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Assessment: Information for Health Decisions in Crises

Yosri Azwar

Mengusulkan kerangka kerja yang dapat membantu dalam hal: Menghubungkan apa yang anda lihat dengan apa yang anda ketahui Mengorganisasi informasi untuk megidentifikasi prioritas dalam kaitannya dengan krisis Mengorganisasi pekerjaan anda

Assessment is
information with a purpose
The purpose is Understanding, and taking decisions related to determinants of survival and health in any given context

Which decisions?
What are the priorities?
What can save human lives now? Who is at highest risk? Is there any threat looming in the next 2-3 months? What can make a difference for the greatest number of people?

Who are the partners with whom we need to coordinate? why? What are the gaps that needs filling? who can do it? How best can we help our partners in the long run? What is our exit strategy?

Which informations?
GEOGRAPHICAL AREA Name Position, boundaries Main features Route of access Present: Number and characteristics What may happen? What is the history of the area? What is in place? Are they ready?

Is it still accessible? All of it? Affected: Number and characteristics What did happen? Is it continuing? Has something else happened? Is it enough? Do they work?



In crises, information is scarce and confused

Lack of information is the stongest indicators of the a crisis Lack of information can be the best piece of information for decision-making in crisis

Outcomes and Causes

A crisis is recognized through a series of outcomes: death, illness, malnutritons, violence, displacement of people These outcome are triggered by direct causes e.g. natural and hand-made events These events have underlying causes that reflect the way societies structure themselves and interact with the environment: e.g. weak social system, poverty, inequalities, HIV/AIDS, disertifications

Figures of mortality and morbidity represent outcomes Excess mortality and morbidity are indicators of a crisis and reflect the suffering that needs immediate response They tell us what must be done NOW to save lives

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