Astrology Arudha

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Object 4

The system of Argala is used to determine the activation of planets and houses. Planets in the 4th, 2nd, 11th and 5th houses from a planet, cause "argala" to the planet. The more planets are found in such argala positions, the stronger the effect. The pages here would A contain articles various topics of Jyotish. regularly as I shall special case ison when at least malefics are Please in the visit rd house. update these pages frequently. I express gratitude toan Sri Jagannath Centerhouse, (SJC malefics ! Pt. San"ay #ath$ !ven though the my rd is normally argala o"structing in the rd are my %uru for helping me advancing in my Jyotish particularly well placed andStudies. cause "#ipreet Argala", having the same positive effects as a normal Argala. $"struction rules % !ach argala can "e o"structed or "ro&en if there is planet in the house that is symmetrically opposite to the 'raha in (uestion. )or e*ample, an argala causing planet placed in the 4th would "e o"structed "y a planet in the 1+th. $"struction can only ta&e place when the o"structing planet is sufficiently strong in ,had"ala, and if there are at least as many o"structing planets as there are argala causing planets -for that particular position.. An additional rule considers the signs as having 4 (uarters of /.5 degrees each. The o"structing 'raha Friday, February 2008 should01, "e placed in the opposite (uarter to -effectively. o"struct% the 1st and 4th (uarter are opposites, and the 2nd and rd are opposites. )or e*ample if the ,un is in the 11th house in 0 degrees -that is the 2nd (uarter. it Arudhapada could "e o"structed "y the 1oon in the rd house if the 1oon is "etween 15 and Arudha pada is one 22.5 of the very important concepts of3etu Jyotisha Shastra, which deals with the degrees rd (uarter.. 2ahu and % 2ahu and 3etu are always retrograde, image of the individual (or anycausing other positions entity). Even though this is positions clearly are described and the Argala and Argala o"structing 4ust the by Maharishi arashara in the chapter padadhyaya and upapadahyaya and also narrated byin reverse. )or e*ample, a 'raha in the 1+th from 2ahu causes Argala, and a 'raha Maharishi Jaimini in the Jaimini sutras, they are not 4th from 2ahu o"structs it. widely used by main stream astrologers. !his article strives to demystify the concepts and predictive value of the same, so that it can be Parashara says that 1 uno"structed Argala will give limited effects, 2 uno"structed understood and Argalas used will bygive the astrologers to fine tune their predictions. medium effect, and more than two uno"structed Argalas will give a strong effect. This phenomena will clearly manifest during the 5asha or CALCULATION OF Argala. !ffects of Argala on the BHAVAPADA Antardasha of such a planet having 'rahas % The The pada of Lagna effects corresponds to the sign, arrived at ! co"nting so #an! $igns fro# of the 'raha that gets Argala from multiple sources will manifest without Lagna Lord, as he o"struction. is a%a! fro# the Lagna& $i#i'ar'! padas for other Bhavas e (no%n 6hether these effects are positive or negative, depends mostly on the thro"gh their Lords& The %ord )pada* e+c'"sive'! the pada for Lagna& ,BPH$ placement of the 'raha as discussed indenotes the tutorial section on "auspiciousness". -.&/ 0 -.&12 7owever, argalas caused "y malefics will decrease the auspiciousness somewhat, and argala from "enefics will increase the auspiciousness. Therfore, the ideal The ar"dha ,Pada situation Lagna2 would of the"e Ascendant ,and other signs2 is the sign tained ! to have a strong Argala from "enefics.!ffects ofo Argala on the co"nting as #an! 8havas signs %fro# the Lord as it has progressed fro# the ascendant ,or The main effect of Argala on a house is that it9s prime significations are other sign2& /&/&142 manifested, for good or for "ad. The effects,3$ of argala on the houses is descri"ed "y Parashara thus. :ote % Argala on the ;agna, Arudha ;agna, the /th house and the /th !he pada of the lagna (orthe lagna pada or Arudha lagna) is arrived by counting the lagna lord from Arudha ;agna will ma&e one famous andat fortunate. from the lagna first and then counting as many signs from the lagna lord. !his be e"uated As you can see, the primary effect of Argala on the houses is notcan necessarily to a mirror and image of an ob#ect$ where lord of is the thehouse. mirrorThe here,5usthan lagna is the ob#ect and positive, "ut depends onlagna the nature houses -<,=,12. will lagna pada is the image of the lagna. !hus, Arudha of an house is the image of the house actually manifest their trou"lesome nature more, when receiving Argala. As a against the lord argala causedof secondary consideration, "y "enefics willthe give an en4oya"le house. and auspicious effect on the areas of life indicated "y the house, while argala from malefics will give somewhat compromised en4oyment. >f there is a com"ination of argalas from "enefics and malefics, it would "e some of "oth.


The sa#e Bhava or the 5th fro# it does not eco#e its pada& 6hen the pada fa''s in the sa#e Bhava, the /4th there fro# e treated, as its pada& $i#i'ar'!, %hen the 5th eco#es the pada of a Bhava, the 7th fro# the origina' Bhava in 8"estion e treated, as its pada& If the r"'er of a Bhava e in the 7th fro# the Bhava, then the ver! Bhava occ"pied e noted, as the Pada& ,BPH$ -.&7 0 -.&92 If the Lord of sign is in the fo"rth fro# it, the fo"rth ho"se eco#es the Ar"dha& ,3$ /&/&1/2 If the Lord of a sign is in the seventh fro# it, then the tenth ho"se Ar"dha& ,3$ eco#es the /&/&1-2

Since the image and the real ob#ect cannot be the same, similarly the arudha of a house cannot fall in the house itself. %ere &th house from the concerned house is also considered to be as real as the concerned house itself$ hence the arudha cannot fall in the &th house also. !hus, whenever the Arudha pada of a sign falls in the sign itself or the &th from the sign, then the final arudha is arrived by counting '( signs from the intermediate arudha. Na#es )ames '. *. -. 0. 2. 3. &. 6. 7. '(. ''. '*. of the '* Arudhas are +agnapada ,hanapada .i/ramapada Su/hapada utrapada Shatrupada 5alatrapada Mrtyupada itrpada 4a#yapada +abhapada .yayapada

Matrpada Mantrapada1 4ogapada ,arapada Maranapada1 5armapada

1 1 1 1

CALCULATION OF :;AHAPADA )ote the position of a 8raha and see how many Signs away is its own Sign with reference to its position. 9ount so many Signs from the said own Sign and the resultant Sign will become the Arudha of the 8raha. :f a 8raha owns two Signs, or, if a Sign is owned by two 8rahas$ consider the stronger and declare effects accordingly (; %S *7.3< *7.&). +i/e bhava pada is found by finding the image of the bhava against the bhava lord, the graha pada is found by finding the image of the graha against its sign. !hus count the number of signs from the 8raha to its sign, then count as many signs from the concerned sign. A;UDHA LA:NA AND FINANC<$ If the //th fro# Lagnapada is occ"pied, or aspected ! p'anets, the native %i'' e happ! and rich& If a enefic is re'ated to the e'eventh fro# the Lagnapada, the %ea'th %i'' co#e thro"gh vario"s fair #eans= ho%ever a #a'efic %i'' confer %ea'th thro"gh

8"estiona 'e #eans& If oth enefics and #a'efics inf'"ence the e'eventh, then so#eti#es the gains are fro# fair #eans and so#eti#es fro# 8"estiona 'e #eans or it can e oth #eans si#"'taneo"s'!, ased on the strength of the p'anets to confer res"'ts ,%ith regards to the strength, %e can "se the sthana> a'a of the p'anet2& If the p'anet in consideration is in e+a'tation, #"'atri(ona, o%n sign or friend'! sign, there %i'' e p'ent! of gains and p'ent! of happiness, co##ens"rating the strength of the p'anets so p'aced& ,BPH$ -.&? 0 -.&//2 A p'anet inf'"encing @/A the e'eventh ho"se ,fro# 'agnapada2 is the har inger of prosperit! ,and indicates the so"rces of enrich#entB %ea'th2& Benefics inf'"encing the //th indicate gains thro"gh righteo"s #eans or 'ega''! accepta 'e #ethods& Ca'efics inf'"encing the //th indicate gains thro"gh 8"estiona 'e and i''ega' #eans& <+a'tation, o%n sign p'ace#ent etc& of the p'anet inf'"encing sho"'d e considered& ,3$ /&1&-> 3$ /&1&92 :f a malefic planet aspecting1con#oining the eleventh (from Arudha lagna) simultaneously #oins1aspect the si=th house, the income is surely from "uestionable means. !he sources of such income have been indicated by Jaimini in subse"uent verses. %owever, the sign and aspects should also be considered. Similarly, inferences can be made from the lord of eleventh house from Arudha lagna. ''th house is /nown as +abha bhava or the house of gains. :f there are planets placed in or aspecting the ''th from Arudha +agna, the native shall gain from the sources indicated by those planets. !hus if benefics aspect or associate with the ''th house from the arudha lagna, the gains shall from benefic means, while malefics influencing such house shall show gains from "uestionable means. !he strength of planets influencing the ''th shall be in increasing order of lordship> aspect> placement. The so"rce of inco#e sha'' e indicated in fo''o%ing %a!sD !he natural significations of the planets such as Jupiter related to priesthood, consulting, advising etc. .enus with things related to sea, gems, beauty items etc.!he relationship signified by the planets. !hus, if Sun is placed in the ''th from arudha lagna, the native shall gain from the govt., father etc.!he relationships signified by the movable significations (chara /ara/atva) of the planets. !hus, if dara/ara/a is placed in the ''th from A+, there can be gains from wife or partnership.?pagrahas can also influence the source of income. !hus 8uli/a@s or Mandi@s placement can show gain from poisonous materials etc. lacement of other arudha padas show gains due to influence of the things related to such arudha padasA*B. :f the planet is e=alted or debilitated, a high level of income is indicated$ if in own sign above average income$ if in friendly signs, average income and in inimical signs, below average income. Fo''o%ing ta 'e can e "sed for E"dging the 8"ant"# of gains&

If the /-th fro# Lagnapada is not aspected, as the //th fro# Lagna Pada receives a

Drishti fro#

a :raha, then

the gains


"ninterr"pted ,BPH$ -.&/-2




If there is Arga'a for the said //th, there %i'' e #ore gains, %hi'e a enefic Arga'a %i'' ring sti'' #ore gains& If the said enefic, ca"sing Arga'a is in his e+a'tation $ign, the gains %i'' e sti'' higher& If the said //th receives a Drishti fro# a enefic fro# Lagna, the .th etc&, gains %i'' increase in the ascending order& In a'' these cases, the /-th fro# the Lagnapada sho"'d si#"'taneo"s'! e free fro# #a'efic association& A enefic, p'aced in Lagna, giving a Drishti to the //th fro# Ar"dha Lagna %i'' e sti'' eneficia'& If the Drishti is fro# the .th fro# Lagna, it %i'' confer #"ch #ore gains& ,BPH$ -.&/1 0 -.&/92

If the /-th fro# Lagna Pada receives a Drishti fro#, or is in conE"nction %ith oth enefics and #a'efics, there %i'' e a "ndant earnings, "t p'ent! of e+penses& The enefic %i'' ca"se thro"gh fair #eans, #a'efic thro"gh "nfair #eans and #i+ed :rahas thro"gh oth fair and "nfair #eans& ,BPH$ -.&/G 0 -.&/52 P'anets conEoining or aspecting the t%e'fth ho"se fro# Ar"dha 'agna ca"se 'osses and e+penses& ,3$ /&1&G2

If the /-th fro# Lagna Pada is conE"nct $"n, Ven"s or ;ah", there %i'' e 'oss of %ea'th thro"gh the (ing& Coon, giving a Drishti to the trio #entioned a ove, %i'' specifica''! ca"se #ore s"ch 'osses& If Cerc"r! is in the /-th fro# Lagna Pada and is !"ti %ith, or receives a Drishti fro# a enefic, there %i'' e e+penses thro"gh paterna' re'atives& A #a'efic so re'ated to the said Cerc"r! %i'' ca"se 'oss of %ea'th thro"gh disp"tes& If 3"piter is in the /-th fro# Lagna Pada, receiving a Drishti fro# others, the e+penses %i'' e thro"gh ta+es& If $at"rn is in the /-th fro# Lagna Pada a'ong %ith Cars and receives a Drishti fro# others, the e+penses %i'' e thro"gh oneHs co> orn& ,BPH$ -.&/? 0 -.&-/2 The $"n, ;ah" I Ven"s inf'"encing the t%e'fth ho"se sho% 'ossesBe+penses d"e to the (ing& ,3$ /&1&52 The &ing in today's context should imply %overnment$ and top politicians in power if it is the Sun. %overnment action li&e penalty payments( fines etc are indicated )y #ahu. *enus indicates expenses on entertainment etc of middle ! lower level )ureaucrats.

If the Coon a'so aspects the t%e'fth ho"se ,%ith the $"n, Ven"s or ;ah"2 these 'osses are s"re to accr"e& ,3$ /&1&?2 The lunar aspect+con"unction of the twelfth from ,rudha lagna will cause trou)le from the -&ing' provided either one or more of the Sun$ *enus or #ahu also aspects+con"oins the twelfth house. 3"piter aspecting or conEoining the t%e'fth sho%s e+penses on acco"nt of ta+es, to''s etc& ,3$ /&1&.2 Cars andBor $at"rn aspecting ,or conEoining2 the t%e'fth sho%s 'osses thro"gh !o"nger and Bor e'der rothers ,or co> orns2 respective'!& ,3$ /&1&/42 Cerc"r! aspecting or conEoining the t%e'fth indicates 'osses thro"gh 'itigations or d"e to co"sins and other re'atives& ,3$ /&1&//2

6hatever so"rces of e+penses are indicated a ove %ith reference to the /-th fro# Lagna Pada, gains thro"gh si#i'ar so"rces %i'' occ"r, if La h Bhava so feat"res %ith reference to Lagna Pada& ,BPH$ -.&--2 The so"rces of e+penses ,indicated in $tanJa /&1&5& to /&1&//2 %i'' indicate the so"rces of gains if the concerned p'anets are in the e'eventh ho"se& ,3$ /&1&/-2




If ;ah" or Ket" is p'aced in the 5th fro# Lagna Pada, the native %i'' e tro" 'ed ! disorders of the sto#ach, or ! fire& ,BPH$ -.&-12 ;ah" or Ket" in the seventh ho"se ,fro# Ar"dha 'agna2 indicates diseases in the sto#ach region& ,3$ /&1&/12

$ho"'d there e Ket" in the 5th fro# Lagna Pada, receiving a Drishti fro#, or eing !"ti %ith another #a'efic, the native %i'' e advent"ro"s, %i'' have ,pre#at"re'!2 gre! hair and a ig #a'e organ& ,BPH$ -.&-72 Ket" in the seventh ho"se indicates pre#at"re'! gra!ing hair or an e'ongated penis& ,3$ /&1&/72@1A Presence an! of 3"piter, Ven"s orB and Coon e in the 5th fro# Lagna Pada, the native %i'' e ver! %ea'th!& ,BPH$ -.&-92 Coon, 3"piter or Ven"s in the seventh ca"se prosperit! and %ea'th& ,3$ /&1&/92

6hether a enefic, or a #a'efic, if e e+a'ted in the 5th fro# Lagna Pada, the native %i'' e aff'"ent and e fa#o"s& ,BPH$ -.&-G2 <+a'ted p'anets in the seventh ho"se a'so ring in %ea'th and prosperit!& ,3$ /&1&/G2

-ND F;OC LA:NAPADA O Brah#in, these Logas, as narrated ! #e %ith reference to the 5th fro# Lagna Pada, sho"'d a'so e considered fro# the -nd of Lagna Pada& ,BPH$ -.&-52

An!one of Cerc"r!, 3"piter and Ven"s eing e+a'ted in the -nd fro# Lagna can #a(e the native rich& ,BPH$ -.&-?2 Coon, 3"piter or Ven"s in the second ca"se prosperit! and %ea'th& ,3$ /&1&/92 <+a'ted p'anets in the second ho"se a'so ring in %ea'th and prosperit!& ,3$ /&1&/G2

The Logas so far stated ! #e %ith reference to Lagna Pada e si#i'ar'! eva'"ated fro# Kara(a#sa as %e''& ,BPH$ -.&-.2 The verses pertaining to $%a#sa ,/&-&MM2 a'so app'! to the Ar"dha 'agna& ,3$ /&1&/52

If Cerc"r! is in the -nd fro# 'agnapada, the native %i'' Lord over the %ho'e co"ntr!& Ven"s in the -nd fro# 'agnapada %i'' #a(e one a poet or a spea(er& ,BPH$ -.&142






If the Darapada fa''s in an ang'e, or in a trine, co"nted fro# Lagnapada, or, if Lagnapada and Darapada oth have strong :rahas, the native %i'' e rich and e fa#o"s in his co"ntr!&If the Darapada fa''s in the Gth, ?th or /-th fro# Lagnapada, then the native %i'' e poor&If Lagnapada and the 5th therefro#, or an ang'e, a trine, an Upacha!a therefro# is occ"pied ! a strong :raha, there %i'' e happiness et%een the h"s and and %ife&If Lagnapada and Darapada are #"t"a''! in Kendras, or Konas, there %i'' e a#it! et%een the co"p'e& If these e in #"t"a''! Gth, ?th or /-th, do" t'ess'! #"t"a' en#it! %i'' crop "p&O Brah#inN $i#i'ar'! #"t"a' re'ationship, or gain, or 'oss thro"gh son etc& are (no%n, ased on Lagnapada and the re'ative Bhavapada&If Lagnapada and Darapada are in #"t"a' Kendra, or 1rd and //th, or in Konas, the native %i'' e a (ing, r"'ing the earth&$i#i'ar ded"ctions are #ade %ith reference to #"t"a' positions of Lagnapada and Dhanapada& ,BPH$ -.&14 0 -.&152 Jaimini Sutras

The darapada in a 8"adrant or trine ,fro# Ar"dha Lagna2 rings the 'essing of $ri Devi ,i&e& prosperit! I good fort"ne2& ,3$ /&1&/?2If the darapada is in other ho"ses ,other than 8"adrantBtrines2, the native is "nfort"nate& ,3$ /&1&/.2The darapada in a 8"adrant or trine fro# Ar"dha Lagna indicates #artia' har#on! and ph!sica' co#pati i'it!& ,3$ /&1&-42The darapada in the si+th, eight or t%e'fth ho"ses fro# Ar"dha Lagna #a(es the co"p'e ini#ica''! disposed to%ards each other& ,3$ /&1&-/2

:ood fort"ne sho"'d "no str"cted

e ded"ced if the Lagnapada or the seventh thereof have Arga'a& ,3$ /&1&--2

Benefics ca"sing "no str"cted arga'a on the Lagnapada or the seventh thereof give %ea'th and prosperit!& ,3$ /&1&-12

If the Coon is aspected or conEoined ! Ven"s or, if Ven"s is in the 1rd B //th fro# the Coon, vahana !oga is for#ed& ,3$ /&1&-?2

Cars, Ven"s and Ket" in #"t"a' aspect or conE"nction or in 1rdB //th for# Vaitani(a !oga& ,3$ /&1&-.2

If the -nd, 7th, 9th, ?th and .th havas ,fro# 'agnapada2 are conEoined ;aEa!oga res"'ts& ,3$

enefics, /&1&142

Ca'efics in the 1rd and Gth ,fro# 'agnapada2 give si#i'ar res"'ts ,i&e& prod"ces ;aEa!oga2& ,3$ /&1&1/2

;aE!oga are indicated ,in a si#i'ar #anner2 ! p'anets fro# the Lord of Ar"dha Lagna or its seventh ho"se& ,3$ /&1&1-2

If #a'efics are in the -nd, 7th, 9th, ?th or .th ho"ses as enefics are in the 1rd I Gth ho"ses, povert! is indicated& ,3$ /&1&172

Conc'"sionD !he native shall neither be e=tremely wealthy nor shall suffer poverty. !his shows balanced wealth for the native. If the 3"piter, Ven"s or the Coon is present in the fifth ho"se ,fro# 'agnapada or its seventh ho"se or Pa(a Lagnapada or Pa(a Lagnapada $apta#a2 the native eco#es a :ovt& a"thorit! or e#issar!& ,3$ /&1&192

If #a'efics are in the 1rd I Gth ho"ses instead, the native Eoins the ar#ed forces& ,3$ /&1&1G2

If the 'ord of the 'agnapada is in the 1rd or Gth ho"ses or if the 'ords of the 1rd or Gth ho"ses aspects the 'agnapada or if the 'ord of the fifth aspects the 'agnapada, the native aspires for (no%'edge ,and is inte''igent2& ,3$ /&1&152

If the 'ord of the fo"rth ,fro# 'agna2 aspects the 'agnapada, the native is happ! I contented& ,3$ /&1&1?2

If the 'ord of the eighth ho"se ,fro# 'agna2 aspects the 'agnapada, the native is povert! stric(en& ,3$ /&1&1.2

If the 'ord of the t%e'fth ho"se ,fro# 'agna2 aspects the 'agnapada the native is a spend thrift& ,3$ /&1&742

The aspect of the 'agna 'ord on 'agnapada ens"res ph!sica' fe'icit! ,3$ /&1&7/2

Fro# 'agnapada, if e8"a' n"# er of p'anets are p'aced in an! of the fo''o%ing pairs of ho"ses viJ -nd I /-th, 9th I .th, ?th I Gth, 1rd I //th or 7th I /4th, Bandhana !oga is ca"sed& If enefics aspect the andhana !oga the tro" 'e are te#porar! %hi'e #a'efics aspecting indicate p"nish#ent 'i(e eating %ith chains etc& ,3$ /&1&7-> /&1&712

Ven"s and :a"napada aspected or conEoined ,/&1&772

! ;ah" I the $"n ca"se


Ven"s and Coon, either Eoint'! or independent'!, aspecting or conEoining the first or the fo"rth ho"se gives vario"s '"+"ries and parapherna'ia genera''! attendant "pon ro!a't!& ,3$ /&1&792

The verses pertaining to $%a#sa ,Chapter / F"arter II2 a'so app'! to the Ar"dha Lagna& ,3$ /&1&/52 UPAPADA LA:NA ,UL2

O Brah#inN No% I te'' !o" a o"t Upapada, the a"spicio"sness of %hich %i'' confer on the native happiness fro# progen!, %ife etc& The Pada of Lagna, as disc"ssed ear'ier,

is of pri#e i#portance& Upapada is ca'c"'ated for the Bhava, fo''o%ing the nata' Lagna& This Upapada is a'so ca''ed :a"napada& O e+ce''ent of the Brah#ins, if Upapada is !"ti %ith, or receives a Drishti fro# a enefic :raha, one %i'' o tain f"'' happiness fro# progen! and spo"se& $ho"'d the Upapada e in a #a'eficHs $ign, or receives a Drishti fro#, or is !"ti %ith a #a'efic, one %i'' eco#e an ascetic and go %itho"t a %ife& If ,in the said circ"#stances2 there e a enefic Drishti ,on Upapada, or the re'ated #a'efic2, or a !"ti, depriva' of spo"se %i'' not co#e to pass& In this case $"n, eing e+a'ted, or in a friend'! $ign, is not a #a'efic& He is a #a'efic, if in de i'itation, or in an ene#!Hs $ign& ,BPH$ 14&/> 14&G2

If the -nd fro# Upapada is a enefic $ign, or receives a Drishti fro#, or is !"ti %ith a enefic, the sa#e good res"'ts ,as for %ife and sons2 %i'' co#e to pass& If there is a :raha in the -nd fro# Upapada in its de i'itation $ign, or de i'itation Nava#sa, or is conEoined %ith a de i'itated or #a'efic :raha, there %i'' e destr"ction of %ife& If the said occ"pant e in its e+a'tation $ign, or Nava#sa, or receives a Drishti fro# another :raha, there %i'' e #an! char#ing and virt"o"s %ives& Oh Brah#in, if Cith"n happens to e the -nd fro# Upapada, then a'so there %i'' e #an! %ives& O e+ce''ent of the Brah#ins, if the Upapada, or the -nd therefro# e occ"pied ! its o%n Lord, or, if the said Lord is in his other o%n Bhava, the death of %ife %i'' e at advanced age& ,BPH$ 14&5> 14&/-2 If the second fro# "papada has #a'efic aspects or conE"nctions the native 'oses his %ife or reno"nces the %or'd& If the second fro# "papada has enefica' conE"nctionB aspect, PravraE!a B 'oss of spo"se #a! not occ"r& If the p'anet in this second is de i'itated, destr"ction of spo"se occ"rs& If the p'anet in this second ho"se is e+a'ted there %i'' e #an! %ives ,or %ife %i'' e 'ong 'ived2& If :e#ini is in the second fro# "papada, the native has #an! %ives& If the second is conEoined ! its 'ord or its 'ord is p'aced e'se%here in o%n sign or in e+a'tation, 'oss of spo"se, if at a'', %i'' e on'! in an advanced age& ,3$ /&7&-> /&7&?2

If the fi+ed significator of %ife is p'aced in its o%n sign, there %i'' e 'oss of %ife on'! at a 'ater stage& If the Lord of Upapada or the fi+ed significator of %ife is in e+a'tation, the %ife %i'' e fro# a no 'e fa#i'!& ;everse %i'' e the case, if he is de i'itated& O Brah#in, if the -nd fro# Upapada is re'ated to a enefic, the %ife %i'' e ea"tif"', fort"nate and virt"o"s& ,BPH$ 14&/1> 14&/92

If the 'ord of "papada is e+a'ted, spo"se hai's fro# the e'iteB "pper c'ass& If the 'ord of "papada is de i'itated, the spo"se is fro# the 'o%er c'ass& If enefics Eoin "papada the spo"se is ea"tif"'B handso#e& ,3$ /&7&.>/&7&//2

If $at"rn and ;ah" are in the -nd fro# Upapada, the native %i'' 'ose his %ife on acco"nt of ca'"#n!, or thro"gh death& The nativeHs %ife %i'' e tro" 'ed ! disorder of 'ood, 'e"corrhoea ,Pradar2 etc&, if Ven"s and Ket" are in the -nd fro# Upapada& Cerc"r! %ith Ket" in the -nd fro# Upapada %i'' ca"se rea(age of ones, %hi'e ;ah", $at"rn and $"n %i'' ca"se distress of ones& Cerc"r! and ;ah" in the -nd fro# Upapada %i'' give a sto"t> odied %ife& If the -nd fro# Upapada happens to e one of Cerc"r!Hs $igns and is tenanted ! Cars and $at"rn, the %ife of the native %i'' s"ffer fro# nasa' disorders& $i#i'ar'! a $ign of Cars, eco#ing the -nd fro# Upapada and occ"pied ! Cars and $at"rn, %i'' ca"se nasa' disorders to oneHs %ife& 3"piter and $at"rn %i'', if e in the -nd fro# Upapada, ca"ses disorders of ears andBor e!es to the %ife& If Cerc"r! and Cars are p'aced in the -nd fro# Upapada other than their o%n $igns, or, if ;ah" is %ith 3"piter in the -nd fro# Upapada, the nativeHs %ife %i'' s"ffer fro# denta' disorders& $at"rn and ;ah" together in one of $at"rnHs $igns ca"se 'a#eness or %ind! disorders to the nativeHs %ife& These evi's %i'' not co#e to pass, if there happens to e a L"ti %ith or a Drishti fro# a enefic ,or fro# another enefic in the case of aff'iction eing ca"sed ! a enefic2& ,BPH$ 14&/G> 14&--2 If the second fro# "papada has the conE"nction of ;ah" and $at"rn the native #a! either 'ose or desert his %ife d"e to a scanda'& If the second has a conE"nction of Ven"s and Ket", 'ood co#p'icationsB disorder %i'' e seen& Cerc"r! I Ket" Eoining in the second indicate deca! of ones or rea(ing on ones of spo"se in accidents etc& $at"rn, ;ah" and the $"n in the second gives dangero"s fevers ,that co"'d a'so e fata'2 to the spo"se& Cerc"r! in the second %ith Ket" %i'' indicate a corp"'ent spo"se& If the second fro# "papada is a Cerc"ria' sign %ith $at"rn or Cars in it, nasa' pro 'e#s are indicated for spo"se& If the second fro# "papada is a sign of Cars %ith either Cars or $at"rn, spo"se %i'' have si#i'ar pro 'e#s ,nasa' disorders2& 3"piter and $at"rn associating in the second fro# "papada sho% ear co#p'aints or nervo"s disorders of the spo"se& 3"piter and ;ah" in the second fro# "papada indicate denta' pro 'e#s of spo"se& $at"rn and ;ah" in the second fro# "papada in A8"ari"s or Pisces indicate 'a#eness and f'at"'ence etc& respective'! for spo"se& ,3$ /&7&/-> /&7&-/2 Beneficia' aspects on the conE"nction given in the pervio"s stanJa #itigate the negative res"'ts& ,3$ /&7&--2

INFLU<NC< $at"rn










Ven"s Cerc"r!


Ket" Ket"

Cars 3"piter



Cerc"ria' I



signs $at"rn

Cars 3"piter


Cerc"r! ;ah"

O Brah#inN A'' these effects can e ded"ced fro# the nata' Lagna, Lagnapada, the 5th fro# Upapada and the Lords thereof& $o sa! Narada and others& ,BPH$ 14&-12&




If $at"rn, Coon and Cerc"r! are together in the .th fro# one of the said p'aces, there %i'' e no son at a'', %hi'e $"n, 3"piter or ;ah" so p'aced %i'' give a n"# er of sons& Coon so p'aced %i'' give a son, %hi'e a #i+t"re of :rahas %i'' de'a! the o tain#ent of a son& The son, ca"sed ! the conE"nction of $"n, 3"piter and ;ah", %i'' e strong, va'oro"s, great'! s"ccessf"' and %i'' destro! ene#ies& If Cars and $at"rn are in the said .th, there %i'' e no son, or a son %i'' e o tained ! adoption, or rotherHs son %i'' co#e in adoption& In a'' these cases odd $igns %i'' !ie'd #an! sons, %hi'e even $igns %i'' ca"se on'! a fe%& ,BPH$ 14&-1> 14&-?2 The res"'ts of p'anets I signs in the $apta#sa chart %i'' e e+p'ained& Cerc"r!, $at"rn andB or Ven"s in $apta#sa Lagna tend to den! chi'dren ,or progen! 'iss2& ,,3$ /&7&-1> /&7&-72&

The $"n, ;ah" or 3"piter in the ninth %i'' indicate #an! sons& The Coon in the .th ho"se gives one $on& If oth p'anets giving chi'dren ,$"n, ;ah", 3"piter and Coon2 and those den!ing chi'dren ,Cerc"r!, $at"rn and Ven"s2 are present, a chi'd %i'' e orn after so#e de'a!& $at"rn I Cars indicate adopted chi'd ,3$ /&7&-9>/&7&-?2 The ninth in odd sign indicates #an! chi'dren& The ninth in an even sign indicates fe% chi'dren& ,3$ /&7&-.>/&7&142

<FF<CT$ $at"rn,


PLAN<T$ Coon

ON or



UL Cerc"r!












;ah" and $at"rn in 1rd or //th fro# Lagnapada %i'' destro! the co> orn of the native& ;ah" and $at"rn in the //th %i'' indicate the destr"ction of e'der rothers andBor sisters and in the 1rd !o"nger ones& If Ven"s is in 1rd or //th fro# Lagnapada, there %o"'d have een an a ortion to the #other ear'ier& $a#e is the effect, if Ven"s is in the ?th fro# nata' Lagna, or fro# Lagnapada& ,BPH$ 14&1/> 14&1-2 $at"rn or ;ah" in the third or e'eventh ho"ses ,fro# "papada2 ca"ses the 'oss of co> orn ,of spo"se2& Ven"s is the 1rd B //th ho"ses ca"ses 'oss of co> orn& $i#i'ar res"'ts ,'oss of co> orn2 happens %hen Ven"s aspects the Upapada or the eighth therefro#& ,3$ /&7&1-> /&7&172

$ho"'d Coon, 3"piter, Cerc"r! or Cars e in the 1rd or the //th fro# Lagnapada, there %i'' e #an! va'oro"s co> orn& $ho"'d $at"rn and Cars e in the 1rd, or the //th fro# Lagnapada, or give Drishtis thereto, !o"nger and e'der co> orn %i'', respective'!, e destro!ed& If $at"rn is a'one in one of the said Bhavas, the native %i'' e spared, %hi'e the co> orn %i'' die& Ket" in the 1rd or the //th %i'' give a "ndant happiness fro# oneHs sisters& ,BPH$ 14&11> 14&1G2 Cars, 3"piter, Coon or Cerc"r! ,in the 1rdB //th ho"se2 gives #an! co> orn& $at"rn and Cars aspecting the 1rdB //thB /st ho"se destro!s co> orn& If on'! $at"rn aspects the Upapada, co> orn of spo"se %i'' e 'ost& Ket" is the a ove p'aces ,1B//2 give #an! sisters& ,3$ /&7&19> /&7&1?2






If the Gth fro# Lagnapada is occ"pied ! a #a'efic and is ereft of a ConE"nction %ith, or a Drishti fro# a enefic, the native %i'' e a thief& ,BPH$ 14&152

If ;ah" is in the 5th, or the /-th fro# Lagnapada, or gives a Drishti to one of the said Bhavas, the native %i'' e endo%ed %ith spirit"a' (no%'edge and e ver! fort"nate& ,BPH$ 14&1?2

O <+ce''ent of the Brah#insN If enefics occ"p! the -nd fro# Upapada, or fro# Lagnapada, it confers a'' (inds of %ea'th and inte''igence& ,BPH$ 14&742

One %i'' s"re'! eco#e a thief, if the Lord of the -nd fro# Upapada is in Dhana Bhava and in conE"nction %ith a #a'efic p'anet& ,BPH$ 14&7/2

O Brah#inN If ;ah" is in the -nd fro# the Lord of the 5th, co"nted fro# Upapada, the native %i'' have 'ong and proEected teeth& Ket" in the -nd fro# the Lord of the 5th, co"nted fro# Upapada, %i'' ca"se sta##ering and $at"rn in the -nd fro# the Lord of the 5th, co"nted fro# Upapada, %i'' #a(e one 'oo( "g'!& Ci+ed %i'' e the effects, if there are #i+ed :rahas& ,BPH$ 14&7-> 14&712 ;ah" in the second fro# the Lord of the seventh sign fro# Upapada sho%s the native %i'' have grotes8"e dentition& Ket" in the second fro# 5th Lord fro# "papada ,rep'acing ;ah" in this preceding stanJa2 ca"ses the native to sta##er& $at"rn in the second fro# the seventh 'ord fro# "papada gives an "g'! appearence& ,3$ /&7&1.> /&7&7/2

;ah" Ket" $at"rn

NOT<$ BhratrpadaB



$L$T<C Vi(ra#apada























La hapada




































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Sara"it Poddar Its difficult to say who I am. 3ifferent people see me in so many different ways. 4rom my perspective$ I am a soul trapped inside the world of illusion5 *iew my complete profile

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