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Marygrove College Capstone C Rubric

Project Elements Outstanding 4 points Each of the 4 subcategories contains a claim and proof showing growth over time in both a written paragraph and with a corresponding attachment for each. Each of the 4 subcategories contains a claim and proof showing advancements in instruction in both a written paragraph and with a corresponding attachment for each. Each of the 4 subcategories contains a claim and proof showing advancements in instruction in both a written paragraph and with a corresponding attachment for each. Each of the 4 subcategories contains a claim and proof showing advancements in instruction in both a written paragraph and with a corresponding attachment for each. All 16 of the required categories are included in the project; products/artifacts reflect teacher growth; rubric covers project components. Average 3 points Some of the required information is presented in each subcategory in written paragraphs and attachments. Needs Improvement 2 points The claims and written paragraphs do not clearly support and show growth and advancement of leadership qualities. The claims and written paragraphs do not clearly support and show growth and advancement of instruction strategies. The claims and written paragraphs do not clearly support and show growth and advancement of differentiation strategies. Unacceptable 1 point None of the claims and written paragraphs shows evidence of leadership growth. Score Weight Total

Leadership Categories




Instruction Categories

Some of the required information is presented in each subcategory, written paragraphs and attachments show only limited growth in the area of instruction. Some of the required information is presented in each subcategory, written paragraphs and attachments show only limited growth in differentiation strategies.

None of the claims and written paragraphs shows evidence of instruction growth.




Differentiation Categories

None of the claims and written paragraphs shows evidence of differentiation growth.




Assessment Categories

Some of the required information is presented in each subcategory, written paragraphs and attachments show only limited growth in assessment strategies.

The claims and written paragraphs do not clearly support and show growth and advancement of assessment strategies.

None of the claims and written paragraphs shows evidence of differentiation growth.




Required Elements Included:

16 categories Philosophies Rubric Products / artifacts

10 15 categories included; only 10 - 15 products/artifacts reflect teacher growth; some rubric components are missing.

5 9 categories included; only 5 9 products/artifacts reflect teacher growth; rubric is not aligned with project.

Less than 5 categories are included; less than 5 products/ artifacts reflect teacher growth; rubric does not cover project elements Has more than 10 spelling and grammar errors that affects the meaning and flow for the reader. APA documentation is not used.




Conventions, Grammar, Sentence structure, Scholarly language

The author uses only scholarly Language; 3 or less errors and /or errors do not impede the meaning; APA documentation Is used where applicable.

Scholarly language is not consistent; 4-6 spelling or grammar errors, but errors do not impede the meaning; APA documentation is used where applicable.

Scholarly language is not consistent; 6 or more spelling and grammar errors, but the author's meaning is still conveyed. APA documentation is used where applicable.




Organization and Presentation

Overall presentation is appealing to the reader; the organization of the material is appropriate and reflects understanding of project objectives

Presentation is somewhat appealing to reader; some errors exist with the organization of the project

Presentation structure and organization is difficult to understand for the reader causing confusion with the overall message

The lack of organization in the presentation structure causes the reader to miss the points of the project objectives






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