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Beginning (0)
No main theme. Story has no main purpose. The story is messy, and visually unappealing.

Developing (5)
The story has mixed themes.

Accomplished (10)


Overall Neatness

Mechanics (Grammar/Spelling)

Story Flow

The story has several grammatical errors and misspelled words. The story is confusing and hard to follow.

The story has one main theme which is executed clearly. The story has a The story is few messy visually elements, and is appealing, and not organized. very clean. The story is typed in Times New Roman font. The story has a The story has no few grammatical mechanical errors and/or a problems noted. few misspelled words. The story has a decent flow, but there are a few issues with transitions. The story has illustrations that are dull and lack color. The illustrations are unappealing and boring. The story flows nicely and is easy to read.


The story has no illustrations. OR The story has a few illustrations that are irrelevant to the story.

The story has several crisp and bright illustrations with a lot of color. The illustrations are appropriate for the story.

Total Score:


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