas such as strategy planning and service development. The information also helps KTF develop one-to-one marketing campaigns that differentiate the company from its competitors.
System Downtime Reduced to Five Minutes

Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Oracle OLAP

Because data analysis is a critical function within KTF, the company began searching for a solution that would make the best use of available technology to maximize the performance, reliability, and availability of its data warehousing system. KTF believed that clustering its data warehouse environment would be key to improving system performance and flexibility. After deploying Oracle Real Application Clusters, the availability of KTF Infobank was significantly enhanced. The average system downtime was reduced from 30 minutes to less than five minutes. Downtime for enterprise application integration (EAI) was reduced to less than five minutes, while extraction, transformation, and transport (ETT) dropped to less than one minute. In some cases, online analytic processing (OLAP) was reduced to within 30 seconds. In addition, the load balancing features of Oracle Real Application Clusters allow resources to be managed more efficiently and system usage to be optimized. In OLAP, distributing the workload over multiple servers improved performance by 9%, while an average 12% improvement in performance was achieved in ETT batching.



Key Benets:
Improved data warehouse performance with Oracle clustering technology, which distributes workload across multiple servers Reduced system downtime to less than ve minutes Enhanced business efciency through better system reliability

Future Plans

KTF is now considering deploying a business intelligence (BI) portal. The portal would allow the existing database and OLAP tools to be customized according to the users needs. The enhanced system would also provide managers and staff with real-time access to data, including customer feedback. Quicker response to customers will result in higher satisfaction rates.
Why Oracle?

Oracle Real Application Clusters was chosen for its ability to prevent errors by spreading the database workload across multiple servers. If one server in the cluster were to fail, the workload is automatically shifted to another server. Other points of selection included the technologys security, performance, and scalability.

Established in 1997, KTF has grown to be a leading mobile telecommunications service provider with 12 million subscribers in Korea. KTF was ranked first among mobile telecommunication service providers in Business Weeks top 100 global IT companies in 2002.


LGR TeLecommUnications


a 40% compound annual

growth rate of subscribers over the past 10 years without presenting technical challenges

LGR Telecommunications Improves the Power and Versatility of Its Solutions with a Data Warehouse

more than 550% ROI with

extraordinary insights into revenue and call usage for additional revenue capture and other revenue assurance benets

more than 300% ROI in less

than 12 months by eliminating churn and accelerating customer acquisition in corporate accounts

LGR Telecommunications (LGR) is a specialized solutions provider to the global telecommunications industry, offering a unique business solution that taps directly into the source of each customer interaction with the network by accessing the call data record (CDR) it creates. LGRs approach intelligently captures CDR data in realtime, appends additional business information to the record, stores the data within a comprehensive Oracle data warehouse solution, and provides real-time analysis to the telecom service provider. Through LGRs core offering, CDRlive, telecommunication service providers can use information carried in each phone call to gain marketing, fi nance, legal, customer service, and sales insights that were never before possible. The company today serves many of the largest and most successful global telecommunications providers, including AT&T, Telstra, Vodafone, MTN and TrueMove. With its inception in 1998, LGR had identified the opportunity to deliver new insights to telecommunications service providers. LGRs industry-veteran founders realized that phone calls generated treasure troves of untapped customer data in CDRs. However, uncovering this data required heavy-duty IT systems and storage for the hundreds of millions or even billions of CDRs generated each day. The enormous amount of data, requiring near-realtime processing, was beyond database capabilities at that time. In addition telecommunications providers faced the challenge of cost-effectively storing and analyzing the massive amount of data available to them.

a peak of 13 billion records

per day in 2008, with an increase to 15 billion records per day (or 150,000 per second) forecast for 2009

over 75 billion records

(approximately 2 weeks of customer data) to return 500 to 1,000 results in less than 30 seconds

LGR Telecommunications Atlanta, GA LGR is a specialist ICT solutions provider to the global telecommunications industry. Its core business is the supply and development of CDRlive, a premier data warehousing, analysis, and reporting solution.




LGR TeLecommUnications

Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Oracle Partitioning Oracle Exadata Oracle Database Machine

Using its ingenuity and commitment, LGR built CDRlive, the first commercially available product specifically engineered to deliver new insights to telecommunications providers. Ten years after it was first launched, CDRlive still stands alone in performance and scalability capabilities that have been uniquely designed to serve the telecommunications industry. The technologies that power Drive are in its Oracle data warehouse, built on Oracle Database 10g/11g with Real Application Clusters and Oracle Partitioning. Using Oracle as its technical platform, LGR has effectively managed the tremendous increase in global subscribers managed by Drive at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 40% over the past 10 years. The company has also been able to scale to support the ever-increasing transactional volume of its customers. Through Lagers most recent efforts, Drive will support peak processing of 15 billion records each day by 2009. According to Lagers Chief Executive Officer Grant Salmon, Oracle has been bulletproof, and its the key to keeping our solution simple, which ensures stability and reliability for our customers. The power of CDRlive is that it cuts across many telecommunications provider business functions, facilitating key business objectives such as an optimized network infrastructure, better managed marketing programs, improved revenue flow, and proper interconnect fee verifications. Opportunities for CDRlive continue to grow as telecommunication providers expand their footprints into new personalized information services for business customers and consumers. As their services proliferate, providers can use CDRlive to better target customers and personalize how they communicate with and serve them. It therefore proves to be a critical differentiator to the industry in terms of boosting customer acquisition and loyalty.
CDRlive: Unique Census-Driven Business Insights

Oracle has been bulletproof, and its the key to keeping our solution simple, which ensures stability and reliability for our customers. Grant Salmon, LGRS Chief Executive Ofcer

CDRlive was the first solution to provide telecommunications companies with a reporting and analysis tool that collects business critical information directly from source CDRs, creating a census-based approach to analysis. This, compared to the traditional method of using summarized or sample data, produces superior results because underlying data is directly acquired from the source so it does not need to be manipulated in any way. In addition, because the dataset includes all source records, no sampling biases are introduced. In addition to capturing basic CDR data, CDRlive also extracts the data within a CDR that is otherwise unused by traditional OSS/BSS systems (typically around 80% of the total record), and then further appends additional insights onto each record, making it infinitely more valuable to a telecommunications provider. As illustrated, additional transactional data, such as accounting through home location records (HLRs), or location through local exchange routing guides (LERGs) and local number portability (LNP) information are appended in addition to related data from core internal CRM or ERP applications, to provide a comprehensive view of each customers cell phone usage.


LGR TeLecommUnications

As CDRlive has matured, its capabilities have expanded dramatically. Originally, the product was used to assess network infrastructure capacity, identify potential constraints, and help network engineers prioritize investments. Today, CDRlive is used across many of telecom providers major business functions, including sales, marketing, finance, legal, and customer service. As illustrated below, using CDRlive helps increase revenue by supporting new service development and measuring the effectiveness of marketing programs. The solution also


LGR TeLecommUnications

We knew what our customers needed. It was imperative to have near-real-time responses on billions of records each day. This was something that even Oracle believed was unattainable at the time. Lucky Fatsilidis, LGRS Chief Operating Ofcer

contributes to bottom-line savings by optimizing future network investments and revenue assurance and by reducing exposure to legal disputes. CDRlive is based on an open architecture, leveraging standard technologies from Oracle and HP. This lowers costs by minimizing integration and customer support requirements, while allowing the product to stay current with the latest technologies from these industry leaders.
CDRlives History: Choosing Oracle

In 1998, LGR Telecommunications built its first version of CDRlive using proprietary database technologies created by the one of the founders, the companys current chief operating officer Lucky Fatsilidis. At that time, commercial database providers had not demonstrated the ability to scale and process at the speed LGR required. We knew what our customers needed, Fatsilidis said. It was imperative to have near-real-time responses on billions of records each day. This was something that even Oracle believed was unattainable at the time. Although the first release of CDRlive was highly successful, LGR quickly realized the limitations of building its solution on a proprietary database foundation. One of biggest drawbacks was the cost and complexity of training customers DBAs and SQL technicians on LGRs database technology, while another major concern was the difficulty in integrating LGRs proprietary tool with other IT applications for billing, CRM and customer care. Listening to its customers, LGR decided to take a second look at commercial, off-theshelf (COTS) database solutions and to explore replacing CDRlives underlying foundation. In 2000, LGR conducted due diligence on the leading COTS database solutions, searching for the best platform to support its customers needs. The database solution required

Seamless scalability Real-time performance 100% uptime Plug-and-play integration Open architecture


LGR TeLecommUnications

Our condence in Oracles database technologies stretched beyond even Oracles own expectations. With a full commitment to Oracle, we began to accelerate our product capabilities even faster than before. Hannes Van Rooyen, LGRS Chief Architect

By late 2000, the team determined that Oracle, with its partitioning technology, provided the advanced performance that met even those requirements of CDRlives largest customers. According to Hannes van Rooyen, LGRs chief architect, This was LGRs watershed event. Our confidence in Oracles database technologies stretched beyond even Oracles own expectations. With a full commitment to Oracle, we began to accelerate our product capabilities even faster than before. Oracles database technologies lived up to LGRs highest expectations. CDRlives technical performance in 2008 included peak processing of more than 13 billion records per day, with more than 75 billion records scanned to produce 500 to 1,000 results for the largest data warehouse queries, and over 5 billion database reads per hour, plus 1 billion database writes per hour. Indeed, one large customer was able to dramatically increase the transactional capacity of its system, processing over 250% of the number of transactions the system was originally designed to handle. In addition, the processing power of Oracle and its ability to store massive amounts of data has also met expectations, with CDRlive managing an Oracle data warehouse that is over 300 terabytes in size for a single customer. LGRs results have proven to the telecommunications industry that its vision of using CDR data to provide business insights is a reality, even for the largest and most complex service providers.
Ten Years of Unbridled Growth

CDRlives subscriber base has as grown at a 40% CAGR, from a few million subscribers in 1998 to over 200 million subscribers in 2008. A key to LGRs success has been its ability to deliver outstanding value to its customers through the use of industry standard, COTS technologies from Oracle and HP. A COTS-based solution has been shown to reduce an LGR customers data management cost by more than 250% when compared to proprietary-based solutions. These benefits translate into a lower cost to serve and simplify implementation within the customers IT environment.


LGR TeLecommUnications

Ultimately the end game for our customers is to sell their products and services to a market of one. Paul Hartley, LGRS General Manager For North America

In addition to its cost savings, CDRlive has generated significant business benefits for its customers. For example, one of the largest global service providers realized an ROI that exceeded 550% within a year, and experienced over US$100 million in interconnect and revenue assurance savings that directly improved its bottom line. Today, this single provider uses CDRlive to manage information related to more than 250 million individual subscribers across the North American continent. This figure includes data captured from incoming calls from noncustomers, as CDRlive allows the company to manage many more records than those generated by its own subscriber base. By obtaining the profiles of callers that are noncustomers, the provider has opportunities to fl ag potential high-churn customers and identify possible new customer acquisition targets. It also makes marketing programs more effective by matching customers to the services they value most. In addition, network intelligence provided by CDRlive has proven to be essential for prioritizing network capital investments. By matching usage patterns and trends to critical network constraints, this global service provider continues to deliver the best-in-class service results in the industry. Another LGR customer, a leading provider of telecommunication services in the Asia- Pacific region, also experienced tremendous benefits from its deployment of CDRlive. Using CDRlives insights to support corporate sales, it achieved more than a 300% ROI in its first year of using the solution. The simplicity of the implementation was key, as the operator was able to implement it in less than three months and completely automate the creation and management of customer profiles. In doing so, it reduced churn to nearly zero across all of its corporate accounts while simultaneously acquiring over 150 new high-value corporate customers, simply by providing customized sales packages packed with more value than competing products.
Looking Ahead

The telecommunications industry is going through a time of unprecedented technological innovation. With the advent of 3G and 4G cellular networks, telecommunication service providers can supply a universe of new information-based data services that include: news, sports, navigation, and advertising. To market these services effectively, providers need greater visibility into their customers profiles. CDRlive provides unprecedented access to individual user activities and experiences, allowing service providers to make more informed marketing decisions. Ultimately the end game for our customers is to sell their products and services to a market of one, said Paul Hartley, LGRs general manager for North America. CDRlives value will continue to grow as new and innovative services expand at an unprecedented clip. With Oracles database technology as the underlying foundation to support its future requirements, LGR is well positioned to continue leadership in delivering innovative data warehouse solutions to telecom service providers across the globe.


LGR TeLecommUnications

About the Case Study

This study is one of a series of investigations into the costs and business returns of IT investments, with a focus on Oracle technology and applications. It is intended to serve business executives and managers who are evaluating technology investment options. Research and analysis for this study was conducted by Mainstay Partners, an independent consulting fi rm and was based on interviews with offi cials at LGR, review of LGRs planning documents and searches of industry literature. ROI calculations use industry standard assumptions regarding the time value of money.


Procter & GambLe

Oracle Customer:
Procter & Gamble

Procter & Gamble Scales 18 Terabyte Data Warehouse Using Materialized Views Technology
Procter & Gamble (P&G) has a large portfolio of trusted and respected brands, including Pringles, Pampers, Tide, Always, Pantene, and Charmin. The company started as a small, family operated soap and candle company, but now it employs over 138,000 people in more than 80 countries worldwide, and provides products to 160 countries. Since 1991, P&G has had significant operations in Poland, including the worlds largest Gillette razor factory, and a new Olay cosmetics factory.

Consumer Goods

Annual Revenue:
US$83.5 billion


Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Partitioning Oracle Real Application Clusters

Perform complex and detailed global reporting with multiple dimensions and hierarchies for P&Gs expanding business Find a more powerful solution to handle data warehousing and aggregation for the 18 terabyte data store, as the size, ,including the number of hierarchies, and the constantly growing volume of data exceeded the previous systems capability for maximum performance Minimize turnaround times for data aggregation Handle data in multiple subject areas, including point of sale, financial, and direct shipments Ensure data availability during working hours, so that user requests can be completed in a timely fashion

Oracle Partner:
P&G Global Business Services


Leveraged Oracles key capabilities for supporting very large databases, with materialized views with query rewrite as the aggregation engine of the new solution Lowered processing time for data aggregation by a factor of 5x, ensuring that aggregate data is available for the start of the work day Reduced storage space to one-tenth of its past size, lowered storage costs, and significantly reduced the consumption of common resources through Oracle Partitioning and table compression Used Oracle Partitioning to organize data efficiently and maintain the data warehouse in continuous, around-the-clock operation Increased data availability and processing speed through Oracle Real Application Clusters

Oracle technology had a big impact on how we manage our mission-critical data. Through compression, we are using onetenth as much storage space as before, and thanks to query rewrite our aggregates refresh ve times faster. Jacek Sosnia, Atomic Data Warehouse Technical Platform Engineer, Procter & Gamble



Oracle Customer:
Quelle GmbH Frth/Bavaria, Germany

Quelle GmbH Optimizes Scalability and Availability with High-Capacity Data Warehouse Solution
Quelle GmbH, a Primondo group company, is part of the mail-order business segment of Arcandor AG, a large German retail and mail order company formerly known as KarstadtQuelle AG. Quelle operates mail-order centers in 15 countries throughout Europe as well as 4,000 retail stores, offers teleshopping options, and hosts an internet presence.


Annual Revenue:
US$4.26 billion

7 ,700

Extract detailed and compressed information for optimal customer orientation Construct an extensive data warehouse that offers high performance and availability Replace the companys symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) architecture with a cluster architecture to increase performance and reduce costs

Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Application Server Oracle Discoverer Oracle Business Intelligence Oracle Real Application Clusters Oracle Forms and Report


Implemented Oracle data warehouse to provide capacity for up to 12 terabytes of data and a strong foundation for business intelligence capabilities Consolidated business processes onto a centralized enterprise data warehouse Enabled complete and comprehensive reporting for marketing, product management, enterprise resource planning, and financials with Oracle Discoverer Gained the ability to precisely forecast customer behavior Allowed Quelle to manage multichannel customer relationship management campaigns Transferred and compressed data for the past nine seasons (4.5 years) from 25 different source systems using more than 90 interfaces Worked with Oracle Certified Partner Information Systems Engineering (ISE) Grfenberg to develop additional database applications through procedural language/structured query language, Java, Oracle Forms and Reports, individual solutions, and tuning Optimized scalability, performance, and availability by replacing Quelles SMP architecture with a 12-node Oracle cluster Doubled hardware capacity without increasing costs

Oracle Partner:
Information Systems Engineering (ISE) Grfenberg, Germany

Our Oracle data warehouse enables us to analyze and store all of our information on a daily basis with a high level of detail. This allows us to plan and act exibly, to better understand the customer and what he or she wants. Dr. Michael Semmler, Head of Data Management, Quelle GmbH


R.L. PoLk & Co.

Oracle Customer:
R.L. Polk & Co. Southeld, MI

R.L. Polk & Co. Improves Performance and Reduces Costs with Grid Computing
Our internal customers are seeing phenomenal differences in the speed at which data is available to them. We will build any new systemincluding customerfacing systemson Oracle Database with Real Application Clusters. Kevin Vasconi, Chief Information Ofcer, R.L. Polk & Co.

Professional Services


Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Data Guard Oracle Automatic Storage Management Oracle Clusterware Oracle Identity Management Oracle Portal Oracle Discoverer

R.L Polk & Co. has served the automotive industry since 1922, providing a variety of analytical and statistical data services. The company collects and compiles data from more than 240 different sources, including state agencies, automotive manufacturers, finance companies, and a variety of providers of lifestyle and demographic data. R.L. Polks customers require fast access to this actionable data to make important sales, marketing, and planning decisions. To meet these needs, R.L. Polk maintains several data warehouses with a total of forty terabytes of data. As the automotive industry continues to grow, the company has witnessed an exponential growth in the creation of datamaking it ever more challenging to maintain high performance levels in its large databases. R.L. Polk realized it needed to make a change to preserve its competitive advantage in the marketplace, amid significant industry, regulatory, and technology changes. Previously, R.L. Polk ran its databases on a mainframe, which was very reliable, but did not allow the company to deliver data in real-time to its customers. To be truly competitive, to provide the kind of value our customers want, and to continue to drive the economic engine of our company, we needed to move to a real-time paradigm, said Kevin Vasconi, chief information officer, R.L. Polk & Co. So, we decided to rebuild the core data engine of the company. In late 2004, R.L. Polk embarked on a comprehensive business process reengineering program called re-FUEL and decided to replace its mainframe system with an open environment based on Oracle Database with Real Application Clusters. The company worked with its wholly owned subsidiary, RLPTechnologies, and Capgemini to develop the new system. After initially migrating its main warehouse, R.L. Polk migrated its entire environment, resulting in cost savings of approximately 90%.
Reduced Costs and Increased Flexibility

Oracle Partner:

R.L. Polk had a lot of experience with large, symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) servers, which had always proved reliable. However they were very expensive and only allowed R.L Polk to deliver data in batches. We looked at the capabilities of grid computing, the benefits of a service-oriented architecture, and some of the new capabilities that Oracle was bringing out, Vasconi said. We wanted to build a system that incorporated these concepts and would have a shelf life of 15 to 20 years. To truly establish R.L. Polk as a technology innovator and meet the demands of our customers, we didnt feel we could take the conservative option. R.L. Polk now runs Oracle Database with Real Application Clusters on 22 Dell R1900 dual core servers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The ability to leverage commodity servers and clustering has resulted in significant hardware cost savings for the company.


R.L. PoLk & Co.

Key Benets:
Reduced hardware costs by 90% by implementing an enterprise-wide grid architecture Improved system scalability and reliability Accelerated data delivery to internal and external customers Streamlined management of large, complex databases Improved security and eased regulatory compliance with an integrated identity management system

Oracle has been pushing the grid computing initiative and the idea of running databases on a cluster of commodity servers with Linux as the operating system for a few years. We bought into it and followed Oracles vision and direction and it has paid off for us. Oracle technology has enabled us to reduce our hardware costs by 90%, said Doug Miller, director of database and applications support groups, R.L. Polk. Miller added, Moving away from a typical environment with a large number of standalone SMP servers to a grid of commodity servers has also enabled R.L. Polk to better leverage investment in Oracle by making better use of our existing Oracle technology. Scalabilitya vital feature to handle the companys growing datahas improved significantly. Darrin Deeter, manager of data architecture at RLPTechnologies added, The Oracle grid gives us scalability in both directionsso we can scale down to a smaller implementation or scale up to support a larger implementation. Miller added, With commodity servers, we can add capacity for tens of thousands of dollars less. Scalability has ceased to be an issue for our database environment.
From Batch to Real-time

R.L. Polk had provided data in batches to its customers for years. By implementing Oracle Database with Real Application Clusters, the company is now able to deliver data in real time. We had built a lot of processes around batch and we didnt want the technology to drive our business model. We want the capability to drive our business model, because its the right thing to do, Vasconi explained. The business we are in requires us to get accurate and specific data to our customers as quickly as possible. Batch is contrary to that; it starts to reduce some of that value. R.L. Polk has a tiered warehouse strategy, in which the Oracle system drives the companys core data engine, which then feeds data downstream to other databases supporting various applications. The core data engine houses data on vehicle sales, manufacturing, purchases, registration, and other demographic information. It grows in size by approximately 20 million new vehicles each year. A car is basically a rolling computer. It generates a lot of data, said Vasconi. The data growth we are experiencing is huge, and will only get more voluminous in the coming years. This makes it challenging to get actionable data to our customers in a timely manner. With the grid computing architecture from Oracle, R.L. Polk can take a piece of raw data the moment it enters the company and process it to make it available in a data warehouse or data mart, rather than wait to build a critical mass of data that is released in a batch. Tests to date show improvements of up to 70% in data-file processing speed. Further, the system can process 42 transactions per second, nearly twice as fast as R.L. Polks design goal of 25 transactions per second.


R.L. PoLk & Co.

Faster Customer Applications

R.L. Polk provides a number of online applications to its customers to allow them to do their own data mining and report generation. For example, its Insight product allows subscribing automobile manufacturers to conduct their own data explorations by geography, market segments, or dealership boundaries. It can also complete month-over-month comparisons to other manufacturers and see how sales are trending. Another application allows automobile manufacturers to identify owners of vehicles that it has recalled. At least 40 of the 50 applications R.L. Polk has in the marketplace use Oracle data warehouses. We have had great success with our internal facing systems. Our internal customers are seeing phenomenal differences in the speed at which data is available to them. We will build any new systemincluding customer-facing systemson Oracle Database with Real Application Clusters, Vasconi said.
Improving Reliability and Ease of Management

Oracle Real Application Clusters allows R.L. Polk to isolate the workload onto any of its servers, enabling it to perform maintenance without causing downtime for customers. In our business, we cant afford to have downtime, Miller said. Oracle Real Application Clusters enhances our reliability and gives us a lot of flexibility to perform routine maintenance. R.L. Polk also leverages Oracle Enterprise Manager to manage its grid environment. The company has achieved system performance and reliability gains by simplifying the management of its broad Oracle footprint. R.L. Polk has been able to save significant database administration time through Oracles automated system administration capabilities, and it has been able to manage growing databases without adding database administrators. The management tools that Oracle brings to the table make our job easier, Vasconi said. They allow us to focus our time and attention on other priorities. Miller added, It doesnt matter how many server databases you have, Oracle Enterprise Manager keeps an eye on all of it. It makes it like one big, seamless environment. It is extremely helpful as we do our application level tuning. You could not support an environment like this without the alerting capabilities of Oracle Enterprise Manager, said Deeter. R.L. Polk is also using Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) for data backups. The product has compression capabilities that allow it to make the size of backups smaller, saving tape space. It also provides a centralized view of all backups.


R.L. PoLk & Co.

Strengthening Security and Compliance

As regulatory requirements have increased in recent years, many organizations have had to build various access control mechanisms into their databases and applications. As it began to build its new system, R.L. Polk knew it needed to design it with a scalable access control mechanism, because the company did not want to have to retrofit its system down the road. We designed our system with security and access control at the core, using Oracle Identity Management, Vasconi explained. We actually encrypted our XML message stream internally between our application services. As a data company, security, data privacy, and access control are very important to us. Oracle Identity Management provides R.L. Polk with Web single sign-on, identity administration, and comprehensive reporting and auditing capabilities.
Why Oracle

The main drivers behind us moving to Oracle Database with Real Application Clusters were scalability, higher performance, lower cost, and improved availability, said Miller. Oracle was very instrumental as we developed and rolled out our new system, Vasconi said. We have a special relationship with Oracle, which I value. There are a lot of people at Oracle who are committed to making sure we are successful. Oracle has done amazing things with its database. There is no one else even close. And now Oracle even offers clusterware and support for Linux. So we gain a very powerful database server engine and we dont have to contact multiple vendors. This saves us time and money, said Miller.
Implementation Process

R.L. Polk decided to build its new core data engine on Oracle Database with Real Application Clusters at the end of 2004. In January 2005, the company began to reengineer its business processes. Working with Oracle, RLPTechnologies, and Oracle Partner Cap Gemini. R.L. Polk had its cluster running by March 2005. In April 2006, R.L. Polk launched the first data warehouse on the new environment. It has subsequently rolled over additional warehouses and moved to a new, state-of-the-art data center.


R.L. PoLk & Co.

Advice from R.L. Polk & Co.

If you havent looked at this technology yet, take a look. You would be surprised at the cost savings you can achieve. When trying to sell a management team on the idea of grid computing, stress the business return on investmentwhat it will mean to the bottom line. Cut your teeth on a pilot project that is doable and that has impact. When implementing clusters, it is important to have the technical knowledge necessary to ensure they are set up properly. Make sure you have experienced database administrators.

R.L. Polk & Co. is the premier provider of automotive information and marketing solutions to the automotive world and its related industriesautomotive and commercial vehicle manufacturers and dealers, automotive aftermarket companies, insurance companies, finance companies, media companies, advertising agencies, consulting organizations, government agencies, and market research firms.


Shanghai MUnicipaL ELectric Power CompanY

Oracle Customer:
Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company Shanghai, China

Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company Improves Data Analysis and Reporting with Integrated Data Warehouse
Management and sales staff now have a exible real-time query and online analysis tool for examining data used in the development of national power grid policies. Spokesperson, Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company



Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Partitioning Oracle OLAP Oracle Data Mining Oracle Application Server Oracle Internet Developer Suite

The Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company (SH Electric Power) handles the transmission, distribution, and sale of electrical power in Shanghai. The companys network covers the entire Shanghai administrative region and supplies power to almost 7 million customers. It has been ranked number one among Shanghai Citys top ten public service industry companies for three straight years. SH Electric Power began studying the potential of data warehousing in 2004 as it struggled with a continued increase in the volume of data inside its business management system. This growth was placing a massive strain on the system, which handles basic sales operations such as billing, customer service, metering, and usage audits. This system processes one million transactions every day, said a spokesperson at Shanghai Municipal Electric Power. There were few resources left for reports and queries, let alone data analysis. In mid-2005, SH Electric Power initiated a business information (BI) warehouse project and engaged Oracle to deliver a data warehouse solution. This would enable the company to analyze and mine 1.6 terabyte of data to make better business decisions. The project was also a key initiative under the organisations plan to actively upgrade its production, operations, and management to world-class standards.
Real-time Analysis and Mining with Unied Platform

Oracle Partner:
E4 Computer Engineering S.p.A.

A major challenge under the BI project was to move the companys routine reporting function away from its production system database, which would reduce the load on the system, and allow for new reporting features to be added. The company selected the Oracle OLAP and Oracle Data Mining modules running on Oracle Database 10g. These were then used to set up function-specific synchronized data mirrors and a central data warehouse. Staff members use the Oracle OLAP tool to perform high-level analysis on power usage projections, and anomaly analysis and maintenance statistics. Management and sales staff have a flexible real-time query and online analysis tool for manipulating key data used in the development of national power grid policies, said the spokesperson. Oracle Data Mining is used to combat power theft. By drilling down inside the data warehouse, users can track conditions such as historical usage to identify suspect accounts for a more in-depth investigation.


Shanghai MUnicipaL ELectric Power CompanY

Key Benets:
Provided benchmarks for business analysis, helping formulate national power grid policies Gave frontline staff, sales analysis, and management personnel a exible, real-time query and analysis capability Reduced load on production system database Achieved more accurate and timely management reporting Enhanced data mining capability

The company can also mine data to determine how adjusting power rates will affect its revenues. This has greatly enhanced our ability to forecast how any changes to pricing will affect the companys ongoing profitability. Its a fantastic benefit, said the spokesperson.
Better Business Intelligence Design

SH Electric Powers original business intelligence system design did not include data warehouse requirements, which created many technical challenges for the project. The Oracle solution, however, enabled the company to introduce advanced technologies such as partitioning, materialized views, and bitmap indexing. For example, we can now perform a group-based query of large data sets, which provides us with better quality data from analysis, said the spokesperson. SH Electric Power also replaced an older business intelligence presentation tool with the Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle ADF framework. This allowed developers to quickly develop the required feature even though they had no previous Java experience, the spokesperson said.
Why Oracle?

SH Electric Powers former business intelligence system was running on an Oracle9i Database in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) environment. Oracle was short listed as one of the potential candidates before eventually winning out over the competing brands. Oracle enjoys an excellent brand reputation and our technicians are extremely familiar with a range of Oracle solution, which keeps down the cost of system development, said the spokesperson. Our own long-term experience has shown the Oracle system to be very stable and offers lower overall maintenance costs.
Implementation Process

SH Electric Power setup a team in 2004 to investigate a range of data warehousing solutions on the market. This project was the first of its kind in the domestic power industry in China. The BI warehouse project began in July 2005. The company assigned responsibility for the project to staff working within its business management department, given their familiarity with power industry operations and expertise in database technologies. Shine Energy was commissioned to set up a project team. The entire project was divided into two parts. Phase one involved core billing data processing while phase two expanded the system to include sales data such as customer service and metering. The project went live on September 15, 2006.


Shanghai MUnicipaL ELectric Power CompanY

SH Electric Power embraced Oracles solution for its data warehouse and it has delivered staggering results in terms of our ability to make decisions that will benefit our business now and in the future, said the spokesperson.

The Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company (SH Electric Power) handles the transmission, distribution, and sale of electrical power in Shanghai. The companys network covers the entire Shanghai administrative region and supplies power to almost 7 million customers.


Shanghai SociaL SecUritY anD CitiZen SerVice Information Center

Oracle Customer:
Shanghai Social Security and Citizen Service Information Center Shanghai, China

Shanghai Social Security and Citizen Service Information Center Builds Data Warehouse to Support Policymaking and Service Planning
The information provided by the data warehouse will help government departments develop social security policies and services. By employing Oracle as the core database, we will be able to easily and quickly develop the infrastructure to keep pace with growth. Peng Zhaohui, Chief Information Ofcer, Shanghai Social Security and Citizen Service Information Center

Public Sector


Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Oracle OLAP Oracle Data Mining Oracle Warehouse Builder Enterprise ETL Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

China began issuing social security cards in 1999 and selected Shanghai as the pilot city for the initiative. Six million cards were distributed in 1999. In 2008, 13 million cards were issued. When the social security card project was initiated in 1998, the Shanghai Municipal Information Commission established the Shanghai Social Security and Citizen Service Center to oversee the development and maintenance of networks, systems, databases, Web sites, and interactive voice services that would support delivery of the cards. The Center has used Oracle Database to store social security information since the projects inception. In 2006, it again turned to Oracle technology to build a data warehouse and implement business intelligence tools. Oracle has always provided responsive service and been instrumental in helping us develop and manage the database infrastructure, said Peng Zhaohui, chief information officer of the Shanghai Social Security and Citizen Service Information Center.
Building a Robust Database Platform

Oracle Partner:
Shanghai Huateng Software Systems Co., Ltd

Social security cards are essentially identity cards issued by local labor and social security agencies under the directorship of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Citizens use their cards to access social security, medical insurance, and housing funds, verify their residence, and complete other administrative obligations such as security checks. The Shanghai Social Security and Citizen Service Information Center is responsible for building and maintaining a central database, a municipal-level information exchange platform, a card issuance system, and Web sites and interactive voice systems that provide information to citizens. The Center also provides technical support for the expansion of operations and card functions. Development of the social security card systems was divided into three phases. The first phase involved integrating five government agencies and establishing common information exchange standards. Previously, the Shanghai Labor and Social Security Bureau, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau, the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau, the Shanghai Medical Care and Insurance Bureau, and the Shanghai Housing Provident Fund Management Center all had their own databases and information systems. By capturing information in a single database, the agencies can share data and be assured of its accuracy and currency.


Shanghai SociaL SecUritY anD CitiZen SerVice Information Center

Key Benets:
Supported the delivery of more than 13 million social security cards in Shanghai Allowed ve government agencies to share information by standardizing on a common database platform Enabled the secure storage and retrieval of text and images Provided users with the ability to analyze information in a data warehouse, assisting in informed policymaking and resource allocation

The second phase of the development focused on issuing and supporting the delivery of social security cards. The Center had planned to issue 6 million cards in the first year of operation and needed to ensure the database and systems could cope with this volume. The final phase looked at building a cross-agency application system that would facilitate the launch of new operations and services. Oracle Database and Oracle Real Application Clusters served as the core platform for the social security card project. The database, which currently stores more than 3TB of information, can efficiently process and retrieve text and images, ensuring queries and updates can be completed quickly. The use of clustering technology means the workload is evenly distributed over a number of servers. If a server fails, the workload is instantly transferred to other active machines.
Preparing for In-Depth Trend Analysis

Now that the database and systems are bedded down, the focus is on using the social security card to facilitate new services and gather information for policymaking. In 2006, the Shanghai Social Security and Citizen Service Information Center decided to create a data warehouse, using Oracle Warehouse Builder to make strategic use of information in the Oracle database. We decided to build a data warehouse because there was an increasing demand from user for trend analysis, said Peng. By making better use of the information in the database, policymakers could make informed decisions about new public services and initiatives. For example, citizens of a certain age use the cards to access free public transport. Each time the card is swiped, the information is stored in the database. Government officials can then analyze the data to help them determine the demand for free public transport and the level of funding required to support the service. Similarly, government officials can query the data warehouse to find out which districts have large populations of young children, so that education resources can be provisioned as early as possible to meet enrolment demands in the future. They can also pinpoint districts where there is high demand for healthcare services and work on improving medical care in those areas. Data is currently uploaded into the data warehouse once every six months. The issuance of social security cards has just been completed, and over the next two years the Center will focus on data modeling and validation in preparation for in-depth analysis.
Why Oracle?

According to Peng, Oracle was chosen as the core database for the social security card project for a range of reasons. Oracle beat its rivals in terms of functionality, manageability, track record, and the professionalism of its technical staff, he said.


Shanghai SociaL SecUritY anD CitiZen SerVice Information Center

Oracle was again selected for the data warehouse project as it would enable the Center to extend the existing database infrastructure quickly and easily. Oracles responsive services, as well as the Centers proficiency in Oracle technologies, were other reasons for continuing to work with the vendor.
Implementation Process

Oracle engineers worked with the Center to scope out the database infrastructure. After the decision was made to deploy Oracle, Shanghai Huateng Software Systems (an Oracle partner) was engaged to implement the database and the data warehouse.

The Shanghai Social Security and Citizen Service Center oversees the development and maintenance of networks, systems, databases, Web sites, and interactive voice services to support the delivery of social security cards in the region.


StarwooD HoteLs & Resorts WorLDwiDe, Inc.

Oracle Customer:
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. White Plains, NY

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. Creates Highly Available and Easily Managed IT Foundation
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. is one of the worlds leading hotel and leisure companies with approximately 900 properties in more than 100 countries. Starwood Hotels is a fully integrated owner, operator, and franchisor of hotels and resorts with the following renowned brands: St. Regis, The Luxury Collection, Sheraton, Westin, Four Points by Sheraton, W, Le Mridien, Element, and Aloft. Starwood Hotels also owns Starwood Vacation Ownership, Inc., one of the premier developers and operators of high quality vacation interval ownership resorts.

Travel & Transportation

Annual Revenue:
US$6.2 billion


Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Oracle Diagnostics Pack Oracle Tuning Pack Oracle Real Application Clusters Oracle Partitioning Oracle Advanced Security

Create an IT infrastructure with the scalability and flexibility to support current and future business needs Extend system management and monitoring capabilities Reduce IT management costs while increasing performance and reliability Protect data privacy in transit and prevent any unauthorized access to data over the network


Standardized on Oracle enterprise grid, improving Starwoods ability to capture, confirm, and track thousands of daily online and phone reservations in efficient and reliable manner Consolidated more than 60 terabytes of information into Oracle data warehouse to support loyalty program and enterprise reporting Implemented Oracle Advanced Security to encrypt data communications, protecting data privacy and preventing any tampering over the network Replaced third-party management tool with Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control to manage and monitor the performance of Starwoods databases and applications Automated and enhanced database diagnostics and tuning processes with Oracle Diagnostics Pack for Database and Oracle Tuning Pack for Database, driving down IT management costs

We made a conscious decision to move away from our previous management tool and establish Oracle Grid Control as the standard. Oracle Grid Control has helped us address system management issues proactively, automate previously manual administrative tasks, and reduce the need for extensive DBA training. Arup Nanda, Senior Director of Database Engineering and Operations, Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.


Oracle Customer: Hangzhou, China Turns to Grid Computing to Improve System Performance and Reliability

Founded in 2003, is the leading shopping Web site in China, with a 70% share of the market and more than 40 million registered members. Its transaction volume has increased year on year and reached US$6.27 billion in 2007.

Media & Entertainment


Design more and better promotions to attract customers Make better use of business data to inform decision making and Web site development Improve infrastructure planning and ensure architecture can scale with business growth Address poor database performance and speed up response times

Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Real Application Clusters Oracle Data Warehousing Oracle Business Intelligence Oracle Data Mining Oracle Partitioning Oracle Cluster Ready Services Oracle Automatic Storage Management


Implemented a reliable, scalable, and high performing information technology architecture using a range of Oracle grid computing products Satisfied scalability requirements with four-node server cluster, with the option of expanding to 16 nodes in the future Helped departments better manage operations, compile reports, and analyze data by introducing business intelligence and data mining functions Achieved twice the performance of previous database in completing searches and data queries Ensured optimal operation with automatic system monitoring using Oracle Automatic Storage Management Completed disk replacement in five minutes, compared with two hours in the past, by replacing manual server tools with Oracle Automatic Storage Management Boosted efficiency by reducing management load

Our IT infrastructure must keep pace with the exponential growth of our business. By using Oracle solutions for our basic infrastructure and data warehousing environment, we satisfy our business requirements for data analysis while retaining the exibility to support future growth. Wang Hai, Technology Manager, Data Platform Dept, Product Technology Center


TeLefnica O2 GermanY GmbH & Co. OHG

Oracle Customer:
Telefnica O2 Germany GmbH & Co. OHG Munich, Germany

Telefnica O2 Germany GmbH & Co. OHG Creates 35TB Data Warehouse to Manage Data and Improve Operations
Telefnica O2 Germany GmbH & Co. OHG, part of the Spanish telecommunications group Telefnica S.A., serves more than 13 million mobile phone customers in Germany. The company offers both pre- and post-paid mobile phone products, as well as innovative mobile data services. As an integrated communications provider, the company also supplies DSL landline telephone and high-speed internet services.


Annual Revenue:
US$4.47 billion


Provide all employees with critical, role-specific business information through O2s business intelligence center Support enormous amounts of data resulting from annual archiving and manage data transfer from numerous source systems (billing, customer service, network administration) Produce reports based on the previous days data Provide multiple dependent data marts

Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Enterprise Edition Oracle Partitioning


Created a centralized enterprise data warehouse with Oracle Database Enterprise Edition Supported data extraction from more than 100 source systems Delivered a fully interpreted picture of customers and business relationships with up-todate data Provided unlimited availability of structural data such as customer stock or product mix figures and stored anonymous revenue data for up to two years Eliminated growth restrictions for the data warehousewhich already holds 35 terabyteswith the scalability offered by Oracle Database and Oracle Partitioning Simplified populating dependent data marts for area-specific reporting and data mining on subjects such as customer satisfaction, revenue projections, tariff simulation campaign management, and fraud management Produced approximately 2,500 reports for approximately 2,200 registered users Enabled efficient data sourcing by seamlessly integrating the data warehouse into the operative applications

Oracle Database and highperformance PL/SQL-based loadjobs enable us to make available the entire data stock from more than 100 source systems at the previous days state. With a total volume of 35 terabytes and more than 10,000 load jobsin which we can implement even very complex transformationsthis is truly impressive. Dr. Jens Johannesson, Head of Design & Implementation, Business Intelligence Center, Telefnica O2 Germany


TUrkceLL TeLecommUnications SerVices A.S.

Oracle Customer:
Turkcell Telecommunications Services A.S. Istanbul, Turkey

Turkcell Telecommunications Services A.S. Reduces Data Backup Time of 50 Terabyte Data Warehouse from 38 Hours to 45 Minutes
Turkcell is the leading GSM operator in Turkey. The company has 35.1 million subscribers, and is the third largest mobile network operator in Europe. Established in 1994, Turkcell created the first Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) network in Turkey and is the first Turkish company to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange.


Annual Revenue:
US$6.3 billion


Accelerate access to critical business data to support complex analysis of business performance and of customer behavior Improve integration between data sources to preserve quality of customer, product, and company information Improve system availability and reduce error rates Streamline system management and reduce costs Reduce key data processing time windows Prevent simultaneous extract, transform, and load (ETL) and reporting processes from draining system resources Manage a 50 terabyte EDW and various terabyte Data Marts

Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Partitioning


Improved system availability from 95% to 99% Reduced backup costs by 50% with incremental backup Compressed each four terabytes of data to 1.2 terabytes, saving significant storage costs Improved backup time from 38 hours once a week to 45 minutes every night with Oracle Databases incremental backup capabilities Used Oracle Data Pump to reduce import/export time by an order of magnitude Isolated reporting and ETL hosts so that these processes are not sharing the same resources Future proofed the system through the flexibility and scalability of Oracle Database

As one of the most prominent telco companies in Europe, time to market, availability, and scalability are crucial concerns for us. Oracle has given us an excellent solution to help us meet all three of these challenges. Husnu Sensoy, Data Warehouse Specialist, Turkcell Telecommunications Services A.S.


WeLLcome TrUst Sanger InstitUte

Oracle Customer:
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Cambridge, England

Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Manages Terabyte Data Growth Each Week While Driving Down Costs
Leading global genome research institute Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (WTSI) uses large-scale sequencing, informatics, and analysis of genetic variation to further the understanding of genes in health and disease. Responsible for the completion of one-third of the human genome, WTSI is driving the 1000 Genomes Project, an international research consortium formed to create the most detailed picture of human genetic variation available to date.

Life Sciences


Oracle Products & Services:

Oracle Database Oracle Partitioning Oracle Real Application Clusters

Ensure continued rapid accessibility to 650 researchers and the worldwide scientific community of 74 terabytes of large object (LOB) sequencing data in the WTSIs short read archive, while handling data growth of 4 terabytes to 10 terabytes weekly Cut hardware and system maintenance costs


Implemented Oracle Database 11g to benefit from SecureFiles, a re-engineered storage concept that enables large unstructured files to reside and be managed in the database Used SecureFiles to consolidate structured and unstructured LOB data, such as complex sequenced data previously held in separate file server-based archiving systems, on Oracle Database 11g Leveraged SecureFiles to deliver file system-like performance for LOBs with optimized algorithms that deliver 10 times faster retrieval, read, and write speeds than with Oracle Database 10g Maintain data integrity and control access to the data Optimized advanced space management and leveraged smaller footprint enabled by SecureFiles to reduce support costs Streamlined system management and increased availability by using Oracle Partitioning in Oracle Database 11g to divide large tables into smaller, manageable units Leveraged Oracle Real Application Clusters to guarantee data availability through seamless load sharing and instant failover Cut costs by gaining the ability to use commodity hardware with cheaper storage devices and simplify the backup system Gained the ability to accommodate exponential data growth

Oracles SecureFiles storage feature makes the Oracle Database 11g a major platform for managing large object data types while guaranteeing rapid retrieval speeds, improved system performance, optimized space and hardware usage, and innite scalability. Karen Ambrose, Senior Database Administrator, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute


Index by Region / Country / Customer


CUSTOMER NAME Australian Bureau of Statistics Grameenphone Ltd. Anhui Telecom Company Ltd China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd Fujian Unicom Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company Shanghai Social Security and Citizen Service Information Center KTF Bureau of Labor Insurance adidas AG GfK Group Retail and Technology IDS GmbHAnalysis and Reporting Services (IDS) Quelle GmbH Telefnica O2 Germany GmbH & Co. OHG Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute DARCO Group Allegro Group Procter & Gamble Turkcell Telecommunications Services A.S. Chicago Stock Exchange Giant Eagle, Inc. LGR Telecommunications R.L. Polk & Co. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.



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