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Out to Get Me: Radio Trailer Script Draft 2 Key: Script: FD: My life (sighs) is never safe.

afe. M/SFX: Ocean Boom Drop SFX. Film tracks Slender: No Friends and Dark Ambience Music begin to play. V.O: Imagine (.) having to spend your entire life looking over your shoulder. (.) A life full of fear, pain and paranoia. M/SFX: Static SFX V.O: Imagine living a life with no-one you can trust. M/SFX: Crow SFX V.O: Imagine living a life where everyone is out to get you! M/SFX: Out to Get Me , Static SFX FD: Your end is near he wants you. (Whispering One) V.O: Watch as a mans insanity is put to the test when he suffers an onslaught of fear and mental pain. FD: Its kinda like everyones against me you know. V.O: A Red Lion Pictures Production and directed by Joe Morris. M/SFX: Static SFX V.O: Rated Four Stars by 35mm magazine. FD: Im gonna kill you. (Whispering Two) V.O: Join Charlie Malam as he takes on everyone around him. M/SFX: Loud static SFX V.O: Out to Get Me. You never really know what outs to get you. Rated 12A and contains some strong language. FD: Well he we go again. FD Film Dialogue V.O Voiceover M/SFX Music and Sound Effect (.) - Pause

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