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DESCRIPTION Weighting Scale, Infant/Adult Clinical Weighing Scale Gooseneck Lamp/ !amining Lamp #!$gen Gauge/#!$gen %he&ap$ Set/'edical (egulato& ). Sph$gmomanomete& *. Suction Appa&atus/'achine +. Inst&ument Ste&ili,e& -. .e/uli,e& 0. (otato&/Shake& 11. Cent&ifuge 23igh Speed4 11. lect&o5muscula& Stimulato& 12. Spect&ophotomete& 13. 6ninte&&upted 7o8e& Suppl$ 267S4 1". 9ag :al;e 'ask 2 7edia and Adult4 1). Anesthesia 9ag 1*. 'ic&oscope 1+. CG 'achine 1-. <efi/&illato& 10. Infant Incu/ato& 21. Ca&diac 'onito&/ 7atient 'onito& 21. .% <iagnostic Set 22. 'agneto %he&ap$ 23. G and 'G 'achines 2". lect&ical Safet$ Anal$,e& 2). %he&mocouple %he&momete& 2*. =:7 'ete& 2+. #!$gen Anal$,e& 2-. :entilato& 20. lect&osu&gical 'achine 31. Infusion pump Anal$,e& 1. 2. 3. ". AVAILABLE EQUIPMENT

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