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Biopsychosocial Analysis of Hearing Health and Headphone Use

Anthony Crespo PSY 326 Elizabeth Welsh

Disclaimer: If you have sensitive hearing, please cover your ears during the next slide

Tinnitus and Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Tinnitus: Ringing in the ears

50 million Americans suffer some form for Tinnitus

16 million suffer extreme Tinnitus 1 in 5 Americans suffer from hearing loss 1 in 3 Americans develop hearing loss as a result from excessive noise exposure


Decibels: A unit used to measure the intensity of a sound or the power level of an electrical signal by comparing it with a given level on a logarithmic scale. A degree of loudness 85 db safe for 8 hours 110 db highest level of iPhones and portable music players

Headphones in Society

Isolation/Defense Mechanism

Social Skills/Negative Assumptions

Unaware of surroundings


Listen to music below 75db Wear earplugs Wear headphones when appropriate Take headphones off and be social

Sources ari.html 20and%2520loneliness%2520as%2520they%2520relate%2520to%2520 headphones%2520used%2520with%2520portable%2520audio%2520tec hnology.pdf?sequence=1

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