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Name: ______________________ Date: ___________________Hour:_________________________ Salem Witch Trail Documentary 1. How many people were executed? 2.

How many people were imprisoned? 3. What major city is close to Salem village? 4. What is Reverend Samuel Parris looking for from his congregation? 5. How old is Betty Parris? How old is Abigail Williams? 6. What was wrong with both girls? 7. What is a witch-cake? 8. Who were the Wabanakis? 9. How does Mercy Lewis play a central role in witch hysteria? 10. Who is Tituba? 11. Who are John Hawthorne and John Corwin? 12. What was the easiest way to get a conviction in a witch trial? 13. How do the girls react when Tituba begins to tell her stories? 14. Who are Goody (Sarah) Osborn and Sarah Goode, according to Tituba? 15. How many Witches did Tituba mention? 16. What is different about the Coreys being accused of witchcraft? 17. By the end of April how many people were being kept in jail? 18. What happens to Sarah Goodes 4-year-old daughter? 19. How did Sheriff Corwin benefit from the witch hunt?

20. What did Puritans encourage people to do rather than resort to physical violence with one another? 21. How many people did Thomas Putnam and his family personally accuse of witch craft? 22. What do the Putnams have against George Burrows? 23. What are the differences between a Puritan court and out modern courts? 24. What happens to the girls in the audience during Bridget Bishops trial? 25. What happened June 10, 1692? 26. Why are Rebecca Nurse and Sarah Goode ultimately hanged? 27. What is the implicit bargain being made with people who confess to witch craft? 28. What role do the Native Americans play in the trial of George Burrows? 29. George Burrows openly defies what? 30. What almost saves George Burrows life? 31. What happens in September 1692? 32. What do they want Giles Corey to do when they place the stones on his body? 33. Why is Martha Corey considered a martyr?

34. How long is Tituba in jail? 35. Why were there no more trials for witchcraft after 1692?

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