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Module 3 Basic Electrics Exam 5 1.

Decreasing the field current in a shunt motor will a) increase speed and decrease torque b) increase speed and increase torque c) decrease speed and increase torque . !ower factor relates to a) true power and apparent power b) "# and "$%& c) horsepower and #atts 3. 'n a delta(connected generator a) line )olts * phase )olts+ line current * root 3 times phase current. b) line )olts * phase )olts+ line current * phase current di)ided b, root 3 c) line )oltage * root 3 times phase )oltage+ line current * phase current -. 'f current lags )oltage b, ./0+ the circuit is a) capaciti)e b) resisti)e c) inducti)e 5. 'n a 3 phase motor+ if 1 phase is lost+ the motor a) remains at the same speed b) runs at 1 third speed c) runs at thirds speed

1. % three(phase motor has the windings a) 1 /0 apart b) ./0 apart c) 12/0apart 3. #hen measuring the phase and line )oltages of a generator+ it was found that line and phase )oltages were equal. 4he generator is5 a) delta wound b) star wound. c) either delta or star wound 2. 4o change the direction of a 3(phase induction motor ,ou would a) swap two of the stator connections b) swap all of the input connections c) remo)e one of the input connections .. 4o calculate generator output ,ou need to 6now the a) armature speed and number of series conductors b) armature speed and number of parallel conductors c) armature speed and field strength 1/. 'n a shunt motor+ if ,ou re)erse both field current and armature current+ the motor will a) stop b) change direction c) continue to run in the same direction

%nswers for Exam 5 7uestion 1 b if the shunt field current is reduced slightl, when the motor is at full rpm+ the rpm will increase slightl, and the motor8s torque will also in(crease slightl,. http9::;;one:conceptd.nsf:we bmain:..1.1/21D.3<%1ED/1 5123=//3B3151

7uestion a http9::h,perph,,(>B%?E:electric:powfac.html 7uestion 3 a .h tm 7uestion 7uestion 5 7uestion 1 c a a tm 7uestion 3 a 'n a delta(connected generator+ the )oltage between an, two of the phases+ called line )oltage+ is the same as the )oltage generated in an, one phase. 4he windings are connected in series+ or delta(connected. s:h1/11)3@11 .htm

7uestion 2 7uestion .

a c

7uestion 1/ c

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