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Data Collection Matrix

Positively Dynamic Evaluators Work Group

Babys Best Start Group Program March 24 2!"4

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4

Client Name Data Collection Matrix

Evaluation Topics Evaluation Questions Indicators Data Sources

PROCESS 1. !dmin Supports" Inputs

1.1 Program staff 1.1.1 How is staffing for this pilot project identified? What factors are considered? Evidence of various staff delivering the program Issue identification Evidence of communit$ partners participating in the program Evidence of +erms of ,eference Evidence that program is implemented in consideration of advisor$ committee guidelines Program documents (time tracking meeting minutes program guidelines! Program documents ( protocols!

1." #ommunit$ Partners

1.".1 What is the role of communit$ partners in the implementation of the program? Who are the communit$ partners? 1.%.1 Is the program planned in accordance with the &est 'tart network advisor$ guidelines? *o these guidelines represent +erms of ,eference for program

1.% &est 'tart (etwork )dvisor$ #ommittee

Program documents (+erms of ,eference! #ommunit$ partners

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4

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1.- Program venue

1.-.1 *oes the venue and its location ade.uatel$ support the program

/ocation is accessi0le 0$ participants /ocation is ade.uate in si1e and is suita0le for group activities that include food preparation and demonstration

Program documents (0uilding code 0$laws and policies! Participant surve$s and focus groups

1.2 3perating resources

1.2.1 )re the operating resources ade.uate to implement the program in a drop4in format? 1.2." What are the criteria to purchase and replenish operating resources? 1.2.% What are the criteria for distri0ution of food coupons maternal vitamins and 0us tickets?

Evidence of appropriate utili1ation of resources Evidence of ade.uate resources Evidence of a process for resources5 replenishment and distri0ution

Participant attendance statistics 6onthl$ financial statements ,eplenishment and distri0ution records

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4

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1.7 6anagement 'upport

1.7.1 How is the program supported 0$ management? What supportive measures work well and what can 0e improved? 1.7." *o management staff communit$ partners and volunteers meet on a regular 0asis to discuss the program? *oes management have an open door polic$? 1.7.% How does management coordinate stakeholders5 feed0ack to the program? 1.7.- How does management facilitate participant input into the program? 1.7.2 How is the staff workload 0eing measured? )re performance reviews 0eing conducted on a regular 0asis? 1.7.7 What are the criteria to communicate with participants who do not speak English or 8rench? 1.7 9 How is interpretation services funded and coordinated? Where are participants referred for interpretation services?

Evidence of team meetings and colla0orative decision making 8under : Program two wa$ communication channel Participants are encouraged to provide input to the program Evidence of a workload measurement s$stem in place Evidence of performance reviews Evidence of need for interpretation services for participants who do not speak English or 8rench (um0er of one :to4 one interpretations (um0er of )+;+ calls for interpretation

+eam meeting minutes 6eetings with funders 6eetings with communit$ partners Workload measurement tool Participant surve$s and focus groups 'taff performance reviews Invoices for interpretation services

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4

Client Name Data Collection Matrix

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1.9 8unding for program

1.9.1 How are resources used to support ongoing program planning and sustaina0l$ of the program? 1.9." What is the process for communit$ in kind or donations to the program? 1.=.1 Is there a partnership consultation plan? 1.=." What communication processes are in place to ensure program staff colla0orates with communit$ partners? 1.=.% *o communit$ partners provide feed0ack on colla0oration with program team?

Evidence of resource ade.uac$ and use Evidence of use of e<ternal funding and support #onsultation Plan availa0le #ommunication plan with communit$ partners is availa0le #ommunit$ partner input to program is documented

Program documents ( work plans 0udgets .uarterl$ e<penses in kind donation !

1.= #olla0oration> Partnerships

Program documents (consultation plan! Protocols with communit$ partners Interviews with communit$ partners

2.0 Implementation ". 1 #ongratulations /etter >,eferral process ".1.1 What is the purpose of the #ongratulations letter? Who is responsi0le for completing the #ongratulations letter and sending to the Health ?nit? What @ of referrals to the program is from the #ongratulations /etter? Evidence of receipt of the #ongratulations /etter 0$ Health ?nit (um0er of referrals resulting from #ongratulations /etter Evidence of a standard procedure 6onthl$ statistics

"." Program intake

".".1 How is this process implemented?

Program documents (policies and procedures forms!

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4

Client Name Data Collection Matrix

Evaluation Topics Evaluation Questions Indicators Data Sources

".% ,eferral to other health unit and communit$ programs

".%.1 Program participants are referred to what t$pes of other health unit and communit$ programs? ".%." What is the process for linking clients to communit$ resources

Evidence of referrals to communit$ resources (um0er of program participants referred to other health unit and communit$ programs *evelopment process

,eferral tracking

".- Planning for curriculum development

".-.1 How is the curriculum developed? Who is involved?

Program documents(policies and procedures!

".2 #oordination of multivitamin food coupon and 0us ticket distri0ution

".2.1. How does program staff coordinate access of vitamins food coupons and 0us tickets from suppliers? ".2." How are multivitamins food coupons and 0us tickets handed out to participants? Who provides them to participants? ".2.% When are multivitamins food coupons and 0us tickets handed out? ".2.-. How are these resources received 0$ participants? *o the$ find them 0eneficial?

Evidence of sufficient suppl$ of vitamins coupons and ticket. Evidence of a s$stematic process of distri0ution to participants Evidence of utilit$ 0$ participants

Program documents (participant charts policies and procedures resource inventor$! #ommunit$ partners Participant surve$s and focus groups

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4

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"..7 (utritional assessment and counseling

".7.1 How is nutritional assessment and counseling provided? ".7." When is nutritional assessment and counseling provided?

Evidence of standard procedures for nutritional assessment and counseling

Program documents(program policies and procedures ! *ietitian

".9 #anada Prenatal (utrition Program (#P(P! goals

".9.1 How does program staff maintain compliance with #P(P goals? ".9." How are #P(P program goals incorporated in the 1" week program workshops? *o the workshops include prenatal nutrition lifest$le parenting and 0reastfeeding education and counseling?

Evidence of policies and procedures and guidelines for the program Evidence of education and counseling for pregnant women pu0lic health

Program documents (policies and procedures program meeting minutes curriculum annual reports statistics! 3nsite visits 0$ funder

3.0 Activities/Outputs

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4

Client Name Data Collection Matrix

Evaluation Topics Evaluation Questions Indicators Data Sources

%.1 Pregnant women referred to program

%.1.1 )re all pregnant women eligi0le to receive program services? #an a participant onl$ access some components of the service rather than all?

Evidence of criteria use ?tili1ation of each program component (um0er of referrals received Evidence of a standard procedure Issue identification (um0er of participants assessed (um0er of participants receiving nutritional counseling

6onthl$ statistics (A of new participants A food coupons and vitamins distri0uted!

%." Initial nutritional assessment and counseling conducted

%.".1 How does this process occur? What are the most common nutritional issues identified needing counseling? %."." What factors help or hinder provision of nutritional counseling? %.7.1 What tools are used to document the assessment and counseling? %.7." What is the process for further referrals if assessment or nutritional counseling indicates additional referrals> assessments re.uired? %.%.1 How effective is the provision of a group program? %.%." *o participants attend and return for su0se.uent group sessions? Wh$ or wh$ not? %.%.% *oes the program meet the learning needs of participants?

6onthl$ statistics Program documents (participant charts policies and procedures monthl$ reports! Participant surve$s and focus groups

%.% Participants attend group program

Evidence of consistent regular attendance Evidence of participant satisfaction. Evidence of staff satisfaction with program provision (um0er of participants attending weekl$

Program documents (attendance records! 'taff surve$ #ommunit$ partners Participant surve$s and focus groups

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4

Client Name Data Collection Matrix

Evaluation Topics Evaluation Questions Indicators Data Sources

%.- Participants are encouraged to make program staff aware of learning needs> topics of interest

%.-.1 What strategies are used to encourage participants to share their learning needs? %.-." What documentation tools do program staffs use to document participant needs? %.-.% What process is in place to communicate with communit$ partners for assistance in meeting identified participant learning needs?

Evidence of participant learning needs assessment A of partner consultation

Program documents(participant charts! Participant surve$s and focus groups #ommunit$ partners

%.2 Program staff colla0orates with participants to develop curriculum

%.2.1 How is the curriculum developed? Who is involved in the planning? %.2." What facilitates or hinders curriculum development? %.2.% How are participants included in curriculum development? %.2.- What factors help or hinder colla0oration with participants in curriculum development %.2.2 Is participants input included in curriculum? Wh$ or wh$ not?

*evelopment process Evidence of a curriculum that incorporated participants5 input Evidence that participants feel that their learning needs are 0eing addressed

Program documents ( participant charts! 'taff surve$s and focus groups #ommunit$ partner focus groups *ocuments Participant surve$s and focus groups

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4

Client Name Data Collection Matrix

Evaluation Topics Evaluation Questions Indicators Data Sources

%.7 Program staff volunteers and communit$ partners deliver group program

%.7.1 How does the program implement an interdisciplinar$ approach to service deliver$? How is the program coordination and integration among various care providers? %.7." How does the program coordination ensure no duplication of services 0ut integration? %.7.% How are participants receiving appropriate and timel$ services? %.7.- How is participant satisfaction with the program 0eing measured? %.7.2 What are the standards of service deliver$ followed when providing program services? %.7.7 How is staff morale 0eing measured?

Evidence that participants are receiving services to meet their needs Evidence of other sources of funding utili1ed to meet participant needs Evidence of participant satisfaction with program services Evidence that prenatal standards of care are 0eing used to measure service deliver$ Evidence of staff morale measurement *ocumentation of receipt of food coupons multivitamins and 0us tickets. Evidence that concerns regarding re.uest for more or declining are addressed

Program statistics 8inancial statements Participant surve$ sand focus groups )ccredited tool to monitor and measure prenatal standard of care 'taff surve$s and focus groups

%.9 Participants receive food coupons multi4vitamins and 0us tickets

%.9.1 What is the process for ensuring participants receive their food coupons vitamins and 0us tickets? %.9." *o clients re.uest more? What is done to address this? %.9.% *o clients decline food coupons multivitamins and>or 0us tickets? If so wh$?

Program documents (participant charts coupon log 0ook! #lient feed0ack Program staff

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4

Client Name Data Collection Matrix

Evaluation Topics Evaluation Questions Indicators Data Sources

%.= Post partum contact

%.=.1 How does program staff ensure participants have 0een followed up? %.=." What is the process for follow4up of participants who were una0le to 0e contacted? %.=.% *o the participants find the follow4up 0eneficial? Wh$ or wh$ not?

Evidence of follow4 up contact 0$ dietitian. If not followed up wh$ not? Participant satisfaction with follow4up service A of participants contacted 0$ dietitian

*ietician Program documents (participant charts monthl$ reports! Participant surve$s and focus groups

OUTCOMES 4.0 Immediate-Te m Outcomes -.1 Increased participant awareness of the importance of health$ lifest$le choices during pregnanc$ -." #ommunit$ partners participate in program deliver$ -.1.1 +o what e<tent does the program increase participant awareness of health$ lifest$le choices that impact a health$ pregnanc$? -.".1 What is the role of communit$ partners in the deliver$ of the program? -."." Is there an$ opportunit$ to e<pand the role of communit$ partners in the deliver$ of the program? Increase in awareness Participant surve$s and focus groups 6onthl$ statistics #ommunit$ partner interviews

Evidence of communit$ partners taking on various roles in program deliver$ Identification of new opportunities for communit$ partners

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4


Client Name Data Collection Matrix

Evaluation Topics Evaluation Questions Indicators Data Sources

-.% 6ajorit$ of participants report group program meets their learning needs

-.%.1 How do participants feel the program is meeting their learning needs? -.%." If participants do not feel the program is meeting their learning needs then wh$? -.-.1 What are the communit$ partner5s views of the program?

Evidence of learning occurred Evidence of participation satisfaction Evidence of partner views of the program

'taff o0servation and feed0ack Participant surve$s and focus groups #ommunit$ partner focus groups

-.- Increased awareness of the group program amongst communit$ partners -.2 Increased participant attendance of complete group program

-.2.1 How do pregnant women 0ecome aware of the 1" week group program? How is it advertised? -.2." How are participants oriented to the 1" week program and that the$ are welcome to sta$ until deliver$ of their 0a0$? -.2.% How is participant attendance of the full &&' group program 0eing monitored? -.2.- What is the outreach process to reach drop outs and re4integrate them in the program? -.2.2 How is capacit$ 0uilt within the program?

Evidence of program promotion>advertise ment Evidence of a standard orientation process for participants Evidence of an attendance taking process Evidence of an outreach process in place Evidence of active participant participation in the program

#ommunication department records Program documents (participant files attendance records! Participant surve$s and focus groups

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4


Client Name Data Collection Matrix

Evaluation Topics Evaluation Questions Indicators Data Sources

-.7 Increased participant awareness of communit$ resources that support a health$ pregnanc$ -.9 Increased participant satisfaction with program

-.7.1 Is there evidence that participants are accessing availa0le resources to support a health$ pregnanc$? -.9.1 +o what e<tent are program participants satisfied with the group service deliver$ model? -.9." How is the program measuring participant satisfaction with different formats of service deliver$? -.9.% How do the program components complement each other for the 0enefit of participants? -.9.- How the new approach of using group sessions does not negate or conflict with one to one program services? -.9.2 How is the participant access to different program services 0eing measured?

A of participants accessing communit$ resources Evidence of measuring participants5 satisfaction with the new approach of using group sessions. Evidence of participants continued need for one to one program services Evidence that divers program deliver$ methods serves participants 0etter Evidence that participants are e<pressing that the$ have access to various program services

Participant surve$s and focus groups Participant surve$s and focus groups

!.0 Inte mediate-Te m Outcomes

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4


Client Name Data Collection Matrix

Evaluation Topics Evaluation Questions Indicators Data Sources

2.1 )n increase in the num0er of participants accessing the program as compared to previous $ear

2.1.1 What changes have 0een incorporated in the program that would impact increased access 0$ participants?

Evidence of increased participation in program Evidence of increased program accessi0ilit$

'tatistics (monthl$ and annuall$!

2." )n increase in the num0er of participants reporting health$ meal planning choices

2.".1 What health$ meal choices are identified? 2."." When is it reasona0le to e<pect self4reporting? )t what stage of the program? 2.".% How does this self4reporting occur? Ber0all$ written? 2.".-. How is language 0arriers addressed? 2.".2 What are program staff mem0ers5 views on knowledge growth and 0ehavior change?

Evidence of learning a0out health food choices and preparation

Program staff Program documents Participant surve$s and focus groups

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4


Client Name Data Collection Matrix

Evaluation Topics Evaluation Questions Indicators Data Sources

2.% Increased num0er of participants reporting health$ lifest$le choices 0ased on knowledge from program

2.%.1 What health$ lifest$le choices were identified? 2.%." When and how does self4reporting occur? 2.%.% How are language 0arriers overcome? 2.%.- What are program staff mem0ers5 views on knowledge growth and 0ehavior change? 2.%.2 +o what e<tent does the group model influence health$ lifest$le choices during pregnanc$? 2.-.1 +o what e<tent does the group service deliver$ model impact program efficienc$? 2.-." What is the process to ensure that participants are receiving prenatal care and dietitian consultations?

Evidence of self4 reported learning a0out health$ life4 st$le choices Evidence of self4 reported health$ lifest$le choices Evidence of overall improvement in the health of pregnant women Evidence of enhanced awareness and knowledge of factors that contri0ute to a health$ pregnanc$ Evidence of positive 0irth outcomes Evidence of dietitian support to women after 0irth Evidence of increased 0reastfeeding

Program documents(participant charts monthl$ reports A referrals to communit$ resources! Participant surve$s and focus groups Program documents(time tracking financial statements monthl$ reports! &3,( 3ntario data (0reastfeeding rates 0irth weights! #ommunit$ partner focus groups

2.- Increased program efficienc$

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4


Client Name Data Collection Matrix

Evaluation Topics Evaluation Questions Indicators Data Sources

2.2. Increased participant access to communit$ resources

2.2.1 What is the process to ensure that pregnant women are connected to communit$ resources? 2.2." How is the program facilitating and coordinating participants5 access to communit$ resources? 2.2.% What is the process for incorporating communit$ resource information in the 1" week program workshops? 2.2.- What is the process to ensure that pregnant women are aware of communit$ resources?

Evidence of information shared regarding communit$ resources Evidence of communication and coordination 0etween program and communit$ partners Evidence of communit$ resources information in the program workshops A of program staff meetings with communit$ partners Evidence of tools to document meetings with communit$ partners

Participant surve$s and focus groups #ommunit$ partner interviews Program documents (participant files!

2.7 Increased program colla0oration with communit$ partners

2.7.1 Is there evidence that the program has increased colla0oration with communit$ partners? 2.7." What communication tools are used to document meetings with communit$ partners?

#ommunit$ partner focus group 6eeting notes

".0 #on$-Te m Outcomes 7.1 )ll participants accessing the program are delivering health$ weight term 0a0ies 7.1.1 What effect does participation in the program have on improved 0irth outcomes? )re there other factors that contri0ute to these outcomes? @ of participants accessing the program delivering a health$ weight term 0a0$ &3,( 3ntario data(0irth weight feeding!

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4


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7." *ecrease health costs related to care of low 0irth weight term 0a0ies

7.".1 What effect did the program have on health care costs in #ornwall?

Evidence that program reduces the incidence of low4 0irth weight 0a0ies re.uiring health care resources Health care costs are similar to other regions with similar populations of new0orn infants

&3,( 3ntario data( 0irth weights preterm 0irths! Hospitali1ation costs Hospital census )ccounts *ocuments

Positively Dynamic Evaluators BBS Group Program # Data $ollection Matri% March 2& 2!"4


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