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CD Art

Step 1: Things Needed

1. Any old CD 2. Acrylic color (preferably dark color) 3. Paint brush 4. Pencil 5. Anythin !ith sharp point to scratch the color (" used the ar# of the scre!dri$er)

Step 2: Apply Paint

% &hiny side of the CD sho!s rainbo! colors !hen li ht falls on it. 'e r oin to use this side % Apply the acrylic color on shiny side. (ere " ha$e used black color. )ake sure you ha$e a thick layer of this color so that it beco#es easy to scratch the color later % *ea$e it to dry

Step 3: Draw a Design

Dra! your fa$orite desi n on the colored side Step 4: Scratch the design

% 'ith the help of scre!dri$er ar# scratch the color alon the outline of the desi n +ry not to scratch $ery hard other!ise you,ll da#a e the shiny coatin % -ou #ay also !ant to scratch the inside of the desi n to #ake it #ore interestin

Step 5: Stick it on the wall

-our CD 'all han in is ready. .o!/ &tick it to !all.

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