WORDLIST-1 English Flash Card

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amenities :: convenient features; courtesies adroit :: skillful

adulation :: flattery; admiration

abase :: lower; degrade; humiliate

aberrant :: abnormal or deviant

accord :: agreement

astigmatism :: eye defect that prevents

astral :: relating to the stars

apothecary :: druggist
apothegm :: pithy, compact saying amend :: correct; change, generally for the better


canter :: slow gallop canto :: division of a long poem bluff :: 1) (adj) rough but good-natured 2)pretense (of strength); deception; high cliff blunder :: error

bard :: poet

sepulcher :: tomb
sacrosanct :: most sacred; inviolable

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requite :: to make return or repayment for(a benefit, service, etc., or an injury,wrong, etc.); revenge barb :: sharp projection from fishhook or other object; openly cutting remark

faculty :: mental or bodily powers; teaching staff eulogistic :: praising eulogy :: expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death rescind :: cancel recurrent :: occurring again and again


precedent (n) :: something preceding in time that may be used as an authority or guide for future action; an earlier occurrence philanthropist :: lover of mankind; doer of good flinch :: hesitate; shrink

encroachment :: gradual intrusion encumber :: burden decelerate :: slow down deciduous :: falling off, as of leaves quarry (v) :: dig into propitiate :: appease


countermand :: cancel; revoke counterpart :: a thing that completes another; things very much alike

congenital :: existing at birth

conglomeration :: mass of material sticking together misnomer :: wrong name; incorrect designation

colander :: utensil with perforated bottom used for straining collaborate :: work together chameleon :: lizard that changes color in different situations

hiatus :: gap; pause

gossamer :: sheer; like cobwebs

flippant :: lacking proper seriousness philanderer :: faithless lover; flirt peccadillo :: slight offense overweening :: presumptuous; arrogant

obsidian :: black volcanic rock

natation :: swimming

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