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ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING LAB VIVA QUESTIONS, Prepared by Prof. Ramaswamy K P © Alkalinity Acidity © Residual chlorine © Hardness «Dissolved oxygen ‘© Total solids © Chloride 1. Is mg/l and ppm same? If not, why? 2. Define the following: Standard solution ‘Volumetric analysis Indicator error or blank correction 3 4. 5 6. Dissolved solids and suspended solids 7. Significance of determination of total solids in sanitary engineering 8. Principle of working of nephelometer 9. Define turbidity and what is its unit? 10. Where do you find adverse effects of turbidity in environmental engineering? 11, Discuss the significance of determination of turbidity in sanitary engineering? 12. Discuss the nature of materials causing turbidity in + River water during flash flood = Polluted river water = Domestic waste water 13, What is standard unit of turbidity? 14, What are NTU and JTU? 15. Define alkalinity and acidity. What are its causes? 16. Which is the major form of alkalinity? How is it formed? 17. Classify hardness of water 18. What is pseudo hardness Ramaswamy K P, Assistant Professor in Civil Engg, TKMCE, Kollam. Page 1 19. Discuss the significance of determination of hardness of water in environmental engineering? 20. How can you remove permanent hardness from water? 21. Classify water based on degree of hardness 22. Can you determine temporary hardness and permanent hardness separately? If yes, how? 23. What are the principal cations causing hardness in water and the major anions associated with them? 24. Why is softening of water necessary? What are the advantages of soft water? 25. Why is it necessary to maintain the pH of water nearly 7? 26. What is a buffer solution? Give examples. 27. Explain the significance of high chloride in water? 28. What are the sources of chloride in water? 29. Explain the need for blank correction. 30. Why must the sample pH be neither high nor low? 31. Why the normality of silver nitrate solution is taken as 0.0141? 32. What are the methods of determination of chlorides? 33. Distinguish between mineral acidity and total acidity? 34. What is res lual chlorine? 35. Physical tests conducted for assessing quality of water? 36. What is the principle of plain sedimentation? 37. What is coagulation? 38. Why alum is used as a coagulant? 39. What are the factors affecting dosage of coagulants? 40. Explain jar test. 41, What is break point chlorination? 42. Per capita water consumption for domestic use 43. Dissolved impurities in water and its effects 44, Disadvantages of using hard water 45, Differentiate between plain sedimentation and coagulation 46, What are the factors affecting coagulant dosage? 47. Why alum is preferred as a coagulant? 48, Explain the need for blank correction in the determination of chloride 49. Explain the environmental significance of Dissolved Oxygen Ramaswamy K P, Assistant Professor in Civil Engg, TKMCE, Kollam. Page 2 50. Differentiate between BOD and COD 51. What is alkalinity due to? What is the major form of alkalinity? 52. Differentiate between dissolved and suspended solids 53. What is Stoke’s law? 54, What are the factors affecting sedimentation. 55. What is the source of hardness in water 56. What is the purpose of aeration in water treatment 57. What are E coli? Are they harmful to human beings? 58. What is coliform index? 59. Define MPN 60. What are the different factors that affect the degree of disinfection? 61. Differentiate between free residual chlorine and combined residual chlorine 62. The dosage of chlorine should be proper. Why? 63. Differentiate between disinfection and sterilization 64. Why do we prefer chlorination over other methods of disinfection? 65. What use is made of the BOD test in water pollution control? 66. List five requirements which must be completed with, in order to obtain reliable BOD data 67. The turbulence of water should be encouraged. Why? 68. Draw the oxygen saturation curve 69. What is the significance of pH in coagulation using alum 70. State the limits for the following substances in portable water-Iron, , Chloride, Lead. Manganese, Sulphate, Total soli Ramaswamy K P, Assistant Professor in Civil Engg, TKMCE, Kollam. Page 3

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