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Sharon Ly 1 Chapter #31: American Life in the "Roaring Twenties" Big Picture Themes 1.

. A red scare struc America in the !"s. #ear of communism resonated through society and was fue$ed %y mai$ %om%ings and i$$ustrated %y the Sacco and &an'etti e(ecutions. !. Anti)immigration ran high as we$$. Laws were *assed to $imit immigration+ and s*ecifica$$y+ to $imit ,ew -mmigrants from -ta$y and Po$and. .. The Sco*es /on ey Tria$ i$$ustrated the new contro0ersy of e0o$ution 0s. creation. 1. Businesses had a good run in the !"s and consumers %ought *roducts wi$d$y+ often on credit or with an insta$$ment *$an. 2. Three Re*u%$ican *residents were *ro)%usiness. The economy and consumers got to running too fast+ and cou*$ed with o0er)%uying in the stoc mar et+ initiated the Stoc 3rash and 4reat 5e*ression. Chapter #31 -dentifications /itche$$ Pa$mer Attorney General who rounded up suspects who were thought to be unAmerican and socialist; helped increase the Red Scare; a a !"ighting #ua er;$ then the !#ua ing "ighter$ 6ohn T. Sco*es %hilosopher and educator who belie&ed in !learning by doing;$ belie&ed that teacher's should be the !education (or li(e and that the wor bench is )ust as important as the blac board*$ 3$arence 5arrow "amed criminal de(ense lawyer and represented Scopes Andrew /e$$on Secretary o( the treasury; thought it was best to in&est in ta+-e+empt securities; belie&ed in the tric le-down e((ect #rederic 7. Tay$or ,ngineer- in&entor and tennis player; wanted to eliminate wasted motion; (amous (or his scienti(ic-management and time-management /argaret Sanger .rgani/ed the birth control mo&ement; openly promoted the use o( contracepti&es 8. L. /enc en %atron to many young wiriters; critici/ed the middle class- democracy- marriageand patriotism; wrote (or the American 0ercury #. Scott #it'gera$d 1elonged to the lost generation writers; wrote 2he Great Gatsby 9rnest 8emingway

Sharon Ly ! "ought in 3taly in 1415; 1ecame upset with the idealism o( America; shot himsel( in 1461 Sinc$air Lewis Chie( chronicler; master o( satire; wrote 1abbit where he described the materialistic middle-class American businessman Buying on /argin 2echni7ue o( buying stoc s; people would buy stoc s pay (or a portion and borrow money (rom stoc bro ers to pay (or the rest; they would sell stoc s when it got to a higher price and payed bac the debt and ept pro(it; helped lead to the Stoc Crash Red Scare American public was scared o( communism; led to many stri es led by businessmen Sacco and &an'etti 3ase Con&icted 3talians (or murdering a paymaster and his guard; they had an alibi bit because they were 3talian they were e+ecuted* 9mergency :uota Act 1;!1 Restricted the immigration to 38 o( each nationality* -mmigration :uota Act 1;!1 38 went to 98; this would pre&ent many immigrants (rom coming into America; this angered the :apanese &o$stead Act ,stablished that alcohol abo&e *;8 was illegal #undamenta$ism %ushed the teaching o( <arwinism; destroyed the (aith in God and the 1ible; helped to con(irm modern theories /odernists belie&ed that God was the !good guy$ and man at heart wasn't a sinner; 1elie&ed in god but tried to reach <arwinism 3ha*ter <.1 4uided Reading :uestions Seeing Red =now> Bi$$y Sunday+ Red Scare+ A. /itche$$ Pa$mer+ Sacco and &an'etti 1. 3ite e(am*$es of actions ta en in reaction to the *ercei0ed threat of radica$s and communists during the red scare. %almer led raids in suspected communists* 2here were many )ailings and accusations* %eople were un(airly tried i( they weren't Americans*

Sharon Ly . 8ooded 8ood$ums of the === !. 3om*are and contrast the new and o$d =u =$u( =$ansmen. 0odern === isn't one organi/ation* 2he 0odern === is made up o( independent chapters o( history* 2he old === were one organi/ation and it was made easier (or them to in(iltrate* Stemming the #oreign #$ood =now> 9mergency :uota Act+ -mmigration Act .. 5escri%e the immigration $aws *assed in the 1;!"?s. 2he laws that were passed were the ,mergency #uota Act and 3mmigration Act* 2hey were used to pre&ent any more immigrants (rom coming into America* As a result o( the laws- more people le(t America than came* /a ers of America> The Po$es =now> Prussian Po$es+ Russian Po$es+ Austrian Po$es+ American 7arsaw 1. 7hat factors $ed Po$es to America@ %oles are %olish immigration* ,conomic and political problems collapsed the labor unions* The Prohi%ition "9(*eriment" =now> 9ighteenth Amendment+ &o$stead Act+ 7et and 5ry+ S*ea easies+ 8ome Brew+ Bathtu% 4in+ ,o%$e 9(*eriment 2. 8ow and why was the eighteenth amendment %ro en so freAuent$y@ th 2he 1> Amendment was the banning o( alcohol* 3t was ne&er en(orced because so many people bro e it* %rohibition was thought to pose a problem to the countries that made alcohol but it didn't* The 4o$den Age of 4angsterism =now> A$ 3a*one+ St. &a$entine?s 5ay /assacre+ Lind%ergh Law B. 7hat was 4angsterism@ %rohibition led to the (ormation o( gangs* Gangs were associated with prostitutiongambling- and narcotics* /on ey Business in Tennessee =now> 6ohn 5ewey+ 6ohn T. Sco*es+ 7i$$iam 6ennings Bryan+ 3$arence 5arrow C. 5escri%e the c$ash of cu$tures that too *$ace in schoo$s in the 1;!"?s. 2he go&ernment was setting a minimum age (or students to stay in school* ,&olutionists didn't agree with creationists* Scopes was a teacher chagred (or teaching e&olution* The /ass)3onsum*tion 9conomy =now> Andrew /e$$on+ The /an ,o%ody =nows+ Ba%e Ruth+ 6ac 5em*sey D. 4i0e e0idence to *ro0e that America %ecame a mass)consum*tion economy in the !"?s.

Sharon Ly 1 3n the 9?'s whene&er something new was introduced it was welcomed by all Americans* @hen the automobiles were (irst in&ented- ad&ertising too on many di((erent aspects* Putting America on Ru%%er Tires =now> 8enry #ord+ #rederic 7. Tay$or+ /ode$ T ;. 7hat methods made it *ossi%$e to mass)*roduce automo%i$es@ Americans too engine designs (rom ,urope and impro&ed them* Assembly lines allowed (or cars to be mass produced* @hen the depression hit there was a limit to one car (or e&ery A*4 people* The Ad0ent of the 4aso$ine Age 1". 7hat were the effects of the wides*read ado*tion of the automo%i$e@ 2he creation o( the automobile led to the creation o( many )obs* 2he creation o( cars led to thing being created with cars in mind* 0a ing better roads to pre&ent accidents was one o( the ma)or changes* 8umans 5e0e$o* 7ings =now> Er0i$$e and 7i$%ur 7right+ 3har$es Lind%ergh 11. 7hat effects did the ear$y air*$ane ha0e on America@ @ith the creation o( planes- and allowing people to (ly many people de&eloped dreams o( the world* 1e(ore @@3 planes weren't popular and barely used* A(ter the warplanes were used (or more commercial reasons* The Radio Re0o$ution 1!. 8ow did America change as the resu$t of the radio@ Radios allowed (or better ad&ertisements and political campaigns* ,&eryone had access to a radio* 2his allowed (or a better deli&ery o( news and better communication* 8o$$ywood?s #i$m$and #antasies =now> The Great Train Robbery, The Birth of a Nation, The Jazz Singer 1.. 7hat were some mi$estones in the history of motion *ictures@ 2he (irst motion pictures made entertained* 0ost early (ilms were inappropriate* Bollywood became the set o( the mo&ie industry* The 5ynamic 5ecade =now> /argaret Sanger+ #$a**ers+ Sigmund #reud+ 6e$$y Ro$$ /orton+ Langston 8ughes+ /arcus 4ar0ey 11. "#ar)reaching changes in $ifesty$es and 0a$ues *ara$$e$ed the dramatic u*surge in the economy." 9(*$ain. America was changing in to a more urban li(estyle* :a// was adopted by many people* @omen dressed di((erently and were nown as (lappers* 3u$tura$ Li%eration

Sharon Ly 2 =now> 8. L. /enc en+ #. Scott #it'gera$d+ 9rnest 8emingway+ Sinc$air Lewis+ 7i$$iam #au$ ner+ 9'ra Pound+ T. S. 9$iot+ e.e. cummings+ 9ugene E?,ei$$+ Louis Armstrong+ #ran L$oyd 7right 12. 8ow did the arts of the 1;!"?s ref$ect the times@ 2he arts showed di((erent aspects o( the 149?'s* %eople who wrote boo s too on either the party li(e o( the depression li(e* 2he arts reached out to the people and allowed them to connect to modern day li&es* 7a$$ Street?s Big Bu$$ /ar et =now> /argin+ Andrew /e$$on 1B. 7as go0ernment economic *o$icy successfu$ in the !"?s@ 2he go&ernment was unstable and (ragile in the beginning* 2he go&ernment decided to ta+ the rich but the plan bac (ired* 1ecause o( the wea plan it (ailed and led to the decreased income* 3ha*ter <.!> The Po$itics of Boom and Bust Big Picture Themes 1. President 8arding had se0era$ scanda$s underneath him+ nota%$y the Tea*ot 5ome Scanda$ o0er oi$. !. America entered into *o$icies of iso$ationism where%y the FS Gust wanted to $oo after herse$f and $ea0e 9uro*e a$one. .. 3oo$idge was 0ery *ro)%usiness+ fo$$owing a hands)off a**roach %y go0ernment. 1. 8oo0er he$d the same ideas with his rugged indi0idua$ism *hrase. 7hen the Stoc 3rash hit and 4reat 5e*ression started+ 8oo0er was 0ery re$uctant and s$ow to ta e go0ernment action. 3ha*ter <.!> IDENTIFICATIONS Andrew /e$$on Secretary o( the 2reasury; had a theory that high ta+es (orced the rich to in&est 8er%ert 8oo0er Republican who ran a campaign based on prohibition and prosperity; many people blamed him (or the stoc mar et crash and the Great <epression A$%ert B. #a$$ Secretary o( 3nterior; schemer; con&icted o( leasing oil reser&es and collecting bribes in the 2eapot <ome Scandal Ro%ert La#o$$ette Senator (rom @isconsin; ran (or president in 149A; lost to Coolidge A$fred 9. Smith Ran (or %resident in 149>; nown (or drin ing and lost to Boo&er; (irst Roman Catholic to run (or president Ehio 4ang Group o( po er playing men who were (riends with Barding; appointed to o((ices

Sharon Ly B and they used their power to gain money (or themsel&es 7ashington 3onference 2his meeting was (or the disarmament o( the ma)or world powers; reduced the numbers o( large battleships (or the ma)or powers =e$$ogg)Briand Pact headed by "ran 1* =ellog and 1riand; promised to ne&er ma e war and settle all disputes peace(ully; this treaty was hard to en(orce #ordney)/c3um%er Tariff Law Raised (oreign tari((s; designed to e7uali/e the price o( American and (oreign products Tea*ot 5ome Scanda$ 3n&ol&ed priceless na&al oil reser&es; polluted the go&ernment's prestige; made the public 7uestion the go&ernment 5awes P$an written but Charles <awes; attempt to help pay o(( the damages (rom @@3; CS would ne&er recei&e the money what it was owed 8aw$ey)Smoot Tariff 1egan as a protecti&e measure; became the highest protecti&e tari((; raised goods (rom 3>*;8 to 6?8 Reconstruction #inance 3or*oration HR#3I 1ecame a go&ernment lending ban ; designed to pro&ide inditect assistance to insurance companies- ban s- agricultural organi/ations- railroads- and local go&ernments; passed under Boo&er Bonus Army A group o( 9?-??? @@3 &eterans who wanted to be paid what the go&ernment owed them (or ser&ing in the army* 8oo0er)Stimson doctrine Said the CS s would not recogni/e any territorial ac7uisitions that were ta en o&er by (orce. 3ha*ter <.! -dentifications The Re*u%$ican "E$d 4uard" Returns =now> 7arren 8arding+ Ehio 4ang 1. 7hat f$aws did 7arren 8arding *ossess@ @arren Barding was nown (or being easily tric ed* Be chose people who were best (or )obs but he couldn't trust most o( them* Be was &ery popular and (riendly*

Sharon Ly C 4EP Reaction at the Thrott$e !. 7hat *ro)%usiness *o$icies were ta en %y the go0ernment during the 8arding administration. Barding's administrations were changed* Barding appointed new political (igures* 2he child labor laws were re&ersed and woman's minimum wage was re&ersed as well* The Aftermath of 7ar =now> Rai$way La%or Board+ American Legion+ AdGusted 3om*ensation Act .. 7hat effects did the war ha0e on the *ost)war economy@ @hen the war was o&er- there was a less need (or a mass production* %roduction o( products had to be lessened* Cnions lost their power and became less e((ecti&e* America See s Benefits 7ithout Burdens =now> Fnofficia$ E%ser0ers+ 3har$es 90ans 8ughes+ #i0e)Power ,a0a$ Treaty+ #our)Power Treaty+ ,ine)Power Treaty+ =e$$ogg)Briand Pact 1. 8ow did the F.S. ta e the $ead in disarmament in the !"?s@ Congress ne&er passed the treaty o( Dersailles and so CS wasn't a part o( the Eeague o( Fations* CS sent uno((icial members to the Eeague o( Fations* CS wanted to lead and end to the war* 8i ing the Tariff 8igher =now> #ordney)/c3um%er Tariff Law 2. 7hat effects were *roduced %y high American tariffs@ Americans what came bac (rom war needed to start wor ing again* 2ari((s were raised and products were more e+pensi&e* 2he raised tari((s would hurt the ,uropean nations* The Stench of Scanda$ =now> 3har$es R. #or%es+ A$%ert B. #a$$+ Tea*ot 5ome+ 8arry /. 5augherty B. "Such was his J8arding?sK wea ness that he to$erated *eo*$e and conditions that su%Gected the Re*u%$ic to its worst disgrace since the days of President 4rant." 9(*$ain Barding didn't belie&e in corruption* Be didn't belie&e that people would do things li e this* 2he people who wor ed (or him or with him were in&ol&ed in such scandals* Si$ent 3a$ 3oo$idge =now> 3a$0in 3oo$idge C. 5o the nic names+ "Si$ent 3a$" and "3autious 3a$" accurate$y descri%e the 3oo$idge *residency@ Coolidge was a shy and boring president* Be was pro-business and belie&ed in wor ing (orces* Be was &ery traditional which ga&e him his nic names* #rustrated #armers =now> /c,ary)8augen Bi$$ D. 7hat had changed for the farmer since 1D;"@ 7hat had remained the same@

Sharon Ly D 2here was a shortage o( (ood in America a(ter the war so (armers made a lot o( money* Bowe&er- as time went on more people had a demand (or (ood and (armers began to lose wor * Few in&entions helped the (armers produce more products and stay in business* A Three)7ay Race for the 7hite 8ouse in 1;!1 =now> Ro%ert La #o$$ette ;. 7hy did 3a$0in 3oo$idge easi$y win the 1;!1 e$ection@ 2here was no competition (or the Socialists and the %rogressi&es* 2he <emocrats had a hard time de(ending themsel&es* 2hey didn't &ote against the === who were becoming a huge problem* #oreign)Po$icy #$ounderings 1". 7hat are the arguments for America cance$ing the 77- de%t of 9uro*ean countries@ Americans wanted to ha&e the debt paid no matter what- or at least ma e it loo it was paid on paper* "rance and ,ngland both owed money to the CS but they couldn't pay it because the CS tari((s were so high* Fnra0e$ing the 5e%t =not =now> 5awes P$an 11. 7hat were the wor$d)wide re*ercussions of AmericaLs insistence on de%t re*ayment@ Germany couldn't pay 1ritain or "rance already- and they )ust had to pay more* Cltimately the <awes %lan was set o(( and America was ne&er paid bac their debt* The Trium*h of 8er%ert 8oo0er+ 1;!D =now> A$ Smith+ "Rum+ Romanism+ and Ruin" 1!. 7hy was 8er%ert 8oo0er so much more *o*u$ar with 0oters than A$ Smith@ Boo&er was born in a city and he was also Few Gor ian and 3rish and Catholic* 2he normally <emocratic south disli ed the (act that he was Catholic so they were split on the &ote* Boo&er spo e o( many things that appealed to Americans* President 8oo0er?s #irst /o0es =now> #arm Board+ 8aw$ey)Smoot Tariff 1.. 5id 8oo0erLs attem*ts to he$* farmers *roduce *ositi0e resu$ts@ 9(*$ain. Boo&er's attempts to help the (ramers help produce more money ended up to help them in the end* 2he Agricultural 0ar eting Act was passed and it set up the "ederal "arm 1oard to lend money to the (armers that needed it* 2hey created a company that bought the surpluses o( (ood and sold them to other nations The 4reat 3rash 9nds the 4o$den Twenties =now> B$ac Tuesday+ "Brother 3an Mou S*are a 5ime@" 11. 7hat were the immediate effects of the stoc mar et crash@ 0any businesses would go out o( business* 1an s would close and many people would be le(t without wor * 2his would be the start o( the Great <epression*

Sharon Ly ; 8oo ed on the 8orn of P$enty =now> 8oo0er B$an ets+ 8oo0er0i$$es 12. 7hat causes contri%uted to the 4reat 5e*ression@ Fot only was the stoc mar et crash the beginning o( the Great <epression but also o&er-speculation and o&er-production* Americans were buying so many things and added to debt that e&entually debt got out o( hand* 2he people blamed Boo&er (or the depression* Rugged Times for Rugged -ndi0idua$ists =now> Rugged -ndi0idua$ism+ The 4reat 8umanitarian 1B. 8ow did President 8oo0erLs %e$iefs affect the way he hand$ed the 5e*ression@ Be belie&ed that the <epression would (i+ its sel(* <uring the <epression he did nothing and so he became disli ed by the people* Be was willing to help other nations but not his own* 8oo0er Batt$es the 4reat 5e*ression =now> /usc$e Shoa$s Bi$$+ Reconstruction #inance 3or*oration+ Pum*)Priming+ Me$$ow 5og 3ontracts 1C. -s 8oo0erLs re*utation as u$tra)conser0ati0e we$$ deser0ed@ 9(*$ain. F.- because although he was a conser&ati&e person in the beginning in the end he didn't (ollow through* Be did try to help America prepare (or depression* Be also limited the power o( the Cnion* Routing the Bonus Army in 7ashington =now> Bonus 9(*editionary #orce+ 5oug$as /acArthur 1D. 7hat ha**ened to the Bonus Army@ 7hy@ 2he 1onus Army was a group o( Deterans during the depression who wanted their money (or the time they ser&ed in the war* %eople set up camps to debate and try and get their money* Boo&er sent in armies which started a small war* 6a*anese /i$itarists Attac 3hina =now> /anchuria+ Stimson 5octrine 1;. 8ow did the 6a*anese attac on /anchuria demonstrate the wea ness of the League of ,ations@ 3t was a stronger nation ta ing ad&antage o( a wea er one- and bro e the peace in which the Eeague was supposed to protect also because o( the open door policies* 3t showed that without the CS building anything on the Eeague o( Fations- which made it lose much o( its controlling strength* 8oo0er Pioneers the 4ood ,eigh%or Po$icy !". 7hat was President 8oo0erLs *o$icy toward Latin America Be created the Good Feighbor %olicy* Be wanted to change the &iew o( Eatin Countries on America* CS's lac o( money caused the troops to be pulled out o( Eatin America* 3ha*ter <..> The 4reat 5e*ression and the ,ew 5ea$ Big Picture Themes 1. #5R Auic $y got many ,ew 5ea$ *rograms *assed. The genera$ *hi$oso*hy was> the

Sharon Ly 1" go0ernment wi$$ start massi0e *roGects and s*end huge Auantities of money+ and this wi$$ Gum*)start the economy. !. These *rograms hit on a$$ wa$ s of $ife. 9m*hasis was *$aced on creating Go%s+ housing+ construction *roGects+ and restoring confidence in %an s. .. Though #5R was *o*u$ar+ there were critics to the ,ew 5ea$Nsome saying it did too much+ others that it did too $itt$e. 1. #5R *retty much had his way with 3ongress+ unti$ he as ed for more Su*reme 3ourt Gudges and was fina$$y to$d+ ,o. 2. A$$ to$d+ though the ,ew 5ea$ may ha0e he$*ed the economy a %it+ it did not %oost the F.S. from the 5e*ression. 3ha*ter <..> -dentifications 9$eanor Roose0e$t @i(e o( "<R; (irst most acti&e (irst lady; (ought (or the rights o( the Americans 8arry 8o* ins Beaded the "ederal ,mergency Relie( Administration; (riend and ad&isor to "<R; in&ol&ed in the unemployment and mortgages re(orms during the Great <epression #rances Per ins "irst woman appointed to a cabinet position; Secretary o( Eabor; recei&ed a lot o( criticism (rom male politicians and businessmen #ather 3ough$in Anti-Few <eal Catholic priest; a a !microphone messiah$ or !radio priest;$ slogan was social )ustice 8uey Long Fic named the !=ing(ish;$ Senator (rom Eouisiana; !Share our @ealth$ program and !,&ery 0an a =ing;$ planned to run against "<R but was illed be(ore he got the chance #rancis Townshend A retired physician who de&eloped a plan to gi&e money to senior citi/ens o&er the age o( 6? 8aro$d -c es A a Bonest Barold; Secretary o( the 3nterior; head o( the %ublic @or s Administration; dealt with industrial and unemployment relie( A$fred /. Landon Republican candidate in 1436; lost to "ran lin Roose&elt; stressed balancing budget Brain TrustHsI Small group o( re(orm-minded intellectuals; considered the Few <eal and wor ed

Sharon Ly 11 in the itchen cabinet (or "<R The three R?s A part o( "ran lin Roose&elt's Few <eal program; relie(- reco&ery and re(orm; Relie( was immediate; Reco&ery too 1 to 9 years; Re(orm was (or the (uture ,ationa$ La%or Re$ation Board Created by the Fational Eabor Relations Act; a a the @agner Act; ga&e laborers the rights o( sel(-organi/ation and collecti&e bargaining 3ongress of -ndustria$ Ergani'ations "ormed in the ran s o( the A" o( E; consisted o( uns illed wor ers; A" o( E got scared o( its uns illed wor ers and suspended all members Li%erty League Consisted o( conser&ati&es who opposed the Few <eal; thought that "<R was pushing them into socialism 3ourt)*ac ing scheme Roose&elt put 6 e+tra )ustices on Supreme Court; they were in support o( Roose&elt; congress didn't gi&e it too "<R because it ha&e him too much power 3ha*ter <.. 4uided Reading :uestions #5R> A Po$itician in a 7hee$chair =now> #ran $in 5e$ano Roose0e$t+ 9$eanor Roose0e$t 1 7hat ind of man was #5R@ "<R was tall- athletic- and handsome- but then he caught polio and spent the rest o( his li(e in a wheelchair* Be new how to spea in a way that reached the people* 1ecause he was in a wheelchair- people (elt that it made him more relatable and normal* Presidentia$ 8o*efu$s of 1;.! !. 7hat was Roose0e$t?s cam*aign message in the 1;.! e$ection@ Roose&elt's campaign was con(ident and optimistic* Bis campaign was based to ma e people happy* Bis speeches always contained the word !con(idence*$ The 8umi$iation of 8oo0er in 1;.! .. 7hat were the immediate resu$ts of Roose0e$t?s 0ictory@ "<R won the most electoral &otes* Boo&er was mad that Roose&elt was able to win by such a large gap* Boo&er passed laws that worsened the depression* #5R and the Three R?s> Re$ief+ Reco0ery+ Reform =now> ,ew 5ea$+ Ban ing 8o$iday+ 8undred 5ays+ Three R?s+ 1. 5escri%e the ,ew 5ea$.

Sharon Ly 1! 3 R's o( the Few <eal- which were relie(- which was to pro&ide (ood and shelterreco&ery- which was to patch up the depression- and also re(orm- so that something at this scale ne&er happens again* Along with his Few <eal- he passed any acts- in which were called his alphabet soup because o( all the acronyms Roose0e$t /anages the /oney =now> #ireside 3hats+ 4$ass)Steaga$$ Ban ing Reform Act+ #edera$ 5e*osit -nsurance 3or*oration+ /anaged 3urrency 2. 7hat were the ey as*ects of #5R?s monetary *o$icy@ "<R came in and as soon as he came in- passed the ,mergency 1an ing Relie( Actwhich created the 1 wee ban holiday where he went around and (i+ed most o( the ban 's issues* A(ter that- congress passed the Glass-Steagall 1an ing re(orm Act which created the "ederal <eposit 3nsurance Corporation* 3reating 6o%s for the 6o%$ess =now> Pum* Priming+ 333+ #9RA+ 8arry 8o* ins+ AAA+ 8EL3+ 37A B. 9(*$ain the difference %etween ,ew 5ea$ agencies and what radica$ critics wanted the go0ernment to do. 2he agencies that were created were to help get )obs (or Americans* Relie( Administration helped to send people money (or relie(* B.EC let people re(inance their homes* A 5ay for 90ery 5emagogue =now> #ather 3har$es 3ough$in+ 8uey Long+ 5r. #rancis 9. Townsend+ 7PA C. List other historica$ demagogues. "ather Charles Coughlin- a Catholic priest who &oiced much about Social :ustice on his radio program* Senator Buey Eong- who wanted to ta e the money (rom the rich literally and gi&e it to the poor* @%A created )obs so that people could earn money* ,ew &isi%i$ity for 7omen =now> #rances Per ins+ /ary /cLeod Bethune+ Ruth Benedict+ /argaret /ead+ Pear$ Buc D. 9(*$ain the factors that made it *ossi%$e for these women to gain fame. @hen women (inally got the rights that they wanted to too ad&antage* 2hey got more in&ol&ed in things in the world* 2he women slowly began to ma e history* 8e$*ing -ndustry and La%or =now> ,RA+ Sic 3hic en 5ecision+ P7A+ 8aro$d -c es ;. 8ow did the ,RA attem*t to restore industry@ FRA attempted to restore industry by creating a (air playing game (or all companies* t also curbed child labor so that more adults could wor (or the same thing and get paid more* FRA became much li e the %@A- and began to create )obs through public wor s* Paying #armers ,ot to #arm 1". 8ow did the federa$ go0ernment attem*t to he$* farmers@

Sharon Ly 1. 2he go&ernment paid the (armers to produce less crops and destroy any e+tra (oods they had* "armers were paid to (arm less* 2his was a result o( the end o( @@3* 5ust Bow$s and B$ac B$i''ards =now> 5ust Bow$+ E ies and Ar ies+ The Grapes of rath+ -ndian Reorgani'ation Act 11. 8ow did nature cause *ro%$ems for some farmers on the *$ains@ Bigh winds blew in dust that made soil wea * @or ers le(t the land and went to go and (ind better land* Congress passed acts to help relocate the (armers* /a ers of America> The 5ust Bow$ /igrants =now> San 6oaAuin &a$$ey+ #arm Security Administration+ E ie0i$$es 1!. -n what ways were things %etter in 3a$ifornia@ -n what ways were they the same@ 2hings were better in Cali(ornia because there- there wasn't any dust bowl that was ruining the (arming economy* 2here was San :oa7uin Dalley- a place where (arming (lourished due to its naturally good weather and irrigation systems that were placed* Batt$ing Ban ers and Big Business =now> #edera$ Securities Act+ S93 1.. "Reformist ,ew 5ea$ers were determined from the outset to cur% the Omoney changers....?" 9(*$ain. 2he Securities ,+change Commission was created to watch all the transactions* %eople also saw opportunity to )ump in and caused a pyramid to crash- (orcing congress to pass the %ublic Ctility Bolding Company to ma e sure nothing li e that happens again* The T&A 8arnesses the Tennessee Ri0er =now> T&A+ 3ree*ing Socia$ism 11. 7hat arguments were used for and against the T&A *roGect@ 0any people saw the creation o( this to be contro&ersial because it would be go&ernment sponsored electricity and would be a (orm o( creeping socialism- where the go&ernment was able to pro&ide cheaper things and thus ha&e a monopoly o&er the businesses* 8ousing Reform and Socia$ Security =now> #8A+ Socia$ Security 12. 8ow did the #8A and Socia$ Security attem*t to he$* some of society?s $east fortunate@ 2he "BS helped to create more houses (or the people and )obs* 3t was popular and success(ul and is still ept now* 2a+ payers' money was used to help support the poor* A ,ew 5ea$ for La%or =now> 7agner Act+ ,ationa$ La%or Re$ations Board+ 3-E+ 6ohn L. Lewis+ Sit)down Stri e 1B. 8ow did $a%or res*ond to the im*ro0ement of conditions %rought a%out %y the ,ew 5ea$@

Sharon Ly 11 A(ter the @agner Act- the Committee (or 3ndustrial .rgani/ation was created and was one o( the (irst ma)or unions to accept the uns illed wor ers- which at the time were thought to wea en a union's strength since they were so easily replaced Landon 3ha$$enges "the 3ham* =now> A$fred Landon+ American Li%erty League 1C. 7hat was the significance of the 1;.B e$ection@ 2he signi(icance o( the election was that it challenged "<R* 2here were some people who wanted to switch parties* ,ine E$d /en on the Su*reme Bench 1D. 7hy did Roose0e$t as 3ongress for a %i$$ that wou$d a$$ow him to add Gustices to the Su*reme 3ourt@ Be wanted to increase it to 1; members- so that he could raise a ma)ority but congress 7uic ly shut him down- seeing that ga&e him too much power* Be already passed the 9?th amendment- which allowed him to be sworn in 6 wee s early to s ip out on the lame duc period a lot more* The 3ourt 3hanges 3ourse =now> 3ourt Pac ing+ 8ugo B$ac 1;. 7hat were the conseAuences of #5R?s attem*t to *ac the 3ourt@ Be tried to pac the court and the congress saw it as him getting too much power* Although he didn't get what he wanted it changed the mind o( one )udge* 2his caused the people to loo at "<R with suspicion* The Twi$ight of the ,ew 5ea$ =now> Roose0e$t Recession+ 6ohn /aynard =eynes+ 8atch Act !". Assess the successfu$ness of #5R in his second term. Be cut bac on spending and continued where he le(t o(( during his (irst term* "ederal o((icials couldn't )ust be campaigners* ,ew 5ea$ or Raw 5ea$@ !1. 7hat criticism of the ,ew 5ea$ seems most fair to you@ Least fair@ 2he Few <eal was (ocused mainly on spending too much money* Although it would help it wouldn't (i+ the depression war would* 2he least (air was being accused o( communism* &arying &iew*oints> 8ow Radica$ 7as the ,ew 5ea$ =now> Arthur Sch$esinger 6r.+ 3ar$ 5eg$er+ 3onstraints Schoo$ of 8istorians+ ,ew 5ea$ 3oa$ition !!. 7hat did 7i$$iam Leuechten%urg mean when he ca$$ed the ,ew 5ea$ a "ha$f)way re0o$ution@" HMour answer shou$d focus more on the information %efore this term than on the information after it.I 3t was a change in American society and now the poor were able to get bac on their (eet* Although it didn't (i+ or change all o( America- it did help them where it needed the help* 2his was the most important part*

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