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Leblanc, Olivia

8th Grade, Pound Middle School

Spring, 2014

Lesson 1.
Exploring Critical Thinking through 3-Dimentional Assemblage Big Idea: Human Experience Lesson Narrative: Students will have the opportunity to come to a conclusion of an issue they would like to address in society. This issue has to have been brought on by human behavior. The learner will then create a 3-dimentional space. We will discuss ways to visually represent our statement. For example, a statement could be Food in America: we value quantity over quality. How do we then represent this visually? We will discuss how repetition, color and symbols can represent an idea through aesthetic means. Rationale: In studying human behavior and the world around them, the learner will have to opportunity to connect imagination, recollection and to pose questions about a significant problem that is present due to human behavior/values of todays society. By interpreting and investigating the work of instillation artist, Sandy Skoglund, students can learn how contemporary artists pose questions through aesthetic means. When thinking about an issue from todays society, students will look at Skoglunds instillations. A specific example is, The Green House where she focuses on suburban living and boredom/alienation this brings; a young couple sits in their living room not noticing the twenty-five blue and green dogs reclining on the perfectly manicured grass interior. She is trying to show that we, as a society have gone too far with sciencethe grass is perfectly green, there are no dead spotsits as if we are trying to get close to nature again but it is going all wrong. The suburban couple doesnt want imperfections in nature so they make their own perfect world. Students will have the opportunity to come to a conclusion of their own issue they would like to address. We will create our own 3-dimentional spaces or found object sculpture and discuss ways to visually represent our statement we Theme: Human Behavior

Leblanc, Olivia

8th Grade, Pound Middle School

Spring, 2014

Leblanc, Olivia

8th Grade, Pound Middle School

Spring, 2014

are trying to make. For example: visually representing a statement about food in America and how we value quantity vs. quality. Key Concepts: We do not have to accept the world as it is We can ask questions When we look at how we behave, we get an insight into our values Sometimes things that seem simple are more complex when you look closely. Paying attention to details and the little things is important. We can learn from observing our human behavior. It is important to be able to visually represent something with deeper meaning when it comes to art making.

Essential Questions: Does our environment impact our choices, or do our choices impact our environment? Can you think of a place in your life that seems ordinary but could be holding a deeper question? What smells, textures and sounds were present? What emotions were experienced? What does it mean to look critically? Why is it important for us to look critically at our world?

Lesson Objectives: After completing this lesson, the learner will understand how to think critically by interpreting the art of Sandy Skoglund. After completing this lesson, the learner will understand how to think critically by identifying a problem caused by present human behavior/society. After this lesson, the learner will understand how and why we interpret the world around us by practicing the idea of looking critically at the world around them. By the end of this lesson, the learner will understand how to visually represent an idea by applying what they have learned about symbols, color, form, foreground, middle ground and background. Students will understand the importance for us to look critically at our world.

Leblanc, Olivia

8th Grade, Pound Middle School

Spring, 2014

Leblanc, Olivia

8th Grade, Pound Middle School

Spring, 2014

By the end of this lesson, the learner will understand why our environment influences us by becoming aware of what is around us through representation and application. By the end of this lesson, the learner will understand how we can influence our environment through our daily patterns and human behavior.

Leblanc, Olivia

8th Grade, Pound Middle School

Spring, 2014

Leblanc, Olivia

8th Grade, Pound Middle School

Spring, 2014

Scope/Sequence: Week 1 Day of Project 1 We will WHAT day. Introduce new project and critical thinking through looking at the work of artist Sandy Skolungd. Students come up with the WHAT and WHY for their piece/share HOW day. Review, Students finish brainstorming. Demo: how will we represent our idea through art? How will we represent this in our space? Show them how repetition, color, symbols all influence how the viewer receives the message they are trying to get across. Show possibilities. WHY and HOW day. Sketch ideas for how they will visually represent their message. Why are they making the choices of color, shape, texture, etc.? This needs to be written out. Share design with a small group selected by Miss. Leblanc. HOW day. Demo. Focus on how to make their spaces or sculpture base out of foam core. Form workdayfocusing on finishing the form. HOW day. Demo. Focus on repetition, color and texture so students can decide on the background: walls, floor, ceiling and the ornamentation of this. Background workdayfocusing on finishing the interior and exterior HOW day. Students will work on creative problem solving today. How can I make my objects that will be placed within this space? Objects workdayfocusing on making the objects Objects workdayfocusing on making the objects Objects workdayfocusing on making the objects Assemble Day! Today we will discuss and try our how to assemble our pieces within the space. Assemble Day! Assemble our pieces within the space. Goal: To finish work by TODAY. Can have Tomorrow (Friday) if needed. Place all finishing touches; create a name for your piece. Assess and reflect.

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Leblanc, Olivia

8th Grade, Pound Middle School

Spring, 2014

Leblanc, Olivia

8th Grade, Pound Middle School

Spring, 2014

Self-Assessment for 8th Grade Assemblage Project Name: _______________________________________Period: __________________ Concept and Effort 1 The space does not represent any theme or issue. Student did not create symbols or decoration that represented a theme or issue.

3 The space represents a theme/issue, but student did not have clear ideas on how to represent that issue with symbols, color and decoration.

5 The space clearly represents an issue. The student put thought into symbols or decoration that were chosen.

1. Explain why you gave yourself the grade you did. Explain why you choose the colors, symbols and theme for your space. Why did you make the decisions that you did?remember everything you do needs to have intention.

2. What are the three parts to art making? Make your own definition based on what we have learned in class.

3. What theme/issue did you choose to portray with your space and why did you choose it? Why is this important to your life?

Leblanc, Olivia

8th Grade, Pound Middle School

Spring, 2014

Leblanc, Olivia

8th Grade, Pound Middle School

Spring, 2014

4. Is there anything about this project you dont understand? Answers will NOT affect your grade.

Leblanc, Olivia

8th Grade, Pound Middle School

Spring, 2014

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