Application Form The (Very) Physical Comedy Institute June 8-21, 2014 Celebration Barn Theater South Paris, Maine

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Application Form The (Very) Physical Comedy Institute June 8-21 2!

1" Cele#ration $arn Theater %outh Paris &aine

Name: Street Address: City: State: Country if not USA: Zip Code / Postal Code: E-Mail Address: Age: Gender: Please list any injuries or p ysi!al limitations t at mig t affe!t your parti!ipation: Please summari"e performan!e e#perien!e$ Also feel free to atta! a resume if you a%e one$ Please list any of your prior p ysi!al training t at mig t &e dire!tly or indire!tly rele%ant to p ysi!al !omedy 'or(:

)e& site or &log if any: Are you on *a!e&oo(+ ,a%e you studied 'it any of our tea! ers &efore+ -f so. ' en and ' ere+ /o you need ousing+ Are you re0uesting t e food plan+ ) ere 'ill you &e arri%ing from+ *or e#ample: &y !ar1 Portland airport1 Portland train station1 2e'iston &us station1 Cele&ration 3arn eliport1 et!$ *or more info: !ele&ration&arn$!om/tra%el/ ) at 'ould you most li(e to get out of t e institute+ )rite as mu! as you li(e4 Are you a'are t at t is 'ill &e A 256 of 'or( 7 89 straig t days of !lasses 'it no &rea( 7 and are you o(ay 'it t at+ Any suggestions/!omments to add+ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Appli!ations 'ill usually &e responded to 'it in ;< ours$ -f a!!epted. you 'ill reser%e your pla!e in t e 'or(s op 'it a non-refunda&le =>?? deposit$ 6 e remainder o'ed is due upon arri%al$ Please note t at pri!es for tuition @=8.???A. lodging @=;??A. and meals @=9??A are all &ased on Bnon-!ardC payments$ 6 is means !as . personal ! e!(. or t roug a

PayPal a!!ount lin(ed dire!tly to your &an( a!!ount$ -f your PayPal a!!ount is lin(ed to a de&it !ard or !redit !ard. 'e. and en!e you. 'ill &e ! arged additional fees @appro#imately 9DA$ *or e#ample. a !omplete pa!(age of =8.E?? 'ould. if made t roug a !ard-&ased payment. !ost you an additional =F8$ :::::::::::::::::::: - a%e read t e a&o%e and agree to its terms and !onditions: Name and date:

Please e-mail to' (eryphysicalcomedy)*mail+com

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