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A Seminar Report On



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree Of Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) As part of the curriculum of SEMESTER II

Supervised by:
Miss. Ankita Gangwal Head of the dept. Commerce and management

Submitted by:
Manu kanoongo MHRM SEM II ICG/2010/11056

Department of PG Studies in Commerce and Management The IIS University, Jaipur 2010-11

Todays environment is highly competitive in every field. If we want to survive in the field of business, this is essential that we know about the practical life of the business. In this field only theoretical knowledge is not enough for making a position in todays fast growing and challenging era. The project report is an essential part of Master in human resource management program. It designed to allow the student to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the academic content of the course through its practical application in the business world. The project work entitled A STUDY ON JOB SATISFACTION OF EMPLOYEES OF YES BANK, JAIPUR. Job satisfaction is the is the favorableness or un-favorableness with which the employee views his work. It expresses the amount of agreement between ones expectation of the job and the rewards that the job provides. Job Satisfaction is a part of life satisfaction. The nature of ones environment of job is an important part of life as Job Satisfaction influences ones general life satisfaction. The main objective of the study is to find out the satisfaction level of employee in yes bank. To study the relationship between the personal factors of the employee (Income, Designation, Educational qualification,Gender, etc.,)

I wish to express my indebtedness and gratitude to the management of the International College for Girls for providing me a wonderful opportunity to gain knowledge by including this project as a part of the MHRM degree. I also wish to serve a warm and special note of thanks to my project guide and Head of Department Mrs. Ankita Gangwal mam whose support and guidance helped me to complete this project successfully.

I would also like to thanks the faculty members Professor M.K. Sharma, Mrs. Roopam Kothari mam and Dr. Seema Singh Rathore mam for their valuable time and guidance.

Manu Kanoongo


Preface Acknowledgement..

Page no.
2 3

Introduction Job satisfaction. Basic cocept. Definitions .. Job satisfaction and work behaviour.. Determinants of job satisfaction.. Environmental factors.. Personal factors. Effects of job satisfaction. Benefits of job satisfaction... Model of job satisfaction.. Theories of job satisfaction...
7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16-17


Research methodologyChapter-2 Research.. Types of data collection.. Objective and limitation of study 19 20 21

Company profileChapter-3 History. YES BANK objective.. Brand vision. YES BANK product and services Swot analysis 23-24 25 26 27-28 29-31


Data analysis and interpretation.



Finding and conclusion.. Bibliography. Questionnaire

48-51 52 54-57


Job satisfaction

The term job satisfaction was brought to limelight by Hoppock. He reviewed 32 studies on job satisfaction conducted prior to 1993. According to him, job satisfaction is the combination of psycological, physiological and environmental circumstances that cause a person to truthfully say I am satisfied with my job. This defination points to the factors affecting job satisfaction but does not indicate the nature of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is the end feeling of a person after performing a task. To the extent that a persons job fulfills his dominant needs and in consistent with his expectations and values, the job will be satifying. The feeling would be possitive or negative depending upon whether need is satisfied or not. Job satisfaction is different from motivation and morale. Motivation refers to the willingness to work. Satisfaction, on th other hand, implies a possitive emotional state. Morale implies a general attitude towards work and work environment. It is a group phenomenon whereas job satisfaction is an individual feeling. Job satisfaction may be considered a dimension of morale and morale could also be a source of satisfaction. Attitudes are predis-positions that make the individual behave in a particular way. Job satisfaction, on the contrary, is the end feeling which may influence subsequent behaviour. Thus, job satisfaction is an employees general attitude towards his job. Human life has become very complex and completed in now-a-days. In modern society the needs and requirements of the people are ever increasing and ever changing. When the people are ever increasing and ever changing, when the peoples needs are not fulfilled they become dissatisfied. Dissatisfiedpeople are likely to contribute very little for any purpose. Job satisfaction ofindustrial workers us very important for the industry to function successfully. Apart from managerial and technical aspects, employers can be considered asbackbone of any industrial development. To utilize their contribution they should be provided with good working conditions to boost their job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction does not seem to reduce absence, turnover and perhaps Accident rates.

-Robert L. Kahn
Job satisfaction is a general attitude towards ones job: the difference Between the amount of reward workers receive and the amount they believe They should receive.

-P. Robbins
Job satisfaction defines as The amount of overall positive affect (or Feeling) that individuals have toward their jobs.

-Hugh J. Arnold and Daniel C.Feldman

Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job. If you like your job intensely, you will experience high job satisfaction. If you Dislike your job intensely, you will experience job dissatisfaction.

-Andrew J Durbins, The practice of supervision, New Delhi

"Job satisfaction is defined as "the extent to which people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) their jobs". This definition suggests job satisfaction is a general or global affective reaction that individuals hold about their job. While researchers and practitioners most often measure global job satisfaction, there is also interest in measuring different "facets" or "dimensions" of satisfaction. Examination of these facet conditions is often useful for a more careful examination of employee satisfaction with critical job factors. Traditional job satisfaction facets include: co-workers, pay, job conditions, supervision, nature of the work and benefits."


Job satisfaction and work behavior

Job satisfaction is an integral component of organizational health and an important element in industrial relations. The level of job satisfaction seems to have some relation with various aspects of work behavior such as accidents, absenteeism, turnover, and productivity. Several studies have revealed varying degrees of relationship between job satisfaction and these factors of work behavior. But whether work behavior is the cause or effect of job satisfaction is not clear. Research on the relationship between job satisfaction and accidents generally shows that satisfied employees cause fewer accidents. Studies on the relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism have yielded inconclusive results. Most of these studies showed that low absentee employees were most satisfied with their jobs. Research also reveals that unionized workers tend to be more satisfied whereas employees of disturbed organizations were generally less satisfied. Less satisfied employees are more likely to quit their job than more satisfied employees. It is generally assumed that satisfied employees are more productive. But research reveals no relationship between job satisfaction and productivity. Herzberg, analyzed the results of twenty-six studies focusing on the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity. Fourteen of these studies revealed that workers with positive job attitudes were more productive than those with negative attitudes. In nine studies job attitudes and productivity were not related and in three studies there was negative correlation between job attitudes and productivity. After reviewing several studies Bayfield and Crockett concluded that job satisfaction did not necessarily imply high performance. Kahn also formed that satisfaction and productivity do not necessarily imply


Determinants of job satisfaction

The various factors influencing job satisfaction may be classified into two categories: 1. Environmental factors, and 2. Personal factors

Environmental factors: These factors relate to the work

environment, main among which are as follows:

Job content- Herzberg suggested that job content in terms of

achieving recognition, advancement, responsibility, and the work itself tend to provide satisfaction but there is variation in job content, job satisfaction tends to b higher. Specialization increases repetitiveness leading to boredom and monotony. But greater variety of tasks may not increase satisfaction unless the tasks form a unified, integrated and meaningful whole.

Occupational level- The higher the level of the job in

organizational hierarchy the greater the satisfaction of the individual. This is because positions at higher levels are generally better paid, more challenging and provides greater freedom of operation. Such jobs carry greater prestige, self-control and need satisfaction.

Pay and promotion- All other things being equal, higher pay and
better opportunities for promotion lead to higher job satisfaction.

Work group- Man is a social animal and likes to be associated with others interactions in the work group help to satisfy social and psychological needs and, therefore, isolated workers tend to be dissatisfied. Job satisfaction is generally high when an individual is accepted by his peers and he has a high need for affiliation.

Supervision- Consideration supervision tends to improve job

satisfaction of workers. A considerate supervisor takes personal interest in his subordinates and allows them to participate in the decision-making process. However, authoritarian people may be more satisfied under the supervision of high status and strongly directive leaders.

Personal factors:
Personal life exercises a significant influence on job satisfaction. The main elements of personal life are given below:

Age: Some research studies reveal a positive correlation between age

and job satisfaction. Workers in the advanced age group tend to be more satisfied probably because they have adjusted with their job conditions. However, there is a sharp decline after a point perhaps because an individual aspires for better and more prestigious jobs in later years of his life.

Sex: One study revealed that women are less satisfied than men due to
fewer job opportunities for females. But female workers may be more satisfied due to their lower occupational aspirations.

Education level: Generally more educated employees tend to be less

satisfied with their jobs probably due to their higher job aspirations. However, research does not yield conclusive relationship between these two variables.

Marital status: The general impression is that married employees

and employees having more dependants tend to be more dissatisfied due to their greater responsibilities. But such employees may be more satisfied because they value their jobs more than unmarried workers.

Experience: Job satisfaction tends to increase with increasing years

of experience. But it may decrease after twenty years of experience particularly among people who have not released their job expectations.


Effects of job satisfaction

Job satisfaction has a variety of effects. These effects may be seen in the context of an individuals physical and mental health, productivity, absenteeism, and turnover.

Physical and Mental Health: The degree of job satisfaction

affects an individuals physical and mental health. Since job satisfaction is a type of mental feeling, its favourableness or unfavourableness affects the individual psychologically which ultimately affects his physical health. For example- Lawler has pointed out that drug abuse, alcoholism, and mental and physical health result from psychologically harmful jobs. Further, since a job is an important part of life, job satisfaction influences general life satisfaction. The result is that there is spillover effect which occurs in both directions betwween job and life satisfaction.

Productivity: There are two views about the relationship between

job satisfaction and productivity: 1. A happy worker is a productive worker, 2. A happy worker is not necessarily a productive worker. The first view establishes a direct cause-effect relationship between job satisfaction and productivity; when job satisfaction increases, productivity increases; when job satisfaction decreases, productivity decreases. The basic logic bbehind this is that a happy worker will put more efforts fo job performance.

Absenteeism: Absenteeism refers to the frequency of job holder from

the workplace either unexecuted absence due to aome avoidable reasons or long absence due to some unavoidable reasons. It is the former type of absence which is a matter of concern. This absence is due to lack of satisfaction from the job which produces a lack of will to work and alienate a worker form work as for as possible. Thus, job satisfaction is related to absenteeism. Employee turnover: Turnover of employees is the rate at which employees leave the organiztion within a given period of time. When an individual feels dissatisfaction in the organization, he tries to overcome through the various ways of defense mechanism. If he is not able to do so, he opts to leave the organization. Thus, in general case employee turnover is related to job satisfaction.

Benefits of job satisfaction study

Job satisfaction surveys can produce positive, neutral or negative results. If planned properly and administered, they will usually produce a number of important benefits, such as It gives management an indication of general levels of satisfaction in a company. Surveys also indicate specific areas of satisfaction or dissatisfaction as compared to employee services and particular group of employee. It leads to valuable communication brought by a job satisfaction survey.Communication flow in all direction as people plan the survey, take it and discuss the result. Upward communication is especially fruitful when employee are encouraged to comment about what is on their minds instead of merely answering questions about topics important to management. As a survey is safety value, an emotional release. A chance to things gets off. The survey is an intangible expression of managements interest in employee welfare, which gives employees a reason to feel better towards management. Job satisfaction surveys are a useful way to determine certain training needs. Job satisfaction surveys are useful for identifying problem that may arise, comparing the response to several alternatives and encouraging manager to modify their original plans. Follow up surveys allows management to evaluate the actual response to a change and study its success or failure.


Model of job satisfaction:


Theories of job satisfaction

Need fulfillment theory: According to this theory a person is
satisfied when he gets from his job what he wants. The more he wants something or the more important it is to him, the more satisfied he is when he received it. In other words, job satisfaction will vary directly with the extent to which those needs of an individual which can be satisfied are actually satisfied. The fulfillment theory suffers from a major drawback. Satisfaction is a function of not only what a person receives but what he feels he should receive. Thus, job satisfaction is a function of the degree to which the employees needs are fulfilled in the job satisfaction.

Equity theory: Under this theory, it is believed that a person,s job

satisfaction depends upon his perceived equity as determined by his input-output balance in comparison with the input-output balance of others. Very individual compares his rewards with thise of a reference group. If he feels his rewards are equitable in comparison with others doing similar work, he feels satisfied. Job satisfaction is thus a function of the degree to which job characteristics meet the desires of the reference group.


Two factor theory: Frederick Herzbergs Two factor theory (also

known as Motivator Hygiene Theory) attempts to explain satisfaction and motivation in the workplace. This theory states that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are driven by different factors motivation and hygiene factors, respectively. An employees motivation to work is continually related to job satisfaction of a subordinate. Motivating factors are those aspects of the job that make people want to perform, and provide people with satisfaction, for example achievement in work, recognition, promotion opportunities. These motivating factors are considered to be intrinsic to the job, or the work carried out. Hygiene factors include aspects of the working environment such as pay, company policies, supervisory practices, and other working conditions. While Hertzberg's model has stimulated much research, researchers have been unable to reliably empirically prove the model, with Hackman & Oldham suggesting that Hertzberg's original formulation of the model may have been a methodological artifact.

Job Characteristics Model:

Hackman & Oldham proposed the Job Characteristics Model, which is widely used as a framework to study how particular job characteristics impact on job outcomes, including job satisfaction. The model states that there are five core job characteristics (skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback) which impact three critical psychological states (experienced meaningfulness, experienced responsibility for outcomes, and knowledge of the actual results), in turn influencing work outcomes (job satisfaction, absenteeism, work motivation, etc.). The five core job characteristics can be combined to form a motivating potential score (MPS) for a job, which can be used as an index of how likely a job is to affect an employee's attitudes and behaviors.




Research is defined as manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extend, correct, or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in construction of theory or in practice of an art. It refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating the problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting the facts or data, analyzing the facts and reaching certain conclusion either in the form of solutions towards the concerned problem or in certain generalizations for some theoretical formulation.

Research methodology is a diligent and systematic inquiry or

investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, application etc. methodology is the system of methods followed by particular discipline. Thus, research methodology is the way in which we conduct our research.

Research design
A research is the arrangement of the conditions for the collections and analysis of the data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. In fact, the research is design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted; it constitutes the blue print of the collection, measurement and analysis of the data. As search the design includes an outline of what the researcher will do from writing the hypothesis and its operational implication to the final analysis of data.

Types of research
Descriptive vs. analytical. Applied vs. fundamental. Conceptual vs. empirical. Exploratory research. Experimental research design.

The present study is exploratory in nature, as it seeks to discover ideas and insight to bring out new relationship. Research design is flexible enough to provide opportunity for considering different aspects of problem under study. It helps in bringing into focus some inherent weakness in enterprise regarding which in depth study can be conducted by management.

Types of data collection

1) Primary data: - The primary data are those which are collected
afresh and for the first time, and thus happen to be original in character.

Methods of primary data:

Observation method. Interview method. Through questionnaires. Through schedules.

2) Secondary data:-the secondary data are those data which have

already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical process.

Methods of secondary data:

Various publication of the central, state or local government. Books, magazines and newspaper. Reports and publications of various association. Technical and trade journals. Public records and historical documents etc.

I have chosen primary and secondary data to collect the information in my project report.

Sample size:
The questionnaire is filled by 30 employees of YES BANK, Jaipur.

Area of research:
For the research purpose I have visited the branch of YES BANK, Jaipur.

Objective of study
The following are the objectives of the present study: To determine the level of satisfaction of the respondents regarding their job. To study and understand the job satisfaction among the employees of YES BANK. To study the various factors which influencing job satisfaction. To study the relationship between the personal factors of the employee (Income, Designation, Educational qualification, Gender, etc.,) To analyze the companys working environment.

Limitations of study
Data collected is based on questionnaire: The research exercise was conducted within a limited duration. So a detailed study could not be made. The number of employees in State Bank of India is more, so sample size is limited by 100. The information collected by the observation method is very limited. The result would be varying according to the individuals as well as time. Some respondents hesitated to give the actual situation; they feared that management would take any action against them. The findings and conclusions are based on knowledge and experience of the respondents sometime may subject to bias.



Company Profile...


YES BANK, India's new age private sector Bank, is an outcome of the professional entrepreneurship of its Founder, Rana Kapoor and his highly competent top management team, to establish a high quality, customer centric, service driven, private Indian Bank catering to the "Future Businesses of India". YES BANK is the only Greenfield license awarded by the RBI in the last 15 years, associated with the finest pedigree investors. YES BANK has fructified into a "full service" commercial Bank that has steadily built Corporate and Institutional Banking, Financial Markets, Investment Banking, Corporate Finance, Branch Banking, Business and Transaction Banking, and Wealth Management business lines across the country, and is well equipped to offer a range of products and services to corporate and retail customers. The Bank has adopted international best practices, the highest standards of service quality and operational excellence, with innovative state-of-the-art technology, and offers comprehensive banking and financial solutions to all its valued customers. A key strength and differentiating feature of YES BANK is its knowledge driven approach, which goes beyond the traditional realm of banking, and helps adoption of a diagnostic and prescriptive approach towards superior product structuring. At YES BANK, we are committed to supporting the sustainable growth and development of sunrise sectors in the country, by facilitating overall growth through strategic knowledge initiatives. YES BANK has formed a specialized 'Development and Knowledge Banking Division' focusing on key growth sectors like Infrastructure, Food & Agribusiness, Telecommunications, Information Technology, Life sciences, Infrastructure, Renewable Energy, Media & Entertainment, Manufacturing and Textiles, among others. YES BANK's unique knowledge driven sectoral approach provides industry specific financial solutions which facilitate superior structuring and tailored financial solutions. Based on efficient product delivery, industry benchmarked service levels, and strong client orientation, YES BANK already services a number of leading companies in India. YES BANK has a vision to champion 'Responsible Banking' in India where the concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability are embedded in the DNA of the organization and integrated in its Business Focus. YES BANK is committed to adding long term value to society, to differentiate itself in the marketplace based on a strong 'sustainability mandate' and to build in flexibility and openness as part of its core strategy. The Bank has engaged with global thought leadership forums like the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), Triple Bottom Line Investing (TBLI) and Tallberg Forum.


YES BANK has invested in the best IT systems and practices in order to make its technology platform a strategic business tool for building a competitive advantage. The Bank has outsourced a significant part of its technology, infrastructure and hardware requirements, which has enabled the Bank to achieve high standards of customer service at comparatively lower cost structures. YES BANK is committed to executing a concerted strategy by continuously launching innovative and secure banking channels to enhance customer satisfaction and increase focus on providing convenience and choice to our clients. The Bank has partnered Obopay USA, to launch secure mobile payment solutions for the first time in India. YES BANK has been recognized amongst the Top and the Fastest Growing Bank in various Indian Banking League Tables by prestigious media houses and Global Advisory Firms, and has received national and international honors for our various Businesses including Corporate Finance, Investment Banking, Treasury, Transaction Banking, and Sustainable practices through Responsible Banking. The Bank has received several recognitions for our world-class IT infrastructure, and payments solutions, as well as excellence in Human Capital.

Human capital:
YES BANK pursues a strong Employee Value Proposition of Creating & Sharing Value, with a vision to build an organization, driven by Professional Entrepreneurship, where all YES Bankers truly partner to direct, manage and accelerate the development of YES BANK as the Young and Dynamic Bank of Emerging India. It is this untiring and relentless passion for Professional Entrepreneurship that has resulted in YES BANK being recently ranked as the THIRD Best Bank in India by Business world. YES BANK also received the Continuous Innovation in HR Strategy award at The India times Mindscape Employer Branding Awards 2007. YES BANK recognizes that the only real source of sustainable competitive advantage for an organization is the power of its High Quality Human Capital. Therefore, we foster a leadership mindset that embraces meritocracy as a vital force to reward performance and exceptional competency. We have also institutionalized various key strategic initiatives including:

YES Entrepreneur in Action YES Professional Entrepreneurship Program (Y-PEP) YES Retail Entrepreneurship Program (Y-REP) YES Mentor YES School of Banking YES UNIVERSITY and SCHOOL Relations.

Yes Bank Objectives:

To build a strong employer brand. To attain a preferred employer status in the Banking and Financial Services industry. To ensure that the Bank is able to attract, engage and retain high quality human capital for its long-term success.

Yes Bank Focus on:

The focus of the Human Capital function at YES BANK is to build a worldclass team, based on professional recruitment methodologies, and attract the best talent in the industry. While our immediate hiring has primarily been lateral, to bring the relevant skills, competencies and experience into the organization, our focus is on building the requisite talent bench strength to support the business plans of the Bank. We are making a concerted effort towards building learning and development solutions that continuously enhance employee value, in line with the growth plans of the Bank.

Yes Bank Culture & Processes:

Building a high performance culture is another key prerogative of the HR function. We envisage a credible and transparent performance management process that helps in aligning individual goals with corporate objectives, both quantities.


Brand vision and commitment

To be recognized as the Best Quality Bank of the World in India To provide a Delightful Banking Experience to all its customers To be a long term partner with all stakeholders particularly customers by creating & sharing value To be a solid and trusted financial trust mark backed by two professional promoters and an exceptional management team

Brand Pillars
The YES BANK brand is being built around 5 Key Brand Pillars, which epitomize the growing strengths of the Bank. All communication and advertising has been created around these key Brand Pillars: Growth- YES BANKs core promise is growth, for its internal and external stakeholders symbolize in. Say YES to growth! Trust- YES BANKs promoters, investors and top management team, are all of the highest pedigree with a demonstrate track record, thus inspiring and establishing a trust mark. Knowledge driven human capital- YES BANK has adopted a knowledge driven entrepreneurial approach to banking and offers financial solutions beyond the traditional realm of banking. YES BANKS top quality human capital represents the finest talents in Indian banking mobilized from INDIA and ABROAD. Technology- YES BANK is establishing the highest standards in customer service by adopting cutting-edge innovative technology. The only thing constant about YES BANKS technology is evolution. Transparency & Responsible banking- YES BANK holds transparency and Accountability above all else. The Bank has established the most stringent Corporate Governance norms, and is also committed to Responsible Banking by focusing on Sustainability and Social Responsibility


YES BANK product and services

YES BANK range of products and services fall under the following three broad categories:

Infrastructure Banking Unit (IBU):

This Unit provides a full range of advisory and credit linked products to clients with a special focus on the infrastructure sector. We meet the financing needs of clients operating in the Power, Telecom, Mining, Oil & Gas, Transportation and Wind Energy segments. We assist our clients to obtain funding for projects and also offer end-to-end advisory services from the planning stage to financial closure.

Structured & Project Finance Unit (SP&F):

The SP&F unit offers structured and project finance expertise to noninfrastructure clients. The areas of specialization include:

a. Securitisation - We provide solutions that offer companies access to

strategic sources of funding by converting assets with probable and predictable cash flows into a source of capital. This alters the risk profile of the corporate, provides the necessary liquidity and offers investors an opportunity to gain higher yields while taking acceptable risks. Structured Liability Products - The SP&F Group, in conjunction with the Debt Capital Markets Group, offers liability products to a range of financial and retail clients in packaging, structuring and placing ABS, MBS, CLOs and CDOs to generate cost-efficient liabilities for our clients. Debt Syndication - We provide debt solutions from local and international markets to both private and public sector institutions. Our strong relations with Borrowers, other banks and Institutional investors help our clients to fulfill their desired financing requirements Leverage Finance - This encompasses the origination, structuring, underwriting and participation through Funding in Leveraged Finance transactions, including leveraged Buy-Outs, Take-overs and General Acquisition Finance Asset & Tax based structures - Comprehensive solutions to provide tax benefits, finance for physical assets and advisory services for leases.





Financial Restructuring Unit (FRU):

This Unit provides specialized advisory services on financial restructuring, with expertise in the area of stressed assets. We offer our clients expert advice and creative product solutions to overcome balance sheet and financing constraints. The team also assists financially distressed companies in the creation and implementation of comprehensive financial restructuring packages.

Corporate finance:
YES BANK Corporate Finance team offers our Corporate, Institutional & Business Banking clients a combination of advisory services and customized structured products to meet their specialized requirements. YES BANK offers a wide range of Corporate Finance solutions to the following categories of clients:

Local Corporates Multinational Companies Financial Institutions Public Sector Undertakings

At YES BANK, believe we have a substantial "knowledge arbitrage" over the market, helping our clients to obtain superior financial returns in a risk mitigated manner. Each member of Corporate Finance team brings with them a wealth of transaction experience across transaction varieties and sectors and enjoys strong, established relationships with both corporates and financial institutions.



Strength: High Quality, Customer Centric, Service Driven, Private Indian Bank Catering To The Future Industries Of India. The Bank Has Adopted International Best Practices, The Highest Standards Of Service Quality And Operational Excellence. World-Class Team, Based On Professional Recruitment Methodologies, And Attract The Best Talent In The Industry. Building Learning And Development Solutions That Continuously Enhance Employee Value, High Performance Culture. Credible And Transparent Performance Management Process. Robust Rewards And Recognition Strategy. Strong technology, Well capitalized. Total Deposits Rs 1,61,694 million. Net Advances Rs 124,031 million. Net NPA 0.33%. Capital Adequacy Ratio 16.6%.

Weakness: Less wide network. Not in every state. Less promotional activity. Unknown brand.

Opportunity: Very wide market. Other activity (insurance, stock broking, mutual fund). Wide scope in rural area.

Threat: Very high competition private bank market ( ICICI bank, HDFC bank), in public sector ( BOB, PNB ). Government policy. Other better saving, investment opinion available ( like insuranc, mutualfund, real-estate, gold). Capital market slow down. Rising rates.




Q1. Is your salary is satisfied..?

Salary satisfaction
Agree Strongly agree Disagree Stongly disagree

15 8 4 3

50 27 13 10




50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

27% 13%


strongly agree



srongly disagree

Out of 30 respondents, 27% of employees are strongly agreed with the statement of salary satisfaction. Majorly 50% of employees are satisfied with their salary. Similarly, 13% are dissatisfied with their salary and 10% are strongly disagreeing with the statement.

Q2. What is your opinion about your job..?

Excellent Good Fair Undecided

12 8 6 4

Percentage (%)
40 27 20 13




13% 40% 20%

excellent good fair undecided


40% of employees think that there job is excellent and up to the mark. Whereas 27% of employees are normal with the statement. 20% think that the job is not so good overall it is fair in nature and only 13%of employees are undecided about the opinion.


Q3. Do you have the capability to achieve the targets in

time..? Table.3
Capability to achieve Agree Strongly agree Undecided Disagree Respondents 14 10 4 2 Percentage (%) 47 33 13 7




7% 13%


stongly agree undecided disagree


47% of employees think that they have the capability to complete their targets at time. Whereas 33% of employees are strongly agreed with the statement they reach their targets in time to time. 13% of employees are undecided and 7% of employees are disagreeing with the statement.


Q4. What is your opinion about the existing relationship between

the workers and management..?

Table.4 Opinion
Excellent Good Fair Poor

10 11 5 4

Percentage (%)
33 37 17 13




40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 33%


17% 13%





37% of employees are agreed that there is a cordial relationship between the management and the workers. 33% of the respondents are very much satisfied with the statement. Whereas 17% of respondents are equally agree with it and 13% of the respondents are not satisfied about the relationship between workers and the management.

Q5. Do you ever feel over burden in your job..?

Table.5 Opinion
Disagree Srongly disagree Agree Strongly agree

18 6 4 2

Percentage (%)
60 20 13 7




60 50 40 30 20 10 0

20% 13% 7%


strongly disagree


strongly agree

60% of respondents do not feel over burden in their job. Whereas 20% respondents feel their work more interested. 13% of employees are agreeing with the statement they feel over burden. Only 7% of employees feel extra burden in their work.


Q6. Do you have enough time to spend with your family..?

Table.6 Options
Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree

12 6 6 6

Percentage (%)
40 20 20 20




20% 40%
agree strongly agree disagree


srongly disagree


20% of employees are strongly agree with the statement they spare enough time to spend with their family and friends. Whereas 20% are agree with the statement. 20% of respondents feel that they did not spend as much time with their family and friends. 20% of respondents are strongly against of it they feel no time for family.


Q7. Do you feel that your working hours are convenient..?

Table.7 Options
Agree Strongly agree Undecided Disagree

18 6 4 2

Percentage (%)
60 20 13 7








strongly agree undecided disagree

20% of respondents are strongly agreed with the working hours in bank. Whereas 60% of respondents feel that working hours are much convenient. 13% of respondents are undecided with the statement and 7% of respondents are not satisfied with the working hours of bank.


Q8. Do you think advertisement for your bank is satisfactory.?

Table.8 Options
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

16 9 3 2

Percentage (%)
53 30 10 7




7% 10%
strongly agree agree

53% 30%

disagree strongly disagree

53% of respondents are strongly satisfied with the advertisement level. 30% of employees are satisfied with the advertisement of bank. 10% of employees are dissatisfied; they think advertisement can be better and more advanced. Whereas 7% of respondents are strongly disagree with the advertisement of bank.


Q9. Does your personal problem affect the job? Table.9

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

12 10 5 3

Percentage (%)
40 33 17 10




40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0


17% 10%

strongly disagree



srongly agree

40% of respondents are strongly disagree with the statement, they do not feel this situation there personal problem can not affect their work. Whereas 33% of respondents are disagree with the above statement. 17% of respondents are agreeing with the statement sometimes there personal problem may affect them. Only 10% of respondents are strongly agree, their personal problem affect the job.


Q10. What do you feel about your relationship with your coworkers.?

Excellent Good Fair Poor Undecided

6 14 5 2 3

Percentage (%)
20 47 17 7 10




50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0



17% 7% 10%






20% of respondents are very much satisfied with their relationship with coworkers. 47% of respondents are agreeing with the statement. 17% of the respondents are normal with the statement they feel their relationship is not so bad but not so good. 7% of respondents are not satisfied to their relationship with their coworkers. 10% of employees are not decided with the statement.

Q11. Your complaints are settled quickly by the bank? Table.11

Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree Undecided

13 4 8 2 3

Percentage (%)
43 13 27 7 10





10% 43%
agree strongly agree disagree


strongly disagree undecided

13% of respondents are satisfied with the above statement there problems are easily solved by bank. 43% of respondents think there problems are satisfied somehow. 7% of respondents are strongly disagreeing and upset with the above statement. Whereas 27% of respondents disagree with the same. On the other hand, 10% of employees are making their decisions undecided.


Q12. Do you think that promotional basis is satisfactory? Table.12

Promotion satisfactory Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree Undecided Respondents 11 8 6 2 3 Percentage (%) 37 27 20 6 10




40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

37% 27% 20% 10% 6%


strongly agree


strongly disagree


37% of the respondents are agreeing with their promotional opportunities. 27% of the respondents are strongly agreed with their promotional opportunities. 6% of the respondents are dissatisfied with their promotional opportunities. 20% of the respondents are disagreeing with the situation. Whereas, 10% of the respondents are undecided with their promotional opportunities.

Q13. What is your opinion about other facilities in your bank?

Table.13 Opinion
Excellent Good Fair Poor

14 8 6 2

Percentage (%)
47 27 20 7




50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0


27% 20%






27% of the respondents are satisfied with other facilities provided by the bank. 47% of the respondents have excellent opinion about with other facilities. 20 % of the respondents are not fully satisfied with the other facilities provided by the bank. 7% of the respondents are not satisfied with other facilities.


Q14. What do you feel about training opportunity in your bank?

Training opportunity Excellent Good Fair Poor Respondents 15 6 7 2 Percentage (%) 50 20 23 7




50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0



7% excellent




50% of the respondents are fully satisfied with the training opportunities. 20% of the respondents think that training opportunities are good and quite satisfied. 23% of the respondents are not fully satisfied with the training opportunities. Whereas 7% of the respondents are dissatisfied with the training opportunities with their bank.

Q15. What do you feel about the working environment?

Working environment Excellent Good Fair Poor Respondents 14 10 4 2 Percentage (%) 47 33 13 7




7% 13%


good fair poor


47% of the respondents are fully satisfied with the working environment of the bank. 33% of the respondents think working conditions are good. 13% of the respondents are quite satisfied with the working environment of the bank. 7% of the respondents are not satisfied with the working environment of the bank.



With the salary satisfaction: 77% of employees are satisfied and 23% of employees are not satisfied. With the opinion about their job: 67% of employees are satisfied and 33% of employees are not satisfied. With the capability to achieve targets in time: 80% of employees are satisfied and 20% of employees are not satisfied. With the opinion about the existing relationship between the workers and the management: 70 % of employees are satisfied and 30% of employees are not satisfied. With the opinion about feeling burden in the job: 20% of employees are satisfied 80% of employees are not satisfied. With the opinion about giving time to their family: 60% of employees are satisfied and 40% of employees are not satisfied. With the convenient working hours: 80% of employees are satisfied and 20% of employees are not satisfied. With the advertisement of the bank: 83% of the employees are satisfied and 17% of the employees are not satisfied. With the opinion of affecting job by personal problems: 27% of the employees are satisfied and 73% of the employees are not satisfied. With the opinion about the relationship with co-workers: 84% of employees are satisfied and 17% of the employees are not satisfied. With the complaints settled quickly by the bank: 56% of the employees are satisfied and 44% of the employees are not satisfied. With the promotional basis: 64% of the employees are satisfied and 36% of the employees are not satisfied.

With the other facilities provided by the bank: 74% of the employees are satisfied and 27% of the employees are not satisfied. With the training opportunity: 70% of the employees are satisfied and 30% of the employees are not satisfied. With the working environment: 80% of the employees are satisfied and 20% of the employees are not satisfied.

The criterion for Job security is not much satisfactory so the management should concentrate on the job security of employees so that they can work without fear of job loss in the organization. The employees should also be paid fairly enough according to their roles and responsibilities in order to provide them a feeling of Job Satisfaction ultimately motivating them to perform better.


From the study, the researcher has come to know that most of the respondents have job satisfaction; the management has taken the best efforts to maintain cordial relationship with the employees. Due to the working conditions prevailing in this bank, job satisfaction of each respondent seems to be the maximum. From the study, the researcher has come to know that most of the employees were satisfied with the welfare measures provided by bank. The employees of YES BANK get more benefits compare to other banks. The main problem of shortage of man power is less in the YES BANK compare to other banks. Job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations. Job Satisfaction describes how comfortable an individual is with his or her job. The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. The role of the management in bringing Job Satisfaction to the employees is to provide adequate working conditions, proper canteen and sanitation facilities, letting them participate in the decision making process and also by providing them a feeling of Job Security and a feeling of belongingness to the organization. The overall job satisfaction is excellent at YES BANK. Employees are much satisfied with the working environment. Employees are also satisfied with their overall work and time give by the bank.



Books referred:
Sudha G.S, human resource management, RBD publications, 2010. Sudha G.S, management, RBSA publications, 2010. Kothari C.R, research methodology, new age international ltd., publishers, 2010. Gupta C.B, human resource management, Sultan chand & Sons, publishers, 2007.

Web: www.yesbankcom



1. Name of the employee: 2. Age: 3. Gender: Male Female

4. Educational qualification: 5. Marital status: 6. Family size: 7. Nature of job: 8. Monthly salary: Below 10,000 10,001 to 20,000 20,001 to 30,000 Above 30,000 Married Single

9. How many years you are working in the organization: 10.Working hours of bank:


Kindly put tick ( ) mark in only answer from various alternatives given below.


Q1. Is your salary is satisfied?

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Q2. What is your opinion about your job?

Excellent Good Fair undecided

Q3. Do you have the capability to achieve the targets in time?

Agree Strongly agree Disagree Undecided

Q4. What is your opinion about existing relationship between the workers and management?
Excellent Good Fair Poor

Q5. Do you ever feel over burden in your job?

Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Q6. Do you have enough time to spend with your family?

Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Q7. Do you feel that your working hours are convenient?

Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree


Q8. Do you think advertisement for your bank is satisfactory?

Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Q9. Does your personal problem affect the job?

Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Q10. What do you feel about your relationship with your coworkers?
Excellent Good Fair Poor Undecided

Q11. Your complaints are settled quickly by the bank?

Agree Strongly agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree

Q12. Do you think promotional basis are satisfactory?

Agree Strongly agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree.

Q13. What is your opinion about other facilities in your bank?

Excellent Good Fair Poor

Q14. What do you feel about the training opportunity?

Excellent Good Fair Poor

Q15. What do you feel about the working environment? Excellent Good Fair Poor







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