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BULLETIN OUTLINE Chain Reaction: Contentment Philippians 4:10-13 03.23.14 Mike Marion Contentment is learned!

Many have or have had a secret, fear or unanswered question that defines them or keeps them from experiencing contentment. Contentment must be centered in Christ! Contentment is a gift we give to others! LOOKING BACK There is no looking back this week.

LOOKING AHEAD Chain Reaction: The Matter of Giving and Receiving Part 1

Philippians 4:14-17

It is remarkable that some of the most intimate and heart felt communication in this letter comes as a result of the way the Philippians engaged in the matter of giving and receiving. It is almost endearing. Who would have thought! This is a great opportunity to allow God to refresh our hearts and mind regarding this matter. Looking It Up 1. As you read this last section of the letter, 4:14-23, what is the general feel or tone? How do you think Paul wanted the Philippians to feel when they heard these words? 2. What is Pauls main subject here? (see v. 15)

3. How do most people feel about this subject?

4. What first prompted the Philippians to give to Paul, and what happened as time went on? (Check out a map that shows Philippi and Thessalonica. Also background on the giving of the Philippians (Macedonia) can be found in 2 Corinthians 8-9) 5. Ponder 4:17 for a while. Reactions? Believable?

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