AASHTO - (Manual For Condition Evaluation of Bridges)

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MANUAL FOR CONDITION EVALUATION OF BRIDGES 1994 Prepared by the AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures © Copyright 1994 by the American Association of State Highway and Trans- portation Officials. All Rights Reserved. This book, or any part thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission ofthe publisher. ISBN: 1-56051-067-6 Published by the ‘American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ‘444 North Capitol Street, N.W,, Suite 249 Washington, D.C. 20001 AASHTO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1992-1993 VOTING MEMBERS Officers President: Wayne Muri, Missouri Vice President: Howard Yerusalim, Pennsylvania Secretary. Clyde E. Pyers, Maryland Regional Representatives Region! Charles O'Leary, New Hampshire Region Hl Wayne Shackelford, Georgia Region IMI Kirk Brown, Ilinois Region IV (vacant) NON-VOTING MEMBERS Immediate Past President: A. Ray Chamberlain, Colorado Executive Director: Francis B. Francois, Washington, D.C. HIGHWAY SUBCOMMITTEE ON BRIDGES AND STRUCTURES 1993 JAMES E. SIEBELS, COLORADO, Chairman G. CHARLES LEWIS, GEORGIA, Vice Chairman STANLEY GORDON, Federal Highway Administration, Secretary ALABAMA, Fred Conway ALASKA. Steve Bradford, Ray Shumway ARIZONA, William R. Brucsch, F. Daniel Davis ARKANSAS, Veral Pinkerton CALIFORNIA, James E. Roberts COLORADO, AJ. Siccardi CONNECTICUT, Gordon Barton DELAWARE, Chao H. Hu D.., Charles F. Williams, Jacob Patnaik FLORIDA, Jerry Potter GEORGIA, Paul Liles HAWAII, Donald C. Omellas IDAHO, Richard Jobes ILLINOIS, Ralph E. Anderson INDIANA, John J. White IOWA, William A. Lundquist KANSAS, Kenneth F, Hurst KENTUCKY, Richard Sutherland LOUISIANA, Norval Knapp MAINE, James Chandler, Theodore Karasopoulos MARYLAND, Earle S. Freedman MASSACHUSETTS, Joseph P. Gill MICHIGAN, Sudhakar Kulkami MINNESOTA, Donald J. Flemming MISSISSIPPI, Wilbur Frank Massey MISSOURI, Allen F. Laffoon MONTANA, James C. Hill NEBRASKA, Lyman D. Freemon NEVADA, Floyd I. Marcucci NEW HAMPSHIRE, James A. Moore NEW JERSEY, Robert Pege NEW MEXICO, Martin A. Gavumnick NEW YORK, Michael J. Cuddy, Arun Shirole NORTH CAROLINA, John L. Smith NORTH DAKOTA, Forest Durow OHIO, B. David Hanhilammi OKLAHOMA, Veldo M. Goins OREGON, Terry J. Shike PENNSYLVANIA, Mahendra G. Patel PUERTO RICO, Jorge L. Melendez, Jorge L. Acevedor, RHODE ISLAND, Kazem Fahhoumand SOUTH CAROLINA, Benjamin A. Meetze SOUTH DAKOTA, Clyde H. Jundt ‘TENNESSEE, Clellon Loveall, Ed Wasserman ‘TEXAS, Luis Ybanez USS. DOT, Stanley Gordon (FHWA), Nick E. Mpars (USCG) UTAH, Dave Christensen VERMONT, Warren B. Tripp VIRGINIA, Malcolm T. Kerley WASHINGTON, Allan H. Walley WEST VIRGINIA, James Sothen WISCONSIN, Stanley W. Woods WYOMING, David Pope ALBERTA, Bob Ramsay MANITOBA, W. Saltzberg MARIANA ISLANDS, Elizabeth H. Salas- Balajadia NEW BRUNSWICK, Garth Rushton NEWFOUNDLAND, Peter Lester NORTHWEST TERRITORIES, Jivko Jivkov NOVA SCOTIA, Stan Nguan ONTARIO, Rajit S. Reel SASKATCHEWAN, Lome J. Hamblin MASS. METRO. DIST. COMM., David Lenhardt NJ. TURNPIKE AUTHORITY, Wallace R. Grant PORT AUTHORITY OF NY & NJ, Joseph K. Kelly NY STATE BRIDGE AUTHORITY, William Moreau BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS-DIVISION OF ‘TRANSPORTATION, Wade Cosey US, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE- FOREST SERVICE, Steve L. Bunnell MILITARY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT COMMAND, Robert D. Franz U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS-DEPT. OF ‘THE ARMY, Paul C.T. Tan

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