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Banned and Challenged Book Project Rubric

States a reason and supports it with a few specific excepts from the book

Gives reasons with little support from the book

Merely states the reason for banning or challenging


Clearly explains why the book was banned or challenged Provides many specific excerpts from the book that the initiator(s) may have had in mind when challenging the book

Other Factors

Clearly explains other factors such as geographic location year of publication sociopolitical climate group initiating the challenge group against the challenge etc! that were in place at the time of the challenge Clearly identifies 3-4 different places the book was banned or challenged and the reasoning behind it States an opinion about using the book in a classroom! 'horoughly supports the opinion with solid reasoning 'he paper is free of spelling grammar and punctuation errors Paragraphs are clear and concise 'he paper is extremely well organi)ed

"ooks at one other factor that may have contributed to banning or censoring of a book and supports it with information about the book "ocates % other places the book was banned or challenged and supplies the reasoning behind it States and opinion and attempts to support the opinion 'he paper is virtually free of spelling grammar and punctuation errors Paragraphs are clear 'he paper is well organi)ed

#nformation is implied regarding other factors that may have contributed to the banning or censoring of the book "ocates & other place the book was banned or challenged

$o other information is included


$o information is given regarding other places where the book was banned or challenged (oes not provide any information 'he paper has many errors in spelling grammar and punctuation 'he paper is not appropriately paragraphed (isorgani)ed

Classroom Use Writing

States an opinion regarding classroom use 'he paper has a few errors in spelling grammar and punctuation Paragraphs are not clear and concise 'he paper lacks organi)ation


*ppropriate book Children+s book written for students in grades %, $ovel

#nappropriate book Picture book .igh school novel

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