Igor Birman Endorsement

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March 20, 2014 Mr. Igor Birman P.O.

Box 647 Folsom, CA 95763 Dear Igor, We have a Congress that continues to attack our liberties; a government takeover of health care, out of control spending, and a Federal Reserve that continues to devalue our currency. We need members of Congress who will stand up to those in both parties that want to continue to spend money we dont have to fix problems Congress has no business being involved in. You have a unique personal story and an obvious love of the personal liberties this country is supposed to embrace. I am proud to endorse your campaign for Congress. You have shown you are committed to fighting for limited government and more personal liberties. For your website or press release, you may use the following quote: Igor Birman has seen first hand what happens when the government takes control of every aspect of your life. That experience will make him a valuable member of the House of Representatives and a leader for smaller government and more personal liberties. I am proud to endorse Igor Birman for Congress Good luck in your race. For Liberty,

Ron Paul


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