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Bucharest, Romania.

In accordance with the decision which was adopted in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), the National Grand Lodge of Romania was charged with organizing the World Conference of Grand Lodges in 2 !"# $% this, from now and &ntil 2 !", Romania holds the presidenc% of the World Conference#

'he most important (asonic e)ent in the world ta*es place e)er% !+ months (one %ear and a half) and is held in t&rn b% )ario&s Grand Lodges# 'he e)ent will ta*e place for the first time in histor% in the Central and ,astern ,&rope and the first co&ntr% responsible with its organization will be Romania, the co&ntr% with the largest (asonic comm&nit% in this part of ,&rope, e-cept '&r*e%#

.r# Rad& $alanesc&, Grand (aster of the NGLR holds the office of ,-ec&ti)e Chairman of the World Conference and he will coordinate the e)ents that will ta*e place in 2 !" at the /arliament /alace, the most li*el% location gi)en its infrastr&ct&re, the second largest b&ilding in the world after the /entagon#

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