Dearies, This Would Be A Guide For You in Preparing Your Entry 4

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Dearies, This would be a guide for you in preparing your Entry 4.


Fake antimalarial medications undermine Africa malaria drive. (2012, January 17). Medical News Today. Retrieved from .php
[If theres no author, the title replaces the author, followed by the year and so on]

Common issues in mi ed marria!es. (n.d.). Retrieved "arc# 2, 201$, from!ine/international"marriage"anrelationships #$2%4/common"issues"in"mi&ed"marriages"2
[If theres no date, write (n.d.)]

%in!, J. (2012). &#e effects of social net'orkin!( Causes and effects of social net'orkin! essay. Retrieved from #tt)s(**sites.!oo!*site*causesandeffectsof*essay

[For normal online article, ONLY include the YEAR. MONTH & DATE not required

+ick#ardt, C.,. (2011). &#e im)act of divorce on youn! c#ildren and adolescents -.lo! article/. Retrieved 1$ "arc# 201$, from #tt)(**'''.)syc#olo!*0lo!*survivin!1your1c#ilds1 adolescence*201112*t#e1im)act1divorce1youn!1c#ildren1and1adolescents [!lo" article# $ou need to ha%e the identi&ier ne't to the title o& the article, li(e the one hi"hli"hted Ne't )a"e i* the &ormat



Are College Degrees Necessary? writefix. (n.d.). Retrieved from page_id=1915

Save our Sports!: Should Dangerous Sports Be Banned. writefix. n.d.!. "etrieved fro# http:$$$?page%id&'(()

*+,-S essay. topic: Children these days are suffering fro# o/esity. why and how can it /e solved? *+,-S0Blog. n.d.!. "etrieved fro# http:$$www.ielts0 /$ielts0writing0sa#ples$ielts0essays0/and0($ielts0essay0topic0children0 these0days0are0suffering0fro#0o/esity0why0and0how0can0it0/e0solved$

Mani h Ra!"oomar (n.d.). +ssay 1n -he -i#e 2anage#ent. 3u/lish your Articles. Retrieved from http://www.p#$%i h&o#rartic%e .net/"now%edge'h#$/e a&/an' e a&'on'the'time'management.htm%

2ore sports 4 fitness centers? writefix. (n.d.). Retrieved from ( p=)9*

+edric", -. (n.d.). 3rocess +ssay 0 5ow to Ba6e Chocolate Chip Coo6ies . Retrieved from http://fac#%t&.#n%v.ed#/pedric"/proce _chocchip.htm

"odda. 2. '778. 2arch 8!. +ducation: 5ow to succeed in exa#s: all you really need to 6now 0 3rofiles 0 3eople 0 -he *ndependent. "etrieved fro# http:$$$news$people$profiles$education0how0to0 succeed0in0exa#s0all0you0really0need0to06now0'')(97'.ht#l

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