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James Guerra

1304 Ruggles Street La Verne, CA 91750 Phone: 909.851.3136 !a"l: #"!guerra1304$%er"& 'nl"ne Port(ol"o: htt):**guerr"lla!ath.+ee,l-..o!

Teaching Experience
Teacher El Roble Intermediate School, Claremont, CA August 1996-Present 7th gra/e 0ntegrate/ 1ath Share/ 2e."s"on 1a3"ng, So(t,all .oa.h, s)onsor o( Chr"st"an Clu, Atten/e/ Clare!ont +or3sho)s on Co!!on Core Stan/ar/s 4se/ 1oo/le e5tens"%el-, Po+erPo"nt, 6l"))e/ Classroo! %"/eos Teacher Giano Intermediate School, La Puente, CA 7th gra/e ngl"sh tea.her an/ 1ath tea.her 7aught ,oth su,#e.t areas us"ng S)an"sh an/ ngl"sh Teacher Can on Continuation !igh School, "onro#ia, CA August 1993- June 1996

August 1990- June 1993

7aught h"gh s.hool !ath, s."en.e, health an/ S)an"sh 7aught a +"/e range o( gra/es an/ su,#e.t areas 6o.use/ on /"((erent"at"ng "nstru.t"on to a//ress the nee/s o( at8r"s3 stu/ents

Education $ Credentials
!ar#ard College, Cambridge, "assachusetts %&'()*&'(+, Prel"!"nar- +or3 on A.9. "n ngl"sh L"terature

-ni#ersit o. "ar land, College Par/, "ar land %&'0(*&'0', 9.A. "n ngl"sh an/ L"terature :1agna Cu! Lau/e; Ph" <a))a Ph" =onor So."et- :3.75 >PA. an/ a,o%e; ?on Su!!er Sen"or Resear.h S.holarsh") to stu/- the uses o( language "n total"st en%"ron!ents 2ean@s L"st e%er- se!ester

Cali.ornia State -ni#ersit o. Los Angeles %&''&*&''1, S"ngle Su,#e.t Clear Cre/ent"al "n ngl"sh Co!)lete/ gra/uate +or3 +"th 4.0 >PA

Cali.ornia Pol technic Institute o. Pomona %&''&*233&, S"ngle Su,#e.t Author"&at"on "n 1athe!at".s Co!)lete/ 1ath .ourse +or3 +"th a 4.0 >PA Clear Cross8Cultural, Language an/ A.a/e!". Cert"(".ate :CLA2;

A4usa Paci.ic -ni#ersit , A4usa, Cali.ornia %23&2*23&), 1asters o( Arts "n /"onal 7e.hnolog-

-ni5ue 6uali.ications
9"l"ngual "n ngl"sh an/ S)an"sh Longt"!e 2o/ger (an an/ +ell .onne.te/ "n the ,ase,all +orl/ =a%e /one short ter! !"ss"ons to 1e5".o, taught Sun/a- s.hool .lasses =a%e /one )r"%ate tutor"ng Vora."ous rea/er an/ a lo%er o( learn"ng

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