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Module 3 Basic Electrics Exam 2 1. A Transformer with 115v primary volta e and a ratio of 5!

1 is supplyin a landin li ht "load 2#v #5 amps$ is used% what is the current drawn& a$ ($ c$ 2. 2'5 amps ) amps #.5 amps

A Transformer has #5'' secondary turns and *5' primary turns. +ts turns ratio is a$ ($ c$ 1!, ,!1 1-,


Two inductive coils are placed in close proximity with each other at )' de rees. The num(er of flux lin.a es is a$ ($ c$ ' maximum positive maximum ne ative


A hi h pass filter will& a$ ($ c$ allow fre/uencies a(ove a certain value to pass allow fre/uencies (elow a certain value to pass allow fre/uencies within a ran e to pass


+f you apply this waveform to this circuit% what is the output across the capacitor&

a$ ($ c$

0ero 1ulsed ne ative 1ulsed positive


2hat value is the same as the e/uivalent 3.4. heatin effect& a$ 5oot Mean 6/uare ($ Avera e c$ 1ea.


2hat is the relationship (etween the volta e and the current in an A.4 circuit containin resistance 7 inductance& a$ 4urrent leads volta e (y up to )'8 ($ 4urrent la s volta e (y up to )'8 c$ 4urrent la s volta e (y )'8


2hat shape is the waveform when the input pulse and the time (ase are une/ual& a$ 6/uare ($ 5ectan ular c$ 6aw tooth


A sine wave has 5 amps 5M6 value. 2hat is the pea. value& a$ ,.3* amps ($ *.'* amps c$ 1' amps

1'. +n this circuit

a$ current leads volta e ($ current la s volta e c$ current : volta e

Answers for Exam 2 ;uestion 1 ( 2hen the volta e is stepped 3<2=% the current has (een stepped >1. 6o with a #5A output current on a 5!1 transformer.... Turns ratio is 1rimary! 6econdary "usin American notation$ ?The coils must (e parallel for maximum flux lin.a es "couplin factor$. 4ouplin factor reduces as an ular difference increases to. ?5ead up on filters @ especially hi h pass% low pass% (and pass and (and stop 2ith the output ta.en across the capacitor% this is a (asic inte rator @ so the output is pulsed positive volta e.A 5ead up on A4 wave forms 5emem(er ?4+B+C?. But la is not /uite )' de rees (ecause of the resistance in the circuit 5ead up on oscilliscope inputs 1ea. : 1.#1# x 5M6 "also remem(er that 5 is half of 1'$ 5emem(er ?4+B+C?

;uestion 2 a ;uestion 3 a

;uestion # a ;uestion 5 c

;uestion , a ;uestion * (

;uestion 9 ( ;uestion ) ( ;uestion 1' a

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