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(GI notes Mrs.


Ch 35 Billiary Diseases
Hepa- Liver Itis-Inflammation Hepatitis (ABCDE)- inflammation of the cells of liver, s all! ca se" #! a vir s. Types$st- %A&- Hepatitis A &ir s. (Infectious Hepatitis.) 'A is fowl an" it rh!mes (ith bowel. Transmission- )ecal - *ral. Ma! #e fo n" in ra( shellfish, H20 Supply, food handlers-equipment. +n" %B&- Hepatitis B &ir s. 'Generall! most common. (Serum Hepatitis.) Transmission- Bloo", ,emen, ,aliva, )eces. -r" %C&-Hepatitis C &ir s. (Circulation.) Transmission- Bloo"', Ma! also #e transmitte" thro .h semen, "r . sers, tattoo/s. 'Ma! re0 ire Liver Transplant. 1th %E&- Hepatitis E vir s. )o n" in the %+2 s 33l! 4 similar to A. Prevention (All) - A) %an" (ashin. alon. (5 cleanliness, in %ot %+2 ( tensils etc.) B) &accines- %e3 B &accine. (If !o 6no( !o have #een e73ose"- Immunoserumglobulan) 8hat ma! #e .iven after 6no(n e73os re. (%e3 A, 3rimaril!.) C) ,tan"ar" 9reca tions' S/S- Stage 1 :s all! consi"ere" Prodromal. Consi"ere" the Pre aundice 3hase. )l -li6e s!m3toms-(I.e.; )ever, chills, etc.) 9ain in the RU -Liver. Stage 2 !2"# wee$s%

&Icteric' '<a n"ice. A33ear !ello( in the sclera of the e!es, Dar6 rine, Clay colore" stools. Stage (. Last ,ta.e (An a!!itional 2"# wee$s.) Con)alescent After an a""itional +-= (ee6s. After L"T ret rns to normal Ma! ta6e up to 1 year for ) ll recover! (Altho .h some 3t/s *+,+- recover.) D#- A) Liver En$ymes- (the #oo6 sa!s; 3%&'(%)) .rs/ 0 said to 1ust thin$ of it as anywhere from (3%5'5%*) B) Ser+m Al,+min- 0ower in liver "isease. C) ESR- Er!throc!te ,e"emation >ate ?ill #e ele)ated ' D) PT- 9rothrom#ine 8ime . Blee"in. time. (,lo(er clottin..) It (ill 2ecrease. E) 8est for 8iters A titer- in"icates e73os re (5 3ro#a#le infection 4 &iral T#- >est, Activit! as tolerate", Goo" @ trition, %!"rate, Avoi" Alcohol, @o @,AID,, Bathin., (''*o hot H23- :se TEPID /ATERA- Irritating to s$inA (3oss test 0 estion.) 0e!s; Interferon, Anti)irals. ',6in .ets Dr! 4 )la6! (Alon. (5 <a n"ice.) 1an!as (In order from most important to least.) Im#alance" @ trition >is6 for Im3aire" ,6in Inte.rit! 9ain Mana.ement of 8hera3e tic >e.imen. A.+te Liver "ail+re

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