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10 big fat diet lies Nutrition team The diet industry is saturated with unhealthy weight-loss schemes that

have led to a world of misconceptions when it comes to proper nutrition and health. This has helped lead to an explosion of unhealthy weight-loss behaviours. Incidences of food-related disorders and diseases, such as coronary heart disease and diabetes, are on the rise. Unfortunately, the truth can be hard to find, especially when it's hidden behind so many lies. The reality of nutrition and healthy weight loss can only, truly be uncovered when you stop listening to all the un! and consult with health experts and highly ran!ed resources for answers. "ieting does not have to be a bad word, but in our culture, the word has become synonymous with weight loss and implies restriction from the foods you love for a limited period of time. There is no #uic! fix to health. It's an ongoing process that never ends. $nce you put a time line on your nutritional regimen, chances are that what you're really feasting on are the big, fat, unhealthy lies of dieting. $ur nutritionist %usan &ur!e has the s!inny behind '( of the fattest lies about dieting. 1. Dieting alone is enough to lose weight and keep it off: )*ou could lose weight without activity, but it's usually temporary and you'll gain the weight as soon as you go bac! to your normal habits. +ombining diet and exercise is the best way to lose weight and !eep it off. 2. Eating right before you go to sleep will cause you to gain weight: )Thin! about healthy eating and understand that your

body is a scale, and in order to maintain your weight you need to ta!e in throughout the day the right amount of calories to maintain your metabolic function. ,s long as it's part of your needs for the day, it's not going to ma!e you gain weight.) 3. You are never allowed to eat your favourite desserts: )*ou can modify any recipe, especially desserts, to ma!e it healthy. The recipe section on our site can give you great ideas. It can be as simple as using egg whites instead of a whole egg or reducing the amount of sugar in a recipe. )-owever some desserts are easier to modify than others. If your favourite dessert is a banana split you may have to rethin! that dessert because you have more than .(( calories there. )I suggest changing some of those high-calorie desserts to something not so high in calories but still delicious - such as low fat fro/en yogurt with chopped nuts.) . !kipping "eals will help you to lose weight: )This is false. *ou're body reacts negatively to negative calories. If you're going through your day without eating, it's ust li!e a car trying to drive without petrol. )*ou really can't function well. ,dditionally, research shows that people who s!ip meals thin!ing that it will help them lose weight end up eating more than they need at their next meal, which cancels out their plan in the first place.) #. $ a" too young to worry about "y health right now: )Unfortunately in this country, younger people are coming down with diseases associated with older age. Things li!e heart disease and diabetes are turning up in people in their 0(s. )1eeping to a healthy weight at a young age is very important in warding off diseases of age. *ou have to start to understand when you're really young that !eeping at a healthy weight, eating enough fruits and vegetables and ta!ing in enough calcium is

important in warding off later development of heart disease, hypertension, osteoporosis and other diseases associated with obesity.) %. &ealthy eating is boring and very li"iting: )-ealthy eating is only as boring as you ma!e it. "ieting shouldn't mean deprivation. It should mean creating foods that taste good and are good for you as well. *ou need to do a little planning and it ta!es a little practice. )It shouldn't be boring2 on the contrary, it should be delicious. There are many cultures that eat extremely healthy but their foods are extremely exciting. 3or example, the 4editerranean diet, they use a lot of different herbs and spices and fresh whole foods to ma!e food interesting.) '. $t(s good for you if it says )low fat)* )low carb)* )low sugar) or )fat free): )This is false. *ou have to be able to decipher labels correctly in order to choose the right foods. &ac! in the '5(s they had the fat-free cra/e and today many health experts lin! it to the rise in obesity. )This is because people would interpret a label that says fat-free as calorie free, which is simply untrue. The same thing goes for any of the other low-carb products or low sugar or any of the things that say free. )6ead the nutrition label to understand what's in the product per serving. That's the most important thing. *ou should choose the products according to the amount of calories you need to meet your daily re#uirements.) +. Drinking fruit ,uice is the sa"e as eating a whole fruit: )There's nothing similar about whole fruit and fruit uice except for the fact that the uice comes from the fruit. 3ruit uice is simply the s#uee/ing of the fructose, which is sugar, from the fruit and putting it in the glass and drin!ing it.

)It ta!es seconds to drin! a glass of uice and you get more calories in a short amount of time then it would ta!e to peel and eat an orange. It ta!es, at least, four or five oranges ust to ma!e up one glass of fruit uice.) -. &ealthy foods are "ore e.pensive: )-ealthy food does not have to be more expensive. $n our website we have tools dedicated to help you budget your diet. 7e advise people to use their substitution list so that they can switch the foods on the menu for foods that are on sale at the time. )3or example, if your menu says salmon but salmon is not on sale but cod, or a different protein source of lean meat, is on sale, then you can ma!e a substitute. 8earning how to substitute is the best way to strategise your whole menu to fit you economical needs. )-ealthier foods are actually less expensive than pac!aged foods, because you can buy them in bul! and portion them out yourself. 9ating healthy is also going to be much easier on your poc!et boo! then eating unhealthy when it comes to its health conse#uences.) 10. /ost of the salt in our diet is added at the table: )Not true. I don't even have a salt sha!er on my table, but if I don't watch what I eat, I could still end up with a high-salt diet because so many foods contain high amounts of salt. ),ll pac!aged foods, unless otherwise labelled, contain high amounts of salt. 3ast foods, canned and restaurant foods also contain tons of salt. The 3ood %tandards ,gency recommends that you eat no more than . grams per day. :ractise label reading for hidden salt in foods !ource : 0esco Diets news on /!1

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