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STARK INDUSTRIES (2008) - NIGHT A black limo pulls up to the car park of Stark Industries, the door opens and ZEKE STANE, a 17 year old with dark brown hair, steps out. He walks slowly across the glass covered car park towards the entrance LIMO DRIVER (shouting) ZEKE! ZEKE steps back out into the car park and signals the driver to leave. The driver gives ZEKE a concerned look before rolling up the window and driving off. An explosion on the other side of the building startles ZEKE. He runs to the corner of the building and begins to move along the wall. Iron Man flies around the corner, slamming into a large storage unit. ZEKE ducks behind a car for cover. He looks up over the car, frightened, to see the Iron Monger (with the mask off) walk around the corner after Stark ZEKE (almost a whisper) Dad... Iron Man blasts Iron Monger, knocking him in ZEKE's direction. Panicking, ZEKE begins to wall backwards to the car park. Iron Man lifts a car and throws it at Iron Monger, who deflects it into the path of ZEKE. ZEKE turns to run away but trips over a shattered pipe and stumbles onto his hands and knees. He turns back to see the car flying through the air towards him and is helpless as the car crushes his legs. ZEKE lets out a scream before falling unconscious FADE TO BLACK. EXT. GRAVEYARD - MORNING A slow, sweeping shot shows the funeral of Obadiah Stane, with only a few men in suits by the grave. The shot pans around to show ZEKE, in a wheel chair, looking grimly over the grave 8 years later INT. STARK INDUSTRIES - DAY TONY STARK is sitting, relaxed, at a desk avoiding paperwork. He looks up at the door as a tall man in his mid twenties, dressed casually, walks in. STARK gets up and walks over to the man with an outstretched arm. ZEKE (shaking Tony's hand) Mr Stark, it's been too long.

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