Lesson Plan Template

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Lesson Plan Format

Class: Date: Time: Start: _________________________ Finish: _________________________ Key Learning Area: Lesson Topic:

Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):

Syllab s ! tcome"s#: One or two only. Please note the syllabus reference number A ! write out in full.

%n&icators o' Learning 'or this lesson: "ehaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s). #uote syllabus numbers. $ust be clear, specific, observable. %urriculum %ontent &trands may be used as headin's. "y the end of this lesson, the students will: $

Assessment: &trate'ies which will be used to assess learners( attainment of learnin' outcomes. &hould be linked to each learnin' indicator.

$ $ $

$ $ $

Any sa'ety iss es to be consi&ere&:

Reso rces: )ist resources you used in preparin' the lesson A ! those used in the lesson implementation.

Lesson Content + %n&icators o' Learning "What is Ta ght#: ote key skills, concepts and values addressed in each section. )ink to your *ndicators of )earnin'. %(TR!D*CT%!( Timing (mins) Teaching Strategies + Learning Experiences: "How it is ta ght# +rite detailed steps showin' what the teacher (,) will do and what students (&s) will do. Reso rces an& !rganisation:



(add further pages as required)

St &ent Teacher.s E/al ation (write reflections on the followin'): Assessment of Learning Outcomes
To what extent did the learners achieve the intended learning outcomes?

Describe the evidence you have for this.

Outline the follow up to this lesson for the learners0


Evaluation of Teaching
"dentify the teaching strategies # learning experiences that were most effective. $xplain why.

"dentify the teaching strategies # learning experiences that were least effective. $xplain why.

%ow appropriate was the timing throughout the various sections of the lesson? &hy?

Describe how the selection and use of resources supported learning in the lesson.

"dentify what motivated the students. $xplain why.

"dentify the classroom management strategies that were most effective. $xplain why.

&hat was most satisfying about the lesson?

'ased on these reflections( outline the steps you should now ta)e to improve your teaching in future lessons.

Colleag e teacher.s comments: (*eference could be made( for example( to planning and preparation(
)nowledge of curriculum( organisation( motivation of pupils( strategies used( interaction with students( classroom management( catering for individual needs( use of resources( etc.)


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