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Guide for setting up an activity in CONNECT

This document provides some guidance to students on setting up an activity in CONNECT. Any employers interested in setting up activities should please email their requests to Each activity is different and will be set up differently; there is no attempt to generalise, rather to point out some avenues and requirements for having your activity set up in CONNECT. There are three criteria which must be met: Student-led Employer-focused Extracurricular

The aim, direction and execution of the activity will be determined and carried out by you the students whilst making use of university and external infrastructure, networks and resources available to you. Staff are able to support and signpost students without taking ownership of or directing the activity. Skills development: Teamwork, Interpersonal communication, Responsibility, Innovation, Leadership and Management, Confidence, Entrepreneurship

CONNECT has a high emphasis on student engagement with employers (small and big). It is expected that each activity build in some form of engagement with employers (for example through seeking industrial visit, financial support, other sponsorship, pastoral support, targeted / specific activity, etc.). Skills development: Professionalism, Effective targeted communication, Experience, Commercial etiquette, Results focus, Strategy development

Your activity may reflect particular interest in curriculum material and design, for example building a space robot, organising an arts feast, designing a wind turbine. However, it must not be a part of your course curriculum material, assessment or delivery. Skills development: Motivation, Risk management, Time and Project management

Setting up your activity (students)

Develop your idea
When you come up with an idea, you can talk to the CONNECT committee and / or staff at CEDE. Email us at -

Join or Build your team

It is typical for an idea to be developed by one or two students before a full team (4/5) of students is built. The size of the team varies depending on the type of activity and specific roles needed. If you need help with this, get in touch with us. Use your networks of students (as well as staff) to connect with other students. We can always assist with targeted requests for specific projects and team roles. You may not want to establish a new activity but be interested in joining one of our ongoing activities, contact us Remember to tell us what roles you are interested in and any specific interests.

Fill in a pro-forma (available

Once you have decided to set up an activity, you are required to fill out as much of the form as you can and send it to It is expected that the process will help you define your activity better and give us a good idea of what you will be doing. Up to 500 will be awarded as a starting point for activities. You will be able to design your activitys sustainability plan and financing structure depending on the nature of the activity.

Use your Networks

It is important to use your networks. CONNECT activities do not only link students with employers, it is an opportunity to connect with other students and staff to achieve success.

Staff at CEDE will be able to help with this after you have submitted your application

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