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Transmission Line _ hse, Electric Power Research Institute Transmission Line Reference Book 345 kV and Above/Second Ed Prepared by Project UHV Technical Resource Operation Large Transformer Division General Electric Co. Pittsfield, Massachusetts Transmission Engineering Electric Utility Systerns Engineering Department Energy Systems and Technology Division General Electric Co Schenectady, New York Electric Power Research Institute 3412 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California Lcopyiht ©1962 by the Elactie Poner Research Inte, Ic. Al rights {eesti Fiat cin, 1975. Reprinted T878. Second econ, 1082 Notice “Tis report was prepared by General Electric Company as an account ‘of wore sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI Neither EPRI, memoors of EPRI, General Electric Company, ror any parson acting on behalf of any of them: (a) makes any warran- {y. expe or mplie, with respect othe use of any information, appa rats method, or process csclased inthis report or that such use may ‘ot Infinge privately owned rights or (b) assumes any bili with ‘eapedt to the use of, o for damages resiting from the usec any i= ‘formation, apparatus, method, oF process disclosed in his report Keywords EHVUAV Conder Corona Audibe Noise letra Fels (Ordering Information ‘Requests for copies ofthis book should be directed to Research Re- ports Genter (RRC), Box 60490, Palo Alto, CA 94302, (416) 965- 44081, There is no charge for reports requested by EPRI member tutliias and afliates, contibuting nonmembers, U.S. utity associ ‘ations US, government agencies (federal, state, and local), media land foreign ‘rganizations with whicn EPRL has an information ‘exchange agreement. On request, FAC will send a catalog of EPA repors. This book is intended as a source of technology and data for, the electrical design of EHV and UHY transmission lines up to, 1600 kV. Much of the information was developed at Project UHV over the past twenty years, Four major design areas are treated: insulation design, corona performance, electric and, magnetic fields, and circuit performance including conductor, ‘characteristics. In each area, a common set of base-case clr cuit designsis analyzed to help the design engineer understand, ‘and become sensitive to the lems atfecting design. Means 10, ‘measure each discipline ae fully explored. Insulation design for switching surge, lightning, and contami- nation is treated in depth. Stress versus strength arguments, together with strength data forall practical design situations, are featured for switching-surge design. A step-by-step analy- sis procedure for lightning insulation suitable for hand-held cal= Cculator use is an innovation in this book. For contamination, specific recommendations are made for insulator configura- tions from 345 to 1100 KV. The topics for corona performance are radio noise, audible ‘noise, and corona loss. Design charts and equations as wel as their underlying technology are developed in each of these areas for both single and double circuits. Special consideration to the concepts of generation, transmission, and detection is, given for each parameter. Eleciic fields at ground level are treated in detail to support the goals of obtaining maximum field values and understanding the effects of electric fields on objects in the ROW. Mitigation means, calculation techniques, and effects of magnetic fields are alzo included. For conve rience, tables of conductor and bundle phase characteristics, ‘along with electric and magnetic transmission line parameters, are presented for EHV and UHV base cases, Editor J. J. LaForest Editorial Committee M. G. Comber LE. Zaifanella Authors Chapter 1 Chapter 2 chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 chapter 6 chapte 7 Chapter & chapter & Chapter 10 Chapter 11 chapter 12 Chapter 13. Project UHV: A Trat ion Research Facility JR, Doyle and L. E. Zaffanella EHV-UHV Transmission Systems F.J. Glert,S. A. Miske, Jp, and ©. J. Trax Electrical Characteristics of EHV-UHV Conductor Configurations and Circ ‘TR. Doyle, J J. LaForest, and T. S, Lauber (Rensselaer Polytechnic institute) Corona Phenomena on AC Transmission Lines MG. Comber, 0. W. Deno, and L. E. Zatfanella Radio Noi M.G, Comber and R. J. Nigbor ‘Audible Noise M.G. Comber, R. J. Nighor, and L. €. Zatfanella ‘Corona Lost M.G. Comber and L. E. Zatfanella Field Effects of Overhead T 1D. W. Deno and L. E. Zaffanelia mission Lines and Stations Insulation — Design Criteri J.D. Brown, FA. Fisher, W. Neugebauer, and J. Panek Insulation for Power Frequency Voltage K. J. Lloyd and H. M. Schneider Insulation for Switching Surges K.J. Lloyd and L. E Zatfanelia ightning Performance of Transmission Lines 4J.G. Anderson Planning and Electrical Design of Transmission Lines D.W. Deno, L. L. Garver, and J. J. LaForest Acknowledgments It is impossible to list all the people who contributed their time. and effort toward the successful completion of this book, The authors are indebted to the enti staff of Project UHV, who lover the years helped accomplish the results that made this, book possible, The enginesring assistance of Messrs. R. J Caola, Jt. and J. DiPietro and of Ms. M. R. Stambach of the Electric Utility Systems Engineering Department; the work of, preparing the manuscripts by Mmes. Le Pore and Mazza: and, ‘the graphic att contributed by Mr. J. W. Betts and his staff are ‘gratefully acknowledged. ‘The authors especially wish to acknowledge and commemo- rate the work of Joseph R. Doyle, who passed away before this, project was completed. His many years of devoted service at Project UHV will long be remembered by his many friends and colleagues, ‘Among the many members of industry committees who gave their time and support to mold and finance the Project UHV. program, particular recognition must be given to those who ‘served on the Indusiry Advisory Committee. The Committee {fixed the project objectives for each year, ensured that e- ‘search goals ware met, served as a review board for the work of the research engineers, and approved the structure and the ‘content ofthis book. A team of experianced, practiced protes- sionals, the Committee kept the research directed toward im- mediate needs and, hence, toward the needs of the utiities in the United States. Present members of the Advisory Commit- tee and former members ofits predecessor, the Steering Com- mittee, are listed below. UHV Project Advisory Committee ‘George Baicerston (Chairman) Ear H, Boosenberg Murray W. Davis PPhiladeipia Electric Company Commonwealth Edison Company ‘The Detrot Edison Company George R. Elder Los Angeles Department of Water ‘and Power overt W. Flugum US, Department of Energy Eawara H. Gervig Gone H. Huston Fichard €. Kennon Bonneville Power Administration GPU Service Corporation Electric Power Research Institute Fred klum ‘Southern Caitoria Eaison ‘Company DonaléT. Mois ‘yero-duobec ‘Brendan J. Ware ‘American Electric Power Service Company ‘ohn & Anderson (Manager, General Eletie Company Project UHV: 1967-1972) Robert C. Osthott Luciano. Zattanela (Manager, Project UHV: 1972 to present) Steering Committee Paul. Lumnitzer (Chairman) John Mt Schamoerger (Chairman) Harrson R. Armstong A.W. Atwood, J Howard C, Barnes Fred Chambers EA Chiarito Bary H.Oaly Paul R. Doan Lous 0. Eteaesser sJohn M, Ends, J Falph 8. Gens ‘Arthur Hauspurg Foss M. King Bonjamin D. Miter Irvin. Philips Thomas W. Tice Gorge E. Watkins rian J. Witte Lone! 0. Barthold Joseph R. Doyle Thomas H, Lee Donne. MacCarthy James R. Stevenson General Electric Company General Electric Company Pennsyvania Electtie Comoany Northeast Utes Service Company Detroit Edison Company Southern Caltornia Edkson Compeny ‘Amorican Electric Power Service cor. Tennessee Valley Authorty Baltimore Gas and Elerrc Company Eeison Electric Institute ‘Southern Callfomia Eaison Company Eatson Electric Institute olson Electric Institute Bonnevile Power Admiistration ‘Consolicated Edison Company of New Yorke ‘Southern Calforia Edison Company ‘The Detroit Edison Company Pennsytania Electric Company Baltimore Gas and Elecite Company Eoison Electric Institute Baltimore Gas and Beer Company General Electric Company Genera Electric Company General Electie Company General Electric Company General Electric Company Quick Reference Chart for Major Design Items ‘To acltate the use ofthis book by experienced line designers, ‘a pation of the contents of Chapter 13, Sections 13.9 and 12.8, is presented below for quick reference. Section 13.9 ‘summarizes the main design topics covered by this Second Edition, and Section 13.8 summarizes general citculation per- formance items useful for design. Each topical summary d- rects the reader to specific design sections elsewhere in the book. Design Topic: Switching Surge Insviation Lightning insuiation Insulation tor Contamination Ground Electric Field Magnetic Induction ‘Audible Noise Radio Interference ‘Television interference Corona Loss Ground Wire Design (60 Hz) 614 615. 616 617 618 619 620, 621 62 622 Design Topics: Station Transient Voltage Insulation Ingulation for Contamination Gorona Performance Gorona Shields Ground Electric Field Circuit Performance items ‘Compensation Stabilty Line Loading Routing ‘Transposition ‘Teansmission-Line Protection Power-Line Carrier Environmental Measurements Line Parameters 623 624 624 625 625 608 608. 607 608, 609 610 eit 612 613 Contents Foreword Chapter 1 Project UHV: A Transr Research Facility 4.1 Introduction 1.2. Deseription of Project UHV Facilities ‘900-Kv Surge Arestors Precision Capacitor Single-Phase Cascade Operation ‘Switohing Suge Operation ‘Tnree-Phase UHV Test Line Insulator Strings Corona Testing Cage Insulator Contamination Research 1. Instrumentation for Data Acquisition ‘Data Acquistion Computer Instrumentation Systems References Chapter 2 EHV-UHV Transmi 2.1 Introduction Foie of Transmission General Transmission Design Citera jon Systems 2.2 Load Growth and Transmission System Evolution Historical Load Growth Forecast Loac Gromh [AC Tranemisson Line Growth Evalution of DC Transmission 2.3 Factors Affecting EHV-UHV ‘Transmission Growth Load Growth Generation Siting Fuel Costs and Avalabiity Felabilty Eedlogy Government Energy Centers 2.4 EHV-UHV Transmission System Characteristics Stabiity Considerations ‘Saree Compensation Shunt Compensation Power Transmssion Capability 2.8 EHV-UHV Line Design — Principal Areas to Be Considered Elctica Environmental 7 w a 18 8 18 8 9 18 19 20 20 2 24 24 25 2.6 Optimization of Transmission Systems Long-Range Transmission Planaing Optimum Line Design 2.7. EHV Tower Geometries and Line Characteristics References Chapter Electrical Characte EHV-UHV Conductor Configur ‘and Circuits 311 Introduction 8.2 Conductor Surface Gradients Gradient Terminology Calculating Conductor Gradients Graphical Method — Singie-Ccuit Horizontal Graptical Method — Single-Circut Vertical {Graphical Method — Singlo-Chout Delta ‘Approximate Method for Single-Cicult Calelations Graphical Method — Double-Cicuit Higner Phase Order Distribution of Gradont in a Bundle ‘Asymmetrical Bundle Gradients Graphical Method — Teridal Shielding Electrodes 3,8 Reactance and Resistance of Bundle Conductors. Introduetion “Types of Conductors and Conductor Materials inductive Reactance Capacitive Reactance ‘Surge impedance ano Surge Impedance Loading Resistance Ground Wires Equivalent Single Condvctor “Transrjasion-Line Parameters 8.4 Transmission-Line Unbalance Electrostatic Unbalance Single-Ciruit Electromagnetic Unbalance Unbelance in Peale! Doube-Circut Untransposed Lines ‘Summary 25. Induced Voltages on Parallel Lines Electrostatic Induction onthe De-energized Circuit Electromagnetic induction on the Dewenergized Creut ‘Appendix 3.1 Calculation of Electric Fields ‘Appendix 3.2. Inductive Reactance of Bundled Conductors, Appendix 3.3. Capacitive Reactance of Bundled Conductors, 26 26 ar 30 62 100 105 105 305 405 123 124 124 125 125 105 131 131 133 136 140 140 142 142 143 145, 146: ‘TraNsMissioN LINE REFERENCE BOOK 345 KV AND ABOVE: ‘Appendix 3.4 Conductor Table Calculations Appendix 3.5. Transmission-Line Parameters (60 He) Appendix 3.6 Unbalance Factor Equations References Chapter 4 Corona Phenomena on AC Transmission Lines 4.1 Introduction Mechanism of Corona Gas Discharge Processes ‘The Townsend Avalanche Process DC Corona Modes AC Corona 4.3 Corona Loss Concept Field Without Corona Frei in the Presence of Corona, CCorana Loss in Fae Weather Corona Current 4.4 Effect of Surtace and Atmospheric Conditions Fai-Weathor Corona Sources Corona Due to Particles Near the Conduetor Etec of Water on the Conductor Efect of Air Density, Humidity, and Wind Ettect of Surace Conditions ‘Surface Treatment — Measurements and Results 4.5 Evaluation of Corona Etfects from Single-Phase and Three-Phase Tests Measurement and Analysis Using Single-Phase Test Facies Corona Generation and Surface Gracient Generation Quantities Audible No'se-Generated Power Fagio Noise Generation Function Measurement and Analysis Using Three-Phase Test Facities 4.6 Influence of Corona Currents on Switching-Surge Overvoltages Project EHV Test Program Project UHV Test Program 4.7 "Ozone Introdvetion| ‘Ambient Concentration Acceptable Levels Measurements at Project UHV (zone Measurements in Other Location Cacuiations ot incremental Ozone Concentration Othe: Corona Products References Chapter5 Radio Noise 6.1 Introduction 5.2 Radio Noise Measurement The Radio-Noise Meter Weignting Circuits Meter Response — Bandwdth and Pulse Repetition Rate ‘Actual Band-Pass Characteristics 148 150 165 167 189 169 169 169 170 170 175 175 175 175 176 180 180 181 181 181 182 185 187 187 187 188, 189 189 191 192 192 195 199 199 199° 199 200 202 202 203 203 205 205 206 206 208 210 ‘Antenna Systems Measurement of Transmssion-Line Noise * Design Considerations Characteration of Transmission-Line Radio Noise Etfect of Line Geometry and Conductor Surtace Conestions Noise Tolerability Criteria 33 5.4 Calculation of Transmission Line Rl Generation and Propagation ofA Fil Generation Data Determination of Propagation Cheracterstios Fi Design Curves ‘Comparison of the Reference Book Fi Calculation ‘Matnod with Measured Data PiStavstios 5.8 Television interference Ti cateulation Procedure Exampie Galeuation ‘Comparison of Calculations wth Measurements ‘5,8. Radio Noise from Substations Calouaton of i trom Substations Fl Generation ftom Toroidal Grading Rings ‘Additional Topics Radio Noise of Insulator Stings hosting and Blocking Interference to Other than AM and TV Broadcast Services 87 Appendix §.1 Rl Analysis for Single Conductor ‘Above Ground ‘Appendix 5.2. Transmission-Line Propagation in Modal Quantities Appendix 6.3. Reference Method of Ri Analysis of ‘Three-Phase Transmission Lines Appendix 6.4 Attenuation Constants and Modal ‘Transtormation Matrices References Chapter Audible Noi 6.1 Introduction 6.2. Audible Noise Characteristics and Measurement Characters of Teansmission-Line Noise Measures of Audible Noise Instrumentation Measurements 6 Design Considerations Elect of Weather Conditions Eft of Line Geometry and Conductor Surface Conaitone Assessing the Impact of Transmisslon-Line Audibe Noise 6.4 Calculation of Transmission-Line Audible Noise Introduction Generation and Propagation of AN [AN Goneration Data — Broad-Banc Noise Calcviaton of Aucible-Nosse Levels — ‘Random Noise Influence of Tower, Sag, ané Ground Wires 210 att an 212 212 213, 217 2i7 222 225 229 245, 247 248 249 250 250 251 251 252 253, 253, 253. 283 254 256 258 261 264 267 267 267 267 268, 269 270 270 270 an 272 274 2T4 218 278 281 283 [ANUDesign Curves 283 Etect of Rain Rate 284 tect of Conductor Sutace Aging 299 Efect of AirOensty 299 (Comparison o the Reference Book AN Calculation Method with Measured Data 300 Bincle Geometry Optimization 301 Generation of 120-Hz Hum 305 Clculation of Ausibie Nolse — 120-Hz Hum 306 ‘Ausible Noise in Dry Conditions 307 6.5 Audible Noise from Corona in Substations 307 AtcibleNoise Generation of Basic Electrode Shapes 308 Celcultion of Ausibie-Noie Levess for a Substation 309) 6.6 Techniques of Audible-Nolse Reduction 310 6.7 Correlation Between Audible Noise, Radio Noise, and Corona Loss 312 ‘Audible Noise [48 (A) ] Versus Radio Noise 312 ‘Aucible Noise Hum Versus Corona Loss 314 ‘Appendix 6.1 Ambient Noise During Rain 314 ‘Appendix 8.2. Sound Attenuation of Structures 314 Appendix 6.3. Adjustment of Measured Noise Levels to ‘Account for Ambient Noise Intrusions 318 References a7 Chapter? Corona Lo: 319 7.1 Inroduction 319 7.2 Corona Loss in Fair Weather 319 7.8 Corona Loss in Foul Weather 320, Corona Loss in Rain 320 Garona Loss in Fog, Snow, and Frost 322 Results wth the Three-Phase UHV Test Line 823 7.4 Evaluation of Corona Loss 924 CCoona Loss Weather Mode! 324 Aglusment for Precipitation Within aGivan Gimate 325 7.5 Heawy-Raln Corona Loss for Base Case Geometries 325 7.6 Example of Corona Loss Computations 307 7.7 Comparison of Corona Losses with Resistance Losses 927 References 328 Chapter 8 Field Effects of Overhead Transmission Lines and Stations 328 8.1 Inlroduction 328 8.2 Electric and Magnetic Fields: Definitions 329 Prasore and Vectors 329 Electric Ftd 328 Megretic iad 330 Frequency 330 Harmonie Content 330 “Maximum Value of the Electic (Magnet) Fla 330 Unperturoed Feld 330 Singl-Phaso and Thvee-Phase Flas 330 Untorm Fes 330 Vertical Component ofthe Eletvc Fld 330 ‘Space Potential « 330 2.3. Caloulation of Electric Fields 330 {General Method fr Transmission Lines 330 Lateral Protie of Electric Field at Ground Level 332 Maximum Eeotic File t Ground — Generaleed Cues 332 Etfect of Changes in Line Geometry 333 Electric Fld of Double-Ciccuit Lines 335 Electrc Fld at Line Bends 338 lectrc Fila in Substations 338 8.4 Calculation of Magnetic Fields 341 General Method for Transmission Lines 341 Example Calculation 342 8.5. Measurement of Electric Fields 343 “Techniques fr the Measurements ofthe Unperturbed Electric Field 343 Moasurements ofthe Electric Fits on a Boundary Surace 346 Measurement ofthe Space Potential 366. Z 8.6 Measurements of Magnetic Fields 8.7 Comparison Between HV Transmission-Line end | ‘Common Environment Electric and Magnetic Fields 88 Electric-Field Induction in Objects Introduction Transmission-Line Induced Currents Currents Induced on a Sphere Above Ground ‘Current Induced on @ Round-Topped Hemisphere ona Ground Piane (Current Inauced on a Gyfinder Above Groune Gurren Induced on a Hall-Cyinder on a Ground Plane Methods for Approximate Calculation of Curent Induzed ‘on Objects Close tothe Ground CCutrens Induced in Large Objects (Currents Induced in TVand FM Antennas Induced Gurrent Summary Tables ‘Accuracy Expected in Calculating induced Currents ‘Examples of Electric Indtion Calelation Single-Phase vs Three-Phase Induction Electric nuction Catultion with impedance to Ground Statistical Impedance with Vehicles Example Caleulations 8.9 Magnetic Induction on Objects Impedance Matric with Ground Return ‘Shei Wire Currents Induction in Conductive Objects Parallel tothe Line 8.10 Electric-Fleld induction in People Induotes Curtents and Thee Distribution Bctic Field Exposure Monitors Exposure Measurements Within Feld Ranges Currents nuced by Spark Discharges “Transient Currents Induced by Switching Transients People Response to Short-Term Exposure to Electc Files 8.11 Biological Etfects of Electric Fields (on People and Animals 8.12 Magnetic Field Induction in People 8.18. Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields (on People and Animals 347 ‘a7 348, 348, 348, 348, 349 349 349 349 350 352 354 354 357 358 359 360 362 363, 364 364 364 365 365 369 370 372 373. 374 379 379 380

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