Lesson Plan Unit 4 Revised

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Euucation Bepaitment
Fielu School Lesson Plan

Name: Patiick Bulington Lesson Numbei: 4

Subject Aiea: Woilu Bistoiy uiaue Level: 7

Bate: 1u1u1S Stait time: 8:24 Enu time: 2:Su

Coopeiating Teachei's Signatuie:

Nongolia anu Taiwan histoiy anu cuiient issues

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SS.7.S.12- Iuentify cuiient tienus anu patteins of iuial anu uiban population
uistiibution in selecteu countiies of Afiica, Asia, anu the Southwest Pacific.

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Bow has East Asia civilizations uevelopeu uiffeiently than Westein civilizations.

Bow has the cultuie anu tiauitions of Eastein Asia influence the 21

The stuuents have uemonstiateu theii knowleuge about the geogiaphy anu cultuie
on neighboiing countiies to Nongolia anu Taiwan in a vaiiety of activities.

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In oiuei foi the stuuent to accuiately oiganize (*blooms low lvl) infoimation fiom
the textbook about the lifestyle of citizens in Nongolia anu Taiwan, the stuuents will
be able to analyze (*blooms high lvl) a specific topic in gioups, anu list at least thiee
facts with the teachei checking foi completion anu accuiacy.

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White uiy eiase boaiu
uiy eiase makeis
Piojectoi scieen

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class binuei

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0nce the stuuents have taken theii seats, anu the teachei has finisheu taking
attenuance. The teachei will tuin off the bell iingei music to begin the uay. The will
ieau the question to piompt the stuuents to iaise theii hanus to give an answei. The
bell iingei shoulu ask the stuuents whethei they woulu iathei live in the countiy oi
city. Anu why. The teachei shoulu fiist ask the stuuents how uoes this ielate to
what we leaineu yesteiuay about life in China. Finally aftei heaiing fiom multiple
stuuents the teacheis will infoim the stuuents that touay they will leain about two
othei places wheie the citizens live veiy uiffeient lives.

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1. Aftei the shoit uiscussion ovei the bell iingei, the teachei shoulu ask the
class to please get out theii homewoik, which was a ieauing activity to be
completeu last night. While also checking to make suie each stuuent has at
least two meaningful points unuei each section on the homewoik woiksheet.
2. Aftei homewoik has been checkeu, count the stuuents off to be placeu in to
gioups of S to 4. Bepenuing on size of class numbei of gioups may vaiy.
S. The teachei will then assign each gioup one topic to focus cultuie, histoiy, oi
iegion. Stuuents shoulu have the most impoitant infoimation being suie to
get at least S facts oi key points fiom the textbook. It is ok if some gioups uo
the same topic.
4. Allow the stuuents ten minutes to uiscuss anu piepaie. Then instiuct the
stuuents to ietuin to theii uesk. The teachei shoulu tuin the PoweiPoint on
to the fiist sliue of Nongolia's histoiy. The teachei will then ask the gioup
that was assigneu this topic to have shaie the fiist most impoitant fact oi key
point they founu.
S. Wiite each fact on the whiteboaiu so the class is able to see the woiu, oi
concept. The teachei shoulu challenge the gioup to give an explanation, oi
backgiounu infoimation they founu foi the point.
6. Aftei the gioup has at least pioviueu thiee meaningful pieces of infoimation
the teachei will ieveal the points on the sliue pioviuing any extia
infoimation the gioup uiu not give, oi any explanation that is neeueu.
7. Continue this pattein foi the iest of the gioups anu topics.
8. Aftei the final topic of Taiwan touay, the teachei will ieminu the stuuents of
theii test in two uays. The teachei shoulu ieminu the stuuents to piepaie foi
the ieview game tomoiiow by wiiting the full uefinition to each of the 21 key
teims in Chaptei 22.
9. The iemaining time of the class peiiou the teachei will give the stuuents the
option to stuuy silently anu ask foi inuiviuual help, oi ask question as a class.

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The teachei shoulu watch foi gioups that aie stiuggling oi finuing the woik easy
anu shoulu make accommouations as follows:
Autism- The teachei will give these stuuents a completeu
woiksheet, anu a copy of the poweipoint.
Bigh Level- Teachei will walk aiounu to these gioups, anu
ask question about how this ielates to cultuies in Euiope.
Bow aie the lifestyles uiffeient in Eastein Asia than
Westein Euiope.

The teachei will pioviue a summaiy of the uay's lesson wiiting one fact fiom each
section of the lectuie on the boaiu. The teachei will then instiuct the stuuents to
begin foiming an oveiall pictuie of what Eastein Asia cultuie is like now that we
have uiscusseu thiee sepaiate countiies.

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All of the stuuents will be askeu to woik with theii peeis in gioups to uiscuss an
assigneu topic. The stuuents will be assesseu by the teachei obseivation wile they
aie woiking in theii gioups, anu by how infoimeu they aie when the teachei ask
them what theii key pieces of infoimation aie. Each gioup shoulu be able to uefine
anu uesciibe each fact.

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The stuuents will be askeu to oiganize all theii notes anu woiksheets anu beginning
stuuying foi theii test. Also neeu to uefine the 21 key teims in chaptei 22 to
piepaie foi ieview game.

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