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3690 SOUTH 3600 WEST WEST VALLEY CITY - UTAH 84119-2569 !"#$%&'(()%.(rg*'%*gr !g$r* TELE+HONE 385-646-5320 ,A- 385-646-5336
From here, anythings possible


March 11-12 Dear Sirs: Elena Olivo has wor e! with me as a st"!ent teacher, !emonstrating mat"rity, c"rric"l"m !evelopment e#pertise, ease with technology, talent $or b"il!ing positive relationships with st"!ents, an! respect$"l interactions with parents an! st"!ents ali e thro"gho"t her time at %ranger &igh School'

(he c"rric"l"m Elena has !evelope! consistently centers on the )tah *ang"age +rts core' Di$$erentiation has been conscientio"sly a!!resse! to meet the varie! nee!s o$ her st"!ents, who range $rom level 2 English lang"age learners to st"!ents capable o$ completing ,ollege -rep English' Engagement is a high priority in her lesson !esigns as she !raws on her own bac gro"n!, searches the internet, an! solicits i!eas $rom both her mentors an! $ellow st"!ent teachers to !evelop plans which !raw in all st"!ents'

Elena is s ille! in " technology to engage st"!ents an! enhance the learning e#perience' She wor s with st"!ent writing tho"gh %oogle Drive share! st"!ent port$olios, e$$ectively " an /ntelliwrite boar!, an! provi!es engaging an! challenging technology-base! assignments s"ch as b"il!ing a Faceboo page $or a character in &amlet'

,ollaboration with peers an! teacher mentors compliments the s ills an! abilities she brings to each tas ' She both o$$ers an! invites i!eas $or improving st"!ent learning an! !eveloping the positive relationships st"!ents nee!' / have been impresse! with her s ill in tal ing with parents' She is respect$"l an! clear in both English an! Spanish' Elena Olivo wo"l! be a strong a!!ition to any $ac"lty' &er potential $or g"i!ing, engaging an! teaching st"!ents has been evi!ent in her wor here at %ranger &igh School' / recommen! her witho"t reservation'

0anice 0ohnson, English teacher

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