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Name: Andrea MacMurray

Grade: Fours Preschool

Subject Area: Social, Cognitive, & Communication and Literacy Development Specific Topic: Circle Length of Time: 25 minutes Date Taught: 2/14/14

Purpose: For the children to experience being with each other as a team. Curriculumn Standards: NH Early Learning Guidelines Communication and Literacy Development Emergent and early reading: childrens awareness and recognition of sounds and symbols (print), and enjoyment of written materials Cognitive Development Inquiry: childrens increasing ability to draw on their knowledge and experiences to formulate questions and hypotheses that support the development of mathematical, scientific, linguistic, and sociocultural concepts. AEPSi Cognitive A: 1 Demonstrates understanding of color, shape, and size concepts G: 1 Counts at least 20 objects G: 2 Demonstrates understanding of printed numerals H: 1 Phonological awareness Social B: 3 Watches, listens, and participates in large group activities Social-Communication A:1 Uses words, phrases, or sentences to inform, direct, ask questions, and express anticipation, imagination, affect, and emotions. Objectives: 1. The children will be engaged in circle by singing hickety pickety. 2. The children will recognize their name in print. 3. The children will spell their name and the corresponding sound for each letter.
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4. The children will catch a bean bag, state the color, and letter/number. 5. Three children will choose a song and all children will be actively involved by doing the motions to the song and/or singing. 6. The children will make predictions as to what the next color will be on the calendar (AABC pattern). 7. The children will state the day of the week. 8. The children will observe and verbally state the weather. Background Knowledge Needed: Circle helps to set the tone for the day. It is a time that we all come together. We greet each other, discuss the upcoming events, and any concerns that we might be having. Circle helps the children to learn social skills. They are participating in singing, dancing, and discussions. Materials Needed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Blue Mats Name Cards Bean Bags Calendar Days of the Week cards Weather Card Songs Choice Board Colored Cards (Transition to Activities) Snowflake counter

Student Grouping Whole Class Preparation for Experience: Lay out on the rug: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Blue Mats Name Cards Calendar Card Days of Week Cards (yesterday, tomorrow, today) Bean Bags Song Choice Board Weather Card Transition Cards Snowflake Counter

Outline of Experience:

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Introduction: I will turn the clean up song on approximately 12:35 (allowing us 5 minutes to clean up). I will also alert a Para prior to turning on the music so that she can flip the lights (accommodation for a hearing impaired student). I will begin circle by laying out the blue mats. Students come over and find a mat after cleaning up. Body of the Lesson: I will begin circle by singing hickety pickety bumble bee holding up a students name. Once the student recognizes their name, I will say good afternoon to them. I will then have them spell their name and then say the corresponding sounds. Lastly, I will throw them a bean bag. They will state the color and letter/number. After each child is greeted, we will begin calendar. I will ask the group what month it is. Then we will predict what color they think will be next on the calendar. We then state the pattern following counting how many days in February has passed. We then discuss what day of the week it is, what day was yesterday, and what day tomorrow will be. Whats the weather? We look out the window, discuss the weather, and decide if we need to change our card on the bulletin board. We then will count how many days until February vacation. Conclusion: I will conclude the learning experience by explaining the days activities and then passing out the transition color cards. The color cards determine which table the students start activities at. Assessment Plan: I will be able to see if my objectives have been met by my anecdotal notes of the children and how they participated during meeting. Did they recognize their name? What letters and sounds were they able to recognize and produce? Were they able to recognize the color on the bean bag and letter? Were they able to recall the day of the week, month? Were they able to make a prediction about the pattern? Child Guidance/Classroom Management Plan: Because it is late in the year, many of the children already have a strong concept of what is expected at circle however, I will be there to positively remind them if they need it, they can be reminded of what the expectations are. If the children are having their own side conversations it will depend on the content I may need to just go with. Alternatively, I could remind them that it is circle time and we are ready to have discussions and activities together. Adaptions and Modifications: One student is visually and hearing impaired. I sign to greet each student. I also sign, Whats the weather? Colors, letters, and numbers. Extension Plan: Circle extends to the next day we build on what we have been working on together each time we have a meeting.
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References: NH Early Learning Guidelines 2005 Bricker, Diane, Betty Capt, and Kristie Pretti-Frontczak. AEPS Assessment, Evaluation and Programming System for Infants and Children. Second ed. Vol. 2. Baltimore, London, And Sydney: Paul H. Brookes, 2002. 151-259. 4 vols. Print

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