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Human body is being subjected to a lot of stresses and strains every day, both p hysically and mentally.

As a result of these, the body of man gets filled up wit h a lot of toxins every day. It is very important to detox the body regularly fo r maintaining a healthy body. Let us see what the important causes for detoxific ation of the body are and how to detox your body. Reasons for accumulation of toxins in the body are: 1) Food is the most important source of toxins to our body. There are different kinds of food items which can affect the body with harmful toxins. They include fatty and oily foods which are rich in bad fats and Trans fatty acids, deep frie d foods etc are the worst kind of foods which add toxins to our body. Along with that, the food which is sold on the roadside is contaminated with a lot of harm ful bacteria and that is yet another reason for toxifying the body. 2) Infections which spread through water also toxifies our body. If the water wh ich you are drinking is contaminated, that leads to infections. If the water is full of bacteria or other toxins like mercury, arsenic, lead etc which come out of the industries etc are the main sources of toxins which are added to our body . 3) There are some toxins which are naturally produced in the body as a result of our daily activities. When we work hard or do some exercise, toxins are produce d in the body. Even though it is a natural process, it is very important to remo ve those toxins from the body. Even though we have the mechanism for removing th em from the body, we have to provide some assistance to our body parts which are doing that job. Now let us see the steps that should be taken to detox your body. Fibers are the best components that help you to detoxify your body. There are man y different types of food items like fruits and vegetables, ragi, wheat, unproce ssed rice and other cereals and pulses. Vegetables like broccoli, beans, carrot, radish, cabbage, beetroot and many other vegetables. There is another vegetable namely celery which has the highest quantity of fibers. This requires more calo ries for eating this vegetable than it provides to your body. Dietary fibers enh ance the bowel movement and thus enhance the proper removal of toxins from the b ody. Consume food items which are rich in Vitamin C like guava fruit, citric fruits an d papaya etc. Vitamin C is the best anti oxidant we have at our disposal. It rem oves almost all the toxins and free radicals from the body. Deep breathing is another exercise which helps you to remove toxins from the body . It is really the easiest way of removing the toxins. Deep breathing exercise p rovides a lot of oxygen to all the parts of the body. It helps to remove all the excess of Carbon di oxide and other harmful gases from the body. Practice deep breathing at least 15-30 minutes a day and your health will improve significantl y. Drink a lot of water for removing toxins. The main parts of our body which help i n removing toxins are kidneys, liver and bowels. Water is very much essential fo r the health of all these body parts. Kidneys remove urea, uric acid and other t oxins from the blood and human urine contains 97.5% of water. So it is very impo rtant to drink adequate quantities of water every day. Along with that, water is also very much essential to enhance proper movement of the bowels and thereby a void constipation. 3-4 liters a day is the ideal proportion, but it may vary dep ending on the sex, age, health status, level of physical activity of the person and the climate.

Exercise also helps to detoxify the body. It may seem ironical to believe that an activity which is responsible for the production of toxins in the body aids in the removal of same, but it is really true. It is achieved by the fact that by w orking hard, we sweat a lot and many toxins are removed from the body through sw eat. So learn how to detox your body and stay healthy forever!

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